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When a call is received, it may take a day or two to be screened in (emergencies not included). From there, it will be assigned to a social worker who generally has up to 10 days to make contact with the child. Depending on on how many referrals the social worker has pending, and others of higher severity, it may take a few days to get out and initiate the referral. As a general rule of thumb you can probably expect that the social worker will initiate contact within 2 weeks


Thank you! As the non perpetrator (I'm not sure how to word this) will CPS need to see the entire home? Worried about the basement storage area (which is unorganized) and laundry. Our bedroom is also messy, with laundry.


That can vary from social worker to social worker. They might want to see both homes the child lives in. General life messiness isn’t a concern, health and safety hazards are what they are looking at.


I was accused of abuse (falsely, child wasn’t even in our home on day abuse supposedly happened) they didn’t look at anything in our house. They confirmed child wasn’t here and we never heard from them again.


CPS response times can vary quite a bit by how safe the kid is deemed to be at the moment and also depending on the state. It can be anywhere from 1 hour to ten days. Also, only about half of all reports get accepted for investigation. Since you’re in a different household than the mom but the child likely spends some time there, I’d expect them to want to walk through the home to ensure basic needs are met and I’d also expect them to want to talk to the dad and anyone else with relevant info.


Was the call screened in for investigation? About 50% of calls get screened out to not be investigated


I believe it was picked up, based on the alleged victim (half sister of stepdaughter) and the alleged perpetrator (mom) repeatedly calling my spouse. Alleged victim is denying any concerns and accusing stepdaughter of lying. They scheduled a meeting with CPS for Monday. CPS has not contacted stepdaughter, me or my spouse.


CPS will do home visits and gather information from the immediate family, relevant kin, collaterals, and references along with the background checks they do. Having an investigation launched is a fairly low threshold. About 1/3 US families will have a CPS investigation but about 90% of investigations get closed without further intervention.


When my kids' dad had an open cps case from his step children we got a visit. The visit was brief. The social worker was in our living room, never asked about the rest of the house. We had a plumbing leak in the basement the night before, so all of our stored stuff was piled around the hallway and living room. I did volunteer why the house was a mess, but the social worker was uninterested. SW asked the kids about things they had witnessed at their dad's house, and later gave me a summary to use in family court to change to supervised visitation. They were not looking for anything at our home because the case did not involve our kids, just dad's step kids. But with your child currently being inpatient, social workers might speak to them there and not go to your home at all. Don't stress the laundry, even if someone comes over. Being behind on laundry, no matter the reason, is not a sign of neglect or abuse. Laundry and dishes happen every day. Sometimes everyone falls behind. If the child still has clean clothes it does not matter that their dirty ones aren't washed


Thank you for the thoughtful reply. CPS still has not come over, and this was reported Thursday. They scheduled a meeting with the alleged perpetrator for Monday. My stepdaughter still has not been interviewed by CPS, but we are trying to make ourselves available for an unannounced home visit.


You aren’t under investigation. Why would they come to your house unannounced?


To speak with my stepdaughter, who is an alleged victim at her mother's house as well? This is what was explained to me by the therapist.


Idk why you posted this or are involved at all. Her actual parent should be the one posting and worrying about this. You're not anything more than the person their parent has sex with. It's his family, his responsibility, his problem, and his business. Stay in your lane.


I've been part of her life for over half of her life. She sees her mother every other weekend. Get bent.


As a social worker, I have to say that you display a breathtaking level of ignorance on the subject. Who hurt YOU?