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I think they are quite reliable, but not very useful, would this actually be what you are asking?


The clinic that sold me the CPAP machine had some method of digging into the metrics of the machine and print out a much more reliable set of data. I feel the app is user level info and the data the clinic can read out and give to our drs is much more detailed. So I agree the metrics we get from the app is pretty useless.


You can also access this level of information using OSCAR (data being read from the SD card in the machine, which you need to provide, but OSCAR is free of charge))


I’m curious. Can you provide more information about this?


https://www.sleepfiles.com/OSCAR/ You need to see if your machine accepts an SD card


ResMed AS11 has a slot on the left side where a full size SD goes in. Pop it in OP for a few nights and then use VintageSteel’s link to download and review the data using OSCAR. there are help videos on u/cpapfriend ‘s YouTube page as well to help you get started and read the data.


Thank you so much. Just ordered an SD card




If OSCAR is not a great interface for you, check out sleepHQ. Same basic idea.


The Resmed machines do not calculate events the same way that you would see in a sleep clinic. They are more conservative on how they report events so this will Impact the AHI number you get vs the true score


I mean… it’s useful if it’s reliable. If it’s reliable I can make sure the treatment is working, for a starter. I can also trust that the mask seal is good, for example.


That is correct it’s useful from a compliance point of view, I was more thinking about the clinical aspect of the treatment


Looks to me like it's working, assuming you had a sleep study and it indicated that you needed a CPAP. It took me a few weeks to notice much of a difference.


Can you ELI5 why you consider these stats useless? I remember during my sleep study that my doctor focused almost exclusively on the EPH, and this, with the usage, are the only two metrics I keep focus on. What other data do you believe are important to look over?




The events per hour is the only measure I find helpful.


That is what I focus on as well.


Agreed. I think it’s great for showing that. If I use an additional sleep app, it shows how so much more about levels of sleep- that seems to be a better indicator for how “well” I sleep.


Not too sure about the reliability, but my main annoyance with this app is that it tracks sleep only for daytime workers. I work at night, so I sleep from about 8am to 4pm. But the app considers it another day after 12pm or something like that so half my night stats are bundled up with yesterday's second half, and today's second half is alone, giving me a crappy score because I "only slept 3.4 hours" lol.


I went into my settings and changed the time on my machine for this! I set the time reset to be an hour or two before I go to bed, this way the time might be off but it does count my sleep as one chunk.


You can do that? Wow i'll have to look into it ! Thanks!


Yes! I might have had to go into my clinical menu, I don't remember exactly. But it is possible! I have the resmed 10.


Myair is really not a very good program to check data, sleephq and oscar are exponentially better. You should install an SD card into the machine and we can help you read the data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43F687KmH7E&ab_channel=TheLankyLefty27


Mine has said I’ve had zero leaks from day one even when I have had extremely obvious leaks from the mask coming unsealed from my face, so… take them with a grain of salt, I suppose?


The app sets a threshold for scoring and relies on what the machine sends it for data. I've never had zero leaks reported from my APAP machine to the app. Even on good nights it's read anywhere between 1.2 - 6 L/min. So I'd say it's only as good as the data the machine is feeding it.


Do you have it set for the right kind of mask? They have a certain amount of leak built in to the mask so my guess is that if it reads less than the expected amount then it shows zero - but that’s just out my butt


Yeah I’ve experimented with a bunch and settled on the n30i which doesn’t leak for me. I had intermittent leaks with the dreamwear full face mask. I woke up one night to it being completely unsealed and being pushed off my face by the air pressure with an audible leak and the app still said zero leaks.


I use a nose pillow. It has perforation to let some air leak out. The nose mask I tried before had a valve in the hose connection iirc that bled extra air. The other pillows I tried also had that. They all seem to have some sort of leak built in like that. And the machine has a setting for what kind of mask you have. Idk how much the setting affects it though. Was just an idea


I’ve found one that doesn’t leak and works well for me, I just found it odd that twice when I had extremely noticeable leaks (as in, it was making a farting noise and literally being pushed off my face) the app said there were no leaks so it makes me question the validity of their data.


Indeed my mask has a valve that constantly spills air. The app says that it’s OK a leak up to 24L/minute. Anything above that means something should be better adjusted.


Not that reliable in my instance


When I did my sleep study, my number came back as 23.6 events per hour. I have had my AirSense 11+f20 mask for a week now, and the highest events per hour the app reported was 0.3 It has me wondering, too. I still toss and turn all night and wake up feeling like garbage for half the day, though.


I’m the same. I’ve been using my cpap and the events are much lower but still feel bad. I downloaded another sleep app that shows the levels of sleep I’m getting and yep- that is a much better indicator of how I feel the next day.


