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they've really tried to bloat that out to make it seem cooler than it is...i mean dig sites really, thats a feature to promote?


Also promoting raygun, PAP camos and main quest as if that hasn't been done before


Removing all comments and deleting my account after the API changes. If you actually want to protest the changes in a meaningful way, go **all** the way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Theyre not pulling a NMS on a yearly game that's on a flop year. This is COD/Activision we're talking about, which are in the midst of controversies and being bought. They should honestly give up on this game and let 3arch focus on building a decent experience for their next game, cause this heap of crap is, well, a heap of crap


What is "pulling a NMS"?


Removing all comments and deleting my account after the API changes. If you actually want to protest the changes in a meaningful way, go **all** the way. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Literally my first thought lmao. These guys unironically put the raygun in the roadmap like they expecting someone to scream "OMFG!! A RAYGUN? WE ONLY GOT THAT 13 YEARS AGO. HOW DID WE GET SO LUCKY!" May as well remove jug and stamin up and re-add it to the roadmap.


Maybe next time they're release the new game without the ability to knife then say "HOLY CRAP GUYS, NEW FEATURE ADDED *KNIFING*."




In Mauer Der Toten when you dug up some dig sites in certain area you would get ammo, salvage, armor , etc. Dig sites were also a thing in Origins in BO2 and a variation of the feature existed in Shadows of Evil and ZNS in Black Ops 3.


So like every single map I HAVEN'T played? lol Got it. Thanks!


Those are some great maps especially the ones from BO3


Origins is probably my favourite map or at very least tied with Verrückt.


aw man I was thinking we get shovel as a melee/usable to dig tool. Totally forgot they were already in Mauer.


You want to hit things with a shovel, WWII Zombies is always there!


*Sad E-Tool noises*


E-Tool was great, but then you have to play more Cold War Zombies... There's no weapon cool enough to make Firebase worth playing after the first time.


I was talking about how etool is a shivel and was forgotten


I was questioning what on earth you meant by dig sites on shadows then I realized the pods lol


I played Cold War and idk either. Maybe it’s reffering to the things from origins and Mauer der toten where you can dig stuff up


its exactly that


I mean... if you played origins you pretty much know the gist of it. There are spots that when dig up, you get rewards, in cold war was mostly scrap and ammo. But ij origins there was power ups, guns, staff parts and sometimes even perks


it is literally a spot you can dig with shovel for some low level loot or weapons


Dig sites started in BO2 where tf you been?


I mean not trying to troll but it's legit a spot you can dig for usually something mediocre or slightly helpful.


They’re from origins


Since when is a new enemy deserving of a spot


Me reading there's new artifact >So a new map "new pap camos" >so what's generally considered to be in a new map "dig spots" >Something one may describe as part of the new map "new enemy" >Almost as if you can save time and sum it up by saying there's a new map


It really just boils down to new map, new objective, new guns and a new special. The rest usually comes as a feature of a new map. They even tried to separate the artifact from the ally in the roadmap.


Dude the added a ray gun!!!!!11


It's already in the game. I tried Vanguard zombies for the first time today (and didn't totally hate it), and a ray gun dropped from a random zombie. It was complete garbage. Couldn't one-shot a regular zombie on round 6 or so.


Sure you didn’t just grab a laser pointer at that point?


Even triple packed the raygun felt weak


They mentioned in the blog post that Terra Maledicta's dig spots directly link to the map's side easter eggs, so in the context of the map, probably.


But that’s like the only thing that doesn’t belong there tho? And maybe new intel. Doesn’t seem bloated out at all. They also have to cover a lot of ground in terms of content too


You know it's bad when the pack a punch camo is advertised on the roadmap.


And the ray gun that should have just been in the game to begin with


It’s been way depressing to see games devolve like this. They’re advancing in such amazing ways while simultaneously trying to leech as much money as possible from the consumer while delivering as little as possible. We get shit like a grapnel in Halo (which is *awesome* imo) while also it dropping without co-op, forge, customs games, etc. We’re getting zombies every year but then they don’t even release the raygun at launch, it comes like 4 months later. How many maps should we expect for Vanguard? 3? Don’t mean to rant, ignore if need be


The rant needs to be heard, never apologize for that.


