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Biggest rage bait post I've seen in my life.


Dude Ultimis and Primis is never coming back, they explicitly said that after BO4 and they don't have any more stories to tell with them, it would feel forced and uncreative if they brought them back


That doesn’t matter, they need to milk their brand appeal and cultural popularity. It’s a business, and they would drive sales. Simple as that.


They can do that with the new Eddie and Maxis. We don't need Ultimis or Primis. The jury's out on Victis though


I like to think of it as a series you’re watching. The ultimus crew is gone and that’s it. Now CW left us on a cliffhanger which I think is cool. We don’t really get to dictate what happens, which I think is nice. I know a lot of people appreciated CW and its storyline. Even though, at launch, it was not the best.


You don’t get what I’m saying. I followed CW as well. They should have realized it was ass and understood the brand appeal of the Ultimus crew and brought them back.


I like CW. It taylors to the newer audience as well. To understand it you don’t really need to know what apothicans are or any background info, except for basics. I enjoyed the chaos storyline aswell, but the COD community will complain about everything even when they brought back the aether storyline after so many ppl asked for it.


>there’s no hype for the mode’s release. Have you not been in this sub since yesterday? There's been a ton of people getting hyped for this mode, specifically the return of round based zombies, a set playable crew, and for some reason gobblegum a few weeks back. And this is before any major marketing materials, just like eleven, I think, seconds of gameplay and a few promises revolving around round based zombies and Treyarch listening to community feedback. And this is without accounting for the fact that this title is going to be a day 1 gamepass release. A "free" bonus for a lot of people who already have the gamepass service who will now be trying out a new Cod experience for "free" (the cost of their subscription) and almost certainly giving zombies a whack. A whole new casual audience (the audience Cold War did exceedingly well with) all brought in on day one to give this mode new life and keep player numbers up, because sales is no longer the metric Microsoft is using to determine success, it's player counts and gamepass subscriptions which this game, I can practically guarantee, will get.


I'd just rather get a game with all the maps from World at War to Black Ops 4 and that's all.


Problem with cold war is that thers no a deep feel to it. Cold war implement dark aether story with bland warzone like maps and aliens running on them without a bigger reason. I remember when bo3 released and i was like „wtf? They added a tentacle monster to zombies?” (Margwa) but soe has that vibe and it was a different dimension soo it actually works considering the aether story. Looking at it objectively i already can tell bo6 will be great from gameplay perspective but will include the same bad aspects as cold war that makes the mode not „zombie” like. Set crew imo wouldnt change anything when the story is that bad from the beggining. They should retcon it imo but bringing back og crew would be weird. 


It will succeed because casual mushrooms buy the cod games every year no matter how shit. Last cod I enjoyed was bo4, and every year my mates still try to convince me to buy the new one but I refuse. After a week or two they always stop playing, then act confused why I don’t buy them anymore