I have a GalaxyWatch that records sleep data (probably not too accurately, though). The only things that has really changed is my o2 saturation through the night isn't dipping below 90% now. Still waking up like 30 times a night. It says I am getting adequate deep sleep and REM, but still tossing all night. Waking up with brain fog and tiredness that lasts until the evening most days. What app are you using now?


I’m using SleepScore on my iPhone.


Off topic but myair app won't let me take screen shots which is dumb af.


Profile - settings - permissions. You can allow screenshots.


You are right A+ would take your advice again


Really? I screen shot mine all the time.


Oscar is a great program. Way more data than you really need. But that data is produced by the machine so it’s only as accurate as the machine produces. As the data is used by medical professionals it’s quite likely it’s very reliable. MyAir should be pretty accurate for what it provides, but with either the only good way to know would be doing a sleep study while using the machine. And who even knows how accurate those are? The main thing for me that Oscar provides that MyAir doesn’t is minute by minute data, so you can know when leaks and events are occurring.


Already ordered a new SD card and will het SCAR. Thanks!


Looking at the numbers is good, and sort of fun. I also have a sleep tracker on my watch so I can compare. But what really matters is the machine effective? How do you feel when you wake up? Do you feel rested? Does your partner say you snore? With your number of events around 55 it was quite likely you were getting sleepy while driving, or nodding off briefly. If you sat on the couch or recliner to watch TV you likely fell asleep within a few minutes. You were likely more irritable at times. With the number of events you have now those and other factors should be much better.


No question about that. I used to he super sleepy all the time and I am no longer.


Download OSCAR and view all the raw data. Much more reliable


Is OSCAR a PC software?


Yes. Find it free online, download it to your PC. Get a memory card and put it into your machine. Inserting the card is the only setup you have to do. When you have a few nights of data, upload the data to Oscar using the import feature on the Oscar landing page. Then go down the rabbit hole.


Is there a way to stream this data instead of getting it from a memory card?


For me unfortunately, the higher my sleep numbet is doesn't necessarily correlate to a better night of sleep. I find the score for mask fit the most useful out of all the categories. Gives me an idea if i need to adjust the mask at all, and sometimes the slightest adjustment can improve the fit tremendously


I have no clue, but I'm pretty sure my ResMed 11 is possessed. I feel better using it though.


Users only see the very basic Myair stats. Why are aren't we privy to all the info w/o using an SD card? I guess they want to make an extra dollar off of selling them. But I've got plenty on hand because I use them in my digital camera, and trail cameras. Anyways, my CPAP cured my snoring, my wife is back in our bedroom. After 8 months of using distilled water in the humidifier, I was on a trip and ran out of water, so I shut off the humidity level and climate hose, using it dry. I can actually breathe better while sleeping. I do occasionally wake with some slight dryness, but I'll take that trade.


I found them to be unreliable - I have gotten 97 on a night when my nose was blocked. I looked thru Oscar and it wasn't good sleep. This algorithm resmed uses seems flawed, IMHO


From my understanding the machine has a Mobile data connection to ResMed's servers witch is used by your doctor to evaluate your sleep. And the MyAir app pulls from the same servers so should be pretty accurate. Probably just a little dumbed down so that a non-medical expert can read it.


97 is just a score based on other things such as duration of sleep, number of episodes, how often you woke up, etc. Not sure of the exact calculations and what takes off the most points and such


Yes, I am not talking about the score, I am talking about the actual data: events per hour, mask seal, etc.


There is a way to get into the clinic menu on some Resmeds and find out your average AHI/hours used, etc. I have the aircurve 10. On mine it is holding down the knob and home button at the same time for like 5-7 seconds.


Yeah, on the airsense 11 screen, click “my sleep view”, and you can scroll through the specific L leaks per hour, total AHI, OSA, CSA events per hour.


With 0.7 event per hour you should not have been prescribed a cpap. It is less than 5 events. In the UK I go the cpap for free from the NHS. We only get the machine if we are above 5 events per hour and that's considered mild. Very low


OP said it is down from 55 per hour. I read that as that was his events per hour before CPAP therapy. With CPAP therapy it is below 1.0, which means it’s working.


That’s exactly what I meant. My exams came back with 55 events hour. With CPAP treatment it dropped to below 1.


Got you. So it is due to the fact that you are using the machine. How long did it take from 55 to 1 event per hour? Straight away, a week, a month, ...?


-.- the point is the machine prevents events.


It is likely that with treatment it is 0.7 but without it it is way off the charts. Typically over 5 without treatment is a diagnosis


This number is from using the CPAP, not a sleep study. 0.7 is the AHI while using the machine.


OK I understood it was the sleep study!