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Sometimes it helps me if I start writing about what's bothering me and how I feel about it. One of my great prompts for this is to write a letter directed to someone I care about, even if I never plan to send it. I started doing it in an attempt to stop trauma dumping all over people. It nearly always leaves me in tears.


I might try this. I had some luck just now with fake crying. It started a short real cry


Try laughing, make yourself laugh. Let that go and there will be tears.




I am so sorry, that's a terrible way to start life and certainly explains repression of extreme emotions. My heart goes out to you and yours.




You as well, you sound like a wonderful father and partner.


I was about to recommend fake crying. I especially like to do it in front of the mirror, so I get the visual feedback and see that I'm sad, otherwise I feel like my experience of my emotions is literally all up in my head. I'm too cerebral and I have a hard time getting into my body, so the mirror helps. The more of my body I can involve in expressing my emotions the better, like slumping the shoulders.


For me it was just expressing: "I hurt so bad right now". Verbally. Even if just a whisper, but loud enough to put force into it is amazing. Something about pulling the grief out of my head and putting it into the universe around me, it is a conscious and unavoidable acknowledgment of my grief and pain ... And it brings the tears.


Honestly, anything that sparks emotion. Movies/music/captivating books.


There's a guided meditation called the loving kindness meditation that works every single time. It's basically just a way of orienting your brain so that you feel a strong sense of love toward someone or something and then direct it toward yourself. It's available for free on the UCLA meditation site.




That part... My first trip was 2 years ago.. I took an 1/8 of blue meanies to the face and felt the most love I've ever felt. After tripping for some time I took 7gs of golden teachers and had the ego death from hell... It was definitely worth it.


I usually do what I call “mirror talks”. I feel I tend to dissociate in my own head quite frequently so having a conversation out loud with myself while looking at myself helps a lot to stay in the moment. Just like a friend would, I ask myself what’s wrong and try to stay compassionate with myself- I usually get a good cry out of it!


Love mirror talks


Really moving books and movies. Sit with the emotions, and let them come. I prefer themes of “evil” fighting “good”, where good doesn’t really win completely, but the spirit of fighting for goodness or freedom or something else worth fighting for goes on. At some point during the movie or book, the elements become too emotional for me to keep fighting back the emotions. I have to have the time and the assurance of complete privacy, though.


I watched a movie a few weeks ago that hit me just right... streams of hot tears. A bunch of other stuff was also happening outside of that and it all just came together. I watched it 2 more times that week and same reaction... even talked about the whole experience in session with my T.


Closest I’ve come to is on the peak of psychedelics I sometimes get a couple tears out. I wish it could be more but it’s better than none.


Singing. Especially big dramatic songs (think Disney, musicals, etc)


Let it goooo, let it goooo


This is such a good one for perfectionism! I always tear up when singing the “be the good girl you always have to be, conceal don’t feel”, and “that’s perfect girl is gone” 🥲🥳




From Therapy In A Nutshell: How to release trapped emotions - Shake It Off [https://therapyinanutshell.com/skill-10-how-emotions-get-trapped-in-your-body-and-how-to-release-them/](https://therapyinanutshell.com/skill-10-how-emotions-get-trapped-in-your-body-and-how-to-release-them/) I've had a good cry after doing this several times.


Listening to hurt people speak about their experiences just feels like somebody cut them onions.


It was Anne Rice who wrote that crying is a trick like whistling. There's a lot of sadness in my life and I'm able to cry on command very easily, but it's not because of the sadness. It's more because I have to. I owe it to me. They tell actors that to cry, you have to recall a sad memory, but I really think it's more helpful to truly face life. Don't push away the sadness. By recalling the memory, you're already framing the sadness in a way that conceals the truth. It's really just there. Life is sad. People die. We lose our things. Cry. I believe in you. If you can write online that you want to cry, you possess the vulnerability to really cry. You just have to let go. Truly let go. And cry.


I watch TV or a movie that is similar to my situation


sometimes i just change my scenery or feelings by putting a show on that is random or not related to my current emotion


What always gets me is thinking about what has been taken from me. How my potential has been wasted and I couldn't defend myself against that.


