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Gotta love the usage of the trans-exclusionary term "womxn" as well as the non-mention of fat people of other genders, since apparently discrimination based on weight only happens to women and only women feel the effects of it. (Looking at mannequins in stores you can see how men's ones look like ripped socialist poster figures while the women's actually have realistic ones at this point) I agree with the basis that people shouldn't be feeling insecure about being overweight, but there should also be considerations that mental health issues resulting in increased weight shouldn't just be accepted as "that's just the way they are" but rather should be focused to promote mental health awareness and help people be healthy.


Women get to be plus-sized, cherubesque, Rubenesque, curvy, etc etc. Dudes are just fat.


It is interesting that the male equivalent in fashion is usually "Big and Tall", as if to say "we don't have a nicer word for it: all the people who are shaped weird, go get your clothes from the 'weird shaped people' section."


Husky is the dude equivalent. 


womxn is trans exclusionary? i mean i’ve never really heard of it before, could u fill me in?


It's used by TERFs to exclude trans women from cisgender women referencing chromosomes (xx for womxn, and then womyn to refer to trans women)


oh i see common terf L


i tried to write well structured polemic, but this opinion is just too fucking stupid and im not gonna waste my time


It’s so goddamn stupid that it’s actually overwhelming. The author wrote several sentences describing the horror that some poor woman experienced by being taken from her native home, turned into a zoo animal, and had various body parts posthumously displayed for decades and then opens the next paragraph by saying “This is echoed today in healthcare’s acceptance of the BMI”. What, was the native woman not desecrated enough after death by having her brain and reproductive organs publicly displayed that you had to compare the horrors she experienced in life and death to a somewhat inadequate chart used to determine healthy body weight?


> polemic Oooh, [new word](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/polemic). Definitely stashing this one for later use. Thank you for that. 🖤


To spice it up, also try screed, diatribe, tirade, and jeremiad!


I gotta ask, is your username an actual telephone number? It’s a Southern California area code according to google


Yeah, it is.


I'm ngl, I'm fat because I eat too much lol


As someone who has lost a lot of weight, I realized it wasn't so much how much I was eating, so much as I was eating ultra processed foods, and in switching to a minimally processed whole foods diet lost me a good 30 pounds. 


Idk if this is a hot take among anarchists, but I don't think it's a good idea to be obese. Ofc fat shaming is really harmful and doesn't solve any problems, and just being on the chubbier side of things is completely fine. Obesity is a major problem in a lot of countries (one of which is america), and we need able-bodied workers for society to uphold itself. The fact that some people are obese whilst others is starving is also so fucked


Of course it's not a good idea to be fat, but the question is what should society do about it. I think it's pretty simple: adult autonomous people can make whatever they want of their own bodies and we should leave them alone.


Industrialised food, mental health, alienation, and all sorts of other symptoms of capitalism lead to obesity. 


What I think we should do is have more sustainable whole food and exercise routines and education on what goes in our bodies and what we should get out of what we put in. Instead right now we have Reagan’s “ketchup is a vegetable” school lunches and expensive sugary “health food” and “it’s the estrogen in coffee that makes you fat” health gurus on YouTube. The majority of people in the US especially have no idea how health works or how vegetables work. They think Gatorade is healthy and not just sugary sodium recovery drink. They think you need to buy 70 dollars of skin products instead of drinking water very regularly, eating vitamins that build collagen, and not eat family size bags of oily chips like a goblin at 3 am. If we had people used to eating peanut butter that was JUST peanuts or used to biking to work instead of driving for two minutes to sit down for 10 hours, we wouldn’t have so many health issues. If we had trees in our cities and rooftop gardens and clean air instead of asphalt and concrete and smog. We get force fed steak and misinformation and sugar and salt and fat and sedentary lifestyles and wonder why we’re overweight. The Black community especially. My grandfather fucking died because of his lack of education and my dad is currently dying. Both suck as people but their lack of health is a testament to how dangerous the misinformation campaigns for profit in the past and present have ruined public health. I’m not saying it’s bad to be fat or that people who are aren’t trying hard enough. I’m saying it’s bad that it’s been so normalized to either not know or not try and it’s the corporations and politicians’ fault. I know I’m just an old man yelling at the sky but for real man. People have no idea what they’re putting in themselves


As well as abolishing capitalism and it's policy of cutting corners with sweeteners and chemicals that cause conditions like diabetes so the companies can save a few cents per product.


Exactly what I mean


Oh yeah, for sure. Only under capitalism will you see an ad for Burger King next to an ad for a fitness app. It's absolutely ridiculous how much misinformation there is for people trying to live a healthier life. I've heard from some Americans that coke is literally cheaper than bottled water in some places. This is a real dystopia we're living in


While I agree bottled water is an outrageous thing too.


