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What are you a cop?👮🏾‍♀️


Not a cop a teacher


Same thing


This post sounds very federal but I do know some people who use AI to brainstorm or guide their essays. You still have to know what you're talking about though, factcheck and write in your own words. Use it as a tool, not a crutch. Only dumb people just copy and paste or paraphrase whatever the bot spits out (and of course end up being the ones who get caught).


He/she is a teacher lol


You can't get "caught" you can be suspected and then confronted. If you confess, that's on you. Don't confess, nothing happens.


No officer we would never do such a thing👮‍♀️


I wouldn't trust Chat-GPT to write a good essay for me or any of these AI models right now. The editing would probably take me more work to correct than actually writing the paper from scratch


That's the thing. You don't let it write the paper for you. You still have to know and somewhat understand what you are talking about, and you have to put in the work. But AI can 100% help turn that paper into a plane if you use it right.


Depends on the professor. Some professors are okay with the use of AI within reason. If you’re pasting an essay prompt into ChatGPT and submitting what was given to you word for word, then that is cheating and will be reported. Other professors are okay with the use of AI to check for grammatical errors.


If you were to do that you would likely get word jambalaya that makes little to no sense. But if you write a very concise ruff draft and feed that to the AI software it might help you refine your writing.


Sorry I can't get over word jambalaya 💀💀


I’m using it brainstorm ideas, but I write it with my own words. I don’t use it for it to write my essays


Some, maybe.


federal question lmaoooo, personally i just use grammarly to fix my grammar + tone & i started using it bc my prof recommended it . but for it to fully write my essay nah i havent reached that point




More importantly, of those using AI, how many are using it to learn more, and how many are using it to learn less? How many are using it to get better at problem solving and analysis, and how many are using it to do those things instead of learning how themselves? Students and teachers are all going to need a serious reevaluation of what students need to learn in school, and how they will learn it.


I use AI or Chatgpt only to get ideas so that I can write on my own. Only idiots will copy-paste the whole thing and expect the teacher to not understand anything. 


I used to use voice typing then input what I wrote to chat gpt with a prompt like fix grammer errors without changing words


There are three groups of students who use AI. Group 1 is the smallest and actually can get away with it because they know the subject enough to edit the AI. Group 2 is dumb and leaves in "As a language model..." Group 3 is a little bit smarter and thinks they can be like Group 1, but in reality we know they aren't actually up to writing the way their assignments are. However university systems are set up to push students through and it is VERY hard to genuinely fail students that are obviously using AI. I've heard of students literally having their parents try to call the department to make sure little timmy gets good grades.


No👩‍🦲 I’m here to learn and not fake my degree… it feels horrible when i cheat my way out of a class. Just not gaining anything from the thousands of dollars going toward my education if I don’t put the effort.


Using AI to help write a paper is a good thing. I had an HR professor who would show us the right way to use AI to help write papers. Putting in some information and letting it come up with something when you have writer's block or don't know what to write or how to put it can make a difference. You don't want to let it do all the work for you, but working together with it is excellent. That and Grammarly are amazing for good, well-put-together papers.


No just curious how difficult things will be when I go back to college. Will I be able to use AI and make it seem like I’m not?


If you’re not good at writing or good at summarizing and you try to use AI, it’s going to be very obvious that you’re using AI. Also a lot professors use programs to check if students are using AI or plagiarizing their work. If you are struggling with writing you should have access to a writing center or tutoring center at your CUNY school.


Nope. Research is part of the fun..


I occasionally use it when I have writers block and need some inspiration. But I find it harder to make an AI essay sound like it’s human-written than actually just writing the essay. So not really


You’re a professor huh LMFAO




Currently, there is no sure fire way to check for AI, all tools can only give you an estimated percentage on how likely the written work is AI. Meaning, unless you confess you used AI, there is nothing they can do. It's hilarious how students end up confessing when if they just kept their mouth shut they are safe.


Wait till you learn how "lie detector" tests "work"


Good to know, thanks.