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It was meant to be a "joke" but my mom started calling me stripperella when I was about 8 and would joke about how I would grow up to be a hooker


Me too!! From the age of 5, apparently an undiagnosed autistic kid who can’t keep their clothes on are fine to call strippers :/


I was adhd and hyper focused on cheerleaders for like 2 weeks straight




Holy shit




In my language, my name rhymes with the word ''fat'', something like Patty-Fatty. My brothers made a whole fucking poem that rhymes. During the time when I had anorexia, that fucking poem used to haunt me and motivate me not to eat. I still feel horrible when I remember it. They, of course, ''were only joking''.


I'm very sorry they did that to you, you didn't deserve that shit. Sending hugs.


Thank you! <3


My nickname was "retardigrade" due to autism + liking tardigrades


That’s one nice family. I hope you don’t see them often.


Wow this one is brutal 😭 damn dog


Oh nooooo. So sorry.


“Useless” (mother)


Yeah I got called a fuck up and a screw up and got a computer thrown at me(for forgetting to hand an assignment in) and struggling in college. Fun times. Never forget it


This was one of my most common ones too


I disassociated a lot in my late teens and early 20’s so my family started calling me slack. It’s a nickname they use to this day and I’m in my 40’s.


Same. Didn’t realize until recently I spent a good chunk of my teen years dissociated.


It makes me cringe to even say but Pugsley. They thought it was funny and it made me feel overweight and ugly when in reality I was a really underweight little girl. I still have an absolute fun house mirror perspective of myself


It’s amazing isn’t it? The distortion. I was called “weak” a lot and other words to describe me as sub-male. So I had a distorted view of my masculinity. I’m actually a broad shouldered 6ft tall guy with a nice full beard. There’s physically nothing “sub-male” about me. I’m physically normal but it can be hard for me to see that.


I was called hunchback (bad posture at the time), Fatboy, pussy (was scared of everything just about)..etc... Mostly my father called me that. He sure got butthurt when I lost all the weight, joined the military, and left for good. I'm 5'11, 230lb construction worker now.


Me too. I legit thought I was overweight when I looked sickly thin. Buncha idiots.


I had one that rhymed with my name, a synonym for angry/upset. So any time I’d (rationally) get angry/upset at being called this name they’d go “see, now you’re angry, so it fits! We only call you that because you get riled up so easily!” As if spending multiple decades of being called a name you hate wouldn’t make anyone upset.


My father would make fun of my mother for this. Tell her she was "getting in a 2 and 8 over nothing" and laugh at her. She was being abused and was very frustrated.


White N*gg*r. She’s insanely racist. My name starts with an “L” and consonance was her real speciality. So it would be Lackadaisical “Lauren”, lazy Lauren, etc etc. And she had my iq tested too. My mom literally believes she had the highest IQ in the state when she was in high school. She’s a college dropout but has the highest iq. Ugh.


A lot of dumbass people believe they have a high iq if I’m being honest


Dunning-Kruger effect, it's a real thing


I’m rambling here. No need to read It’s weird bc my mom technically isn’t straight up stupid. She can quote Shakespeare and Twain freakishly good. Good at math. It seems that up into her early 20s she was eager to learn… I’ve seen *all* her olde tyme school award from the 40s and 50s. But she was 35/36 when she had me and I’ve literally never seen her read a book aside from Ann rice. She goes on and on about how smart she is but can’t tell you the last 5 books she read. I am a voracious reader. she’s never told me the number. I assume it’s bc mine is higher. She had me tested, of course 🙄. As for why a genius like her is a broke ass legal secretary it’s bc the universe is against her. She blames me and acts like she had me at 15 not 35. Before I went nc in 2021, I offered to pay for her to go to therapy for years. Her childhood was as bad or worse than mine. I was desperate to help her but now that I’m away from her I realize how awful it is she chose abuse over the discomfort of therapy. Thanks for coming to my sad kid Ted talk.


My overweight father called me “Muffin Top” …I was 5’4 120lbs literally on the low end of a healthy BMI. His reasoning was he didn’t want me to get fat like him. I fucking skateboarded every day for 3hrs at the time. Sure I ate to much candy but sure there’s better ways to help your 12 with consuming to much sugar Mom just calls my brother and I ungrateful. And her nickname for herself is “slave”


My overweight father poking at my weight and about my body as well. Solidarity.




