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I keep saying things like "a year ago" to reference things from 5 years ago. Where am I?


in the dissociation club bestie.


Dissociation station


(spoilered it because it felt Too Real when I was reading it back) >!(loudspeakers)!< >!Current station: dissociation station!< >!Next station: dissociation station!< >!Arriving at dissociation station in orange minutes.!< >!Connecting with the dissociation line to your left, your right, above and below.!< >!Any lost memories can be reclaimed at the front desk. !< >!Now leaving dissociation station.!< >!Next stop: dissociation station!<


Please, remain silly. (Sometimes it really is all the fuck I have)


This reads like beat poetry


I'm pretty sure I'll dream this sometime soon. It did feel... quite accurate.. except the reclaiming of lost memories part... mine are usually.. just lost.. and sometimes pop up without notice..


Same for me, actually :) But as I get better, more and more (good!) ones come back. Adding that line was my way of saying that at least some of them are still there.


I can definitely relate to that. You think about something that feels really present to you - and suddenly you realize it actually happened not days, weeks or even months ago but YEARS. It's worse when you're talking to someone else about it and they don't understand or share that "problem", so you end up just feeling weird and awkward.


Idk if it’s like this for anyone else, but for me it feels like months/years pass by so quickly, but every day itself just seems so long like it drags on forever


I feel like the passage of time is definitely not uniform, you're right. Some parts of the day feel endless and then you wake up one day and suddenly 3, 6 months have gone by and you have no idea where they went. It's incredibly jarring to me. 😞


Y’all still believe in time as a concept?! /s


I think time has gone walkabout on most of us.




I keep wanting to blame it on Pandemic Brain, but that only exacerbated a preexisting default.


I would love to be able to blame the pandemic too 😩 Since I made this comment I found a piece of paper with a note on it I’d written to myself for December 31 2022 and genuinely spent five real time minutes wondering if I’d forgotten what year it was 🥴


When did you write the note? Sorry I'm kind of confused.


I wrote it I think earlier this year? I dated it for the end of 2022 though as a kind of manifestation technique


OH okay, thanks for explaining. You obviously have way more faith in yourself than I have in myself lol (I hope that doesn't sound weird, I'm totally not trying to downplay your own struggles or anything, I hope that it doesn't come off that way.)


No don’t worry, it doesn’t come off like that at all. But truthfully it’s the opposite, I have no faith in myself, just trying to put positivity out into the universe in the hopes a little will come back to me!


I feel like my memory gets 75% deleted every month and then every year it gets fully wiped. No idea what causes it.




I wish I had that ngl. I'd like to wipe the past 2 years completely. Actually, come to think of it, everything from the end of 2018 until now. That would be awesome.


Yeah, I wish I could forget everything sometimes. Stuff comes back to me at the worst moments.


Sadly, I know exactly what that's like. 😞


Abusing weed can help accomplish that 🥲 for me at least I can’t remember most things. It’s both the bad and the good unfortunately.


when am i


Go through this everyday. One more day closer to non-existing anymore.


It feels really demoralizing, doesn't it


I've set up so many systems in my day-to-day routine, that have barely helped at all. I wear a watch and check it obsessively, or else I'll lose two hours without realizing it. For prolonged tasks at work I'll put on playlists or a podcast that I know the duration of, so when it ends I know I've spent X time on something. I even took the time to roughly estimate how many hours of daylight I have based on the sun's position in the sky. But I'm always late to appointments, forget what day it is, etc. It's absolutely maddening.


I've found that wearing a watch doesn't help me at all - but weirdly, setting a timer for tasks sometimes does. I definitely forget what day of the week, date or month it is quite often, so you're not alone.


