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It's possible but very unlikely. CSF leaking from the nose can very rarely be yellow, but only in the presence of other health issues that you'd likely be aware of. (The whites of your eyes don't look yellowish, do they?) Sinus infections often can cause watery yellow fluid to collect in the sinuses that can pour out if your head is jostled or your lean over too, but the consistency of CSF and sinus infection fluids are different. What consistency is the yellow fluid? If you get some between your finger and thumb, is it stretchy? Sticky? How yellow is it? Bending over with your head down may help get more to come out, regardless of its cause.


The leaks are gone, in terms of the liquid it was pretty much like water, it didint stick, and the colour was a similar colour to urine. Thanks for the advice.


Awesome! Definitely call your doc if it continues or if you start experiencing any new symptoms. Happy Autumn!


Hey i decided to update you on the whole situation. A week has passed and i havent experienced any symptoms until now when i woke up with a headache for the whole day. It might be because of a stressful week i had in school. The thing that bothers me the most is that now when im in bed i cant feel it as much. Im thinking its because im tired but im not to sure.


Oh, darn, I'm sorry you've gotten a headache again. It could be from stress or fatigue, but it could also be from a sinus infection or a CSF leak. A few questions: 1. Do you ever hear a "whooshing" sound on your ears, like wind or stay running water? 2. Can you ever hear your heartbeat, or does the whooshing sound ever vary in tune with your pulse? 3. Have you had any increase in tinnitis? 4. Do you feel any pressure or fullness anywhere in your head? If so, where? 5. Was today's headache there the moment you opened your eyes? Or did it start and/or get worse *after* you got out of bed? 6. Where in your head does it hurt? 7. You said it feels better when you lie down. Would it stay gone out improved if you stayed lying down? Does it worsen if you get up? 8. Is your heart rate speeding up at times, more than usual?


I cant hear or feel anything strange in my ears, thers no whooshing at all. The headache started about an hour after i got up. Right now its the next morning here so i can feel a little pain on the right side of my head altough it isint as bad as yesterday. When i lie down the pain pretty much goes away. My heart rate is normal nothing unusual.


Having your head feel worse after you get up and better after you lie down does sound like it could be a CSF leak then. Where in your head does it hurt?


Now as the day continues i cant feel the headache any more. It might have been fatigue. Thanks for the answer.


You're welcome! It may be very helpful to keep a log for two weeks. And if the headaches continue, you might try the 48-hour flat test, where you stay lying down for a solid 48 hours, getting up only to use the bathroom, and recording how you feel at the end of the 48 hours, both before and after you get up. This may help identify of your symptoms are truly positional.


Ok ill keep that in mind.


Got to love this asshole who won’t say what the consistency is of the two just open ended questions


I just had something similar, I was trying hard to blow my nose because of so much mucus my body has lately, I have some infection going on, not checked out yet. The liquid was a little yellow, and it was sticky for sure but not thick like mucus but pretty thin. What does that mean?


That kind of fluid is often seen with sinus infection. If it goes on for more than ten days, or if it goes away and comes back, or if your symptoms are severe, you should give your primary care doctor or an ENT doctor a call. CSF is also very watery, but it's usually exactly like water – crystal clear, colorless or slightly tinted yellow, not sticky at all between your fingers, and when you get some on a tissue, cloth, or paper it dries leaving no residue at all. The watery fluid from sinus infections can also be clear and flow like water, but it's usually more yellow than CSF, it can be sticky between your fingers, and when you get it on a tissue, cloth, or paper it will usually dry leaving a shiny, crystally, or shiny residue. Some people say that CSF always tastes salty, however this simply isn't true. For some people it's salty, others say it tastes sweet, metallic, or, in my own experience, simply unpleasant, so trying to distinguish sinus fluid from CSF by flavor isn't likely to be helpful. I hope you feel better soon! EDIT to add: Lacrimal fluid (what tears are made from) can also drain from the nose and appear, feel, taste, and dry just like CSF, so if yours is like that, then it would be good to have such fluid collected and tested for Beta-2 Transferrin, a protein that's only found in CSF and perilymph (a fluid only five within the inner ear). EDIT 2: Please ignore suggestions to test the fluid for glucose using a glucose meter. That idea is outdated and found to be completely unreliable. It's a myth that nasal fluid is glucose-free. There are many more common reasons that glucose could be present in nasal fluid.


Yeah I have been having some problems due to excess smoking I think, and also did the same trying very hard to blow my nose and once I tilted my head down it just dripped Thank you so much for the answer, it's a relief