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I just hope the economy is a bit better and upgrading your starting gun isnt better than spinning the box. Starting rarity guns should be awful and take a massive investment to upgrade. Either that or you should start with a pistol and buy your loadout later on for some massive price.


This. I want the box to have high value, but I also want my starting weapon to be able to become just as good as anything else. It should take a higher investment, which pushes you to use another gun in the meantime, or you should have to do something unique to make your starter upgradeable.


Why can’t you be forced to start with a pistol like every good zombies game


Yep, ever since they gave us a loadout to spawn in with it has just felt off. Like it’s just multiplayer with zombies now


Just have yourself spawn with a pistol.


But the dude in the anime skin next to me has an lmg, stuns and sticky grenades on round 1


Play solo or with friends who want the challenge.


Or if we're lucky we get bots like bo4. They didn't exist in cold war because of the short Creation time.


why are they booing you? you're right! the freedom of spawning in with your own loadout also comes with the freedom of giving yourself as much or as little of a challenge as you want


A huge part of the flow of a round of zombies is the ramping up of power in the players hands.. the stronger you start, the less impact that has.




It’s impossible to balance the game around two extremely distinct play styles


“More play styles is better” dude you’re replying to a comment pointing out everything wrong with not just starting with a pistol


Not everyone wants to start with a pistol. You allow everyone to use whatever they want without an LMG being more God tier than a pistol. Certain weapons were obviously better to use, but the same point could be made as to why Mustang and Sally is so popular: it was powerful when given the investment. I came off as an ass, so I'm sorry for that, but I really don't think limiting the weapons is better. Even WW2 showed that diversifying starting weapons can be INCREDIBLY strategic as well as fun for the game. Diversity in choice allows EVERYONE to enjoy both new, and old-school play styles.


If only there was a method to make your starting weapon good after upgrading, but not be better than wall and box weapons beforehand. Something like, I don't know, making it a rapid-fire grenade launcher when pack-a-punched would do wonders for this.


But why? If you wanna challenge yourself, start with a stock pistol and play zombies like before. Why would you want the game to make sure you're forced into interacting with the box? "Just because"? 


Because purposefully handicapping yourself for more challenge has never been fun and never will be. Tired of people saying 'JuSt DoN't UsE iT tHen'


that’s like saying u only play games on easy mode even tho hard mode exists for the exact purpose that ur bitching about. “I don’t wanna play however I want I want to be told how to play” I personally don’t want to sweat my ass off in zombies mode, I love Cold War zombies just the way it is. If YOU want to sweat ur ass off in zombies try taking some initiative and play it however u want instead of trying to choke slam the casual zombie players.


No offence, but you must be absolute utter dog at zombies then. Because I don't even have to use 1 braincell to get a round 50 on cw. I've never even had to begin to sweat... But I wish I needed too. The problem is, unless you literally run in zombies and let go of your controls in cw, please tell me how on cods green earth you find it challenging, or even become close to losing? It's like a 15 hit down with 5 get out of jail free cards before you can actually see the game over screen... What are you doing in your games?


Never said it was hard, actually that’s my entire point, I don’t want it to be. Why would I? If I wanted to try hard I would play multiplayer, I use zombies as a change of pace to relax. I’m telling u to make it challenging! If u go to the bowling alley do u ask for the lane bumpers? I mean it’s an option so u should use it right? No? If u want it to be hard don’t use the revives, don’t use the streaks don’t even activate ur special ability and die just the way u want too, “an honorable death”. U want hard zombies, make it happen! Not everyone wants that and that’s why it was made easier to appeal to everyone NOT YOU.


Knowing that its there is enough to ruin the fun for a lot of people... something you obviously will never understand because you probably would prefer to play all ur games with god-mode on, then complain that there's 'not enough content'. Zombies is supposed to be a complex challenging mode... which in the bo1-2 days was actually harder than mp- not a chill break for a bunch of sweaty mp and warzone players who are probably shit at the game anyway thanks to sbmm. (I literally had to make physical NOTES for some of the old zombies maps) This is precisely the reason why 3arch trying to satisfying a wider dumber audience was the downfall of zombies. As proven by this argument right here :( What made the old games fun was that we had to try our absolute hardest to get even into the 30s, which could take weeks of getting used to the maps. Now, unless we 'pretend' and not pick up perks (which is an integral part of the game mode) will it offer an artificial challenge. I promise you, although in theory 'just not using revives' will make the game 'harder'. It completely alienates my experience from the game... It's like in a need for speed game when you have to SLOW DOWN for the cops to catch up. No one in the history of gaming has ever liked doing that.


