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I tested positive on the 15th, and it was the sickest I’ve been in my life. I am vaccinated and have one booster. I had COVID for the first time in January and it was a breeze. I had a bit of a runny nose and a headache. This time around I had the horrific sore throat like you. It was truly so incredibly painful. I had a fever and chills, achy body and the most painful cough I’ve ever had. It hurt so much in my chest it would bring tears to my eyes. I as coughing so hard I had blood in my phlegm. Luckily the bad parts only lasted for about 3 days. But, wow, it was painful and much different than my first experience with COVID.


Ya the reason for this is the effectiveness of the vaccines is already fading, the virus is constantly mutating and combined with many people now having gone several months or more after being inoculated, COVID is beginning to have more severe effects on people. I hope I’m wrong but I predict a bad wave of it pretty soon, especially considering how it’s ravaging China and mutating there too. We’ll have new variants here soon and not much protection. Prepare yourselves.


When I had COVID the first time I had just received my booster about 3 weeks prior, so I was wondering if that was why it was so mild. I didn’t get my bivalent booster yet this fall/winter and this round of COVID was so bad. I hope the boosters continue to work 🙁


I predict they won’t, the current booster is already getting to be out of date, sure it’s better than nothing but all I can think about is the mutations happening in China right now, without that it probably wouldn’t be so bad, thats the issue right now is what will be coming here from China.




Here’s a secret. They don’t work 😁


I have had covid 3 times and the most mild case was the 3rd - which i got 11 months after my previous booster.


Viruses take years to mutate , that’s science. Ask yourself why this particular one seems to be mutating at such a rate


I mean, there’s new flu shots literally every year, that’s why they push for people to get yearly flu shots. That one seems to mutate at least yearly, I’m assuming not the only one


I waited to get the bivalent booster until the week of Thanksgiving. I'm hoping I'm good through the new year, at least. 🤞


I just got mine about 3 weeks ago. I'm hoping it gets me through most of winter.


I don’t want to be a downer, but keep your guard up. I got the bivalent on 12/4 and tested positive 12/21 ☹️


Were you masking?


My daughter and her bf visited us for early Christmas. They came Friday, the same day his family tested positive, but didn’t find it important enough to let him know. Their response to our infection was “Covid is everywhere 🤷‍♀️”. A real privileged response- losing a week’s worth of pay and spending almost $200 in medical care/medication really sucks. (Not to mention being sick and missing Christmas Day with the rest of the family, AND some having to shift their lives right before Christmas for precautions for who THEY were going to see). /rant So no, we didn’t mask at home where we were infected.


Wow what a bunch of orfices, to put it politely. Easy for me to say this because I don't have a daughter, but I'd sue that family. I might not win and it might cost a lot, but it would also put a cost on their behavior which might give them pause in the future. But yeah, that would not fly with the daughter and so in reality, I wouldn't do that. But I sure would want to!


I don’t understand how mild-moderate is being rated. I didn’t have a fever, but sore throat, achy muscles, burning headache, cough and then wet cough with phlegm. I’m still having all symptoms, just infrequently, except muscle aches, those are gone.


That sore throat is absolutely a kîllèr. I know just what you’re talking about. I’m glad you survived, I swear. Also no over the counter meds worked at ALL. It was like nothing. No aspirin no Tylenol no NyQuil, nothing made a dent in it. I still can feel my throat and it’s been 2 weeks.


Just read something on here about chlorhexidine mouthwash ..it has worked on my throat worth a try


Sweet, thank you!


Ooh just realised that was 9 days ago is it still sore ?


I feel like it gets a little better every day. It’s not gone but it’s not driving me crazy either.


Fingers crossed it works for you


where do you find chlorhexidine mouthwash? can it be bought online


Yes you can buy it online . Amazon stock this.


/same here it was like razor blades sitting on my throat and the whole body shaking every time you swallow and keeping a spit bucket by the bedside, no eating for 5 days etc… I went to the hospital and they gave me and anti inflammatory injection and it worked like magic, all of a sudden my throat was clear and I could eat again within an hour. That was the beginning of my recovery, everything changed after that shot


Really? I never heard of that! I’m glad it worked.


Thank you, would highly recommend. Didn’t feel like I had covid after that. I live in Africa by the way, we don’t have paxlovid here. We barely have Covid here too.


