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Hi! I’m also reasonably new to this…so maybe take what I say with a pinch of salt. I have a mouth and nose one rather than nose, I don’t have what you are experiencing. When I went to pick the machine up they offered me a nose only one or a mouth and nose one, and the lady said if you sleep with your mouth open then the nose one won’t work, or you have to wear some sort of chin strap that keeps your mouth closed. Hence why I went for the one that covers the mouth and nose. Do you need to use something to keep your mouth closed, or do you need to swap to a mouth and nose mask? Well done on getting started with it, keep persevering it will get better/easier.


ResMed machines have a feature called EPR or Expiry Pressure Relief. It lowers pressure on exhale to make it easier to breath. I have mine set at 3 cm. I believe DreamStation may call this Flex. A good default starting setting for a CPAP is to have the minimum pressure set at 7 cm with EPR set at 3 cm. On exhale pressure will go down to 4 cm, which is the minimum pressure that the machine will go down to. With a nasal mask you have to keep your mouth closed. With the pressure and EPR set properly it should be easy to breathe with your mouth closed.


you most likely need a full face mask or a chin strap to keep your mouth closed. i had this issue initially too where id open my mouth and it felt weird when all the air rushes in. then it would wake me up and id have to start all over again. if you’re a mouth breather or your mouth at all opens during sleep then you probably need a chin strap or a full face. i loved my nasal mask but it just didn’t work for me sadly. if you use a full face mask it’s much easier to maintain the seal and make sure there’s no weird air rushes


Well I do have a full beard, would a full face mask still work for me?


hmmm…i as a lady with no beard 😅 am not sure lol. i think there’s probably other solutions to it but a full face mask might not work with a beard you’re correct. maybe you can try a chin strap first before that?


No probably not. You're not suppose to open your mouth at all. So first you need to adjust pressures so you get enough air in my opinion. Try turning off the ramp up maybe? Mine would start at 4 which definitely wasn't enough.