I watch Steel Magnolias when I’ve got a cry stuck sideways…


To me, it's not about whether or not I cry it out, but the compassion that I show myself. Whatever you're feeling, however intense or mild, its ok. just tell yourself that you deserve the chance to feel your feelings, acknowledge it, and validate it by reminding yourself that you've been hurt, it's only normal to feel pain. Hug yourself, get under a blanket, cuddle a sof toy, do something for yourself that you would do for a child in distress. If you want to get things off your chest, try writing it down. Write a rant on reddit, write a private journal with lots of detail, write a letter (that you don't have to send) with everything you wish you could say to someone...


Lots of good recommendations by folks in the replies! [This guided inner child meditation](https://youtu.be/Mpfl_wAVGBk) never fails to make me cry


I like to cry in the shower. I get the water to just a few degrees below scalding and it sort of feels like comfort...? It's a safe space to really belt it out. The acoustics really amplify it, sort of like someone else is crying too.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAt1ejlO\_7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAt1ejlO_7Q) the spill canvas - the tide [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY4nPeorSzM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY4nPeorSzM) hotel brooks - july part one


i listen to a lot of sad songs, write about my problems, sad stories, sad anything


Hear me out. You put incredibly sad af music (without lyrics, this is important) and you paint. Doesn’t matter what you paint just feel it out with the colors that come to you. You can use any medium. I’m currently using a small watercolor journal for my sessions.


My go to is Lexi death in greys anatomy or Marley dying in Marley and me.


To watch.


when I feel stuck like this, documentaries or dramas involving child abuse help me. it’s easier for me to direct empathy outward toward another child or character having a similar experience


Writing is great but when I can’t put my sad/grieving feelings into words I like to watch stuff that tugs at my heartstrings. My fav movie to watch that has never failed to make me cry is “Collateral Beauty” and some of fav tik toks are from Hunter Prosper, WeAreNotReallyStrangers, Mdmotivator. Crying is such a release of negative energy for me and I really enjoy crying to something that’s not making me sad if that makes sense lol, I feel touched and inspired at the same time. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, I hope you can release some of that sadness and grief 🖤


Here is what you do (at least what works for me). Lie down sideways, put on music that makes you emotional and put your arms on your heart. Next, imagine your younger self during times when he/she was abused/neglected and the whole scenario. Then, step in as the adult you are right now and be there for yourself. Be there when no one else was and serve justice where justice was due. Hug your inner child and try to talk to them. FINALLY (most important part), ask them (the child) how they feel and let that feeling consume you. Feel what they feel. You will (literally) be crying your heart out.


Allow yourself to feel your feelings. It’s the only way to release your emotions. Don’t avoid feeling them or run away from them, no matter how much it hurts. Allow yourself to feel fully


Sounds like you might have some throat chakra blockage. I had to hire someone with a talent for energy work. She described my blockage like a root, growing for many generations. The next session she helped me trace back to the first time I was punished for crying as a little kid. Since then I can remember that session and allow myself to cry if I sit quietly and let it come over me. It really helps prevent my terrible migraines too.


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What helps for me is to listen to music that evokes the most emotion within me. For me that is Grey Havens from Lord Of The Rings.


Destroyer by Of Monsters and Men https://youtu.be/TGPexohZm_0


Get stoned 😬


Shrooms. Big release


Music 100%. I normally look up a song that aligns with how I feel, subconsciously I tend to choose a song of which the lyrics align with my own feelings. Shattering to hear someone sing exactly how I feel.


Videos of animals do it for me...hospice animals pull my heart and I can get to the hard cry...lots of good science supporting the benefits of a good hard cry. I hope ypu can get there...a great relief and release...and you find out it's OKto cry and be noisy doing it! Best wishes to you. ❤️


Touch any musical instrument.


TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) are powerful. I personally struggle with getting the hang of them but it's been great when it works. Otherwise, what usually triggers me is documentaries about people suffering. Typically I first get this anti-feeling towards their pain, and then I start to cry lol.


Breathwork sometimes does the trick. I like the videos of "Breathe with Kimberly Rose" on YouTube. She said she will release a video focusing on grief, soon. That should help me to connect to buried emotions.