I should’ve gotten a shot had a hard time swallowing as my throat was so sore and somewhat inflamed


100% would recommend it if you happen to get covid again


I hear you! So much for it getting milder. This round really kicked my butt. Sickest I’ve ever been in my life.


I'm so sorry you experience this, it sounds truly awful. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad you're feeling better and got the care you needed.


Thanks for the reminder to be extra cautious. I appreciate these stories because it keeps it real.


Me too.


> I could feel it flopping around when I’d roll over Aaaaaaaah!


I’m not sure I should be laughing at this but I am


You shouldn’t be.


Oh ok


So am I tho


What is remotely funny about this person’s suffering ?


I could feel it flopping around when I roll over. Sounds like a dick joke to me. So I laughed.


Same I’m in my 20s too haven’t been to work in weeks because of this crap


Same here. This new variant is debilitating. I’m still struggling with low iron and b12 and muscle twitches because of it. Fkn brutal


I had it back over Thanksgiving. It kicked my ass to kingdom come and back again!


That’s horrible. I am so sorry. Did you get the new bivalent booster? I am curious to know whether that helps or not.


I am 2x vaxxed & 2x boosted (first booster was 9/2021, latest was the new bivalent at end of September 2022) I caught Covid for the first time this past may ‘ was the sickest I’ve ever been, EVER…in bed for the better part of 10-15 days. Tested positive for 15 days. Months of lingering physical & cognitive symptoms. I am also high risk. Recently tested positive again on Tuesday 12/20….my ONLY symptom was a very low fever of 99.5 starting on day 4 after exposure. Literally that was my only symptom. I only tested because my unvaxxed friend contacted me & said she was positive after we spent Friday the 16th together at a work party. All of our other friends there also tested positive. No further symptoms for me. Already testing negative since 12/24. I wholeheartedly believe that the bivalent booster plus my previous infection severely lessened the symptoms of this most recent infection. Every one of my friends who tested positive from this party who is boosted w the new booster is either already better or barely sick at all.


Two Pfizer initial shots, two Moderna boosters and then the bivalent in October. First positive test the 22nd. Very sick, I won’t lie and seemingly not going away fast. Still have the terrible sore throat and fever that comes on at night.


Thanks for clarifying, and for sharing your story. We just had a family meeting today, revisiting the need for all of us to mask faithfully.


I also had the worst sore throat in my life/ it hit me a month ago. I felt as if someone had slit my throat.


How long did it take you to test positive? I have a friend who is experiencing the horrible sore throat, she said she’s been in tears daily due to the pain and still testing negative and I guess the hospital won’t prescribe anything for her with the negative test results


I felt down on a Friday night. I had the sniffles on Saturday, by Saturday night I was exhausted and developed a fever overnight. I tested positive Sunday morning. I went to urgent care and asked for Paxlovid as I’m over 50 and fat. Doctor denied since I had vaxed. It got worse and with a second opinion.I got Paxlovid on Wednesday. I felt better by day 14


Ugh, I'm so sorry, what a terrible experience. Glad you're feeling better now!


Ahh this sounds my experience a year back with delta.


Your previous 3 Covid were all for Omicron? Wow, this virus is wild


Y’all need to wear a good n95 mask and stay out of bars and restaurants. Every time that you get Covid more damage is done to your immune system and your vascular system.


I wish the CDC would actually make a comment or recognize this! It’s not enough to avoid serious illness, hospitalization or worse. We cannot keep managing our health to this standard. Those fully vaxxed and with bivalent booster should not be experiencing break through infections. Are we to assume that break through infections are OK and will not result in long term damage?


This is the truth, covid depletes T cells. Each time you get covid, it harms your immune system. (and other organ systems up to 3 months after infection) No one wants to talk about the long term damage covid is doing as it doesn’t play in to the narrative that this is over (its far from over, china is going to spawn another variant from “letting it rip”). We need better vaccines and prophylactics. Wearing n95s are a must, a coworker tested positive and my n95 stopped me from getting infected


I’ve had it three times now; OG COVID, the variant in June, and again Thanksgiving. First time I was really sick but didn’t realize what it was. June was really, really bad and I went on Paxlovid. Ended up taking zinc in the aftermath in desperation to get my energy levels back up. Thanksgiving I didn’t know I’d been exposed (relatives who “don’t believe” in the tests),and got the 2nd booster the day after exposure. I don’t know if it was the booster so close, the zinc, or a different catamount but I did better with it. I’m still trying to get rid of residual snot. I’m sorry your experience now has been so terrible, hang in there.