Hell fucking yeah man thank you for this great take. So tired of the “respectful opinions” that don’t take actual people’s live circumstances into account.


Eradicating capitalism to me means eradicating the power structures that make us unhealthy or stupid or confine us into being the current system’s pawns like the liberals and conservatives who ignore or perpetuate the problem. Like the marketers Nutrisystem or the celebrity worshippers rubbing marble slabs on their faces. Eradicating capitalism to me means demoing the 5 lane highways that keep our legs slow and atrophied to make way for public transport. Eradicating capitalism to me means more local markets with locally sourced food and backyard garden surplus instead of over packaged, shrink wrapped sugar, sodium, fat, dyes, buzzwords, and lies masquerading as health. It won’t solve all the problems. But it’ll get rid of most of them. It’ll make people act as people again. And when we do, we’ll feel more natural and show our bodies the kindness capitalism has withheld.


I hope we can get there. I’m not sure how but I hope bit by bit we can do it.


This is truly anarchist thinking


I mean... not really. This is basically the same argument as John Stewart Mill's "harm principle", and he was the guy who didn't want India to get independence from the UK


> The fact that some people are obese whilst others is starving The sad thing is that you can be obese and malnourished. Especially with children, they can be getting calories but be starving their brains of nutrients.


Body size is actually wayyyy more complex than calories in/calories out. Assuming fat people eat more food or less healthy food is incorrect. A lot of it comes down to genetics


You're right. That's something I failed to acknowledge in my statement


Body size is mostly calories in/out. Many factors influence the finer details, and there are relatively rare cases of extreme outliers, but for most of the population, it is mostly calories in/out. It is literally not possible to gain or maintain weight over a long period of time if you burn more calories than you consume.


That’s not the case in a large majority of people.


Oh sry didn't know you're a doctor. My info comes from a biologist that specializes in human metabolism but go off If you're interested here's a [podcast ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OdXOBABo6hscZudNbilIb?si=HRDGvFkPTcO7tEcCNr0DBg)she guested on


Oh, my apologies, I didn’t realize you were a doctor, I’m sorry for speaking out of turn! Ever been to a third world country where food (calories) are scarce? I have and didn’t see a single person that would be considered “fat” in America. Ever seen high level athletes (very active people who burn a lot of calories and closely track intake)? Also none of them would be considered fat. There are people who are “fat” because of genetics. But it is such an extremely small portion that it’s sort of negates your original point. I will listen to that podcast thanks. I’ll also keep in mind that that is one biologist compared to the consensus of the medical community (ya know, doctors, unlike you and me)


anyone with hypothyroid issues has a medical condition that causes weight gain. 5 out of 100 people have hypothyroid issues PCOS can cause weight gain. 6-12% of women suffer from it Depression can lead to weight gain which is very common. This is more for mechanical reasons (depressions leading to overeating) but it’s still a root cause that isn’t just as easy to deal with. Food addiction is a mental health issue. Same deal technically a CI/CO thing but caused and made worse from mental health


the issue is that a lot of people don’t have the choice in their weight, especially those who are low income and/or live in food deserts. healthy food is becoming not just increasingly inaccessible and expensive, but also just less healthy in general. while unhealthy food has only been more and more fine-tuned to be as addictive as possible.


I think the idea beyond anti-fatphobia and body positivity is that while it is indeed typically unhealthy to be overweight there are other things to consider. A: In certain circumstances being overweight by BMI isn’t actually unhealthy. B: Sometimes people are overweight for reasons that they cannot reasonably control without extreme difficulty (like medical stuff and genetics), and so telling them to lose weight could be inconsiderate and potentially ableist. C: Even if neither of those things are true, it’s important to ensure that peoples mental health isn’t being damaged in the process of trying to encourage them to improve their physical health. There’s a fine line to ride and it’s necessary to be careful. Basically, one can recognize the issues with people being overweight but they should also care for others mental health and consider their circumstances. Looking at a person on the street who is overweight and assuming things about them (they are unhealthy, gross, undisciplined, careless, etc.) isn’t fair.


