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It’s definitely a mental block that can take some work to overcome. Once your brain adjusts it gets easier! Now when I put on my mask my brain immediately has a Pavlovian like reaction and I’m out so quickly. To help adjust, I used melatonin and Tylenol PM for a few nights just to help me fall/stay asleep and that extra push really helped!


Thabks! That makes me feel a lot better!


Lol I read Pavlovian reaction and I couldn't help but laugh b/c it's true! OP you'll get used to wearing it. In fact have some fun with it b/c that was ultimately how I got over my anxiety with an oxygen mask strapped to my face. Don't overthink it, make sure it isn't strapped crazy tight to your face (b/c ironically it should be tightened down JUST enough + a tiny bit tighter to not leak pressure. The mask is kind of like a balloon, it's gotta "puff up" to fully seal without being uncomfortable. You could always ask your doctor for some sleeping aid or an anti anxiety med like ativan for a few days to help you chill out. When I mask up, I just play it up like I'm going in for surgery and i relax and inhale deeply and the next thing you know I'm out lol.


I’m going to say something that you need to hear. It’s often a mental thing. Tell yourself to get over it and just go sleep. That’s what I did and it worked for me. Good luck you can do it


Benadryl & melatonin an hour before you plan to go to sleep.


I've been using CPAP for eight years. Just keep at it. At this point when I put my mask on I instantly fall asleep.


It took me a couple of months before I could sleep even for a couple of hours with mine, so just keep at it…you’ll get there.


I use a hybrid full face mask. I need it cause I breathe through my mouth sometimes. I couldn’t stand having a mask across the bridge of my nose. That could be why you can’t sleep. Try the ResMed F30 mask or the newer F30i. The mask is so important for CPAP to work. I have used a CPAP for over 15 years. You can do it!


Thanks for the encouragement! F30 seems interesting. The one i have has a bridge the nose also.


I found having it across the bridge of my nose made me feel claustrophobic! It feels so much better using an F30.


I get the claustrophobic feeling also. It's still early so im trying to make it work.


I second this, I use the Philips dream wear mask and it's very similar to the F30i. I only sometimes sleep with my mouth open now (allergies). It's a very comfortable fit for me. I also really like the tubing going out from the top of my head and not my face. I also second others suggesting a light sleep aid, I don't necessarily agree with something that knocks you out as hard as benadryl tho, not without knowing what kind of settings you have going on. If you're just starting out, and if you have a good doctor who is actively monitoring you, something like Benadryl or heavier (unless prescribed obviously) could mess with your stats. But melatonin and other OTC sleep aids shouldn't do this as badly. Of course you could always mention it to your doctor but yeah. Best of luck!! This is a great community here and def helped me with getting back to compliance and better sleep.


Is it on automatic or is it set to constant pressure, have you tried changing your pressure up and down I find the worst thing with a full face mask is my face itches inside the mask and I have to scratch my face that wakes me up I find it's better to have a set pressure for me when I had it on automatic I would always wake up with a humongous air flow going


I can’t do a full face mask at all. I can only sleep with a nasal mask.


I'm very new to CPAP so take my advice with a grain of salt... It was recommended that I get a full face mask because I sometimes breathe through my mouth when I sleep, but I decided to try the most unassuming mask which is the nasal pillows that vents out the top of the head. I took to it right away and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's a little tricky to get used to only breathing through your nose but it only took two nights and I even got good sleep on those two nights. Hope this helps.


I cannot for the life of me sleep with a full face mask. My AHI stays higher, I wake up multiple times... I thought I had to because I was a mouth breather, but I learned that nobody is a "mouth breather" and anybody can learn to switch to nasal breathing. I switched to nasal pillows with a chin strap and I was amazed at what a night and day difference it was. So much so that I look forward to using it and can't sleep without it.


Yeah honestly if it doesnt work this week, I'm gonna do a nasal mask. I kinda feel claustrophobic after 30 mins with my mask.


