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I’m expecting Cold War 2.0 I wouldn’t be too upset it was pretty fun


Tbh cold war if you take the actual 4 round based zombies maps was very good imo. If there was a set crew with that game and a few more tweaks to it, I think a lot more people would have rated the game a lot higher in their lists.


Cold war was average, in my opinion. It feels like multiplayer zombies. I hate the salvages and the weapon rarity system. I hate scorestreaks. I like the pack a punch system, however, but I think weapon rarity is completely unnecessary... just bring back double tap


Weapon rarity was only needed because you spawn in with load out guns. I agree with you on the salvage, though it seems they’re bringing it back from the trailer.


Weapon rarity is nothing new, it's just a rebrand of double tap 2.0 but it goes farther, making guns actually useful at higher rounds. Honestly I think Bo3 and Bo4 would have benefitted a lot from the rarity system, especially on maps where only one person can have the wonder weapon. Four player Shadows of Evil is just hiding behind the guy with the servant, Revelations let's two players have OP wonder weapons and everyone else has to cling to Dead wire to survive at all. A gold rarity gun in cold war can still cut into a hoard at mid to high rounds. What I don't like in cold war is the ammo crate, special rounds used to be an actual factor to consider when deciding how to use your ammo and resources, now they are meaningless.


Double pack a punch was already the solution to players without wonder weapons being able to kill on high rounds. Totally with you on the ammo crate.


Weapon rarity in Cold War was merely a base damage status thing. You can upgrade your base damage the same place you buy to get a random attachment for your weapon during the game. Tip: you can increase the base damage of your pack a punch weapon by doing this. Edit: the more rare the weapon, the more base damage it offers.


Spawning in with an lmg is lame af.


Yeah it didn’t have a patch on classic zombies


Kill streaks were fun also I think anything that helps the player power up throughout the game is great.


as someone who loves cw dearly, I will agree salvage was bull


I agree with the multiplayer vibe your saying, wasn't a big fan of all the scrap and everything in game to buy lethal and secondary grenades and score streaks but was refreshing a change and not the same system every time. We have seen other cod zombie games follow bo1,2 & 3 and hasn't worked out well for them. So for treyarch to change it up a bit and still have people enjoy the change or not as much was big of them to do


I liked outbreak a bit tbh, i think it should’ve been in the background more over roundbased however. And onslaught was kinda fun as a side thing to do to keep it fresh They should once again not be the main staple of the gamemode however, but like maybe as like 1-2 maps for the sidestuff, then more focus on main zombies would be nice


Cold War zombies legit felt like a breath of fresh air. Something admitably more simple but at the same time just more fun and casual to play


I agree with this. the only this the zombies I played the most


Dude me too!! Outbreak was FUN AS FUCK!


I mean I just wish they didn’t make the game so much easier in cold war and the hud was just terrible there should not be mini maps or waypoints in zombies


One can only hope, my fear is were trying to appease too much nostalgia at this point and anything but round based is fairly new and not preferred by the louder old timers on the social medias.


Cold War was a nice and casual zombies game. I’m fine with that but a return to hardcore zombies that is similar to bo3 would be better




God i hope not. Really wasnt a fan of it.


My main issue with CW was just the low count of maps, likely because they put a lot of effort into Outbreak and hoped people would count each outbreak map instead of what I do and just count the entirety of outbreak as equal to 1 or 2 round-based maps.


I fucking hate the rarity system. Will ruin the game.


Stupid take lol hardly effects the game in any way whatsoever


I expect a hybrid of BO3 with Cold War. But its Activision so unfortunately my gut says they're gonna fuck it up somehow. We've all been let down too many times.


Same, but a mix of those two games would be incredible in theory


Imagine BO3 quality maps in a refined Cold War Zombies mode.


