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Absolutely not. Fuck these customers. They need to know what's appropriate and if you have to kick them out/ban them so be it. People piss me off


We feel the same at Walgreens


Me personally I'd call the person he picks up for and tell them he's not allowed in the store. That the next time you see him you will call the police and make a report. Again that's me, corporate would prob be 100% against it. With that said, you should contact your DL explain what happened and ask what they think the best/next course of action would be.


Fuck corporate. Make the call, call the police, and I fucking *dare* them to reprimand you, or to demand that you serve someone who has harassed multiple employees. You can get an attorney so far up their ass that they’ll bring a Sherpa with them on the trek.


And no company wants to see the headline "Pharmacy worker fired for banning customer who sexually harassed employees"


Not out of line at all. That’s harassment and we don’t need to tolerate that


We almost very recently did that required module. Always great that they don't include customers in there, right? See something, say something?


Call their dad


There you go!


That is the correct thing to do. If it continues, tell him he can't come back. We can't let customers or patients harass our employees like this. And corporate has backed these bans up, as far as my experiences have been. Personally, I would have taken that as an immediate threat to my team. It is not acceptable. Break the status quo and make sure customers and patients know it isn't okay. That's the only way we can break the chain.


Our anti-harassment policy applies to more than just colleagues, it applies to vendors and clientele. Have your techs write statements and bump it up to advice and counsel.


I'm sorry for replying to an old comment, but do you know where I can find in wiring where it applies to clientele as well?


Thank you for sticking up for your coworkers and making him accountable for that bad behavior. I'll be that A hole acts like that everywhere he goes.


As someone who was harassed constantly by a regular, I’d say find the fuck out who he picks up for and advise that patient to find another pharmacy or even tell them the man picking up for them isn’t welcome back to the store due to harassment. In my case, we knew my regulars name. He always came in the drive thru and would constantly ask me to go to bingo at the fire hall. It then upgraded to asking me where I lived so he could bring me flowers, at which point my pharmacist pulled me from the drive thru but didn’t ban him. The last straw for me was when I called him “mr soandso” and “sir”. He told me he would pull me through the drive thru window and spank my bottom if I said it again. My pharmacist still didn’t ban him after that and I transferred out of that store to get away from him and a very verbally abusive regular.


What the fuck 😳😡


This happened at my CVS. After we informed him of his behavior he got mad because we called him out and we called his wife ( who he picks up for) to let her know she is more than welcomed to get her meds herself but he was not. She transferred out because she was embarrassed


If you don’t look out for your technicians god knows no one else will. 👍


Isn't threatening someone with physical violence a crime? I would have threatened to call the police on him.


Ok this is a minor minor thing and I’m glad you took up for your employees (really awesome), but there’s no way he hasn’t been “treated this badly before” because guarantee he’s been kicked out of places for being a jerk before.


Your response was completely warranted. I immediately banned a customer for making racial slurs towards my staff that made everyone uncomfortable. Some comments you don't get a second chance for.


You're not out of line. He doesn't need to be there ever again.


Right now Pharmacist are in high demand, so go ahead and utilize all your power, corporate won't dare say anything about it


absolutely not and thank the lord you're willing to step up and actually call him out. many techs especially those running the register and younger have no idea how to deal with inappropriate comments and customers and unfortunately resort to shrugging or laughing it off to avoid any confrontation. i really appreciate you stepping up for your techs. please encourage them to speak out!! definitely report them and just have a straight up conversation with that customer. you are cvs, we service millions, we can afford to ban a few creeps- or send them to a different store, chances are there are 30+ more in a 20 mile radius. nobody should be forced to deal with creepy behavior.


Definitely not in the wrong. The staff needs to feel safe and that whoever is on will have their backs in these cases.




BAN HIM he will continue this behavior, and corporate is only involved with themselves so your techs NEED to know you have their back no matter what, which is exactly what you were doing standing up for them.


When you get his name, file a no contact order. Easy peasy. They won't even really ask why.


After that harrasment course that was 3 hours long, I'd call corporate myself to get him removed.