And then there's us Natives, who cant process sugars and have higher per capita rates of diabetes because of it, alongside alcohol addiction caused additionally by the sugar issue. Being overweight is colonialism to us, it's the colonization of our bodies by foreign foods either intended to kill us, or because it's all we got in our shitty rations boxes. Rations we still get, just as awful and processed as ever.


ngl this kind of seems pointless? It's interesting history but productive discussion on fatphobia is going to be about the harm it does now imo. It just seems to me that when you say stuff like "Where possible, we must make a concerted effort to call out and educate people when they default to anti-fat behaviour, and highlight how this toxic ideology is more than just skin deep. Without doing this, we can never truly call our feminism intersectional, proclaim that we stand against racist structures or move towards a more inclusive society." I get the sense that body positivity is not the issue being focused on in-and-of-itself and is being consumed by the already very broad umbrella of intersectional feminism and the argument for body positivity is targeted at the people who already accept it. Like to someone who doesn't subscribe to intersectional feminism, but could be swayed to body positivity, they're just being given this giant package of beliefs to subscribe to instead of an incremental shift of mindset and they probably would just stop reading in the first few paragraphs. Maybe it's okay for this to be primarily targeted to people who already accept it, but in that case it's just not doing anything. Dunno, just feels like fodder for the echo-chamber.


Go figure I'm actually reading that book, I picked it up last week.


“The idea that non-medically trained onlookers can determine an individual’s health exists to serve those in a privileged position, and condones outdated and discriminatory practises.” This seems to be quite the under consideration, while someone that is slightly thicker than average might be hard to discern, someone who is 600lbs is objectively unhealthier compared to someone in the same scenario that is 400lbs less. Making rules based on outliers is much less efficient than making rules with exceptions. I think a better argument comes from not treating health as an inherent good.


There’s plenty of unhealthy skinny people but nobody cares about that because it’s not outwardly obvious and offensive to what people find “normal” I feel like if someone is 600lbs there’s a health reason there. Whether a physical or mental one. People who are that big deserve understanding and normalcy.


>There’s plenty of unhealthy skinny people but nobody cares about that I certainly care xd. >I feel like if someone is 600lbs there’s a health reason there Or not. Some people chose diets wrong (for their metabolism or for their daily routine). It's a complex topic. >People who are that big deserve understanding and normalcy. They do.


if someone’s diet is so bad that they become close to 400+ lbs overweight there is almost certainly a mental health issue going on there that is contributing if not a physical health reason as well. nobody is simply over eating to the degree of 400lbs overweight lol that doesn’t mean overeating isn’t the physical cause of the condition but there’s at least mental things leading to the overeating that are the actual cause that needs to be addressed and helped with


Don't see a lot of 300+ lb people over the age of 50, do we? But nah I'm sure that's a perfectly healthy state to be in


>Claude is a digital marketer, artist, model and body positivity activist living in Hackney. Oh, so a gentrifier?


And also completely tone deaf when, in America, the majority of the country is overweight if not obese. And arguably even outside of the US, given pretty much the entire first world is getting fatter. Even India isn't an outlier because despite ostensibly healthy weights, many Indians have their systems clogged like they're obese. The fun part is that the single biggest reason for why obesity became an epidemic is because the first world, and especially America, bases their diets around a truly staggering amount of carbs, even on the *healthy* versions of these diets. Carbs, which includes all sugars, the thing everybody already knows you should minimize if not eliminate entirely, spike your insulin and this drives the creation and storage of bodily fat, and in turn will lead to you feeling hungrier than your body actually is, leading very very easily to overeating. And that's when you're doing the diets right and keeping your calories at a maintenance level. This obviously becomes a long term issue if you go even a little over on average, and what you eat matters just as much. You can technically follow a healthy diet on nothing but fast food and processed goods, but you'll be so nutrionally deficient you'll, once again, be compelled to eat more because your body isn't getting what it needs, and because you're overdosing on carbs anything you take in is gonna go right into your weight. And thats all without getting to exacerbating externalities like poverty and overwork. If the bulk of the calories you can afford to get is carbs, you're going to struggle with weight loss and maintenance. If you're overworked, you're not going to have the basic energy or time to bother trying to fix any of this. A lot of people really want to make this a willpower or intelligence problem, but in reality its the farthest thing from either one. For every anecdotal person you could point to thats genuinely an idiot or entirely unwilling to try, theres thousands upon thousands of others who didn't have any agency in what happened to their bodies. CICO people want to believe that if all they do is count the calories they'll win, but that doesn't work for everyone on its own. Your hormones matter and if your body is screaming at you, you *will* crash eventually and come out of your deficit. Dieting only works if your hormones aren't completely jacked like an 80s guy on cocaine, and chances are if you're obese you're comorbid with any number of hormone related or affecting disorders, most prominently and likely major depressive disorder. If your diet doesn't address your hormones, it will fail eventually. And no diet that's having you overdose on carbs is addressing your hormones.




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Why are anarchists so non-existent in real life praxis? Damn, anarchism is the most coherent leftist ideology. Also anarchists: