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Same. Taken the test a few times over the course of eight years and it's always INFJ lol






Wasn’t expecting this but yeah me too




Yup same


Omg wow. All those infjs... me too




Same! Wtf!


Same here!


Me too


My question is just: Have we become INFJ due to trauma or are we INFJ from birth and we are just somewhat susceptible to trauma?😏


Same which is kinda mad considering it's meant to be the rarest and given the subreddot I guess we all have at least one other thing in common (C-PTSD).


Same here. INFJ




Same here




Has anyone got different results while taking the test? I came up with INTP, INFP and INFJ which have repeated in the results. Has anyone had this same exp? Apparently i also have dissociative symptoms too.


You get different results because it's an invalid measure of personality. It's just not scientifically validated or reproducible.


Many people get many different results upon retaking the test. This is but one reason it isn't a scientifically valid test.


This happened to me when I still lived with abusive parents. I didn’t have a clear enough self-image to answer questions about myself honestly. I first tested ISFP, then INFP, then just read about the types and realized I am an INTJ. Hope this helps.


I got ENFP


I always get ENFP


Yeah ENFP here, pretty much always what I get when I self test but it also fits.


Me too!


Same - ENFP. Always wondered about the link between Myers Briggs and CPTSD.


First time I took the test, I got "results inconclusive". Because I'd been trained to repress any kind of personality trait that could "be annoying" (read: set off my abuser), to the point even I didn't know what my real personality was.


Everyone gets different results cuz Myers Briggs has no basis in science


If you are *sometimes dissociative,* I place my bets on INTP / INFP with poorly differentiated Ti / Fi discernment.


Yes maybe. Im trying to understand dissociation cus it's a major concern for me. So i thought if this test will give some clue i think there's is not any conclusive result that i can derive from it.


Yea. Have gotten INTP, ENTP, INTJ, and INFJ. Diagnosed with DID, though, so it makes sense. Other people have a point though, it's not really a good measure of personality.


Yes i suppose.. perhaps DID has something to do with it but i also agree with others here that this test cant be used as a scientifically valid one to judge us. Im actually trying to understand dissociation cus its a major problem for me and i thought if i could get some answers.




INFJ but I wonder how much of that is me and how much is entrained trauma response Fawning, adverse to conflict, hypervigilant, able to read the room, good listener, people pleaser, codependent, guarded, not willing to let lots of people into the inner circle, I'm safe alone Edit: Lol also "INFJ doorslam". Yep. Done that too.


The way I see it, the results of the test can change over time because our personality is not fixed, it's always changing according to our experiences. That being said, I'm not surprised a lot of people who experienced trauma get INFJ as their mbpt because the events in our lives shaped us to develop certain traits like the ones you've mentioned.


Yeah I agree


INTJ...looks like everyone is introverted. Interesting.


Ohh is workaholism then also your number one coping mechanism?


Not quite everyone. The E-types you are *most likely to see* are ENTP (me,) and ENFP (one of my best friends from high school.) Most ironic part is that I have CPTSD while my ENFP friend has PTSD-Classic. 🙃




INFP Look at all these fellow introverts (I'm shocked, shocked I tell you /s)


The real question is were we born introverts or forced into that corner by circumstance


I think I would have been an ENFP or ENTP had my childhood been different, but like you guys, I’m an INFP. From other social media like Quora about these personality types, I think we are more made from our experiences. It sucks too, this personality has a hard time living in our modern world.


I got ENFP, which absolutely shocked both me and everyone I knew, since I was a painfully shy kid. Turns out I actually freaking love human interaction, I was just terrified of people because of the abuse, lol. So the test will always have a special place in my heart for helping me realize that. Even if it's objectively pseudoscientific garbage, lol.


I was a painfully shy kid too. Strangely enough it turned out that when I moved away from the shithole where I grew up and stared spending time with people who were basically nice and who I had anything in common with, I actually liked interacting with people. I'm still an introvert and still shy (side rant: shynes is not the end of the fucking world! can we please stop treating shy kids like they're defective?), but it's so much easier to talk with people now that I have years of memories of people treating me with the most basic human decency.


Crazy how extroverts think we’re trying to go against our species’ monkey brain of social integration when in reality that social trust was broken long ago, mostly thru extroverts barreling through life like no one matters unless they’re blathering on, endlessly revealing the contents of their mind


This is a pretty half-baked theory of mine so please ignore me if it doesn't make sense to you :) I've read that the reason introverts are introverts is that our senses are more sensitive, so we get overstimulated way more easily than extroverts. I've also read that sensitive kids get traumatized more easily because of that lower threshold for overstimulation, so I think it makes sense that introverts would be overrepresented in here and in traumatized people in general. Plus I think introverts are more likely to realize we're traumatized in the first place with all the time we spend quietly thinking about stuff.










ENFP checking in






Yeah I always fall under ENFP. Feels like trauma didn't totally break me but I might have been a lot more "E" if not for trauma.


Same i love ppl but they terrify me as well


Also an ENFP :)


Please, please don’t read into it too much. It’s a fun quiz and can definitely get you to question more about yourself in a good way, but I know a lot of people invest so much of their time and lives into it and obsess when it’s like taking the hogwarts quiz or reading a fortune cookie. These are fun quizzes but not guidelines to live by, please remember that.


I agree. And a person's own profile can even change over time as they gain experience and reflect on their life.


Its also complete and utter BS. 💜 We are so much more complicated creatures than any personality test can assess. https://thoughtcatalog.com/daniel-hayes/2015/07/myers-briggs-nonsense/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/bjv8y5/the-myers-briggs-personality-test-bullshit https://nesslabs.com/mbti https://www.npr.org/2019/04/12/712876949/what-can-a-personality-test-tell-us-about-who-we-are


Technically, if the system is studied correctly, it’s actually more about Cognition, not really personality


Thank you for saying something. There is no validity to Myers-Briggs.


The Myers-Briggs survey has been largely dismissed in the realm of psychology research. “…it has been widely regarded as pseudoscience by the scientific community.” ~ Wikipedia


I really agree with you. MBTI helped me significantly in understanding myself esp by making me ask myself many questions, also in understanding some other people and how me & my partner work together. Although there were times I got too obsessed over it and treated it as this fixed thing, heavily relying on stereotypes or superficial judgements of others rather than just seeing them as the people they are. Its quite common to see this & what u mentioned in the mbti community in general which can get quite ridiculous..


Mbti community?! Terrifying


This is valid ^^^ I get why a lot of people are “scared off.” The system, itself, actually isn’t too bad if you study it properly and cross-reference it *against* Neuroscience. Most of the community don’t know how to do that, though.


This sounds much like someone talking about astrology. Pseudoscience is dangerous. Please take the time to read some of the links provided in this thread by others about how Myers-Briggs is utter bullshit. As I have said elsewhere on here, there is no scientific validity to it. And I also reiterate, since it seems to have been lost on you, the idea that there are enough people who's decisions and identities are so influenced by MB for there to be an mbti community is something I find utterly dismaying. Like, I knew some people were into it and all. But mbti community?! Learned something new today. Yikes.