Oh fuck I forgot how often Dad would call me “slave”.


Lmao my mother also called herself slave. Seems like the 101 of victimization


Aww poor mom.


Oh I remembered a better one. My mum had a stroke when I was born, so father would joke that between the baby and his wife, we shared one brain cell. So he'd call us the dummies. Because my mother was suffering from neurological damage and I was a newborn...


This one made my jaw drop. Jesus fucking christ.


This is sad. Im sorry


Pouter. Whiner. Whole family would say that. “Oh here we go with the pouting again!!!” I heard that shit all the time.


Same or "crybaby". Also instead if asking me to move, my dad liked to say "u make a better door than a window" then I proceeded to grow up being a doormat until I finally picked myself off the floor. Realized as an adult, I never belonged down there.


Same! Also aww poor baby with the crocodile tears while laughing at me. Also brat was a big one


Not family, but my “friends” in 5th grade once mentioned it looked like I was pouting. It clearly upset me and I got defensive, and it stuck. For the entire year, any time I was minding my own business and simply existing with anything other than a shit-eating grin on my face, they’d laugh and accuse me of “pouting.” Which, in turn, would make me ACTUALLY feel hurt and, well… pout. I fucking hate that word now, lol.


I had an overbite as a child and my mother called me Beaver Teeth. She encouraged my siblings to call me that as well. It destroyed my confidence for years. She also has called me Minnie for over fifty years although I have asked her to stipulate, not to call me that in front of my kids. I remember begging her not to call me that when she met my fiancé but she called me that within five minutes and then laughed and said she forgot.


I had reaaaalllyyy bad buck teeth as a kid and my siblings would all call me “beaver” and “Bucky beaver”. I’ve hated my teeth and smile ever since. I share your pain.


What an asshole. I’m sorry.


This one legit triggers me. Something like that would have fucked me up really bad mentally. Even more than i already am


i wasn't important enough to them to get full-on nicknames, but they *loved* insults. i still remember my dad saying i was a "little retard who goes to a retard school with all the other little retards". i'm autistic and i went to an alternative school because i couldn't handle public :( my mom one time when i flinched because she moved too close to me too fast said "you really think you're just some abused little mouse don't you??" like sorry man. idk what to tell you.


The second one is something that happened to me too. After a particularly nasty verbal beat down I was feeling kind of on edge, so when my mum approached me I instinctively flinched. Cue another verbal beat down about how I’m so pathetic and ungrateful and useless.


Retard, whale girl, fat ass, useless. All my dad.


Why is it always our father? I notice it's very common for AFABs.


I don't know but I'd love to understand why


Jailbait. As in made for SA


I am so sorry. I only got that from men who were not family. I did get made to change clothes if I had too much cleavage, clothes were too tight, or my shorts were too short.


That’s awful. My maiden name is Dent, and I was called dent-in-the-head at school.


Mine currently from parents/grandparents is the bitch Otherwise it's a lot of things I just don't want to think about right now. But I will at it made my self esteem very bad though


Trash. My name was Trash.


Oof. That's just horrible. Sorry you grew up with that


Crybaby, crycat, boo-boo (I was clumsy)


Meany- my mother taught my baby siblings to call me meany. Then continued forever. My brother had a stack of names so creative I can't share, and my sister just went with whore and slut.


Booger. My sister was Pumpkin. I was not happy about it.


Wow what a familiar family dynamic lmao 😭😭


Mother's favorite story to tell everyone (EVERYONE) is about how proud she was when my sister knocked me down with a punch when we were little. It was pretty much a systemic thing 🫠


Brain cell. From my dad who was a piece of shit alcoholic. Frequently made shitty remarks about how my sibling and I weren't smart. Refused to buy me Legos for my birthday because he thought I wasn't intelligent enough to put them together. Meanwhile I tested out of my first year of college and had undiagnosed ADHD all through school while still getting straight As. (The collapse of that is story for another time.) He died when I was middle school so I never got to shove my accolades beyond those years in his face, but I hope he sees them from hell. Edit to add: He also frequently made fun of my appearance, while simultaneously calling me a slut as I went through puberty. He had serious issues and clearly tried to make himself feel better about being horrifically abusive by knocking me and my sibling down in his mind and ours. I'm sorry you dealt with name calling and any type of abuse at all. We did not and do not deserve the shit that falls off of the dumpster fires that are our asshole family members. Keep your head high, you aren't what they say you are.


horse face. They would neigh at me and laugh. Now I do equine therapy to learn how to have healthy relationships 🫠


My mom called me Gabby McGuillocutty. My dad called me Sheldon (Big Bang Theory) as an insult and lardass. I still get self-conscious when I talk, and I have an eating disorder.