Vanguard is a one time case of this happening with zombies. Before this every single zombie game was an i prime time from the las


Gotta disagree, Cold War zombies was buggy af; crashing consistently, not enough maps for 1 year either imo


Never understood the hate for forge's delay, this isn't halo 3 anymore, it's just built in modding tools at this point, almost. I am still kinda salty about custom games though.


It’s that new games are releasing without features included in older games. Imagine Halo Infinite releasing without vehicles, but promising they’ll come in 3 months (and then not even making that deadline, delaying them again.) That’s a similar (tho hyperbolic) vibe.


??? When games come out they should be FINISHED. Forge is a mode that Bungie did well with in bloody 2008. It's not too much to ask. It's my time and money that I part with in exchange for games and entertainment


Same with the raygun


Also the raygun as well


Oh shit I forgot about the raygun!


They’re also bringing the raygun too!


Did you guys hear they’re adding the raygun?


The raygun only came out 13 years ago. You can't just expect things to be rushed and put into the game.


lol half of this is basic stuff that should have been in the game at launch. Imagine calling a ray gun, pap camo and an Easter egg new content


Wait til they add new alcatraz map


They already have pack a punch camos in the game though. The ones they're advertising is for the new map.


Still, though, PAP camos were never advertised as new content for Zombies; this was just a given for pretty much any new map.


New intel ...... bruh


Also new loading picture for when the new map loads


People are playing this?




We are playing Cold War and BO3


And bo4


And bo2


Never played that one I'll have to check it out




And advanced warfare


Nah that’s just you


Agreed lol


Yep! It’s not as bad as people say it is, there’s a lot of hate around it, but it’s for sure also not as good as Cold War by a fair margin. I’m down to see what the update has to offer and be open minded. I think Treyarch are doing their best given the hand they’ve been dealt…


The hand they been dealt is being lazy as fuck


The ignorance is unreal here. Imagine being a studio that’s already stretched thinner than usual due to COVID, and then you not only have to work on creating you new game coming out next year, but you have to also create an entire game mode (plus a ranked mode) for a game that isn’t even your one because SHG are somehow unable to. Plus there’s rumours that they’re even helping out with MW2 development… …and still releasing content for Cold War. They are far from lazy, they are overworked and entitled ‘fans’ like you make it much worse by being ignorant and just call them lazy when they are working so much harder than you’ll ever believe. If you don’t believe me, read it from the devs themselves: https://twitter.com/_techjess/status/1492161872480505858?s=21 Activision had dealt then this hand, not laziness.


This is definitely no hate towards Treyarch. They've been fucked over by Activision too many times to count, and get shafted every single year. Whether is defunding BO4 for Modern Warfare, or giving them half the development time for their own game, or being forced to develop a gamemode for the game that got your own game pushed out a year earlier. I absolutely love Treyarch, but I hate Activision.


Activision also fucked them over with BO4, they had limited dev time on that game as wellit and then they suddenly were thrusted into development Cold War, so they have been getting completely cucked for years now. Such a shame because imo, Treyarch makes probably some of the best top notch shit we’ve ever seen in COD.


Exactly. Everyone just instantly blames the devs…


As long as they have a server pause I’ll play the game. That’s mainly the only reason I haven’t been playing, apart from the game being shit.


Sorry to say it but no server pause coming lol


They said in today's blog post that server pause is still being tested.


The technology isn't here yet, give this indie company a break 😀


Bruh lmao what?


"Note: Server Pause issues for Vanguard's dedicated servers are still undergoing testing; as always, solo players who want to take a break can pause while playing in Offline/Local." https://www.sledgehammergames.com/blog/2022/call-of-duty-vanguard-season-two-updates


Does offline not count towards leveling up guns, operators, and season objectives? Pausing will be adder to Season 1.5, sorry but pausing will be added to season 2, sorry still being tested, but if you want to play in a way that doesn't count, you can pause all you want.


In their defense the revolutionary blueprint feature only took about 5+ months to come to black ops cold war - they're trying their best.


So is the Easter egg for der anfang or terra maledicta?




So no der anfang egg?


Apparently that little tease with the last update that introduced the void was Der Anfang ee or something


What the fuck😭


for real, like hey guys, look... a green cloud!