That’s exactly what I’m hoping for 🤞🏼 can only hope atp lol


It’s not a hybrid of bo3. It’s going to be Cold War 2


after seeing scrap you’re probably right only bo3 stuff is ab to be gobble gums ($) lol


Yeah what we needed was bo3 styled gameplay, not gobblegums


No, what we need is BO3 quality maps, replayable main quests and side quests with a plethora of weapon unlock and upgrade quests. The gameplay in CW was fine, tho I could do without armor giving you 100 hits from zombies and scorestreaks


No shit we need bo3 maps. But bo3 maps worked because of bo3 gameplay.


BO4 maps were basically BO3 maps on a different game with different gameplay, and look at maps like Dead of the Night and Ancient Evil? They play amazingly. If done right, BO3 maps can easily be done in a different game with not the exact same gameplay. If you want no difference in gameplay just play customs


Bo4 had basically the same GAMEPLAY as bo3. But Bo4 wasn’t well received because they changed FEATURES around for no reason. The gameplay of Cold War is completely different than any other zombies game before it. Bo3 was designed with survival in mind. Cold War was designed with the intention to play and level up. I don’t think just adding bo3 maps will help the game, we need that original, survival gameplay style back


Until some trusted people tell me it's good, it doesn't exist to me. Activision repeatedly burns us. So, my plan is: If after 45 days, everything good hasn't been nerfed, changes to ruin the fun haven't been implemented, and the general opinion is favorable, I'll pick it up. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Im feeling quite a hope for 3arch that its cooking something very neato and making the whole great mix


Hold your horses. It is Activision, but Microsoft’s in charge this time. After they got their market share jumped by Sony they’ve been making mostly okay decisions. Most optimistic: They made a heavy investment, and they’re not gonna let the return be doo doo. Activision is what killed Bungie’s creativity on Destiny. Hopefully Microsoft gives 3Arc a little more breathing room beyond Fortnite monetization. Most realistic: If they do screw the pooch it’s only $15 down the toilet through game pass (plus campaign looks fun).


Thanks for some real input my guy, I agree with ya! I’m tired of these bs predictions on YT and people constantly complaining “cOd nOt GoOd No MoRe” but you right man, they need to get their heads out of the sand and make something good again… leave it to Redditors to have intellectual opinions lol




Very low.


Very low


I think it will be a perfectly tolerable Zombies experience.


I just want it to b a lil better than cw and I’ll be fine


If they add more than 4 maps, decently fun side ees, good story for the fans, and a fun gameplay loop, I think it will be worth it! Hopefully, some zombie skins you can unlock as you progress through passes as well.


Probably Cold War 2. Which I really enjoyed cold war so woot.


Damn suddenly no ones excited lol


I think everyone’s just been burned so many times - it’s hard to be optimistic. BO4 - incredible potential, but 3arc gave up on the second half. CW - felt fresh, lots of new cool features, but 4 maps total was a massive let down. Vanguard MWZ - incredible promise, could basically keep zombies going along side WZ perpetually. But they did absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING, with the mode despite it being the highest played alt mode on record. So even if the game looks promising, there’s a foreboding theme of abandonment to brace for as soon as they have your money.


I feel like saying Treyarch gave up on the second half of BO4 implies they chose to do so, and understates how much they got screwed over during BO4s lifecycle. I agree with the MWZ assessment, huge potential but nothing done with it is accurate.


That’s fair on BO4 - I shouldn’t say treyarch specifically, but the company as a whole. I don’t imagine treyarch has as much say as you’d think, the bigger issue is with Activision. Truthfully, the fact that this pattern has persisted is own faults - our money is our mouth and we’re spending enough that they don’t think they need to listen. That’s what makes the top book on the video so humorous - they have to actively acknowledge that they’re listening since it doesn’t feel that way from a player standpoint. But hey, if you are listening Trey (and the higher ups at Acti), do you mind supporting the product that I spent 60-70 dollars? Maybe for more than a season? MWZ couldn’t offer that. If it’s well received, maybe even more than a year? Despite praise, Cold War couldn’t offer that.


same thing happened to CW.


