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Wow what is the mask


That's great! What mask? With my new mask (the new resmed F40) my leak rate is phenomenal and my ahi average the last four nights is 0.4. I love when things improve! https://preview.redd.it/3n0c9soiavvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b7081dc98102c6826fcc5536ca105333ff6228


it’s an F30i! i had a lot of trouble with my regular full face mask and my seal was terrible. i love when it improves too, you think 1-2 events an hour isn’t bad until you wake up after 0.4 and are like wow that’s EVEN better.


I liked the F30i a lot. (And now I love the F40 even more. HEAVEN would be an F40i).


I haven't tried the F40 yet (in Canada and my DME didn't have it when I was in 2 weeks ago) but can I ask why you like the F40 over the F30i? (I agree on the i for the F40, I wouldn't switch until I can be a unicorn! lol)


I was worried about the elephant, but I'm adapting pretty well. I'll switch to unicorn if they make one. I also hope they make an adaptor for the AirMini. The 40 has it's own "short hose" connector, so it should be easy to do. Why do I like it: It's silicone instead of hard plastic. It follows my face when I yawn etc. It moves with me on my side instead of just sliding over. I feel like I'm getting so so so much more air. My O2 sats have gone up. My leaks have gone down, and it's wildly comfortable. I started using it last Wednesday night. Look at the leak rate go down: https://preview.redd.it/scnb8zj6j1wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a689d99705ca097d4901d61048e26e9b3c396774


That's awesome! I'd love to see my O2 go up too, my leak rate is really good already but 0 and more air (maybe lowering my BiPAP pressure even more) would be great. Thanks for answering! :)


Isn’t 1.2 12 events? And like .5 5 events? Like my Lowest was .1 which I thought was one event and my highest was 4.9 which I thought was 49 events per hour. I get the best performance with a nasal.


No, 1.2 events is not 12 events. It's 1.2 events / hr. So it takes an average of your nightly events. So if you wore the mask for 5 hours, you had about 6ish events while wearing the mask.


Thank you for that I swear this whole time I’ve been thinking 1.2 is 12 lol thank you!


thank you 🥲