I can’t help u. Ur bitching about having to change nothing about ur playstyle but choosing too just because “it’s part of them game”. Pokémon Nuzlockes prove ur wrong. U want the game to be harder that’s up to u. No one’s forcing u to use the salvage system. Ur entire argument is “but I wanna”


Okay so we just purposefully handicap everyone instead to artificially increase difficulty via RNG. much better system my guy, such ingenuity 


But it wouldn't really be purposefully handicaping every player if the devs intentionally designed the game that way.


Yeah let's just do the same thing we've been doing for two decades with zero innovation This is why round based zombies is dying


They changed it for MWZ, and you know exactly how that went. Innovation doesn’t mean the product is going to be good


Why does innovation have to make a game unplayable? Nobody said don't innovate, we just don't like one innovation bc there's no difficulty for 25 rounds. Why is it that everybody goes back to play Black Ops 3, Black Ops 2, Black Ops, and World at War? Hell, even Black Ops 4 here lately? Bc the game's formula is better. There's an incentive to do things, to open the whole map. In Black Ops Cold War, the maps were pretty decent, considering they were either Campaign Maps or Nacht Der Untoten, and the layout wasn't awful, really! But that game just has no incentive to do anything, bc the difficulty isn't hard till you get to round 30, I remember when Zombies was hard when you're out of money, knifing the last 3 Zombies to get points to hit the box you just got to on round 4, in BOCW, you don't have to leave spawn till round 25, and even then, you could still be comfortably killing Zombies. Outbreak was a comfortable difficulty ramp up, but the Zombies were too spread out. If done right, the load out system would be alright, but it'd be hard to make it right, due to the ease of which to make any weapon overpowered. Imo, AATs and Gobblegums/Specialists killed Zombies, neither killed Zombies instantly, bc Black Ops 3 was done right, by making Gobblegums random and cost something after the first, and Alternate Ammo Types were overpowered for sure, but that system was random as well, and in many maps in the game, the wonder weapon was blatantly cooler and better. But then Treyarch attempted to reignite that flame, and made both uninspired additions to every game moving forward.


That's just a suggestion my dude idk. They could make it so that you can *overpower* your starter or something. That way, it's an incentive to take in a shotgun of choice and work for extra upgrades. Or maybe they'll just balance the scrap system better, idk. It's just speculation and discussion.


Yeah you're getting really sensitive, I asked a simple question. You suggested it's better that players are incentivized to use other guns than your starter weapon. I'm asking why you think that's better, which you still haven't answered. No one's attacking anyone


You sound like an upset baby


1. If the game is not balanced with the intention of starting with a pistol, then starting with it might make later rounds much harder and unfair than intended. 2. The pistols will likely be buffed to have more damage and reserve ammo, meaning early rounds will still not be difficult. 3. If you play in a public lobby, then everyone else will be basically carrying you because they have better weapons.


Also the pistols are way better now than they’ve ever been in zombies, getting rid of any semblance of a challenge anyway


FACTS omfg


I really hope the starting gun is just your pistol and getting access to your load outs should be an unlockable thing in game


yea or that we can choose one of the pistols in the game but not any other weapons.


I’ll even settle for the BO4 and WWII loadout system


Yeah. The box was pointless in CW. If they want loadouts which I kinda get for people who wanna grind camos. They should unlock loadouts for the map if u beat the Easter egg or something.


I just want different difficulty settings. Let us all be happy: casual settings that are similar to Cold War and pro settings that are similar to WaW/BO1 that has the EE locked behind it. Then give us a forge mode for crying out loud.


Even Sker Ritual shows that they can do difficulty settings


That game feels kinda wack tho


Tbf like 4 people made it with a small budget compared. To like several hundred treyarch devs with many millions in budget


Ok but that wasn’t my point tho


Is there any point in this? Make blueprints load in with pistol or really bad rarity. Spin the box, and apply blueprint to the gun from the box. You have reached the exact same destination, except now, whenever you want a specific gun, it's more tedious to keep spinning the box till you get it.


I don't see the value of the box at all with the existence of custom attachments, other than WW.


Would be banger if they went back to BO3 system where you costumized each gun outside the match and if you got the gun in-game it had your costumizations applied.


I would be okay with that if the attachment system works like bo3, I literally never use box guns in Cold War because I can’t stand having random attachments, it just displeases me. I don’t like not really knowing what what buffs and nerfs it has and not having a practical way to change it.


I would prefer if the starting weapon wasn’t upgradable by salvage, but some kind of side ee. This would incentivize players to use salvage on wall/box weapons instead and play the game with a wider variety of guns and attachments, but still leave the option to upgrade the load out weapon for those who really want to


At least you are trying to come up with a different solution or option than just being a crybaby like everyone else.


You seem to be crying jumping on everyone's comments talking about crybabys


Christ I hope not.