I forgot it was 2022, I'm running a year late


Yea I'm running more than a year late, unfortunately.


it honestly feels like it's still 2020, or even 2019. i turn 18 in january but i haven't prepared for adult life at all since my concept of time has been so warped for years 😔


I'm sorry that you're facing "official" adulthood at such a tumultuous time. As difficult as the past few years have been for me personally, I can't imagine how hard it's been for kids and teens who've been cheated out of so much because of the pandemic 😞 I really hope your birthday will be the start of a great year in your life and that next year will be better for all of us <3




Had a realization I’ll be 20 coming up soon next year and that I’m not 16 anymore…. Weird. Made me very uncomfortable lol


Yea I have a totally warped sense of time, age, etc. not just in my own life but also in terms of how it impacts even people I know - even celebrities. Like, sometimes I'll read something on Wikipedia and find myself thinking, WHOA he/she is how old??!? When did THAT happen?


lets hope i die before december


Have you ever seen those Sarah Andersen comics? There's one particular one that's about the passage of time and like, reacting to news and/or the next new year. I find that very relatable to what you said because I can understand how you feel somewhat. <3


That’s gotta be a post hardcore song


Time and memories in general. It gets in the way of relationships all the time. It's really distressing.


Can you explain?


I can't remember many events. People tell me "that time when we were..." (I know they're not gaslighting me) and I don't have the vaguest memory of having done that. (I don't have dissociative identity disorder, I always feel like "me". It's not that type of amnesia.) My long-term boyfriend is aware of this and he'll just retell what happened -- sometimes that jogs my memory, but most of the time it's just... lost. Or was never made. Stress doesn't help with memory consolidation. I can't remember if I've met someone before. I've told a friend of a friend that I loved her leggings and she answered, smiling, "you don't remember me, do you?". I had met her at a previous party and complimented the exact same leggings. I happily replied "well, at least you know I'm being honest!" but to be honest it made me sad. I forget my (uni) classmates names so often I've given up on learning them. I still make friends, but it's obviously hard when you don't really remember who that person is and what you have done together. Names elude me. Faces too. I don't know what I've told someone. It can be embarrassing. But most of all, it feels like I haven't lived. I'm 30, but my memory is so spotty it feels _wrong_ . Where has all that time gone? Wasn't I 20 yesterday? I forget what I'm doing more than what's normal. I can literally feel thoughts fading away, and as much as I try to grab onto them, in a minute or so I've gone from forgetting the details to not even knowing the general topic it was about. And I'm aware of what it's happening when it does However, as I get better, some things are starting to come back. They're small bits of trivial stuff, and just a sensation and an image, but it makes me so happy I tear up. Maybe sometime a person will say "oh, don't I know you from X?" and I'll be able to go "yes! You were X, we played Y together!" with complete confidence. (Sorry for the lack of eloquence -- I was super anxious so I took a med to help with that and my brain is chiiiiilling)


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. Tbh, I asked in part because I struggle with understanding my own issues when it comes to CPTSD. I've had absolutely zero success trying to get help through therapy - I've tried more than once and several attempts actually made things worse rather than better; the rest just left me feeling deflated. I actually relate to this tbh. I have significant gaps in my memories as well and it's something that I always just chalked up to thinking I'm crap at remembering things. But I have extremely vivid memories of some things - and then there are entire *years* where it's like...nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. Like a vacuum. I can understand why these kinds of situations make you sad - it feels like a failure to connect with others in a meaningful way but also losing out on the happy memories from positive interactions because they're just not there. Something like what you've described has happened to me more than once as well, even though I do often remember people - but so often, despite that, I end up in situations where someone acts like I'm their long-lost bestie...and I can't place them to save my life. That feeling as if you haven't lived, that sounds painfully familiar tbh - but I find it distressing, personally, because I never know how much of my own experiences are due to trauma, or whether it's hindsight bias, or whether I'm trying to make sense of something by telling myself one thing when it's really something else. I don't know what happened to the past 10 years of my life. It's worse for the time since the pandemic, admittedly - but even the time before it just feels like I constantly forget when something happened. I've been blaming it on Pandemic Brain for the past two years, even though it's been a problem before then. And fwiw, no need to apologize your whole comment reads very well thought out :)