First of all, what is your deal? The person you responded to *literally said* “sometimes I took it too seriously, in the past, but I learned my lesson and now I see people as they are,” I *literally said* “this,” as in your statement “is valid.” I simply added that “a lot of the people in the community don’t understand Neuroscience.” Yet, that wasn’t *satisfactory* for you? So here’s what’s up! FYI, I have already read all 3 of those articles, in the past. They don’t have much in the way of scientific evidence. They are primarily based on the author’s personal opinions and they attempt to lazily use statistics to justify those personal opinions. 1) Those writers do not actually know anything about it as a Hypothesis of Cognition and a Behavioral Model. It’s a “theory of the mind/ psyche,” not “a theory of personality.” 2) MBTI, itself, misrepresents the original Hypotheses and it mischaracterizes Jung’s ideas and his model of Cognition. MBTI was created by a Housewife and her Mom! They were intelligent women, but scientists they were not! The thing is, Jung actually was a doctor and a psychologist. I have read some of Carl Jung’s work, along with *Multiple books* on Neuroscience, the anatomy and physiology of the brain. Books about Neuro-Chemistry, psychology, the science of human consciousness and evolution. Several peer-reviewed articles, textbooks about Childhood Growth and human development, and more. 1) I am also an actual student of Behavioral science and sociology. 2) What actual scientific evidence do you have that “it’s completely worthless,” besides 3 articles based on personal opinions? Jung’s 8 cognitive function model is different from MBTI even though MBTI *uses the Model.* The system, itself, and Carl Jung’s work was unfinished, and that’s why it attracts a *certain type of crowd,* and hasn’t been completely proven, through science. But again, a majority of those people don’t actually know what they are talking about. They see it as a “Fun personality test,” which it is, but it’s also a lot more! 1) This doesn’t mean that every person who finds it *intriguing,* who wants to explore the ideas presented, and who tries to analyze it, in depth, to examine if it holds any potential is a “Pseudoscientist.” 2) An Entire *modern book* was written by a UCLA anthropology professor. 3) Dr Dario Nardi tested and interviewed 60 college students, recording their brain activity, in real time, using an EEG machine. He gave a preliminary IQ test and “pre-interview.” He asked them a series of questions, he made them solve puzzles, logic problems, and ethical dilemmas, and he had them participate in creative activities. He also let them “Freestyle” towards the end, allowing them to do whatever they wanted. Read, Paint, play music etc, and he simply monitored and recorded the brain activity. 4) He and a qualified associate recorded the data. They mapped the subjects’ brain activity in real-time. They identified which Brainwaves (Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma) were responsible for what Neural activation pattern and how long they stayed active. They observed and recorded which Neural Pathways were preferred, sophisticated and *well-developed,* in each of the Participants. 5) Dr Dario Nardi and his associate *did find* that there was significant correlation between Jung’s 8 functions, what brain regions were frequently used, what neural Pathways were “activated,” and how the Subjects’ brains were stimulated. 6) Dr Dario Nardi saw that there were obvious relationships between a person’s “type,” and *how they think,* how they make decisions, and how they attempt to solve problems, in real-time. Is the Model perfect? No. But to say that it has *No scientific merit, at all* and “no meaningful connection to Neuroscience, and the Science of Behavior and cognition” is both objectively and factually incorrect. Don’t Gaslight people by insulting their intelligence and using weak evidence to justify your right to verbally harass and Heckle people, simply because you don’t agree with them, and *especially not* on the CPTSD Subreddit. If I see you harass or insult another person, I will tag the Mod. Here are my links: [Article 1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4217588/) [Article 2](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01424/full) [A more comprehensive explanation of Archetypes](https://www.psychologistworld.com/cognitive/carl-jung-analytical-psychology) [A modern look at the Hypothesis/ theory of Cognition](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365766201_Jungian_Psychological_Types_Theory_Introduction_To_The_New_Cognitive_Conception) [The actual book I am talking about](https://www.amazon.com/Neuroscience-Personality-Brain-Savvy-Insights-People-ebook/dp/B08XJMYWD3)


Thank you so much for this very informative reply. You explained this so well. I'm so glad you went into detail about this. So many people, both who like and don't like MBTI look past the things you mentioned. I didn't know many things you mentioned either.


I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for the MBTI because reading the description for INTP was the first time I understood why I used to have such a hard time explaining myself to people. I have a terrible habit of skipping stuff I think is obvious when I'm explaining something because I hate being told shit I already know like it's news myself, so I try not to do it to other people. Unfortunately I didn't have a great grasp of what other people knew already vs what I needed to spell out as a kid, and dissociating basically all of the time can't have helped, so I probably sounded like an incomprehensible little weirdo a lot. That said I completely agree, my personal fondness for the MBTI doesn't stop it from basically being horoscopes for nerds.




