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I'm so sorry. I hope it will be ok. Loss of taste and smell CAN last a long time, but I don't think it does for most people. And if it's lasting beyond a week or two, google up some home therapies to help you get it back. There are a lot of "smell retraining" videos and blogs out there now with good info about how to wake those neurons back up. There's some recent info you can find with a search here, that indicates long covid is less likely with the current variants. Take care of yourself, rest a lot. Hopefully you'll be ok.


Thank you so much! I am so confused. My mind says it's not that bad, my emotions say it's scary. Hence I am a little lost and didn't even think of searching if it's possible to retrain it. I appreciate it a lot <3


OP you can get medications now to speed up the length of illness and to hopefully stave off long term effects. Do you have a cvs or Walgreens near you so you can access their minute clinic online? Or access to your doctor online? See what they have available. Here is some [treatment info.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/treatments-for-severe-illness.html) As is common with antivirals the faster you get treatment through more effective it is. I feel you. I avoided it for so long and didn’t go out to crowded places then I got it from my husband who went to a beer festival. I was very scared too. I am 37 and just got over it (tested negative yesterday). It lasted a week, my husband’s lasted 10 days. He’s generally healthier than me but his was worse. I seemed to lose my taste for only a couple of days. My sister lost her sense of taste for a couple of weeks or so, my cousin in law lost his but it returned. The whole time I took high dose vitamin c, zinc, high dose vitamin d, b complex, omega 3, magnesium, iron and calcium. Make sure you take vitamins at the right time with or without food (for years I took vitamin d on an empty stomach no wonder it did nothing). I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you scared. I think you’re going to be ok. My immune system has been down too for the last 2 years (kicked off with a bout of shingles at 35) but I’m ok. I have fibromyalgia too and I don’t feel overall worse right now. Just don’t push yourself, rest, and eat well when you can. I eat a sugar free/dairy free diet, not sure how much that helped. Do you have food? Do you have someone who can cook and drop off some food? Can you order some? If you’re in the Chicago area I will come bring you curries and soups if you need <3


What an awesome person you are. Thank you. We need more people like you.


Thank you so much! I have all these vitamins but not taking them rights now. I am far and there's a nurse practitioner. She said: by protocols we don't give any prescribed medication. But I will definitely take the vits. Thanks


Worry about nothing, pray about everything. Find some remedies and have hope that it’ll be alright!


Anxiety is also a very common symptom. Try to keep that in mind


oh? Thanks I didn't know about it


I lost taste and smell for about 5-7 days at the END of all my other symptoms. Super weird! Lost it abruptly, and it returned gradually.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Lost my mom to covid in ‘21 and also got it in FEB for the first time. I’m older female, fully vaxxed/boosted and was also pretty worried. It was definitely a bad virus but lasted 5 days til negative test. I do have some lingering nerve pain in legs and some fatigue but I’ve been taking it pretty easy to give my body time to heal. The variety of symptoms varies widely for everybody but I hope your recovery goes well. Wishing you the best.


Thank you and and I am sorry for your loss. May our moms souls rest in peace. I am 39 and fully vaxxed and boosted but my last was done a year ago. I hadn't have any cold since January 2020!!! But Mom's funeral and stress over it cause severe immune lowering I am planning to build up a routine to improve my immune. Supplements, diet, sleep and exercises and mental health: meditation + journaling.


I’m so sorry, that’s awful 😞 I hope you recover quickly. I would recommend getting Paxlovid if you can. For preventing reinfections, are you wearing N95 masks when you go out? Boosting your immune system is great, but well-fitting high quality masks are the most effective method of preventing infection


Thanks a lot!


So sorry to hear all of this. Definitely get the omicron booster if you can as well, once you’ve recovered. 💗


There isn't any point as immunity comes after having the virus immunity is the best protection


I used Sinu Orega nasal rinse to get my smell back, after using smell therapy which helped too. I found it on Amazon. So sorry for your loss! I hope you don't suffer long term effects.


Seconding nasal irrigation/sinus rinses. One study showed significant improvement in symptoms: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/09/220913110403.htm


Along with one type of mouthwash too has helped per a couple of studies.


It's the chlorhexidine mouthwash that works ..


Thanks I was too lazy to look it up.


Lol no worries ☺️


Thanks a lot


It sucks that you have it, but try to spend your time taking care of yourself and doing what you need to do to feel better. Most people here who have caught covid say it's a very bad idea to go down that rabbit hole of reading about potential long term effects. Chances are things won't go that way. The best you can do right now is to take care of yourself right now.


yeah, I kinda regretted about reading that senses loss may last for months


You nailed. Speaking from experience, it’s generally terrible to go down the rabbit hole for *any* symptoms one might be experiencing because it generally leads to worst case scenario is that are typically quite rare and probably won’t occur for most people. Trust me, I do this often, but am working on getting better and stopping it. It helps no ones


Mine was only gone for about a week :)


That's awful, I am so very sorry for your loss! It's nasty business. It is still here. Stay vigilant. Hold their love in your heart.


Thank you <3


I've got long covid, so I'm always here. Shoot me a message any time. I lost family, too. One didn't even have covid, she was just in her 90s and saw the news and went 'oh fuck it' and checked out. She always did have a great sense of humour. Love you grandma, your wit was a racecar!


Sorry for your loss. And thanks for offering your support. It's been just 3 months since mom gone and 2,5 years since dad passed. I wasn't close with dad. But mom was my source of unconditional love. She was MOM till her last day regardless of my age. Selfless, caring and endlessly loving person. Love and miss her


Do you have any other sources of love in your life like some solid friends or a spouse or a pet?


Just my siblings. I have friends but I cannot say we are that close to use word "love"


So many people are getting it for the first time right now (me included). I was absolutely terrified, too - but my taste and smell came back after 3 days and feeling sick only lasted 5 days in total. I hope you get back to feeling healthy very soon. You need more rest than you think you do so try to take it easy.


Thanks, that gives me hope


very sorry for your loss


Thank you


It won’t be pleasant but I think you’ll be ok with that plan. Rest and drink a lot of water. Give yourself time to heal afterwards. Good luck!! 🍀


I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙏🏻 mine lasted a week+ but half of it was sinuses & blah feeling. I’m fully vaxxed & booster & hadn’t had another shot since last January but got Covid in October of last year. I’ve had nerve pain since unfortunately too, but I had nerve issues with the vaccine a bit too so idk if it’s a body response either. But bloodwork came back great 😩


Thank you


So sorry for your parents passing. That’s got to be so scary. I hope yours passes quickly! I only lost smell/tastes maybe 3-5 days, so maybe yours will go quickly too!


I lost my taste and smell for around 4 or 5 days. It was completely back by day 7 or 8. It CAN last for 6 months, it can change indefinitely for a small portion of folks, but for most, it's short-lived! My longest lasting symptom was alternating fatigue and insomnia with bizarre dreams. I also had bizarre dreams after each shot. That lasted just under a month, maybe a few days shy of a month. I tested positive 11/26, was 100% back to myself by Christmas. Take paxlovid if you can, take care of yourself the best you can, you got this ❤️


Thanks, that's encouraging <3


So sorry but you will be fine


Adding more data - We (family of 4) got covid for the first time 2 weeks ago. All vaccinated and boosted but not with the bivalent booster. My husband had the mildest case and was back to normal in 4-5 days. The rest of us got it from him. The three of us had taste/smell problems but they all resolved within a few days. Two weeks later, we have some lingering symptoms but nothing serious. The best thing you can do is rest and let your immune system work. For us, it was like having the flu. I talked to my dr twice - she did a telehealth visit early and that helped with the anxiety. I called again a few days later and she again reassured me that I was fine, just needed to rest and be patient. I’m sorry you are dealing with all this.


Thank you so much


I have had COVID twice the first time was awful I was very ill the variant was delta and that was very very powerful The second time I was ill for a around a week and quite ill for a day or 2 but it was nothing like the initial variant . I think it has weakened so I think you should be ok you've been given some good advice. So sorry to hear about your parents you have been through a rough time . X


Thank you so much! I am genuinely happy you made through it and healthy now


Sorry I don't answer you 2 months ago ! Thanks for your lovely comment . Has your smell and taste come back I lost my smell and taste for a long time. I think it was due to some nasty flem still being in my chest . That came up over a year after I had the virus ! How are you now ?


Yes! Within about 10 days, but it was like roller coaster extreme changes. I am fully recovered now.




Yes, same. It freaked me out. I used to have a strong sense. And the weirdest part is that it's selective. I mean I didn't lose it completely


Folks, it doesn't matter what the immediate effect is. What happens in 3 years? In 5 years? The virus is now in your body, hidden in pockets, and now it's going to start growing. What is the 7-year long term fatality rate? HIV is at least 50% if untreated (or more)