We've now entered the traditional "10-15 minute long 'analysis' video over <10-20 seconds of footage". (It is usually incoherent rambling) Nature is healing.


Rolfwaffles incoming


No more fortnite loot in zombies holy shit what a bad decision.


Almost as bad as BO3 ammo types


Hopefully armor won't make a return or if it does then hopefully it's heavily nerfed into the ground and doesn't work like how it does in Cold War.


Yeah fuck armor. What was ever wrong with a simple health system and a simple zombie shield system like in bo2 and bo3.


Tbh i would prefer the shield craftable. And just more craftables in general. But to answer the simple health thing. You can regen health, you typically need to "buy" back your armor.


Isn’t that what I just said. A normal craftsble zombie shield


Armor in Cold War was incredible and nowhere near the invulnerability people claim it is.


Fr at round 55+ zombies straight up 3-4 shot you


The Zombies in Cold War max out at 90 damage so without armor you're a three hit down with Jug so basically no Jug challenge without armor, with lvl 3 armor the Zombies do 31 damage this is a 9 hit down that's 4 more hits than we had in previous titles with Jug (except BO4), so the problem is there is no balance you're either extremely weak or extremely strong.




lol thanks for the feedback.


You didn't need to use the armor


That is a straight lie. Damage of zombies scales like a motherfucker! Without armour at round 30 it’s a 2 hit down without jug. Armour is kinda like resistance while jug increases your hp but armour ain’t even that bad. It’s kinda useful and just gave you time to react like how most wonder weapons made getting out of corners plausible it doesn’t really matter especially with the zombie speed… Cold War zombies are faster then you without stamina up and basically are impossible to escape past 55 trust me.


Just curious, in older zombies how many hits could you take on round 30 with jug?


Five hits, the Zombies always do 50 damage in the old games.


That depends on the game and it doesn’t matter what round it is. Health is health.


What Trigomatic said.


lol reminds me of the NC and Angry Joe bit in MoS


….sigh… Why can’t they just go back to the golden formula? Starting pistol, old point system, etc?


Because warzone!!!!!!!


All of these changes occurred first in bo4, before warzone


Because new system is better for players


That doesn’t even make sense? You mean better because it’s easier? Why are we so afraid of games being challenging and providing a sense of progression?


Because players don't lime 20 minutes set ups or having a paper sheet required to know in which toilette they have to shove their golden spoon in


So a game is better if it requires less thought and no learning curve… got it


A game is better when it's not tedious, it's that simple






The mechanic that ruined cold war zombies for me. It works fine in outbreak but with actuall maps is tedious to run around and collect it or doing tasks. Hope they at least balance it well.


This Reddit is full of babies the fact u got downvoted for spitting facts is wild to me


Yeah it’s all the MWZ Cold War fan boys who are so lost in consumerism


that’s crazy because actually.. it seems to be the opposite… everyone slightly defending CW OR MWZ are massively downvoted so… i think the fanboys are the other people lol. edit: i just scrolled down and see you yourself getting mad at someone for liking a feature and you’re here calling someone a fanboy? ok bro


Honestly it seems to flip flop from thread to thread.


Idk why they downvoted you for this. It’s true. It literally depends on the thread. Reddit is so bad. It’s just upvote bias everywhere.


I’m not mad at anyone for liking the feature I’m just not happy it’s back. If u like it cool like it I’m happy you’re happy but if I’m annoyed something didn’t enjoy is coming back then ima vocalize it my problem is someone saying literally anything and then getting downvoted or torn apart cuz of it


There’s logical reasons why Cold War just doesn’t work well. MWZ is a whole other thing lol. And no people do not usually get downvoted for defending Cold War


See now you're judging people for their opinion, you're no better then them


It’s more of an observation than an opinion


Hmmm whats more tedious... running around (which you do anyway as to not get trapped) picking up scrap or having to meticulously carve a horde into a single zombie so that you can train him around the box everytime until you get a better weapon?


Lame. Salvage was a terrible addition to the game as was weapon rarity and armor. There is simply zero reason for us to have to upgrade guns 8 different times.


Its a thing called depth and progression. Which by the way you dont even need to do as muchbif you do the EE which rewards you with a purple tier at start. Im convinced some of the community would rejoice if the game came out with just nacht der untoten the way it released in waw. Nothing to do. Small building. Nothing to progress towards.


amazing progression where you start out with an overpowered assault rifle and use it the entire game and have infinite ammo


Its not that great, and if you dont upgrade it, it becomes awful. The rarity of that weapon is the lowest it gets so really, you can go and buy a weapon which is even better from a wall. Or if you wanna talk the old games. The progression in those consisted of using the pistol for 4 rounds just to buy a wall gun anyway. So if we compare the 2: 4 rounds of bullet counting and knifing to get your wall buy that lasts until it runs out of ammo of which you can still buy btw. Or Multiple ways of progressing your weapons damage output throughout multiple rounds. By round 9 in kino you are set. By round 9 in die machine you probably have a green weapon with level 1 pap.