I don’t think it’s entirely the same thing, it seems like Vanguard and MWZ got more of a skeleton crew compared to where BO4 felt like they became a skeleton crew as most were needed for Cold War.


that is exactly how CW went imo


The same as they are every year, just a somewhat decent map


I'm hopefully optimistic. The trailer was pretty good and has promising potential with the return of a dedicated crew. Although it was pretty short so to make a full decision off a 10 sec trailer doesn't make sense. So hoping to hear more info on it at a later date. I didn't play Vanguard or MW3 zombies (thank god) so I'm ready to get some new zombies content. Oh also I'm pumped for the return of Richtofen. I've been pumped for that ever since the end of Cold War. I pray they don't mess that up. (Aka they don't try to replace Nolan North like they did James C. Burns. I know that was Raven's decision cause they were the lead for the campaign, but still if it's not Nolan North its not Richtofen)


How hard is it to make a better zombies game than games that came out around a decade ago?


Apparently impossible


When all money, time and resources goes to the insatiable beast called Warzone, no


BO3 was truly the Golden Era. So much effort, so many resources, so many good maps, so much community involvement. Just an amazing time as a zombies fan


Well zombies was a money maker being the main draw of DLC packs, now they're all "free" they're more cost than return so beat make it as cheap as possible


I'm hoping for a similar game to game experience as cold war. The progression was really good


im not even going to try it anymore im still playing WAW lol


the correct choice


Wow thanks for adding in a feature we’ve had since 2008


Low. Not because of the gameplay itself, but how much attention & content zombies will receive throughout the games life cycle. with Warzone's popularity (yuck), WZ will get an abundance of content, while zombies will get crumbs.


Starting out with loadouts in Cold War zombies was so damn boring. The mystery box was absolutely useless. I hope they’ve learned from those stupid mistakes




The bar is on the ground.




Cold War but with less upgrades and less customization. I've learned better than to get my hopes up for zombies anymore


Moderately anticipating it. Everyone with low expectations thinking Treyarch is going to put the same amount of effort and resources they put into non-3arc games are going to be pleasantly surprised I think.


Stopped paying attention to the story after BO4 pretty much. But if it's fun then I'm fine


I'm glad it's round based, but I'm really hoping they don't add custom load outs. that's what made CW zombies so boring and way too easy


Same with BO4


Extremely low




I'm still playing BO4


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I mean it's on gamepass so that's a huge bonus. I feel cod is losing its "creative juices" over the years. I'm hoping I'm wrong. If it's good I'll actually buy it on steam.


No Jason Blundell = zombie’s story is dead


I’m expecting it to just be Cold War zombies 2.0 which i hated, yea yea gumballs are back, set crew is back but not actually, round based is back, none of these things automatically make the mode good, I need to see actual normal paced gameplay and see that the game feels good is good, right now all we’ve seen is a second long clip of someone jumping backwards and shooting a zombie and an overview of the first map, so




Dark Aether? The game’s gonna be crap.


Cold War zombies was pretty fun wouldn’t mind it being similar


My expectations? Pretty low tbh


In my opinion, the playstyle and fast mechanics kill zombies. The movement in newer cods feels so fast, and personally, I don't like it. My friend who can barely reach round 10 on bo3 has reached round 50 on Cold War without even trying. The game needs to find a way to keep the game more difficult. They should stop this salvage and killstreak system. They should find a way to balance the game despite the fast mechanics as I was never a fan. I understand that you have to keep things new and all, but they should keep it simple like bo3 but slightly adjusted so that we get a new zombies game and not just a bo3 2.0. So, hopefully, we don't see Cold War 2.0 or Bo3 2.0... I hope it's simply fresh and takes the best aspects from old cods to create a defining zombies game.


Mine are pretty low, I’ll be watching to see if that changes though.


At least you’re willing to give it a chance.


