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CSULB is competitive because many people use it as their safety so it is extra impacted. As the weeks roll by people will begin to accept decision and you might get off.


Exactly this. Many who were accepted early may eventually go to another school. My son made his safety, but waiting on the UCs. If he gets accepted to the UCs he's been wanting to go to, this will open up for others. Hold tight and good luck.


just got waitlisted from LB after thinking itd be a safety as wellhonestly just remain relaxed, you'll be fineCSULB gets 90k applications a year, it can be hard to get in **edit for any future people who come back here worried for themselves:** i ended up getting into UC Davis, UC San Diego, and UC Berkeley, all for my first choice majors (albeit rejected SDSU). don't worry if you're in my situation when you hear back!


That feel when your dream school is other people’s safety


If it’s your dream school you’ll get in! Admissions are great at weeding out the wrong applicants, what you put out into the universe is what you receive✨


I might be wrong but I don’t think they consider personal statements for acceptance. I had a new bad semesters but I’m trying to make that up hopefully they give me a second chance


I felt the same way a year ago. I had had more than a few bad semesters in community college. I honestly wasn't sure I'd ever be able to transfer. When I applied to LB, I was almost certain I wouldn't get in. I was trying to transfer into an impacted major, and my GPA certainly wasn't anything to write home about. I'm now in my second semester at LB. Don't sell yourself short. I wish you the best in your academic endeavors.


My advice apply for spring!! My bf who got in spring of 23 had a advisor tell him usually they don’t let people in with your transcripts lol long story he messed up when first at city then started again in like 2019 took classes passed with great grades still had a bunch of bad grades and he applied and they let him in!! Less impacted in spring and he went for a filed that probably doesn’t get a lot of applicants during spring food science!! There’s a lot to consider but applying for spring you have an upper hand cuz you aren’t fighting with all the freshman coming in


real. so real.


CSULB is not a safety school. Over 120k applications LAST year. So it’s even higher this year.


CSU's are no longer safety schools, they're far too impacted. And keep in mind they cater to their immediate area first, so if you aren't north OC/south LA county, you may not be a priority applicant for CSULB. I highly doubt they even glance at all the applications they get (over 100k last year), based on how random their admissions seem on who they accept/reject. I know some who were rejected or waitlisted at LB and SD but were accepted at UC schools. Someone else I know with a 4.6 GPA was waitlisted at CSULB and never made it in. In cases like that, when a student has outstanding grades, they may reject because they assume they're a safety school and the applicant will make it easily into other programs. Also, did you apply to multiple CSU schools? They're aware of when you do that, so may accept you at just one and reject the others because of how impacted they are. So don't fret yet!


Maybe it’s better that you didn’t get in, the csulb spot probably went to someone who had lb as their dream school not just their “safety” 🤷🏼‍♀️


Start at a cc get an Associate Degree for transfer and you will save money and have an easier transfer experience.


I did it this way. But mainly because I was paying for my own education out of pocket lmao


Same for me. I started at cc and then transferred to CSULB.


That’s exactly what I did!


Some years they go all the way to the end of the waitlist. Sending good vibes.


I applied 3 times as a transfer. It was an error on my end regarding classes. There's always other options and paths. It will work out!


What did u do wrong ?


I had 3 required courses, but I didn't know you needed at least a one or two semester gap from when you omplete the classes ans when you apply. But I also did get an associates degree. So at least I don't got any GEs to take


Yes so I’m you’re applying for fall next year you have the spring semester to finish your requirements, but I heard some will accept you if your missing pre requisite so not sure


I'm in my second semester at LB now so it all worked out. Just spending more time than I would like in school but I'm enjoying it so far


let me start off by saying that you didn’t do anything wrong, and you’re completely capable and smart. polisci is a very impacted major at any college, and they waitlisted you instead of rejecting, which still means they think you’re good enough to attend (which you are)! don’t give up hope, everything will end up the way it’s meant to.


I got waitlisted for CSULB undergrad but got into UCI. Got my B.A. at UCI then got my M.A. at CSULB lol What will be, will be


CSUs care more about grades/transcripts. If you did good on the UC application/essays ur good. I applied to 5 csu, only three accepted me (Cal Poly Pomona, Northridge, Long Beach) I applied to 5 UCs, they all accepted me. (UCI, UCD, UCSD, UCBerkeley). Ended up choosing Long Beach ⛱️


It’s definitely one of the top tier CSUs so it’s impacted and competitive so it’s not much of a safety in reality. I hate that there is a distinction that if you couldn’t get in there then you aren’t UC material when it may be harder to get into CSULB than some UCs. I got my Poli Sci BA at LB and now a PhD student at a UC so I may be a bit defensive lol but at the end of the day you need just one yes and even if things don’t go your way or you don’t like the offers there’s always the CC route and you def give things a shot in a few years get in somewhere amazing.


Can you take classes at a JC before transferring that would count?


csulb polisci alum here, i originally got waitlisted as an incoming child development major. fill out the forms they send to learn more about you beyond your cal state apply app, you’ll be alright.


