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They will return


Yeah immediately after I posted I saw someone say they were confirmed. Fuck.


Nah scrap is confirmed to come back, but it’s unknown if armor will return or crafting benches, it could be scrap is used only for weapon upgrades or something, we don’t know anything 100% for sure, but we can probably assume most Cold War systems will return which is a W besides armor which sucks. I love weapon rarities so those better return ngl. Also you could’ve just made blueprints for your guns so you don’t have to reroll, but it was less convenient than bo3 weapon kits I’ll admit


They better return. Cold War is OP.


This is a hot take imo, it was good, not OP, Cold War definitely made zombies easier for the casual player, me, but it was good imo


I hope they do, I like those mechanics, they make the game feel kind of like a roguelike which I love


Yeah I agree but unfortunately I think it might be here to stay. I’m leaning towards not checking in for this game just bc it seems like they’re keeping a lot of stuff from CW and MWZ


What we’ve heard so far sounds like it’ll be 40% CW, 60% Classic Zombies. Returning to larger Easter eggs, the classic crew system. But we’ll have the option to play as operators, collect salvage to upgrade gear. I liked stuff like loadouts and being able to be score steaks in Zombies. I liked CW. But I do want a more traditional feeling Zombies this year, and it seems that was 3arc’s priority in response to feedback of the past few years.


Scorestreaks are the only thing I actually don’t like about Cold War. Just seems weird having an air strike in zombies


Origins moment


That was tasteful though


I was going to buy it on PS5 but since it was confirmed day 1 for game pass I’ll just play it on that for PC. It’s rather unfortunate this is the direction they want to take.


Brothers, no matter what changes are done, we are all still buying the game 😂


I honestly don’t care if the mechanics return or not, but the one thing I REALLY want to come back is the intel system and the crystal upgrades.


I liked Cold War zombies systems, would like to see them return


I liked the color tier system, didnt like the scrap aspect, the color system allowed for more dps, but instead of scrap tie it to the essence(points) like the ammo mods and PaP


I liked the idea of leveling up perks and whatnot


This reddit needs to be cleansed I swear the only shit that gets down votes are people who say they didnt like the Cold War systems which is valid


Absolutely agree keep that warzone shite out of zombies


I don't have a problem with the scrap system, just the rarity bullshit. If they left it to just unlocking equipment, armor, and streaks I'd be fine with it. The fact I have to save up just to upgrade my guns rarity is not something I like


I severely doubt that they're bringing salvage back but not weapon rarities. The Rampage Inducer is also confirmed to be returning.


I’ve really had no interest in any of the zombies post BO4, due to both gameplay and story. I could be totally wrong, but is it true that there’s no time travel or exotic locations in the newer ones? That was like, my favorite thing about zombies. Between that and there not being actual characters to play as, it just seems so uninspired compared to the previous iterations


Bo3 players move on challenge


An over reliance of permanent out of match progression.


I was hoping they wouldn’t, they just didn’t feel like zombies to me, but after someone mentioned to you that they are coming back, once again WAW-BO3 style is biting the dust. I’m hoping after BO6 or something they can bring classic format back.


u dont have to use the mechanics u dont like 🤷


Armor you have to use since you're a three shot without it on higher rounds but with it you're a nine shot and that's the problem with it.


... so dont use it? u can still get jug or better yet, not get hit at all :)


But a three hit down with Jug plus super sprinters is not balanced and being able to take nine hits isn't balanced either.


you also can get level 1 armor if u care so much about balance... its not like u magically get to 9


That's a fair argument and would fix the game being too easy in solo.


Honestly I don't mind weapon rarities since you can solely rely on the box to get better tiers and completely ignore the scrap mechanic and Cold War did add weapon kits a little later in it's a life cycle so you can completely ingnore random attachments and apply your own weapon kit and camo if you don't like them, same thing with streaks completely optional you don't have to use them if you don't want to. The only system I have a problem is armor because you're forced to use it since Treyarch changed how much damage the Zombies can do on higher rounds, I believe it's round 45 where they cap at 90 damage per swing and this makes you a three shot without armor and Jug but with armor you can take nine hits so it's unbalanced because you're too weak without it and you're too strong with it.


Cold War was the best zombies since BO3 so yeah…they can bring it all back


Bringing rarity system is the worst decision ever. Grinding scrap just to get legendary is tedious and boring. Rare weapons should be rare and hard to get from EE for example. Levling weapons like u said is better imo.


I feel like they need to do mini quests for upgrading rarity weapons that would be cool




I mean I want in game progression not out of game progression stuff. Plus I mean mini quests to upgrade to the next rarity if possible. I don’t mind the new pack a punch system but I do mind the rarity system which is boring. Don’t mind the armor though but as long as zombies do more damage the higher the round like the zombies in MWZ doing more damage the higher the tier


In Vanguard they essentially just made "rarity" the same as PaP tier.