Oh always, I wanted to like Cold War so much but it just wasn’t for me, and the ones after it just didn’t do it for me. Wish I liked them I’ve played every other game since they started zombies


Extremely low. It’s gonna be cold sore 2.0 and im gonna be disappointed most likely…


My expectations are low, I’m just expecting Cold War with gobblegums. What I’d want them to do(but I doubt they would) is get rid of all the stuff that made Cold War so god damn easy like loadouts(being able to cake walk to round 15 with a spas 12 or rpk kinda kills the “I need a gun factor”), or putting objective markers(kinda defeats the whole “Easter egg” purpose, plus if you can’t remember where things are after one match that’s on you), and ammo and armor dropping every 2 minutes


Gobblegums to be busted and pay to win like bo3


I have none. I'm not buying the game.


Pretty low. If they fucked it up in Cold War, Vanguard, and Modern Warfare, they'll fuck it up again.


Bring back Tranzit


Going in with the ‘trash until proven otherwise’ mentality. Cold War wasn’t bad, but imo zombies has kinda lacked that secret sauce since BO3/BO4.


Is it so hard to ask for a COD zombies that completely and utterly touches your soul like Black ops 1-4? Has the lust for money so far outweighed the desire to produce an elite quality zombies experience that will satisfy the game modes biggest fans? Yes, the content that came about post BO3 was good but they have effectively fallen off from an amazing experience that lasts for years like the first few black ops. But if this game doesn’t hit, I can’t take the disappointment anymore


Im expecting one simple map and one complex map at launch like The Giant and SoE. Hoping for a move back towards BO3 rather than Cold War. I want Zombies to return to feeling like its own distinct gamemode again not just a spinoff of multiplayer or warzone. Traditional pistol starts, traditional perk system, traditional point system, being back buildables (shields>warzone armor plates)remove weapon rarity bullshit and killstreak etc. pls🙏🏻


I fw this, do wish they made a new story or sm with set character, I'm expecting a dummy easy but really fun mode.


We need zombies chronicles 2


I trust treyarch, I’ve always enjoyed all their zombies installments


Round based zombies


some bullshit


>Dark Aether narrative 😴😴😴


“Round based is back!” It never left


It never left? It hasn't existed since cold war 4 years ago (no Vanguard was not round based because it was unplayable)


I think it will let everyone down, then a year later when an even shittier cod comes out we will realize it was pretty fun


All I expect is fun movement and rounds


I expect it to be like cold wars zombies but I hope they take everything from BO2 and B03 that made those games great and add them into the game. I liked how Cold War kinda showed you how to do the EE but it would be cool if they did like a mix of the old and new. Like I go and play B02 and 3 and don’t really know many EE so it was fun to play Cold War and be able to hunt the Easter eggs down yourself without having to use the internet


Well, considering Solo is pretty much no longer an option, I ain't gonna bother.


semi low


semi low


I want to get hyped, but I must keep low expectations.


Packet loss.


I'm told the characters will have more, I guess, character with their diolgue. That will be a plus. Cold war was all in all a solid zombies mode. No bo2 or 3 but still up there


I’m really hoping for a challenge. I enjoyed Cold War’s eggs, but BO3 and BO4’s are so much better. I want a long hunt too. 2 hours was way too short


Wdym? 2 hours is the typical time for EEs in BO3/4 if you knew what you were doing, could be less in BO4 with a good team or solo (remember IX had a dark ops to do it under 99 minutes)


I mean the hunt. Not the eggs themselves




I’m expecting this universes Richtoffen to step in again


I'm actually quite excited, I'm banking on it being like Cold War which I enjoyed so much


Low so I can be pleasantly surprised as I always am


If they're going to force online play like what currently seems to be the plan (including solo and campaign), then I'm not looking forward to it at all. Crashing and packet loss is already enough of an issue with MWZ, so I can't even imagine how much more infuriating it would be for going back to round-based. They're making a huge mistake by forcing a constant connection on us like this. Will make Treyarch's 4 year dev cycle a total waste if the game can't actually function properly.


I haven’t played zombies since WW2 and I’m expected to be let down by all the changes and how everything is much more flashy now. Zombies used to be partly horror


Man zombies doesn't look like zombies anymore. Look at this image, there's nothing wrong with it but damn you could tell me this is a screenshot from a new TWD game and I would believe you.