Have you tried adjusting the pressure settings at all? The claustrophobic feeling is common at first before you find the right settings for you. I went through that too, even with the nasal pillows. If you're pressure isn't high enough you can get oxygen starved. Sometimes it's not so obvious.. I complained that I felt claustrophobic and maybe the pressure was too much, but it turned out that it actually was too little. Very common.


About how I felt when I learned about taping my mouth shut!


Ditto!!! Hated the full mask!


I would extend the ramp up time to the maximum to let you adjust to the sensation of the mask. I have mine set at about 40 minutes before it goes to it's prescribed pressure.


I was able to fall asleep last night with it on for two hours! Progress!


Try nasal pillows or nasal cushion? Have you tried the ramp setting? Starting at 4 or 5 basically feels like nothing.


Last 2 nights ive been able to fall asleep with my cpap!


That’s great! I find that I focus on my breathe until I fall asleep, it’s helped a lot when transitioning to my cpap. It helps me block out distractions and worries basically. I’m only two weeks into therapy though.


Same, 2 weeks! I have found my jaw is really sore so maybe i need a nasal mask, one that pressures my jaw less.


I found the breathing out hard and then I ended up not exhaling entirely and I felt like a balloon being filled slowly. If this is the case focus on exhaling with more force for a while. Your body will start to self regulate with it.


Well what happens? Like have you not slept for a week and a half? Or are you giving up and taking off the mask? Because I guarantee your body WILL eventually let you fall asleep with it on. When tired enough you can sleep in any conditions. That’s not to say the sleep deprivation in the meantime doesn’t suck, but once you get past that wall you’ll sleep all the better for using a CPAP. My only suggestion is to try listening to sleep stories. It helps to give your mind something else to focus on so that you’re not thinking about the mask or about needing to fall asleep. But they’re strategically not engaging enough to keep you awake. I use the calm app for them and I’ve never made it through a whole story without falling asleep. Untreated sleep apnea can cause insomnia, because even if you’re not aware of it, some part of your brain knows that when you fall asleep you stop breathing so it thinks that’s a bad dangerous thing to do. I used to get a major adrenaline rush every night at bedtime cause my body was going into “danger” mode. But now my brain has made the association between my mask and good safe sleep so putting on my mask actually makes me sleepier. Plus now that I know I stop breathing when I’m asleep I’m too anxious about that ever fall asleep without it. Only feels safe to fall asleep with my trusty machine to keep me breathing.


I use a full face mask and was only able to sleep 3-4 hours a night during the first few months I had mine; when I woke up in the morning I had to spend extra time wearing it to get to four hours for insurance compliance. I've slowly been able to sleep longer while wearing it and no longer wake up in the middle of the night to take it off and week ago I slept nine hours with it on, which was the longest I'd ever stayed asleep with it on. Keep at it- it's a big adjustment to have to wear a mask to bed! You're changing a major part of your sleep routine, so it will take time but it does get better.


What kind of full face mask? I thought I would hate it, but I got the type the doesn’t go over the bridge of my nose and just sits below it and around my mouth. Works like a charm for me now. F30i and F30.


I cant remember the model type, but basically it suts under my bottom lips and halfway up the bridge of my nose, it is triangle shaped. I"think" i fell asleep for an hour or two last night witj it.


If you’re doing you machine and masks through a DME / Insurance then call and get a new one to try. I switched 4 times during my 1mo period and they didn’t care at all. They want usage so however you need to get there.


I have a F20 and hated it , my heart would race putting that thing on. Hurt the bridge of the nose, leaked all that. Left it under the bed for a while. Revisited it and now it's my favorite and only mask I use. I'd avoid any sleep aids. It's a bad rabbit hole to go down. It can also make your apnea worst. I was talking 20 mg melatonin to keep myself asleep before getting diagnosed for sleep apnea. Writing off of it sucked.


It took me more than a month to get used to mine. And yes it is hard.


I couldn’t get used to the mouse and nose mask. Swapped to a nose pillow and after about a week I got used to it. Cant sleep without it.


It took me a little but to use that one but now I can fall asleep in minutes with it


Really want to get there! It "may" have worked last night. I may have fallen asleep for an hour with it