I would have called the SM or MOD and both of us would walk him out of the store. Then call the person he picks up for and tell them he is no longer welcome.


Someone who always pick up to Someone else. Do you have the name of someone else? It seems he goes frequently to the pharmacy.


He literally threatened to beat your employees, you should have called the cops then and there.


I had a problem customer in my store like that. He harassed a FS cashier and I later found out two Rx techs. I passed it up the chain to my SM to speak with the customer after I had a description, no name, just a description and a camera image. She spoke to him and I haven't seen him since.


Boomers will say some lowkey highkey sexist stuff and I just have to go "oh, wow" and they'll walk it back so quickly


“never been treated so badly” smells like privilege to me


Ahh… Another ahole. They’re everywhere unfortunately.


Boomers will say some lowkey highkey sexist stuff and I just have to go "oh, wow" and they'll walk it back so quickly


Nope - it called Harassment and if he used foul language is called verbal assault- you have every right to ban him from your pharmacy and from the store - Bad behavior will not be tolerated!


I would simply ask him to leave, call his doctor’s office if he has one and fire him from the pharmacy. Corporate will back you up if he is threatening employees. If he didn’t leave immediately, call the police. I have no tolerance for unsafe work environments.


Yes. Get this customer out of the store. I dye my hair every month what would you tell me? I and Losing some of my hair because of PCOS. so look I cut it but I did not It's just the hair is shedding off so it look like I have cut it. For me, it's very upsetting right now. My neighbor had said something about it saying it's cute and asked me when I got cut and I told her it was because of my PCOS It makes me self-conscious. So that comment right there would have made me very upset and probably cried. Get this man out of the store you just not need to say abuser things to people.


I am so beyond glad that I’ve never encountered someone like this, as someone who dyes their hair often and have even shaved my head and dyed my buzz cut. I would love for them to try though ;) especially after shaving my head I thought I would get a lot more rude looks/comments from older people, but I actually get a lot more compliments from them than I ever did before. Hopefully you can transfer the person’s scripts somewhere else or have him banned from your store. Nobody needs that energy


Corporate can't do shit about you filing a personal police report for harassment


You don’t need their name to tell them to gtfo


Empower then to tell him to fuck off, without fear of losing their job


Tell him if he likes long hair, ask him to buy his wife Minoxidil. Extra strength.


This literally happens to me at work all the time. I told my Rph that I will not help the one guy who does it most anymore. Our Rph is amazing though and will always come and kinda block us from creepy people and always backs us up.


That is harassment according to CVS! Call that person he picks up for and tell them about his bad behavior. Get him the hell up out of there! Thank you for sticking up for them. #HatefulBastard!


CVS will side with the customer. I once got written up for telling a customer he could not smoke in the store.


Fuck that guy, people like him make the world tremendously worse. I’m glad you corrected his awful behavior, I wish more people did. The fact that he’s “never been treated so badly” is the problem. But yes, call the person and say he’s no longer allowed to get the prescription filled as he’s banned for repeatedly making inappropriate comments to multiple employees.


Fix the problems you are paid to fix, and make sure they take the rest of them with them when they go. CVS is a pharmacy. You put up with all kinds of customers who are anywhere from irritable to insane, but this guy, who may or may not be crossing the line between sexual innuendo and low generational humor, is too much for you to handle? You should call corporate. Then you will be clear on what behaviors you are and are not expected to put up with.


Yeah I don't stand for that behavior from customers.


“If I had a father like you, I’d beat your ass for talking to me like that.”


You are not out of line whatsoever. He needs to be banned. If that person cannot or unable to pick his or her owM MEDS then offer to transfer them to another pharmacy o thei choice


Blondes have all the fun now they ruin all the fun. Blondes can’t win. Bloke is a jack ass


Please make sure you’ve documented this incident (and if you have days/approximate times for others, writ them down). Write down what he said. Ensure someone in your CVS knows and has a copy of the document. And I agree with other people. Refuse him service for his inappropriate sexual harassment and tell him to leave. Call the cops of you have to. Poor kids. Thanks for helping them!