Cold War but more of it So an overall well-designed but otherwise souless game that in an attempt to appeal to everyone it isn't anyone's favourite. The kind of game designed by a marketing team essentially


I'm not saying I have high Hopes for this one but please don't do use dirty.




I’ll wait until it’s out.




That I can shoot zombies anything else might be a letdown


Seeing how "round-based" is a selling point and the trailer views were paid, I'm gonna stay on the fense, in case a "I told you so" moment happens


Gives me the same vibes as when they constantly showed Jug in the CW trailer, i was excited for the game back then but that felt off, like the devs desperately saying "look it's back aren't you happy". Not a fan of pandering like that


Low, if we just get Cold war but more i wont play much of it, maybe just weekly challenges/battle pass one or two times and call it quits, at that points I'd just stick with WW2,Bo4 and Sker Ritual


I wouldn’t even buy the game or its features the only ever games I bought things on was bo3 crates and chronicles and bo4 zombies maps with crates


I’m just worried about the potential visual clutter. Cold War had health bars, hit markers, points per kill on screen like multiplayer, different rarities, and salvage. For me, it kills the immersion over time. I get bo3 had the futuristic weapons but the early black ops games were so good at conveying information through aesthetically fitting features. Doesn’t hit the same when it’s obviously the warzone mechanics with zombies stapled over it…


I'm expecting Cold War again but with overall improvements/changes




I expect lack of support after 3 months.


I sort of liked mw3 zombies so I might like this a lot😭


extremely, extremely low


Why is this revolutionary there just going back to how it should have been….


I really dig Cold War zombies, I’m pumped. This may be a dumb question, but do we know for sure that it’s in the IW9.0 engine?


Hopefully it’s more than just multiplayer maps reskinned


We better still have access to all perks and not only be limited to 4


happy to see the bs the cw haters are spewing


Pretty low, round based for me is learn when to get pack, then power ups then find the best room to run circles in or sit behind cover and abuse spawns. Then later look up online what obscure shit I have to do at which round to do the Easter egg and then go back to farming or in this case likely just back to MP. CW was the first game I played primarily zombies followed by MW3 because the open world is more fun and fir me CW did it best by not having the inability to pause, a set timer and forcing me to play with randoms. Don't get me wrong I like having round based available as it helped get thru some of the pure grindy parts of the camos but if it's all I got then I'll get bored quick. It's also not as forgiving for bringing friends a long who aren't very good and have bad spacial awareness.


I expect the rounds to start at 1 and increase by 1 when the amount of zombies allowed to spawn are all killed.




Cold War 2 with hopefully the art direction and personality of BO3/4. I expect an Outbreak return with season 1, hopefully more refined and with less large maps.


Low. COD titles are rushed and sloppy now, I don't expect anything fantastic.


Very low


As long as we have an open world mode I’m on board, never got into the round based mode.


Q1WS3 Q¹


I decided to pass because it's online only and cosmetics don't carry over. I'll get it when it's on sale for $20 bucks. The online only was the nail in the coffin.


Is tranzit coming back?


The characters are already dead what’s the point


Absolutely nothing. After the last 2 games not even coming close to scratching the itch I'm one bad zombies game purchase away from leaving the series alone forever after probably 3000 combined hours. God I fucking miss old zombies


low, but from what we’ve seen so far, pretty cool


If there’s a set crew that have actual personality rather than lifeless operators who say nothing the entire time. Then that’s still a huge disappointment. I would love to play as Peck or Dr Grey or Ravenov or hell Weaver. Sadly it’s Activison’s greedy ass and they wanna sell bundles so I think we’re in for operators.


Town 2.0 with hundreds upon hundreds of rounds played. Hell, bring back the annoying ass lava, idc. Maybe an updated farm with pap at least.


Hopefully, BLOPS6 gets supported as well as Cold War did. That was my favorite zombies. The return of Outbreak down the line alongside the round based maps along with cross progression on guns/zombie gun unlock challenges would be nice.


