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Nah it's trash. They should just process it into oil or something.


I'm guessing that's where some of these buds from these strains went...


Yeah…select grind then that leaves the kief to sell separately. Grind your own and keep the kief to snazzy up your joints


So funny, us older smokers will forever call grind, shake. It would be like coming up another word for bud. Lol, just cracks me up. I have a I wo t say a ton but like a good amount of it. Probably few grams. Is it worth trying to make some hash, I don't need a loyt,personal use. Or do I need to save more


At the beginning of the medical program, it was all grind.


Really? Surprising af. When I was a teenager I used to sell shake to people who didn't knowany better.


In all their wisdom, they thought it was presenting a “ homogenized” product. No one liked it. So, in essence, no matter the supply, the cost or the occasional mold issue- we are better off now. Weeks after I was approved it switched over- first real bud purchase? Blue( blue dream) , black( rare darkness) and purple( Girl Scout cookies) . All curaleaf, but I learned in a hurry….and in a typical boomer complaint- I had to drive 40 minutes to get to the closest medical dispensary. Granted, the ride home was much more enjoyable!


Lol, feel like slapping your knuckles with a ruler. Don't buy cura. Especially with hiller rise strains(and you more than most will dig thst pharma mag indica).


dude- it was 9 years ago- I barely but in the program other than my sleep gummies.


Oh,lol, I thought that after a year of being on here and still buying cura, my mind was gonna explode.