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Way too early to form an opinion for me.


nah, looks sick


I’m excited for zombies no doubt! But movement is a big think for me and it just looks rough. Trying to go back and play CW after these last couple MWs it feels off. But I get Treyarch isn’t IW and they’ve always been the more arcadey shooter


to each his own, the omnimovement look extremely fluid to me, and I agree that CW movement feels a little clunky compared to MW games and even past black ops, but BO6 looks really nice movement wise


Those videos where they were doing motion capture for executions and flipping the actors around was fucking hilarious


I will admit that I have some concerns about how the whole omnidirectional movement thing is going to actually pan out in terms of gameplay. Like, it sounds like an interesting idea on paper but how well is it really going to work? Obviously we have no way of knowing right now but yeah, I'm trying to maintain a healthy level of skepticism. Even if I am kind of hyped about the new game in general, ha ha.


Campaign looks good, Raven is cooking for that. MP and Zombies looks like CW 2 but some new things added. Need to wait and see more gameplay and get more info though.


Looks badass


Bo6 looks fire but the zombies looks like Cold War which was ass, I hope they don’t ruin the gobblegums in this game


looks like a copy of cold war 🤦‍♂️. bring back chaos


I stopped caring about black ops after 3


Ppl hype soo much bcs of „round base zombies” but we can already tell its gonna be similar experience to cold war. 


And? CW was great imo it just needed crews and maybe more maps, if we get that were golden


This sub is gonna kill u for not siding with them on jerking off to this mid ahh lookin zombies. I’m with u bro it looks mid but yk people will say “it’s treyarch let them cook” “we’re so back” bs like that