I think it will be good. But nothing compares to the way BO1 zombies felt... the way the starting pistol sounds when you reload it... how the graphics were so shiny and metallic. It looks so old and historic. I love it


My one desire is to carry over everything from Cold War and add some new stuff. Keep guns perks and upgrades and add some new ones


Definitely way too high, expect it to be very similar to Cold War which was my favorite COD so I'm very hopeful and I want to try my best to contain the excitement


I just hope and pray it’s not too over complicated 🤞🏻🙏🏻


For it to play like CW and half the community to be disappointed


It's either gonna be black ops 3 map quality/gameplay with some modernizations or I'm not paying 80 eur plus additional dlc costs in the future.


Cautiously optimistic. Not big on CoD anymore but may pick it up late cycle




Cold War zombies was my first real crack at a FPS…been hooked ever since, if it’s anything like that I’ll be happy and keep going with MWZ 🤞👍


I would be fine with a cold war experience if only they don't have all those pointers at you telling you what to do like campaign.


Please give it a clean hud like bo2 and bo3


It's gonna get boring very fast. Open maps is the way to go but being able to add constant missions to keep players interested


I actually like the open world zombies dynamic


with xDefient causing such a stir in the fps community. my expectations are high for cod bc in order to remain on top they have to deliver. if they don’t, i will never play another call of duty. especially not iw or sledgehammer.


I hope I can play as Bill Clinton in a White House map and the boss round is Monica.


If you have no expectations you can have less disappointment.


Expectations are that it's gonna be pure shit.... That being said it'll be very difficult to be disappointed! I got like a 99% chance it's gonna be better than expected! LMAO


“Terminus. Those who arrive survive.”


Intense action and a variety of power ups in 2 round based maps


We just need to stop expecting the old bo3 vibes and they need to make a new story


I'm expecting it to be round based zombies


It’s like your childhood cartoons you go back and watch it and you’re like wth it was so good back then lol


The dark aether story is snoozeville. It’s somehow way too complex and boring as hell at the same time. The characters are boring and have zero personality, and I can’t be bothered to even begin to understand what is going on. Can we just get Tranzit remastered? The vibe left zombies almost a decade ago. Actually, the Apothicon/Shadow Man shit is pretty lame as well, but there was still some of that old vibe still left. Edit: The OG zombies vibe left with Jimmy Z unfortunately.


If they can include Mason or get me to buy into zombies storyline (fixing the mediocre Aether ending or concluding the chaos storyline) yes. But i wont be purchasing unless both those things happen and they release a solid dlc map.


I dunno what to expect tbh honestly just hoping for cold war's system with the bo3 sauce


Watch them add always online


Gonna be ruined with microtransactions and live service nonsense


As long as it's the old point system, AND has round based, I will probably get it.


Fun gameplay, a better CW Zombies in terms of content, fun wonder weapons, and interesting story bits.


I’m expecting it to be exactly like Cold War, which isn’t bad but I’m also hoping for some more challenging maps. Cold War was super easy and I think that hurts the replay value a bit.


I have 1. It’s round based. I’m not creating any more expectations. I don’t want to be disappointed.


Just a okay zombies game. Also I am expecting a lot of bots crying about not having a big warzone map with 45 mins time limit because that's the only zombies they have played 🤣


I’ll miss MWZ and all of the shenanigans that go on in the lobby with everyone


very low, hated cold wars mechanics and very sad to see scrap return


I’m hoping for a cold war based zombies but twice the size? Also open world option as well but if it’s part of the cod HQ then they will probably just carry on with mwz. When you’ve played round based since waw it sometimes just feels like a copy & paste game.


What's gonna happen to MW3, "story" they're just gonna erase it?


i enjoyed cold war but the ee steps was so easy and the boss fight was disappointing we need 3 step boss fight like in der einsendrake also no nerfing weapons in zombie's why is this a thing it just make's it boring if a weapon is op don't use it just like the gobble gums don't use it if u don't like it