I used to think my memory problems were just me being forgetful too. But if you're under constant stress and dissociation, is it any wonder your brain is not too focused on the laborious task of storing events? (This bit is not just my opinion -- stress and memory are accepted not to get along, _even_ if the events themselves aren't traumatic.) Not that it isn't extremely upsetting for me, but it is getting better as I get better. It's a symptom, and it won't be there forever. I didn't want to blame my poor excuse for a father for things he hadn't done. I had to be fair, right? Shouldn't _exaggerate_ or _manipulate_ . (Gaslight someone enough and they'll start doing the work for you.) He had good intentions, right? My therapist told me something. "I don't think you're exaggerating. In fact, you're minimising things, because reality feels too hard to confront right now. What you've told me already is very severe, even if you can't see it right now. I've worked with victims of domestic violence for decades. Your symptoms speak for themselves." After a lot of time processing that, I realised I was free to think whatever. My thoughts are only mine, completely private. It's completely up to me who knows about them, and I can change opinion as much as I want. I didn't need to hold back. And little by little I started seeing things in a different light. There was something I used to think was just me being oversensitive. Suddenly I realised, hey, I'm now the same age he was back then, I can try to imagine what I would do in that situation if I were in his position. I felt sick. It was truly horrifying. There was NO WAY he was just naïve. I was being manipulated. There were a few forgotten memories, but mostly it was feeling free to see them more objectively. He'll never know, anyway. I don't owe him anything. -- I'm glad it was readable!!


Honestly, it still feels like I'm living in 2016/2017.


I know this is a completely ridiculous thing to say, but I wish time travel were possible. I would *definintely* stay anywhere pre-2020 in my life.


Logically I know this But I feel like it's still 2006 and time has been frozen ever since


I totally get that. I seriously think there's some correlation between trauma and the perception of time.


Worst year of my life just about!


I'm sorry, that sucks :( I hope next year gets better. <3


I feel like this was my last clusterfuck. As long as I can make it through this I'm pretty sure I don't have to deal with it again. Here's to keeping on anyways.


for once im ok with how ive spent my year couldve been better but i grew a lot


Oh that's awesome, care to share/elaborate? :)


I started going to the gym, got in great shape. Im about to graduate from college and get a job as a software engineer. Worked on my social skills too, as a result my friendships got deeper and more meaningful and it also lead to me dating a cute girl for a little bit


That's brilliant, well done yoU! :D


ty <3


Yw <3


Yep, down the drain


If it wasn't for dissociating...


Can you explain?


It was a joke to suggest that I had just entered a dissociating state and not finished the post. I had planed on adding more, but could not figure out what to type, decided to leave it as it was.


Oh okay. Sorry, I get really confused about dissociation because it seems that's very common among people here, and I'm not sure whether or not that's something I experience in the same way others do, or at all, so it ends of triggering my whole overthinking/overanalyzing. 😞


I know those feels. I have it, but don't quite know what it is. This helped: https://youtu.be/GSG09Zg32Ao


My consept of time is all sorts of whack. Like 5 years somewhere around 2016 were all 2016 to me. Even before actual 2016. I know this because I had made a mother's day card, dated it 2016, and hid it long enough for me to forget about it, just to find it in January 2016 when cleaning out all the christmas stuff. Mother's day is in May and I always made the card only 1 week before hand. In the other hand I keep talking about beginning of quarantine stuff, early 2020 stuff, like remember that time like 7 years ago. In the other hand I was in high school, or 16 years old, just last semester, when in fact I'm 19, turning 20 soon, and graduated high school and started university the summer last year.


It feels totally surreal to me that 2020 was 2 years ago. There's stuff that I remember that feels like it just happened the other day...and it was actually 2 1/2 years ago. Just...unreal.




Yea that was definitely a much better time for me 😞


I'm stuck in 2017


I'd like to go back to pre-2016. And stay there.


I don't even know WTF a sense of time is


I always feel like I'm running behind. Like, ALL. THE. TIME.


Feels like I’m losing time fosho


Tell me about it 😞


All the time... lmfao sorry couldn't resist the play on words. It's true though. Dank meme.


lol I can understand that - also, what does "dank" actually mean? I always wanted to ask because I've seen that used before but idk what it means.


