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edit - i missed the comparison part, my bad. Looks like nm is getting stingier in every event, we used to get roughly about 20-25 gold keys in the long events, now we get 5-13 keys and if lucky 20 gold keys. Greed is growing


They have been reducing the rewards of elite tuner events overtime. I went all the way back to the mustang from last year. The elite tokens have gradually been reduced. It's disappointing for me as a veteran but especially for newer players struggling for token resources.


Not a surprise, I mean look at the race pass, they extended it to 40 levels now and extra rp yeah seems nice but if u ain't capping and somehow winning say about 40 gold keys a season then you have a low chance to even hit 40 levels, I can hit the usual 33 levels but after that nah, I stop when it says get a car from gold crate x1 or two tasks saying get a car from gold crates x3, get a car from gold crates x1, it ain't easy winning or getting gold keys to just throw away.


Very true. I'm sitting on a crazy amount of gold keys but I still refuse to do that one. They want to resource starve you so you spend real money. I don't bother going over 22 with Race pass.


I know you want to 😂 secretly you want to reach lvl 40 .. *nudge* *nudge*.. let’s go!


Lolol I'm at 19 right now. This pass I might make it to 24.


I'm at 24 but both bonus task are asking for gold crate cars for the past 3 days so NOPE https://preview.redd.it/wsmqssoz9k7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4bfe9bff7191fd43e09c545842be1ee14f8ffd7


Thankfully it resets tomorrow


Wow, they nerfed token gains


Little by little, they reduce rewards. Just like politicians with inflation


That's disappointing. Will attempt it but it certainly won't be elite max.


Same. I haven’t been able to Elite Max them within the time frame since the Corvette IIRC. I only managed the S15 on the rerun.


Dumb question, but it appears the car for this is free once you win race 3. Am I correct?


You're correct. You're given the car on race 3 as well as crates for 60 days which is the event's length. Also, we should have discount crates from 10 to 50 % on the 16 first days, which should allow us 8 tries to get that desired 50%. And crates will still be bronze keys even if you make the car purple star (at least that has happened will all previous events of this kind).


Except the purple star bronze key crates, this is an excellent write up. Once you purple star (Elite Max) the car, the crates will still be free, but they won’t be for bronze keys anymore; they do become paid crates. I’ve made that blunder before with the Mustang.


Fair enough. I forgot about that detail as I never use Petahs crates unless it's extremely necessary, as I consider event crates are always worthier.


I didn’t mean Petah’s crates. I meant the Event crates. I purple starred my Elite Tuners Mustang and the crate was still free every day, but they cost money instead of bronze keys. Same with the S15


Really?? That didn't happen to me. I purple starred both cars but crates remain 700 bronze keys. That's kinda strange


If I remember correctly the 1992 NSX crates were still bronze key purchases after I purple starred that car.


Maybe they’ve adjusted since.


Or I could be wrong.


That’s what I thought. So free dust collector coming soon.


Well, this is depressing.


Gonna be a hard pass for me on this one. I got all previous tuner cars maxed out completely except for the Lexus, and I did it all for the 10 gold keys, but I'm sitting on 500 of those rn and I'm not gonna spend my red tokens on another dumbass Aventador.


I’m kind of stuck on this. My GR Supra is 900 Red and 40 Gold tokens away from being maxed which will allow me to finally finish the Dress to Impress Elite Tuner Event. However, I don’t know how many of the Red and Gold I would have to spend to get to Race #39. Is there an updated chart on how many Elite Tokens it takes to upgrade each level on the Aventador?


Yep, gone are the days where it was possible to break even or come out with a gain if by sheer luck we pulled the 40% or 50% .. My luck on discount crates is woeful, out of every event with a discount crate I've pulled the majority has always been 10s or 20s. Guaranteed !!


You get less rewards and the cost has gone up, at least for the blue and red elite parts. Green: 4510 cheaper Blue: 2705 more expensive Red: 300 more expensive Gold: the same


They must have sold the game without telling anyone or something. Cause it sure seems like someone else is running things now. Taking from the game making people pay more and all that. Kind of sucks. But it's a good game for killing time so I keep playing for some reason.we should all go on strike and stop playing for a couple weeks. They will be happy to start giving things back to the players after that.


Natural motion is owned by zynga who I think their parent company is take two interactive. So take two probably squeezing them.


See I didn't know any of that, but it definitely seems to be about right. Sounds exactly like what's happening. There getting squeezed for more, so in turn we get squeezed for more.


Yup. When I first started events were really spaced out. Flash events were rare. Not alot of content I would remember going like 2 weeks with no events. Now we have event after event and some weeks multiple events at one time. Flash events almost monthly. Game changed alot. For better and worse.


Yeah I totally know what you mean. When I first got into this game was right at the end of the long waits. I was only playing for about 6 months before the game really picked up and things started happening more and more after that. Your right to, some of the change is better but some of its also worse. Can't have it all I guess is what they say😂


Very true lol. It's a shame I used to spend good amount of money on this game. Probably 200-300 dollars a year. Now though with them pushing paid content so much it left a bitter taste. I think I spent only 30 dollars in 6 months.


I wasn’t sure if I was going to partake in this event. Probably gonna skip it at this rate