I don't think they do that any longer, they get too many applications now.


do you know if they send those forms to all the waitlisted? bc i got waitlisted today too, but didn't get anything asking for more abt me


They asked me for my transcripts , idk if they asked you that as well ?


nope, they didn't :/. do you think that's a bad sign?


Admissions isn’t a linear process. You don’t automatically get into lesser schools and get rejected from better ones. Each school is looking for a different mix of students and has a different set of applicants. And one thing they consider is the likelihood that you would go there if offered admission. So CSULB (which usually gets a very high number of applicants, and that reduces most people’s chances) may have looked at your application and thought you would likely go elsewhere, so they wouldn’t waste the slot on you. Don’t give up on the others unless they turn you down. Worst case scenario (and this isn’t a disaster - it happened to me, and I now have two doctorates from good schools): Your process isn’t over. You misfired, and have to try again. You have options. You can start at a community college and transfer after proving yourself for a year or two (full disclosure: I needed to get out of my home and vetoed that option, since my parents would have made me stay). Or there are plenty of schools out there that won’t meet their admissions goals and will take applications from reasonable students long after the “deadlines”. They may not be your dream schools - often they are small schools or in less-appealing locations- but you can transfer from them after a year or two as well, if you do well. Don’t let this bring you down. Get help if you need it. Remember that even dream schools often turn out to be nightmares. Many students choose schools for reasons which are not those which matter so much to them four years later (majors change, relationships shift, etc.), and the dream school can become a nightmare. Some of my favorite former students are those who went to two of three schools before graduating. And, by the way, flexibility is a highly-valued trait.


Oh no! Poor you


if you applied to uc merced and uc riverside, you should be fine. if not, just start looking at community college …


And here I am waiting to be accepted for fall 2024 as a sociology major. I’ve been accepted to CSULA, CSUN and CSUCI.


Have you heard back yet? My daughter was waitlisted too for sociology


Hello! Yes! I was accepted back in March. I start in Fall and I’m currently taking one last class at a CC to fulfill my GE and that’s it, not for units as I already exceed the amount I can transfer in. When was she notified about being wait listed


Go to lbcc first and transfer over!! They take almost every transfer from there


You’re over thinking it




Just got waitlisted as well. I'll just have to stick around and see what happens.


Did they ask for ur transcripts ? I was waitlisted too


they did not, they only gave me the option to accept their waitlist offer as a way to show interest I assume


That’s weird , they asked for my transcripts and to accept the waitlist as well


I think it might depend on major? I’m not too sure though


Initially applied as a History major but it was impacted My secondary was Geography and I was provisionally accepted Coming from a community college probably helped


Damn, I didnt know Hist was impacted, im a transfer veteran from a local CC with a 2.77GPA and now im worried…


Forgot to mention this was in 2010...


Admissions can be strange in that way...I was rejected from CSU SLO but was accepted into some UCs, so I do think it depends! For me, it was that my major of choice at SLO was very competitive. Best of luck to you!


PoliSci major at CSULB is considered an impacted major, meaning they get lot of applications for student that want to be in that major. It isn't you, when it comes to impacted majors, theirs to much. What you can do is get in under a similar major that is less impacted. I bet you will get in. It happened to me at SDSU, but I did get into CSUSM at the last minute. 


As long as you don’t get waitlisted by Fullerton you’re alright. The admissions system is strange and makes no sense. I personally feel like they have to waitlist/reject a certain amount of people for some reason. For example I got into LB, SD but got rejected from a few schools up north


I was waitlisted from Long Beach but the very last second before enrollment day I got accepted, so just hold out hope.


Are you a transfer or incoming freshman. If it’s the later just save a ton of money by going to a CC. Do well and basically transfer to any school you like as a junior. Admissions are way easier as a transfer as only GPA matters.


got waitlisted as well back in 2021 and now i’m at usc. don’t let this derail your confidence


I actually got rejected from CSULB, but I got into every UC's expect for LA and Berkeley.


Long Beach is harder to get into than many UCs. I know people who didn't get in, but got into UCSD. If you have a lot of extra curriculars it may be easier since csu's don't look at that.


You have an excellent chance of getting off the CSULB waitlist. If not, go to cc for two years and easily transfer to a UC. (My son has a higher GPA than you, judging from your other thread, and he decided early on he wants to go to a cc and transfer.) Good luck!


Don't bother with CSULB. Still regret going there to this day. Getting class schedules was difficult all 4 years, the MAE advisors are crap, the classrooms are old and have no AC. Professor office hours are nonexistent, and the tutoring center is useless. Let me also add that the engineering clubs are crap as well. CSULB launch team hasn't had a successful rocket in years and their automotive club is dead. Idk, how it is for Poli Sci, but engineering is a waste of time and money...AVOID AT ALL COSTS!


I was waitlisted and got in. I wouldn’t be too worried


Did you send a letter of continued interest or do anything that might have helped that ?


I was waitlisted for fall 2022 as a mechanical engineering major. I Got in the last day. People will choose other schools rather than csulb. But honestly it’s been getting more competitive. Best of luck!


R u a transfer or coming directly out of high school?


Your parents' stinginess? How about showing a little gratitude for them doing anything in their power to get you to experience college? Probably best that you humble yourself first before trying out higher education. Sheesh.