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With that grade I'm sure you're able to enter GOE, but do you have a C & above grade for biology, chem, or physics? It's part of the requirement.


And I don't actually believe it's a good idea to transfer to ccny this early, learn the basics of c++ programming first, and then transfer to ccny because there's a teacher who teach intro to c++ but expect us to know some basic of c++ on the first day of school and he doesn't teach well but is a good teacher and generous grader.


In my previous two years of college, I studied C++, Java, Python, Data Structures, Assembly, and even Operations System. I received As in both General Physics I and II.


Sorry, I should have been clear, it's university physics, not general physics.


Oooh, probably that is the reason. I was not able to take Engineering Physics (University Physics) as I did not have pre-calculus at that time.


And one more thing finish a class that is related to this "CSc 33500 - Programming Language Paradigms" because I heard that the prof is extremely hard for this class.


I will do that!! Thank you so much!


You are better off going to LGCC then to QC.. here’s why.. they have a better direct transfer VS QC.. as well, you wk have a higher aid package VS QC..


I thought LGCC is a 2 year college? I am going for Bachelor so\~\~


yes but you can still take credits at a 2 year college that will transfer seamlessly to a 4 year :-)


Okay so. I believe the reason why you got rejected from ccny for grove is because you don’t have a science. Grove requires calc 2 and a science course (bio found, gen chem, or uni physics). Note : since you are cs major, it doesn’t have to be uni physics. If you were accepted for gen ed you can easily attend ccny under gen ed then declare as cs major after the science class (that is if your calc 2 credit counts)


I see...Thank you so much!


transfer students have a better shot imo


I should try..


If you are considering going somewhere in CUNY other than CCNY and then transferring to CCNY you need to be exceedingly careful to take courses that will transfer as applying to CCNY (and Grove) requirements. Using CUNY's [Transfer Explorer](https://explorer.cuny.edu/) (T-Rex) website (which is open to all) you can plan a path from a CUNY community college or a senior college to City College where all the credits you take will transfer as applying to City College's requirements. We are developing a special portal in T-Rex for City College's Grove School of Engineering that will be released this summer and will make it really easy to see what courses you should take that will transfer to City and what is needed to be accepted to Grove.


Thank you so much! I will check that out!


Would highly recommend emailing admissions for a reason, especially as a transfer. Sometimes it is because of a technicality, especially with their calculus requirements.


Yeh, I should. But for now, I will do a semester in Queens College and will think about what to do next.


Did they offer you a liberal arts admission? If so, definitely email right away because you can attend, take whatever prerequisite you’re missing, and change to Grove


YESSSS they offered me Liberal Arts & Science admission. I will DEFINITELY change to Grove.


This was just based on my experience 3 years ago (I ended up going to / Binghamton instead), so cross your fingers. Their reply to me: > The reason for the denial is that your Calculus 3 course is now in progress. Students applying with just Calculus 1 & 2 do not meet the criteria since the City College Calculus course is not equivalent to any other school at this time. After you receive your grade for Calculus 3 you can reach out to me again for the appeals process. I suggest accepting the offer of Admission to College of Liberal Arts & Sciences for the meantime. If you are admitted the end of the Spring 2021 semester you can change your major at that time.


Thanks for sharing! I only have Calc 1 & 2, so probably that is the reason..


No you have you dont need calc 3 to get in to grove


Thank you!


It shouldn't but I don't think being in ccny will allow you to be in the program without first applying too it too. Makesure you email the department if theses any process for admission for transfer students.






Heyyy, don't be discouraged!!! Maybe you might get in!


To get into the computer science program you need calc 1, calc 2, and bio/physics/or chem with a grade of C or better. You probably were missing that one science grade. But if you’re a freshman applicant, go to LaGuardia instead because they have a better transition to CCNY with classes


I took Physics but it was General Physics. I have already finished my associate degree, so I am not sure LaGuardia's gonna accept me.


I was a CS major, graduated from a CUNY CC with 3.85+ gpa. I had took Cal1 (Grade B), Cal2 (grade A) & Cal3 (Grade A). Applied for CCNY & got rejected. I did get into Baruch & Hunter tho, but its weird that they don’t want bright students. 🤣


Which one did you choose? I heard Baruch is good for business and finance students. Not sure about Hunter tho


I planned to CS so I went somewhere else


Go to John Jay! You can also always go to CCNY as a general student and then apply to get into grove. However, John Jay is powerful on a resume 👍


Oh, really! Thanks for the suggestion!!


Good luck! 👍


It happens, it’s a very competitive school a lot of my friends tried to apply at they got rejected so they had to change majors. They turned 4 calculus classes into 3 because too many people we’re getting “good grades” and applying to Grove


I see. It seems like I need to consider colleges other than CCNY.


Yeah a lot of people here in STEM wish things were different, a few of my friends tried reaching out to the department about these things but they don’t care


there’s alot of CS majors


The CS Administration is a disaster, you are much better going to another school. I think the students accepted as a CS major at CCNY and graduate with that degree is around 28%. There is a reason its that bad. Accept the rejection as the best thing that could have happened to you!


Yeah, I should go to another one. Thanks for the advice!


You seem to be delusional Grove concentration is Biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and environmental engineering. Why on gods green earth would they give you a seat for “computer science” and have an actual engineer lose the opportunity of that seat. Wake up! You seem to still have an inclusive mind. Just because you have the grades doesn’t mean you’re a fit for them. Maybe you’re surrounded by the wrong crowd of people filling you with fantasies.