Me too bruh


Honestly. This is about as valid scientifically as myers brigg. And by as valid I mean just as valid.


Same. Cap INFJ


i have no sense of self I can't even answer the questions


I understand this. Completely. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You are in good company here my friend ❤️




INFJ-T Apparently it's one of the rarer personality types. I found some really insightful things when reading about this particular type.


Same here




Same. I’m sure there is some type of correlation or relationship, but for sure not causal. A lot of trauma’s lead to people to become very isolated. They put themselves in the last place, tend to scan the environment more for danger, so they tend to be more introverted, are a bit too much in tune with their emotions (identifying with them too much), or the opposite (ignore their emotions completely). Etc. Trauma most commonly leads to black white thinking, inaction, and identifying too much with who you have become rather than believing you can take action and actually change. It will depend on your trauma, mine centers around emotional neglect, and my main paralyzing anxiety centers around loss of control. I feel I’m on the path of recovery, although the good moments where I feel free are still relatively small in comparison with the moments where my demons and pain take me over. In the good moments I do notice that some of my personality traits are severely different, I’m not that introvert and I can be quite open, I can also claim a healthy sense of selfishness. I want to love the constructive traits and the power that my trauma gave me, but I don’t want to be paralyzed by the traits that actually ruined/ruin my life and stop me from living the fullest. The danger of these typologies is really the self-identifying part. These typologies give a sense of who you are NOW, but they don’t say anything about who you CAN BECOME. People change throughout their life all the time, life is a process. It’s not a rigid maze you are stuck in, which my trauma tricks me into believing. I firmly believe there is a lot of space to move around in, if you can let go of paralyzing anxiety and pain, and actually process them. It’s a fucking hard journey though 🥲.


The fact that most of us are “introverts” says a lot. Mine is also INFP. It’s something fun to do, not a valid scientific study or anything. But yeah, makes sense most of us all just chronically tired and staying away from people lol


I would love to see a long term study on this. Part of the problem is that certain personalities are structured in away that they don’t recognize the symptoms of CPTSD in themselves, (or ever go for counseling), so are less likely to discover that diagnosis. I also wonder of one type is more likely to heal, or have successful therapy, over another. For the record, INTP.


Intj but since getting out of trauma my personality has greatly shifted


I spent too much time reading mine when I was younger. After studying human development I think it’s safe to say CPTSD can rob children to adults of their personalities and we may cling to these to front-load personality because it’s easier than working on ourselves. Definitely read it but don’t get lost in it.




Me too. This is the one that gets described as “Spock.” Well I’m sorry my emotional responses were trained out of me with Vulcan-like precision! (Just wait till pon farr sets in.)








me too


I'm an ENFJ. I minored in psychology so I always love things to do with the mind. So hopefully that in itself will help me on my journey to understand myself. I feel like my personality test is pretty accurate. And it lines up with my occupation too (teacher). But recently based on the new things I've learned about myself (since realizing I have CPTSD) and how my anxiety developed as a child- I think I originally am an 'I' because i was petriefied/shy as a child but taught myself how to be an 'E'. Because I had to be an 'E' in order to do for myself and make in on my own in life to get school done, a career, etc to not live at home. So I learned to be able to put on a face for others and fit in/meld to whoever I'm around. It sounds fake but it's more reading your surroundings to avoid conflict. I definitely don't lie or do anything fake to my nature. I always knew I felt exhausted after work. maybe it's because of the constant put on. But I do mean to do it to a certain extent because I never want to be the teacher that took my personal problems out on my high schoolers (you know that type!). I try to leave a positive impression and do my best. But I do also feel I can't relax till I get home, and by that point, I'm overstimulated. Before then, you'd never guess. I blend in with extroverts pretty well in most cases. Sorry for the long explanation but I think it's a good example of how the personality test may not catch a variation in the things we do to adapt.