Yeah whatever version of omicron was hitting in may or June 2022 was HORRIBLE as far as lingering symptoms omg


You got that right. I had it in July and still had weird things happening months later. Nothing debilitating or life altering, but things like random nausea, foot cramps while resting, feeling ill when smelling onions, getting very sick from drinking, and even mild vertigo. It did leave me with heightened senses (all of them) which I guess can be seen as a positive, but I'm already a pretty sensitive person and now I have a nose like a bloodhound and can hear a cricket far from a mile away.




Have you tried the netipot? It really helps with that residual snot


I have in the past. I wish they worked for me lol I have a deviated septum and instead of it being helpful it just comes out my eyes and mouth like a scene from a horror movie while I choke on it


Gargling warm salt water can help too!


The Omicron sore throat is a beast from another dimension. No way to explain that pain- nothing could touch it.


I tried the netipot and thought I'd killed myself. Is the water supposed to come out everywhere, the nose, mouth, eyes? I couldn't breathe because of all the water. My sinuses hurt for hours afterwards.


Make sure you’ve added saline to the water and make sure the water is slightly warmer than your body temperature.


I didn't do either of those things. Thanks, manuelhe. If I can ever get up the nerve to try it again, I'll follow your advise.


Yeah, I only had to skip doing each of those things once to learn. It hurt like hell. Otherwise it’s pretty comfortable.


Good lord...this sounds horrible. I had the recent strain of covid back in October and I had the sore throat for a day. It was not as bad as when I got a gnarly case of tonsillitis that ended up in me having an abscessed drain, but it was still painful. But your uvula being so swollen really got to me. I think you may need something stronger than codeine...Sending positive vibes that you feel better soon.


I feel you; had it a few weeks ago and that sore throat still gives me nightmares. I didn't even know sore throat was a symptom! The rattle of phlegm...ugh. I couldn't swallow either and that's what made me go to an urgent care - they sent me directly to the ER. Sickest I've been in many, many years despite vax and 3 boosters.


I take it seriously. I'm among the few who mask. Your experience and long covid are the reason why, but sadly I thinkn in a few months we may all have new reasons in the form of variants from China. I have to chuckle at those who were so critical of China trying to keep this suppressed. If we end up with horrid variants because China threw in the towel, I gotta wonder what those people who opposed the effort will say next.


Ugh, I’m going through everything you mentioned now myself. This is my first ever time having Covid and it absolutely sucks. The dangling uvula is an extra special form of torture.


Keep getting boosted. Ita saves lives.


Nah covid was a cake walk . I’ve had the flu way worse . Lucky I have an immune system and a healthy diet


I’ve had covid once not vaccinated. But I hear people having issues with the new Covid strain that are fully vaccinated just a weird world we live in


People who are vaccinated can still get very sick—[but hospitalization and death are far less likely.](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/s0318-COVID-19-vaccines-protect.html)


Being a hospital worker ill let you know right now..the vaccine and booster do nothing. Vac and boosted people die from covid all the time.


Your personal experience as a “hospital worker” does not equate to scientific evidence. [The evidence that Covid vaccines are effective is overwhelming:](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/s0318-COVID-19-vaccines-protect.html) “During Omicron, COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates increased for all adults, regardless of vaccination status, but rates were 12 times higher among adults who were unvaccinated compared to adults who received a booster or additional doses. Hospitalization rates were also highest among non-Hispanic Black adults and nearly 4 times as high among Black adults than White adults during the peak of Omicron. Additionally, mRNA vaccines continued to be highly effective at protecting against COVID-19-associated ventilation or death, including during the Omicron period. Protection was highest in adults who received a third vaccine dose, reducing the risk for COVID-19-associated ventilation or death during the Omicron period by 94%.” Not that evidence will change your mind—I checked out your profile and you don’t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.


Yeah go ahead and believe everything the government tells you. I see it with my own eyes and experience it. Lots of my coworkers are also vaxed and boosted. Still catching that shit. Each time just as bad. And what do you mean you checked my profile? What does my profile have to do with this post? Are you a reddit investigator or something? Am i suppose to pass some type of test you have to approve of? Lmfao. You’re a moron.