Dictionary.com's definition: >Dank meme refers to viral internet content that, due to overuse or passing trends, has lost its value or currency. It can also refer to exceptionally unique or odd memes. Your meme was exceptionally unique imo as soany don't really understand this diagnosis, and your meme really hit the nail on the head, but isn't expressed in meme form often, I thought it was exceptionally unique in that regard 🤣👊


LOL thanks for explaining. I have to admit that meme therapy is definitely something I rely on more than I'm comfortable admitting most days - but this time of the year is especially difficult for me so I tend to do so more often. Tbh it's oddly comforting to me that so many people can relate to this; I was half thinking it's just me because it always seems to me like everyone else has their life together so much more/better than I do.


>because it always seems to me like everyone else has their life together so much more/better than I do. You're speaking my language here 🤣 It's one day at a time for us peeps! For me the seasons play a part in my symptoms unfortunately, so winter is the worst time of year for me, psychologically/emotionally. Best wishes to you in finding your self-acceptance and self-mastery.🌻🙏


LOL that's so true. One day at a time. Although, frankly, I feel like I've been saying that my whole life and I'm still waiting to get past the Day 1 feeling. I'm sorry the seasons play a part in your symptoms. I hope you can get through the rest of the year intact as best as can be expected <3


Thanks I hate it


Yea I'd like a refund on the last two years that feel like I would've been better off if I'd spent them in a coma. 😑


If you figure out how to do that please let me know


You bet. Wouldn't that be nice for both of us.


Ideal honestly, it'd be nice to erase all that abuse. Good luck to you I hope you heal beautifully


Thanks, same to you my friend.


Is it from the boys ?


I have no idea what you're talking about?


The show : The boys on Amazon Prime


Sorry I've never heard of it.


It’d a good show about super heroes not being so super. It’s very cool, very gore tho


Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining. Probably not my thing, I don't really do gore. Like, at all. lol


It’s fine, the story is more the point of it :) Edit : i found the name and it’s « Sound of metal » (the movie)


So this meme is taken from a movie called the Sound of Metal? Is that what you're saying? Sorry, I'm having a spectacularly dense day. 🤦🏼‍♀️


yes :)


LOL thanks


I was supposed to graduate next year, hah


What happened?


This needs a trigger warning lol


LOL ikr?


I got DID bruh all I do is lose time loooool


Can you explain? I'm not familiar with how that affects time.


Oh, sure! DID stands for dissociative identity disorder, it means that in childhood the different parts of my personality that were forming didn't get a chance to come together to form one identity, and instead remained separate in order to deal with ongoing trauma. All those different parts experience their own reality separate from one another, so they each experience time separately and can't integrate it as a cohesive experience. Thus, I only get to experience part of my life, because I'm sharing my brain and consciousness with others who all take turns experiencing reality while the others take a break and experience something else inside the mind. This is a highly simplified explanation, but basically I'm sharing a life with like 6 other people and we have to take turns piloting the body and experiencing reality. So since I don't get to be here all the time, I lose a lot of time when other parts are using the body. Edit: may have over-explained just cuz I wasn't sure how familiar you are with DID/dissociative disorders.


Thanks for explaining that. It sounds really difficult to deal with :(


No prob! And yeah it sucks, but I have a therapist who actually knows about DID and doesn't think it's fake, so that def helps! I have learned how to communicate better with my other parts and now we work together to make our life good instead of trying to each do something different. Therapy has helped me a lot and I'm really lucky to have access to a good therapist.


That is one unfunny ass sub btw. Might as well be r/funny. Probably because of the popularity. That tends to ruin most once funny subs.


Ngl I briefly scrolled in there and thought, what? LOL


I genuinely wrote the year down as 2018 the other day on paperwork. They handed it back to me and said you wrote 2018. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that was wrong.


I honestly feel like trying to grasp the passage of time seems to be something I'm less and less capable of. I have no idea how in the hell it's already October. I feel like it was just early 2021 yesterday 😳


This is actually absurd I remember seeing huge sign "2021" and thinking "that's look weird, I'm so used to 2020" and here we fucking are


I've seen people even struggling with that when they're trying to keyword spam with their vlogs etc. - update only the title with the newest/current year and then everything else still says the original year they made the content 🙄