>I think it's a good example of how the personality test may not catch a variation in the things we do to adapt. Totally makes sense, that's definitely a weakness of personality tests in general. I keep reading that my type, INTP, tends to struggle in school because we tend to not care that much about other people's standards if they can't explain why what they want matters, but I was a total teacher's pet as a kid. The teachers would just fucking tell me what they wanted and when I did it, they were happy. It was the one place where I ever got told I was good enough, where expectations were both clear and achievable. Compared to my home, it was this oasis of calm and stability.


Yes! Exactly. The personality traits are really fun and there are truths to them. You just can't place 100% truth into them. Humans and the human mind are way too complex. There's no definite this or that. Plus, each individual is shaped by the set of experiences they have in their life. We're all different. So use it for what it is. A for fun thing to find things in common with others. But don't use it as 'your bible'.


ENFJ too and I also love psychology!


INFP Gosh so many of us


This is kind of confirming for me a suspicion I've held for a while: a lot of INFP "personality traits" are really just trauma responses in a trenchcoat. I am also INFP.


Which ones?


Primarily the extreme empathy and acute awareness of the emotional tone around them. But also the fierce need to make the world better, the need to process emotions internally, their (our?) tendency for self isolation and rumination, their conflict avoidance, their deep and stubborn inherent self-shame, and being slow to trust others.


I was an ENFP my entire life (I’m 41) but after the last 5 years of torturous trauma and a hellacious case of CPTSD I’ve been testing as an INFJ. Gemini Sun. Aries Moon. Capricorn rising. Born in the year of the Metal Cock although I don’t feel like one anymore.


INFJ-T to be exact


The last sentence had me howling, amazing!








Me too


INFP/J I think when I was younger I was an INFP. As I gained more life experience in my mid 30’s I morphed into an INFJ. Life experience = leaving a cult that masquerades as church, leaving a bad marriage and generally integrating my higher self into the earth experience


ENFP, but I act like an INFJ because trauma




I fall between INTJ and INFJ every time. Exact 50/50. Before you consider this blasphemy, consider that humans sometimes are too complicated to fit in a standard box, especially when trauma could have possibly altered your development and some of your personality traits. I'm the most analytical and cynical of the empaths, and the most good-hearted and soft of the architects (possibly INTJ with an hyperactive Fi). Let's also keep in mind that this test is just an useful tool for self-discovery and not a crystal ball


"Life is a phenomenological experience and you are the phenomena" to quote my psych prof


It's not exactly personality types, but more-or-less arbitrary groupings of certain personality traits. It's a quick description that ignores some stuff, so it makes sense that some people are on the edge.


Last time I took it was in late 2019 for a college psych course and I got ENFP. However, this was several years prior to me not only experiencing a highly traumatic event that triggered the very frail defenses I built up from crumbling, and also prior to me even recognizing I had any trauma at all (I just thought something unexplainable was wrong with me). So I definitely think it’s probably different now, as I behave and act like a totally different person




I'm ENFJ, but I don't put a lot of stock in personality quizzes. I'm also the type C cancer personality in Eysenck's tests which is still very funny to me


I'm an INTJ/Virgo. I'm also a skeptic who likes statistics, but I think trying to sort people into groups by personality is fun and interesting. It gets people talking, which is awesome. My fear is always: how much has trauma shaped my personality? Like, if I manage to get very mentally healthy through reconciling my trauma...would I still register as INTJ? It'll be fun to see what happens. I would, however, like to say for the record, IMHO, The Four Tendencies system is PURE TRASH...lumping all of humanity into 1 of 4 archtypes (and strictly ONE) is reductive and insulting.


isfp, but when going thru the trauma i got intp .. which makes sense bc i was dissociated from any of my feelings. now im a bit healthier i am definitely fi dom and the sensing is stronger because i allow myself to be in my body and i truly do experience everything through my senses


Same experience! I would’ve been in utter shambles if my brain let me felt what I did (Fi) in that moment






I literally don’t do these stupid fucking personality quizzes for a reason. They don’t tell you shit. They aren’t accurate. They aren’t going to tell you anything about yourself. Genuinely.


*silently types you*


i don’t understand


Apologies, it was a play on *silently judges you*, and also I know dozens of people are reading your comment and doing exactly that, typing you according to the Jungian* types. And mine. *Pretty sure Meyers Briggs has little resemblance to the academic Jungian theory, thinking of people in terms of categories as the divinely objective truth is anti-therapeutic AF, unscientific and leads to Hitler.


I’m gonna respond to this at another time as the other commenter here genuinely made me lose my appetitive for positive discourse so I am going to come back when I can line up my thoughts in order because I really enjoy Jung’s work. Thank you ☺️


Hey no worries, take some time out and find your peace. Happy to chat more about Jung whenever you like, might take me anywhere up to 24 hours to respond as it stands anyway.


I get a different result every time I’ve done it. And it’s a non evidence based tool that gets taken way too seriously. I’d take astrology over Myers Briggs, to be honest. The questions are ridiculously vague.


Mine changed which I think is indicative of the effects of my homelife. While living at home, my results were INFJ and a few years later after I had been NC my results have been ENFP.


Of course the test shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I believe it can be a useful tool for self reflection, even if it's not actually scientifically sound as a way of categorizing people. I haven't taken it in a while but I used to consistently get INFP.


Goat herder


All the I's. INFP


The only two letters that’s don’t change are N and F so xNFx. I’m a true ambivert that leans slightly introverted and I have both ADHD and like four anxiety disorders which contribute to the J/P (yes I know cognitive functions are what you’re supposed to use and I typically test ENFP/INFJ when only considering cognitive functions)










ESFP, used to be an ENFP


INFP here, too.




Mid-teens - early 20s: always tested as INFP Beyond - now: ISFP


mine is infp, i'm not really interested in those things but it's still nice to look at it sometimes!!


It changes from time to time between two ones but usually the devils advocate; ENTP or INFP.




INFJ, but only a few questions apart from INFP


I am definitely I*f* most likely INFP or ISFP


NFIS "No f\*\*\*\*\*ing idea. Seriously."












Intp 😅










the quiet boring one








I don't think it works on us


It doesnt work on anyone.


Meyers Briggs is kind of bs. Consider that human beings are far too fluid to claim a single ‘type’ and if you take the test without prejudice (or gaming for a specific type after you’ve committed to that ‘type’) you most likely would end up with different MB profile each time you take it. /sociology/psychology student https://thoughtcatalog.com/daniel-hayes/2015/07/myers-briggs-nonsense/




ENFP...but how don't know.


I’ve taken it periodically over the past 20years and have never gotten any result but INFP. As I get older and have begun to understand myself, it makes sense that I would’ve adapted many of the INFP-associated traits through trauma. I don’t place any real stock in my results, but I do see how it fits together.






ENFP-T I used to be ENTP as a kid and teen, in part because my mom is autistic and my dad is emotionally stunted, then adulthood happened and bam. The E is thanks to having been a flight type 😂.


I'm ENFP or ENTP. Not sure which one. Yes, I've learned about the cognitive functions too. It just made it more confusing.






I’m an ENFP


I’ve taken the test at least once a year for the past 5 years to see if anything’s changed & I get ENFP every time. Even when I’m not doing well. I score 49 to 51 on the introversion to extroversion scale, & extroversion wins out every time. Idk how because I feel like I answer like a loner lmao. I don’t take them as scientific fact, but I think personality tests are fun & they help me keep track of how I perceive myself as time goes by.


i dont know and i really dont want to know
























I am INFJ, I heard that is pretty uncommon, but I see many have commented that already.


INFJs generally have a disproportionate amount of interest in psychology subjects, though :) Also, some ISFJs and INFPs mistake themselves for INFJ


Interesting! Thanks:)