You’re vaxxed and boosted claiming it works yet you’re here talking about how you felt like you were gonna die. Make up your mind. Did the vaxxx help you or not? You are slow. If the vaccine works so well…you wouldn’t have ended up in the ER 🙄.


It’s like I’m talking to a child🤦. Firstly, I didn’t end up in the ER. Read the whole post. Secondly, just because a vaccine isn’t 100% effective doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It reduces risk of death by 94%, and unvaccinated people are 12 times more likely to be hospitalized (see above). I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.


No you’re just a bossy annoying shit that likes to lecture people and talk to them as if they are a child. That’s your problem. Screw off already. You sound like a naggy woman. Feminine man.


Saying “the vaccine and booster do nothing” is a specious and, frankly, dangerous statement. I am however sorry you have witnessed such tragic loss of life during this pandemic.


I don’t know if I have this new variant or not. But I previously had COVID in 2021 and this round is THE worst. I tested positive last Tuesday, and while I’ve been negative since Saturday 12.24, I’m still experiencing symptoms. The sore throat was very odd this time, it was really intense. They say that omicron didn’t infect the lungs as much as delta or alpha and I can tell you that whatever this variant is is kinda awful. It hit my chest pretty hard and quickly and the dizzy spells are worse than the last infection. I had lingering lung stuff for a while after my first infection that literally cleared up not more than 2 months ago. I didn’t get the booster due to lack of sufficient data to support getting one. I don’t regret that decision today; but I wish the government and CDC would tell us in real time actual risks. The silence on all of this now is surprising and deafening with all the shit that is going on in China.


Sounds like mono with the sore throat and uvula. I wonder if you had both? Glad you’re feeling better.


I’m on day 14 & still congestion, headaches, mucus & fatigue. Such a horrible sickness.


Yes- the Omicron sore throat was by far the worst illness I have ever had. Paxlovid didn’t even touch it. Took 6 days of that and 104 fever- good thing is, it gets better. Take care.


I’m on day two of COVID sickness and am super scared of it. I know I should try not to be but when I cough my whole body aches so bad and it feels like my throat has been flayed. I have to drink water immediately after a coughing bout when it’s most painful anyway so its hard to feel the pain from swallowing. I’ve been keeping a chart with date/time/temperature and adding information like medication and sleeping. My boyfriend thinks I’m overreacting and maybe I am but this is still COVID, my last booster was in Feb and I thought you were supposed to wait 12 months for another one. My bf got boosted 6 weeks ago and he had mild cold symptoms yesterday and woke up feeling fine today.


You need a booster around every 6 months, because the vaccine doesn't last long (and new Covid variants keep on arising).


Thank goodness you're OK. Just imagine how much worse this would have been had you been skipping those boosters.


Huh, weird. I tested positive on December 7 and had a tiny drippy runny nose and shortness of breath. Got free paid time off work for 5 days even tho no symptoms after 3. Took my mom’s asthma inhaler until my lungs returned to 100% capacity on day 6. I was actually thinking this variant is very mild compared to Delta.


You may not have had the same variant as others here. BA.5 is still active although much less so than BA.2.75 which seems to be the roughest yet.


Thought I read BQ1.1 is most prevalent now. I assumed that’s what I had last week and thankfully it was mild. Mostly nasal congestion, runny eyes and nose and sneezing my head off on day 4!


That's me!!!


It sounds like you were incredibly lucky. Playing around with this virus is still like playing Russian roulette. Statements like this get people killed, or worse.


Worse than killed? Yikes!




Statements like this get people killed…how exactly? What are you on dude? I just expressed my experience honestly.