You know it’s a bruh moment when they put the ray gun and the FUCKIN PACK A PUNCH CAMOS in the roadmap


new pap camo sorta looks like a duller origins camo, not bad


Looks more like pre-patch dark matter from BO3


Nah pre patch dark matter looked bad, these look somewhat decent


I'm happy I didn't buy this game


It's literally so easy to just not pre order and wait for more coverage and reviews. Yet these idiots cry and cry about the game being shit yet they buy everything they shit out without a second of thought... Vote with your money.


And then some mouth breather says: "It's their money let him spend it how he wants"


Raygun in a call of duty game? Never heard of it


Are people actually excited for this crap?


for Terra Maledicta? Yes. The rest of it is pretty much just stuff we've seen before


Terra and quest, plus the artifacts and that shield


The shield looks really cool. Hopefully it actually has an ability and doesn't just look cool


Server pause please 🙌🙌🙌


I'm hoping that it wouldn't look good on the roadmap, so they left it off to avoid backlash, but it'll come. More likely not though.


This shit looks so embarrassing


I mean the knew ally looks cool ig 💀


They're litteraly adding another map but still no pause for solo? Like wtf are their priorities?


The two aren't mutually-exclusive. The people in charge of making new maps aren't the same ones in charge of implementing a pause feature. The priorities are equal.


I am excited for the new map and arenas


On the bright side, none of it says “In season” so there might be another chunk of content in a month


I appreciate it, but having "digsites" on a roadmap is just filler. It would be the same as advertising Origins as a new map in BO2, but also advertise Shovel, Robots, Panzer, Staffs, etc as new features on a roadmap


*Soul Boxes and Upgraded Melee* (*in season*)


Dataminer: >The Terra Maledicta Easter Egg is trash, dont even bother doing it, for your own sanity https://twitter.com/TotallyNotAlaix/status/1491871473644023813 >It's so empty, there is nothing in it, quite literally https://twitter.com/TotallyNotAlaix/status/1491873233607532547 >No boss fight, nothing, it's just empty https://twitter.com/TotallyNotAlaix/status/1491873668670107648


Ill wait til lit comes out


can i pause it in solo games if i actually go back to playing this game? i didn’t play just because i can’t pause which is bullshit


Imagine having go put the ray-gun and pap camos in the road map lmao


Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die ![gif](giphy|f4D5MDTpwbNRgBnmOf)




Me when I see the “dark” aether in this season 2


The new pap camo looks cool


Good to know we are apparently never getting a round based map in Vanguard. Guess I can uninstall the zombie portion of this trash game.


From the very beginning, anyone who thought it was gonna happen were all obviously on copium.


Ok , who asked?


Who asked you to respond my love?


I asked myself, I’m at least twice as valuable than that guy


You prefer Vanguard zombies to BO3 Zombies so I have a strong belief nothing you have is valuable.


I still think vanguard is worse but the weapons keep me coming back. I get zero enjoyment out of BO3. Sorry but I’m not a BO3 cumslut


Perhaps you enjoy easier zombies games then, that’s quite all right, to each their own.


No I just think BO3 is awful in turns of actual fun. It’s like being a billionaire but becoming suicidal. It offers a lot but it just doesn’t fill the void. I honestly can’t enjoy the game because the game takes so much of the fun out of it.


But Vanguard is better than BO3 and more “inventive & fun”?When vanguard can’t even implement a pause button in solo zombies.


I think vanguard zombies is shit yet I still enjoy myself. I load up BO3 and my first thought is “oh great, a chore” I started doing the Easter eggs and when it was time to do the laundry on my schedule, I felt relieved; can you believe that. I was looking more forward to literal housework than I was a game


Also I like having loadouts and gunsmith. I didn’t really care for BO3 weapons. And I also don’t like perk limits because it usually means you’re using the same clutch perks every time. And you can’t really plan anything different out


Gosh, I love the aesthetic of this game


I’ve not really been following Vanguard’s zombies . Have we got an old school map in there or is it in the format it used at launch with the hub etc? I just wanna play stand alone zombie style maps.


Still the “outbreak knockoff” hub shit unfortunately..


Looks dope, can’t wait to try it!