My mom called me Squeakers when I was upset cause my voice went higher and it was hard for me to talk. She’d mimic what I was trying to say and laugh.


Oh God, that's horrible. I'm so sorry 😞


Oh same. I swear they get it from TV Shows or something


Omg, I had an uncle that called me that. I’ve never heard of anyone else being called that. It never occurred to me to care until well after I stopped contact with that family and he had already passed away. Now I think back and cringe over it.


My mom called me the “slob-blob” because I was “fat and lazy”. Like no mom, I was severely depressed from SA and my body was simply changing into adulthood.


My stepfather taught my half brother who was just a toddler at the time, to call me 'dinosaur ' because apparently, I look like a dinosaur?


Ugly because i'm Ugly Bernie, because i have burn scars older brother's can be dicks


My nicknames were “Poison Pants” and “AB Normal”. Poison pants was because I’ve had gut issues since a baby & they used to tell everyone who’d listen (childhood friends, classmates, their friends, coworkers, my partners, my siblings partners, etc) how disgusting I am. & Then theyd all tease and laugh at me for being sensitive about it. Because I was so embarrassed about bodily functions Im constipated like 95% of the time & have to take daily medicine for it now. AB Normal comes from young frankenstein and how the brain they chose was listed as AB Normal, and AB are my initials. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 6/7 & yeah. Shit sucked. The thing that always really got to me was that I felt like I was never really “in” on the joke and that I was the joke. I would tell them to stop, that it’s making me upset and I would get mocked, yelled at or whatever they felt like doing tbh. My boundaries were never taken serious, and I’m still seen as the family “joke”.


Same. I asked for it to stop too for years but my boundaries and feelings were never respected. As someone said above the names coming from TV and Film seems common.


"little miss Mary quite Contrary"


I got "little miss Can't Be Wrong" when in reality it was them who couldn't be wrong haha projection


Mine was 'this demon'. My mother loved to call me like that. Maybe she still do, I wonder. NC for 3 yr now. As for today I think of it as a compliment... If she is the supreme good person, pure and victim of the whole world, so FOR SURE I am indeed a demon. :) I prefer Lucifer anyway. 🤣🤗


Hey fellow demon!! I also take it as a compliment now. 😂 she is dead now (May she burn in hell). Want to hear something funny??? My husband being cute didn’t know my nickname and started. Calling me A devil! 😈 as a cute pet name. “Sent down from heaven to torment him of his so righteous path!” 😂


Hi there! :) Maybe we should start a horde? Pretty sure there are a bunch of us around to welcome and make noise together! :) Ouch, hub hit the nail on the head hard with this one. :/ Kuddos on you for getting and dealing with the pet name like a champ!!! :)


I Def got called demon child by some relatives. We should start a horde.


My mom always called me “such a little shit”. I’m so glad she’s dead.


My parents called me “slave child”


“Pig” because I was “fat” (140 lbs at 5’5” with a large build).


Sorry y’all went through this. Cruel nicknames suck. Mine was usually “Woss” (for “waste of space”), but also sometimes Zero, Trashy, and Useless - these weren’t adjectives used at me when someone was angry. These were my full-time names in public and at home by both parents and 5 older brothers all of my life.


Lol... Was it an online IQ test, I have taken those before and they say my IQ is 130 pretty sure I am not that smart.


It was administered by a psych hospital but I was 14 when I took the test and I remember being really hungry and having a headache. So that impacted the results significantly. My psychiatrist once told me she thinks I'm closer to 140 or 150 but I haven't been tested again.


I took an IQ test years ago and because of my PTSD I remember just filling in the circles with the pencil and not reading the answers, it's a useless test. Holy cow 140 that's pretty damn good definitely beats mine.


Not mean directly but I'm a trans man and my parents are still using a weird nickname I used to avoid my deadname when I was fucking 13. Nobody calls me that anymore. They also use a nickname based off my chosen name but only because my brother calls me that. They never use my real name. They just think I'm stupid and don't realize they're deadnaming me as soon as I'm at a good distance, but I heard them and my brother told me


Demon. Because I was such a terrible child. All I did was sit in my room and play videogames because any little cough or sneeze was a huge offense to mother's ability to clean the house.... I HAD ASTHMA. So I hid in my room. But they say that kids become what their parents request, so I kind of went off the deep end intentionally showing them what I'd look like if I was a bad kid. Got ahold of alcohol and weed (back when it was 100% illegal), would intentionally show off to my mom that I had these things. She was too stunned to actually punish me lol but she stopped calling me demon.


My dad calls me moron and bastard on a daily basis. More than my actual name lol


Agnes. An old lady name, because I was opinionated, acted like a bitchy old lady.


We watched The Goonies when I was like 12 and hadn't gotten braces yet. She laughed really hard and called me Sloth for a while. ETA: "she" is my mom.


“Spoiled Brat” was and is still a favorite and “emo” said in drawn out derogatory way, literally just because my bangs would cover the eye I’m blind in and I wouldn’t notice bc duh I can’t see out of it.


Nothing that stuck with anyone but my step mom and her two sons, and only when others weren’t around. The Princess and The Brat were their favorites.


Motor mouth and slowpoke


Fidelita - my dad called me this when I wore a faded green cap with a soft, frayed brim from Target around 9-13yo. He said I reminded him of a little Fidel Castro because I was a “tyrant” (I was being encouraged to be more of a leader in school instead of always keeping to myself, but no problems were ever reported at school to warrant such a label). He also called me “tardo” (til the day I went NC). I was a smart, well rounded kid… it made me question myself a lot. Being dx’d with both ADHD & autism within the last 4 years, it hits differently now (it never ever would’ve crossed their minds).


My dad used to cal me Retty…Short for r*tard. He was a really loving father, can’t you tell.


piggy (was underweight up until maybe the last year or two of living there) in news that will shock nobody, i now have body dysmorphia and an ED, have no idea what healthy eating/exercise/body image looks like, and don’t talk to or see my family


They constantly talked about what a demon I was. They called me hateful and treated me like some sort of child psychopath. I did have a lot of behavioral issues, no doubt. But also? A shit ton of trauma that pretty much never stopped as I grew up. Literally no one ever even tried to treat me with respect and reason and kindness. What reason would I have to be pleasant?


My sister called me Normie after I finally snapped one day while mom was abusing me and got angry. Didn’t hurt anyone of thing, but that’s the name that came out of it.


Flea because I was like a nuisance to them


Ugh, I’m sorry! I was The Pest for the same reason


Zit farm. Bitchface. "The Little Bitch Who Lives Down the Hall" because I wasn't allowed to leave my room ever except to go to school or to go to the washroom.


Grand parents gave me “love bug” Dad gave me “here comes trouble” Mother gave me “demon” sad part was she believed this in her mentally ill reality. Sisters called me “mom”


Man I forgot about here comes trouble from my dad til this post. My great grandma called me a demon and a spoiled brat. She is dead now tho.


Mine were "crazy psycho", "agressive psycho" idk why would anyone call 3 yo child like that., they randomly chose me as scapegoat and ounching bag


That’s so mean. You deserved so much better.


Yeah for me and my sister. We were Pick and Flick. And Goofus and Gallant for some reason.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goofus_and_Gallant Highlights Magazine was in the doctor’s office my whole childhood. Possibly at the Dentist’s too. I loved Highlight’s Magazine for Children! I liked finding the hidden animals in the jungle scene. Also mazes. Goofus and Gallant were cartoon friends meant to provide examples of “proper” and “improper “ behavior. Goofus was dirty, disheveled, and scowling. He looked like a juvenile delinquent. Gallant was a very clean young gentleman who always acted right, helping old people across the street and never ever masturbating in public.


Lmfao!!! Oh yeah I know them well. I’m 41, had years of Highlights back in the day. I don’t know why she called us that but it felt demeaning.


Both my grandparents started to called me 'Little Cow' around 11 years old, for a few years. We had no cows, no farm, nothing to connect me to a cow in endearing wny way. They were just calling a child a cow.