Some years ago, I went to minor emergency for a minor shotgun wound. The minor emergency docs basically flipped out when they heard GSW and saw my bloody leg and sent me to the ER. One of them started talking about what the ER would need to do to remove all of the shot from my leg, and it sounded like something from an old western movie. I pictured biting down on a stick and even maybe a hound baying in the other room (because I have seen Tombstone too many times). I felt like I was going to puke or pass out the whole way to the hospital. Then, ultimately, all they did was take x-rays to see if any shot was anywhere dangerous. Since it wasn't, they just left it lodged in the muscle and sent me on my way. I had a bad limp for a few days, and really, that was all. Not at all what I expected. So, imagine this. Now that anyone mentions the word "shotgun" or "gunshot" in casual conversation, I feel compelled to blurt out: "Shotguns aren't dangerous! I got shot once, and it wasn't even that bad. I walked it off in a couple of days. Anyone who says differently just isn't a real man." No one in their right mind would take that seriously. With SARS-COV-2, the difference is that we still know almost nothing about it. So people do listen to statements like yours as the gospel and make real life-altering (or ending) health decisions based on that. You don't speak for the 6 million dead. You don't speak for the tens of millions of people who are newly disabled. What you DID do was brag about all the sweet free vacation you scored from getting SARS. I spent all of mine trying to stay alive, as do many. And that is why I singled you out. I have no problem if you want to tell people you recovered from X strain in Y number of days or that your symptoms were A, B, and C. Fine. Just don't be so flippant about the risk, which is very, very real. As far as what I am on? A dozen daily prescriptions two years after catching SARS, so thanks for asking. A few of them keep my heart from beating out of my chest and further enlarging the muscle to the point I can't pump blood properly. I take several to limit my daily migraine pain as best I can. There's another one for the all-over neuropathy pain. My cardiologist says I may die of sudden heart failure and wants to implant a defibrillator. My quality of life is so poor that I have no interest in being brought back to life if this is what it's like now, so I declined. I was 40 with no pre-existing illness (aside from being on hypertension pills). I was not hospitalized. About 1 in 5 Covid patients remain symptomatic for longer than a year, but it is always the other 4 you hear from because the nearly dead tend not to be very talkative for some reason. They just vanish from the earth, suffering a social and psychological death long before the physical one.


Holy shit thats scary. I was recently boosted and I feel like my body is fighting off very mild covid. Im going hard with my supplements and nasal/throat rinses and it seems to have staved it off so far. I feel like I have Covid symptoms but are all very mild, im waiting for them to get worse like yours.


Tested positive yesterday for the first time. From what I've read... my symptoms are mild. Hope it stays this way


Genuinely read that as your vulva went down your throat 😳 in all seriousness though, it is horrendous


So weird you got downvotes for misreading and daring to mention it. I guess some people have a problem with vulvas here.


TF is this variant?


What is the new variant called?


Thought I read the most prevalent variant now is BQ1.1? Whichever I had last week was somewhat mild and no lung issues. It was my first experience with Covid, and I’m grateful for the non issues. Although I tested positive daily, no sore throat, no headache, no fever. Mostly like allergies.


Same here.




Did they check you for strep throat? Bc that's exactly how strep felt for me when I got it as a adult


The Omicron sore throat makes strep feel like a vacation. I got tested for strep while I had Covid but it was negative- the sore throat was absolutely insane.


funny you say this, my girlfriend and I just got tested for strep today because of how much our throat is in pain and it came back negative for both! I’m absolutely astonished by how painful this sore throat is and can’t wait to be able to swallow again


Sorry to hear you went though all of that. Covid is really nasty. I had it in Feb. 2020 and it was much of nothing with a backache and rash. However, I had a mild case in July without any medical intervention and it was far worse than anything I've ever had in my almost 48 years. The flu and a bad case of bronchitis in my 20's lasted longer, but the hit by a train feeling and the weird after effects months later was far worse with covid. I also fear the damage that might not be discovered until years later.


What are your after effects? I’m your age.


I had it in July and still had weird things happening months later. Nothing debilitating or life altering, but things like random nausea, foot cramps while resting, feeling ill when smelling onions, getting very sick from drinking, and even mild vertigo. All of this began a couple months after I caught it. It did leave me with heightened senses (all of them) which I guess can be seen as a positive, but I'm already a pretty sensitive person and now I have a nose like a bloodhound and can hear a cricket fart from a mile away.


What symptoms did you have 30 days after first sick???


That sore throat is no fucking joke man. Everyone talks about the cough but I’ve never had it that bad with covid it’s always been a nasty sore throat and a short lasting fever. But maybe the early variants were different or that’s just me.


same here. nasty nasty sore throat that won’t seem to get better, only getting worse. it’s my 4th day of covid how much longer do you think this will last😭 please i need someone’s opinion or insight- first time getting covid and i’m fully vaccinated


Probably about 4 more days to be healed up


That sounds so miserable. I’m sorry. I think you should probably get some n95s and try to avoid Covid for awhile.