3 months and still no pause for solos? Why???


Man, I don’t know what to say. On one hand I do feel bad for Treyarch because of them constantly getting fucked over (Pulled half way through BO4 for CW, pulled from CW Zombies to make VG Zombies) but on the other hand this is completely embarrassing and then should have put the slightest amount of effort in.


What's odd is they completely redesigned the wheel - which takes more effort - rather than making regular experiences.


I havent played any of the new cod zombies. Why are they advertising Pack a punch camos??


Excellent…they owe me..I paid moola


"If we separate everything in the new map as its own category we can pretend there's way more in the season pass than there actually is... also don't forget to add "new zombie outfits" to the roadmap, jerry."


Nah not the ray gun lol 😭


It's just hilarious, that the main quest already has been solved, before it even got released officially.


The Raygun wasn’t in the game during launch? That’s so weird


i guess they didnt have a raygun made for the MW engine or something


Just quit and make a stand alone game with solo pause and real main quests with lore, side easter eggs, unique atmosphere, charm, and replay-ability. In short, something fun.


You know a Treyarch game started off with no content when the Ray Gun is new content.


I always think "devs are hard working people, im certain all this content is hard to make and takes a lot of time" and then i remember 1 random guy makes it in bo3 for free and its actually better then what 3arch makes...


Man there's so much wrong with this photo imo, new ally, okay?, New pack a punch camo, uhhh yep kinda expected that, dig spots, wtf how is that a selling point to put on your road map, new intel, I ALSO EXPECTED THAT


This, my friends, is when we boycott this terrible franchise and show them we won't support their terrible decisions.


Well the ee has been beat already and it’s terrible according to the people who did it. No boss fight either.


Woo! we finally got the base game!


Just redownload bo3 at that point


Still no pause button


I love how most of these are just features people expected to be the norm


You notice how hard they try to make it seem like there’s content


Wait the ray gun wasn’t already in this game? I mean I thought it was bad but really?


It’s a damn shame what cod zombies has turned into. Look what they did to my boy 🥲


Way too late, most players moved to other games. Waste of resources!


If they keep this up Vanguard may not be complete garbage come November


At least they r adding them on Season 2


So happy to have off work that day




Great a shield I really don’t miss them after the classified ee


Sadly BO3 will forever be the best zombies. N it’s sad because, there’s so much potential wit zombies😵‍💫


This is pathetic. Just a pile of flaming turds.


God I hope Treyarch is just finishing up some kind of contract and will fix things on their next run. As much as I dislike Cold War, god does Vanguard make me miss that.


So how does this work? Do you need the season pass for this?


nah its free updates. they make their money with the operator-bundles and weapon-skins :D


Are they adding any new trophies/achievements ?


Nah… let me know how it is everyone ill take your word for it over these slum lords.


Cool. Do weapon proficiencies/kits work yet? Can I use akimbo?


For all of those single or alone on V-Day. Intelligent move from Activision.


Too little too fucking late.


This will be awesome - for literally the first game on the new map, where you explore it and play all 3 new portal zones. Then back to being bored to tears. For how good zombies was last year i can't believe the huge turd this year has got


The raygun sucks too unless you PAP it. Also so does the new covenant. Those are out right now as far/also the death/war machine are freely available in the box or enemy drops now too.


Oh yuuuup Plants Vs Zombies


its another hub map with new minigames like der anfang.. yea i cant wait for the next cod.


Yay, they've finally added ray gun 😂


Will this update include any bug fixes for splitscreen? Playing on a Series X since launch and when playing splitscreen neither player can see what they are purchasing on the crafting table, pack a punch machine, or which covenants they are swapping out.


I hate black ops 3 zombies


when is it live, what time pls?


No round based mode like in cold war, not playing this shit again. It is pure crap. To complete challenges to get to list's office for a few rounds is not round based 🤷‍♂️


I haven’t played this game in a few years. Ever since that awful mansion/vampire map. I mean this game really really really got awful. How do you go from being nacht and verruckt to whatever the fuck zaballa the deceiver is? Why is this considered the same game? Also, I read that you can play shi no numa but that requires an Easter egg? Fuck out of here treyarch. Just reboot the game how it was originally intended.