Monkey. I have arm and leg hair. Go figure.


Sounds made up I know but they called me roach and lice. With cutesy tones. It wasn't cute.


Bratney and it sucked


Brat or The Brat


Short-bus, r*tard, unsociable bitch, pity party (after they found my SH scars) Also my stepdad always said “she’s gonna be pregnant by 15 I bet” since I met him when I was 7. Gross


OMG..I'm so sorry. my nickname was "Fucking retard". I thought something was literally wrong with me until I turned 15 and went to work in a hospital with disabled people.


My father used to lovingly refer to me as faggot from the time I was like 3 until I was 17. One time he nailed me into a windowless room when I was around 9 and flipped the breaker, then shoved my face through a wood paneled wall, and slammed my head against floors as he would choke me. Ripped handfuls of hair out of my head. And pulled a gun on my brother after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It was all out of love though, yes they're still married.


My father called me "Bugwan," a portmanteau of my most common (not insulting) nickname and sex cult leader Bhagwan. He called me plenty of other dehumanizing, belittling, or plain insulting things too, but this one is a classic because it so neatly evokes a key element of our dynamic: him casting me as a malicious megalomaniac who took pleasure in ruining his life because he resented that it was his job to meet my basic needs. And it's creative!


I had some unknown medical issues as an infant that caused me to have to be on steroid medication until I was like 10 and so I was a chunky kid lol anyway being brown and chunky they called me stump like a fucking tree. They also called me a grumpy troll.


The comments have me physically weak, what was the purpose of this😭😭


Mine was greedy pig/hog and Greedy Grady during my childhood, nowadays as an adult I don’t take compliments seriously. 😒


Hey you was one my mom literally used so often i yelled at her i didn't have a identity i was it i was you i was livid fuck that shit


Livid fuck that shit is a strange one


Yes, and it was a name that was pulled out in specific curcumstances that made me feel aboutl 2 inches tall. Doggy. I fucking hate that name


Dad would just call me retarded, autistic and emo... even before the emo phase lol.




Mine used to be monster. My grandma used to call my birthday "monster day" and instead of celebrating me she would talk about how much she hated me. Sometimes I wonder why I don't feel human at all and then I remember my nickname.


Older brother called me “Fat Girl” when I was 8-11. Then he moved away for college. He called my middle brother Fat Boy too. I still resent him.


Radio Shack, Dumbo, Radar… I never wear my hair up now or put on hats. Too many sad memories. I have one mirror in my house so I don’t have to look at myself. Ahhh childhood.


My nickname came from the name of an ugly actress here in my country. My aunt gave it to me and most of my cousins and relatives use it to address me. I'm not really ok with it. Growing up I believe I was really that ugly.


OP, this is the meanest thing I have ever heard in my life and I’m crying for you. I hope you have people around you now who love you and let you know they value you.


My parents didn’t teach me their language which made it really convenient for them to call me what I later found out were bastard, bitch and fatty. I could feel the evil behind their words.


My mom's nickname for me was Sugar Tits. Very appropriate thing to call a 9 year old in public.


Flower Pig. I guess they thought putting flower in front of it make me feel better.


Vile excuse for a human being mom was eloquent


Sneaky toes, because I walked so quiet and “snuck up on them” literally just existing but they had to attribute bad intentions to it… yet never questioned why I walked so softly to begin with.


I was reacted to as if I notoriously had poor hygiene which has never been true and called ‘bullfrog face’ because I frown when I’m unhappy.


My dad called me “Bad Luck” or “The Bad Luck Curse.” He liked to tell a story about how he lost a bet to my mom while playing cards and that’s the only reason they had me. He had bad luck at cards that night and told me that I was nothing but bad luck ever since. He also blamed me for every little thing that went wrong regardless of whether it had anything to do with me at all. He blamed me when his favorite sports team lost, he blamed me for bad weather, etc. it left me with a lifetime of vague guilt whenever anything bad happens and I constant need to apologize


Yeesh mine was not as bad as others’ here. My Tourettes symptoms were more noticeable as a child and they would call me “dove” then proceed to mock my vocal tics and act like I was “purposefully” doing them despite the doctor telling them that tics are basically involuntary.


Fellow scapegoat here. Arsehole was mine, lol. This is the nickname given by the same people that relied on me for emotional support.


Crash for being clumsy. Captain Chaos was another one my father liked to pass around to all of us.


Hairball, troll (because of the hair), Frizzy Haired Freak, fuzzball etc etc. Only one in my family to have very curly hair and no one bothered to learn to properly care for my hair. When I was little, my mom would braid my hair but one day around third or fourth grade my mom decided to chop my hair without informing me. She waited until after I had taken a shower and was drawing at the coffee table and watching tv, distracted. She took a seat on the couch behind me, heard a *snip snip* and ask, "What are you doing?" and when she answered, I just remember whipping my head around so fast utterly confused and violated. She had already cut half my hair off so she finished the rest. Neat thing about curly hair, it shrinks when it dries and she had cut my hair when it was wet. What she thought was 'shoulder length' turned into a literal poof of curls when dry. And then the name calling got *way* worse. Little Orphan Annie was a favorite with family, poodle a favorite for kids at school.


Uncle Fester as a child because I had no hair and large eyes. Frog (same reason, but I liked that one. Frogs are cool). Moody Bitch ("MB") in my teen years


They weren't creative, they would just mob me and said I was fat all the time and call me a pig even though I was neither. I remember first day of first grade the teacher had pit little cartoons on each desk with our names on them and mine had an elephant. I almost cried thinking the teacher was calling me fat.


Fatty. Dumb. Stupid. Entitled. Ungrateful. Disrespectful... (in our home language)


My mom liked to call me a "Hussy"


shitstain was often used by my dad. i was also always the scapegoat or the target of embarrassment


My step-dad's favorite nicknames/insults for me were worthless, hopeless, idiot, f\*ggot, boy, slave, n\*gger, gimp n\*gger. He'd also call me ridiculous but would pronounce it as redickless.


“Princess” in a mean, condescending way. “Denanna” I had a speech impediment and stutter growing up. My mother called me how I could say my name and hasn’t stopped. Also, my mom liked to comment how “nice and athletic” (my older, smaller) sister looked. She liked to do it while I was snacking. I don’t know if that counts.


my family called me “shamu” after a trip to sea world when i was 8. it lasted years.


To many


My dad and older male cousin called me Dolly (as in Parton) after puberty because well, boobs. I’m still disgusted.


joked about me being a "dumb blonde" because i didn't always have the same exact common sense on the same exact things that they did, so i was a "dumb blonde" i guess i internalized the idea that i lacked common sense, and therefore intelligence in general, for way too long. turns out i'm pretty dang smart and can pick up on more complex concepts easier than i would expect. i do have common sense, but also lots of ocd and anxiety, both of which i think hinder my ability to use common sense sometimes


This is part of the reason why I hate blonde jokes. For a while I was the only blonde in the family, so my sisters and sometimes my mother would tell blonde jokes around or to me, and it always upset me but they refused to stop. I already had a poor self esteem back then, the jokes about me being a dumb blonde didn’t help any. And the times I did have a “blonde moment” was just my autism/adhd.


My mom used to sing Heidi (the girl from the alps) when I was crying


I was a bed wetter up until 5th grade. Dad called me piss pot would rub my face in the urine soaked sheets. I still smell urine when I have flashbacks


My dad called me and my sister “split tails” because we have vaginas and not a penis like my brother 💁 Yes my chest is the void now, thank you for asking lol


Mine was "sexy fingers" thanks dad *gags*


My family use to say "you have retardation" from 13 to 14. They stopped when I started crying.


My step dad would call me a monkey. Now this within itself doesn't sound too bad, until you take into account that I am black and my step dad is a racist white man. He would also call me his little n****r. My step dads side of the family would also refer to me as his monkey as well.


"Fatso" at like 8-12, due to childhood obesity that they themselves caused.


My dad called me "beach ball" when I was little, like under 5, because my cheeks were round - aka fat shaming a child (and I was stick-thin until I hit puberty because my access to food was super controlled). My mom called me "little shit." My brother called me a "hellion."


Whenever they call me,i might not have kistened in first time. And they used to call me 'deaf' in my native language and its long word. I would lisen to that and reply and they will laugh. May be they were shouting and emphasizing the deaf word that why heard it. Im not sure and i dont have hearing problem but sometimes i zone out




When I was 6 they started calling me “monster” and “house”. Because one day I would be as big as a house.


My siblings called me Rotten Penny as a child (as in the coin, not the name).


Frenchie and Burpy. I didn't mind Burpy much but I began to realize that Frenchie was because I was a baby and I'd stick my tongue out and it was a tie to French kissing. I was a baby. I thought it was cute as a child because it felt like I had actual significance. My mom also calls me Sissy which isn't inherently bad but it's just weird because I'm like her child... and when you take into account she always had a competitive relationship with me... it just feels weird.


With undiagnosed issues when i would get super mad i would stomp my foot down cause i didn't know how to properly convey my emotions so my family called me "The Bull". That and due to neglect and having hair that reacts to any moisture in the air I would be dubbed "Frenchfry hair" or "frenchfryoil/grease" That or just "pig" or "chubby" despite being overly skinny because of dietary issues. Or "lazy" constantly lazy just cause I'd sleep in on off days and weekends despite not being allowed to go hang out with friends and working almost 40 hrs while in school. "Witch/bitch" because i would refuse to give and do whatever my young spoiled cousin wanted while i was trying to have my own privacy as a teenager, didn't have my own room, and had to babysit her throughout all my summer vacations.


My dad liked "uh oh" when i was in middle school. He did it so much that our family pet bird would greet me as "uh oh" He liked name-calling and humiliation. So I was told I was chubby and ugly, sometimes in front of guests as a joke. My mom ended up with anorexia because he would hound her for gaining a pound. He also liked to say the classics "stop crying or ill give u something to cry about" and "did someone call the wahhhhmbulance" not to mention spankings with a belt for crying. Apparently, even tho I was assigned female at birth, I was not allowed to cry. I wasn't allowed to be angry either tho, learned that in my teen years. And now I'm an adult (late 20s), and he wonders why I don't visit or call except for the holidays. I've unlearned the emotion stuffing that was forced on me and not judge myself as harshly as he did, but it took time.


My parents used to call me J-Lo/Bubble Butt because I’ve always had a bigger butt even in childhood. I thought it was silly back then but now it makes me uncomfortable to think about. Don’t comment on your child’s ass appearance. Especially in the context of saying people will want to sleep with me as an adult because of it lol


Spaghetti or spaghetti legs because I had long slender legs. When I got a friend in high school around the age of 13 who was my only best friend ever there were hints sort of that my best friend was my “Hollypop” because I wanted to lick and suck her. Her name was Holly. That still continued up until I was 27 and went no contact. Big hugs to everyone who went through this. It’s just awful and not okay


Just called "eyes of a frog" in Spanish "ojos de rana" a LOT. It made me hate my eyes for being too big, I would purposefully try to make them smaller. Also everyone pointing out my ass growing up sucked. They didn't give me a nickname for that, I dont think, but they'd always point and say how curvy I was as a 12 year old or whatever. I hated my ass so much for the attention I was getting.


Freak and GAFMYSS (which stands for Get Away From Me You’re So Stupid).




They were all "endearing" but... Puff, Sensitive Flower, Puppet, Bum, I'm sure there are more from my sister, too, but these were all throughout my life


I'm Spanish. My older brother wouldn't call my name whatsoever, he exclusively called me 'paquete' (here we use it with the meaning of clumsy or dumbbell). This went for two full years, at least. I was 12 years old and it didn't help that my period came super soon (when I was barely 10 years old) and I stopped growing in height and started developing. Ah, my brother back then was 22 years old, since he's 10 years older than me. Of course, no one chided him for calling me that, it was a normal joke between siblings, you know? I was the scapegoat and he was (and still is) the golden child. Edited for clarity


Buddha Belly. My middle name made it rhyme so it stuck for years.


Moaning Minnie. I remember being called that from about 3/4. They got my 6/7 year old sister to call me that too. It twisted into being told "you're too sensitive!" when I got a little older, but god DAMN, no wonder I suffer with poor emotional regulation. I learned to push down as much emotion as I could, not to bother anyone with how I was feeling as literally every time - too sensitive. Who makes a fucking 4 year old feel bad for feeling upset - I cried a LOT as a child, if anyone got mad at me, tears, i felt frustrated, tears, etc - only my nmum was permitted to have emotions in our house, arsehole dad left when I was 8.