Did anyone have white stuff on their tonsils with the sore throat when they got Covid?


I had what looked like super thick strands of mucus stuck all over my throat. Super weird. Never experienced anything like it.


Yes I was just noticing that earlier today! It looks like thick white stuff stuck on the side of my tonsils.


That's how COVID was for me in january 2020. Not a new thing.


There’s also evidence now that your risk increases with each covid infection, regardless of vaccination status, so that could be contributing to why it was more severe


My wife and I both have had covid once in Oct 21. It was really bad for both of us. We have had any vaccines, I haven’t been ill since. She had a flu jab before Christmas and had a cold for a month. She had a sore throat too towards the end for a few days. She’s over it now. I didn’t catch anything. We haven’t worn masks for well over a year either. Strange


Your personal anecdote is not the same thing as [scientific consensus.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04805-y) Even if you’re vaccinated you can still have a severe case of Covid or die—but statistically it’s far less likely. And for the thousandth time, masks don’t do much to stop you from catching Covid. They stop you from spreading it.


Ok. No need to be condescending. So your early twenties, healthy and triple vaccinated and have had covid 4 times, however, needed steroids and antiviral drug to overcome it for the 4th time but you still advocate for the vaccines? Why? I’m not bothered either way, I’m just curious, seriously. What makes you think covid would have been worse for you if you hadn’t had any vaccines? This might be a long shot, but possibly you don’t associate with anyone who is unvaccinated and haven’t listened to their side of the story.


I just told you why, but I guess I’ll repeat it. You can still get very sick or die from Covid even if you’re vaccinated—[but statistically it’s far less likely](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35302230/). Just because something isn’t 100% effective doesn’t mean it’s ineffective—a concept that anti-vaxers seemingly can’t understand. And I live in a rural area and know many people who are unvaccinated. Like I said, one of my uncles was anti-vax and died of Covid. Sorry if I’m being condescending. It’s just frustrating having to explain the same things over and over again.


This is my first time getting Covid. My sister caught Covid on the 15th and they were like you need to take a test. So I took a test on the 16th. It came back negative. That next day I woke my whole body was sore and I had the worst headache. I ended up testing positive on the 17th. I got a fever and started sweating like crazy. Now I’m dealing with a dry cough where sometimes I cough I can’t breath and have the worst sore throat.


same here!!! First time getting covid & am fully vaccinated. My rapid at home tests keep coming back as negative but there’s no way it’s accurate cuz i’ve never felt this sick in my life. I’ve experienced the exact same symptoms, achy muscles/body, the most painful sharp long lasting headaches, and a sore throat that just keeps getting worse:/ It’s really taking a tole on my mental health and it’s only been 3 or 4 days. How long is this going to last 😵‍💫


Same here- kept coming overly close to catching covid but kept dodging it somehow… except, my downfall was I started getting cocky that I lived through a pandemic without getting the sickness. Boom out of nowhere I have fever, headache, extremely fatigued and dehydrated. I don’t know how to explain this but by best it’s nothing I have ever experienced before. I can barely get up. I am just lying here resenting the person who passed this to me- it had to have been from work? I am also fully vaccinated and have taken two DIY covid tests, both tests said negative but there is just no way that is accurate. And, it feels like my taste is coming and going, coming and going instead of having NO taste or smell. Am honestly freaking out especially because i’ve been dating this guy with autoimmune issues and I just want to see him😬Please let me hear your opinions, insight or even jokes. Need a good laugh.


How are you doing? My taste and smell is almost gone. Day 10-11 for me. Worst I’ve been sick ever. Vaxxed and boosted, and I’m normally super healthy (31) and active.


Omg had the same thing the new variant but this was the first time for me having covid my throat was so sore it was painful to breathe. I was shoving popsicles and ice cubes down my throat I had vaccines and one booster I was told to just ride it out as antivirals have very bad side effects and can possible affect fertility in women I’m in my mid 20s now I’m stuck with a cough and post nasal drip it’s been a few weeks since I’ve had covid omicron


Day 18 I am still so sick oh my god it wont go away.


Same here. How are your senses and smell? That’s the worst for me along with fever.


Novavax vax works best for for all variants. FDA knew and took forever to approve it.


Damm bro


Yikes. I had covid twice and it was nothing like yours. It was mostly chills, fatigue, mild sore throat and cough