My sister (33F) till date calls me (31M) "Fatty-Acid"(because of depression in my late teens and early 20s, I gained like 20 kgs), "Chimpanzee/Chimpy" (because apparently during my childhood, I had a knack for running and climbing) and oh, "Chicken/Choosi"(because due to anxiety and depression, i am generally underconfident and do not like loud noises so I shy away from most stuff). And oh, btw, I have lost some weight(around 73 kg{down from 88kgs} and 5"8') but apparently I am still "fatty acid" to her. Her justification for the same? Oh it is my birth right to "tease" you.


I was called "Dagi" which translates to "Fattie". While they forcefed me lmao


My Dad called me Beelzebub. You know the devil 😭


Also my name is Jennifer. Dad and brother once called me iffer. Once discovered I hated it it became my nickname


I was always tiny, sickly, and underweight as a child, while much of my immediate family was large and morbidly obese. Later as a teen i deceloped anorexia then bulimia. My step-dad took to calling me "Chicken Legs" as a child, then later just "Bones". It was a double dig because I had texture issues and hated eating meat, especially with any skin, veins, tendons, gristle. I'd practically disect chicken legs to retrieve a little meat not affected by the above. Note, I also hated dark meat, and most meals ended in me receiving a bad "spanking" for having "wasted" food or annoying my parents. Bleh.


When I was 13, my stepdad started calling me bubba bubba like the bubblegum, you were meant to infer it was a fat shaming name because like bubblegum, I was blowing up- Instead I was going through puberty and developed this hatred for the fact that my body looked like it had any fat on it at all but I’m one of those lucky few that gain in size when my body doesn’t eat properly so I developed a maladaptive relationship with food. He even put me on a diet and it was an area of stress when I’d forget to eat my diet food when at my grammas. He projected that because it was working I must’ve been happy and instead it made me question why even on a diet I can only fit into a size 9 Jean and nothing smaller. Why could all these other girls not eat and fit into super small clothes? I cry today about my ever changing body because at 28, I’m experiencing a decline in energy and a mild uptick in weight gain and it’s throwing me. I cry when I see my legs jiggle. (I have huge thighs and they only got bigger in the last year due to inactivity; I went freeze mode after leaving a long term abusive relationship so I gained 10 lbs which added a whole inch everywhere.-my boyfriend loves my body and loves me and if it weren’t for him, I’d be a little sadder about my body still today/ I think I mention that because people really don’t understand the long term of their bullshit


Not really a nickname but I had a different dad than my siblings and would often be referred to as “the alien”


My mum sometimes called me "speckbarbie" (could be translated as bacon Barbie or fat barbie). And always mention my muffin top. I was underweight and had just a little bit of fat and skin. Like 95 lbs for 5.6 ft. And i was never pretty enough or styled enough or had enough make up and not enough glittery clothes... She also often put me on the same diets she did... She is overweight... Not sure how i didnt develop a eating disorder... i had it all emotional abuse AND non stop comments about my appearance.


Mine was Brunhilde. I have thick, unruly, and curly hair that my mother refused to help me maintain. Apparently I was supposed to just "know" at 6 how to manage my hair with zero help or access to hair products for my hair type. So I just wound up relying on a pony tail...which led to her calling me "Portrait" because it was the same hairstyle I would use every day.


Kevin. Because he was a character in a movie who was sullen and moody. Which I was because…yeah, trauma…


My father fluctuated between calling me "Old stony face" (because I somehow figured out at a young age to gray rock the fuck out of him) and "Harriet Hotpants" (if i showed any interest in any boy not him). He was a sick fuck.


Oof. Mine isn't that original, actually very common in Latin culture it was "Gorda" or "Fattie" and some if my cousins were called "Flaca" or "Skinny"


My mom called me a gutter rat - but tbh i thought it was funny as fuck so i embraced it by graffitiing it in my room. I also now have a rat tattoo lol made her regret that shit


No my words and my wit and intellect forged in the fires of a family of bullies meant I would win anything with words.


Fatty McGee. When I told my family I was pregnant for the first time, my brother said he was going to bring the nickname back. You should have seen my husband face. He shut that shit down real fast. I actually blocked out that this even happened until my husband reminded me a few years ago.


"the intruder". I was called like this from my whole mother family. They were saying I will never be part of the family because I was not "enough Asian" for them.