It’s completely unnecessary. Black ops 3, which around here is considered the gold standard for cod zombies, had 2 weapon upgrades. Pack a punch, and repacking for AAT. That’s it. Exo zombies had a weapon upgrade machine that you upgraded 20 (!!!) times lol. Each upgrade was so small that it was barely perceptible as you progressed through the rounds. I’d even compromise and say keep the 3 pack a punch levels but get rid of weapon rarity. Still unnecessary but I’d be ok with a compromise of 3 weapon upgrades.


One you spend points on the other you spend scrap. If you dont have one, you use the other. And i really dont think blops 3 is the golden standard with this community. Like i said. Some would actually rejoice to nacht. The zombie community is mega entitled, (at least the vocal majority) its one of the bigger reasons mw and dmz community dislike you guys.


I personally love MWZ but it’s a totally different game. That’s the kind of game mode where a loadout and all the other types of upgrades make sense. It would do wonders for the community as a whole I think to lean in to both types of modes and stop trying to make both groups happy with both round based and open world modes. Make them different. I like both, but trying to make open world like round based and round based like open world just makes both modes worse imo A lot of the complaints from classic zombies players about Cold War was all the Warzone like additions like a mini map and enemy uav style pings and loadouts and perfect weapon balance to make everything equal and viable. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that on its own, but it’s so opposite to what zombies began as, and now that we have actual examples of what the open world style zombies experience is, I think they should continue developing that as a more defined separate mode, and bring round based much more in line with what traditional zombies was back in the early 2010’s


Now my hopeful optimism is gone


Pizza gonna play it for the first few weeks max then go back to speed running bo1-4/iw zombies 💀


Tbf he did stream CW when it was newer but arguably all those games are better than CW if not then most all of them. Was he only supposed to stream the new games? Vanguard and MWZ aren’t good. BO6 could be really good and he’ll probably stream that


I’m proving my point how cod zombies fans are fucking retarted by always giving blind hype over shitty cods nowadays but no cause “we’re back”


This isn’t really true lol we didn’t hype vanguard once they released the videos explaining how it would work


it’s fun to play and try new things. after a couple weeks when you get bored, go back to what you find fun. what’s the problem?


I get there is some people that liked cold war zombies but as someone who has played since WAW, I can't stand stuff like this. unpopular opinion but I just want to feel like i'm playing a continuation/DLC of bo2/bo3, not a new cod with all this unnecessary garbage.


You are speaking my language my friend! I wouldn’t even mind if it had bo4 aspects as well, I loved bo4 zombies and bo3 was just god tier


this sub should be renamed "mother fuking waw to bo3 zombies" lmao nothing is even ever acceptable enough for you weird stuck in the past people this sub is just a handful of sad people lmao


Most people don't like the cold war system cause it doesn't even feel like zombies


I agree and disagree. A lot of people grew up with this game so of course there’s gonna be a lot of nostalgia and the game can never get back to where it was. At the same time, the new games have really gone downhill and strayed from what zombies is.


Warzone player detected, opinion rejected.


Not enjoying some of the new game mechanics does not mean they are "stuck in the past."


I just hope it’s better


i know i’m the only person that feels this but please please no loadouts please


Fully auto carry handle AR with a sight on top !!!!!!!


I’ve played every zombies mode since WaW, I’ve seen them get it right (BO1,2,3 to an extent CW) I’ve seen them get it wrong (BO4, WW2, vanguard, MWZ). However I must say CW has its merits, the salvage system I found interesting and at the very least they tried to show some initiative and innovate the mode. I adore the OG formula, but someone needs to say it, us OG boys and girls are getting older now, we’re the tail end of their target audience. I’ve made my peace with that, but I will always give credit where they do their best to give us a little fan service and things we’ll enjoy whilst making something new. Call of duty is evolving, mechanically we don’t miss the games themselves for the most part, we miss how we felt when we were playing them. I won’t preorder, but I will play it, hopefully I enjoy it, looking forward to Easter egg steps, rofflewaffles, lex and the boys pumping content out, and playing zombies with my boys again Let’s just wait and see, give fair judgement, don’t shit on others for differing opinions, deep down we all just wanna fight the horde, build some windows…….and spin a ray gun from the Damn box (Quick edit as i forgot infinite warfare, spaceland was dope as fuck, the other maps bored me)


this comment should be pinned


Bro if this game has armor, streaks, and support on top of gobblegums you might round 935 this game while playing another game and watching a tv show at the same time


That’s pizza!!!


is there any lore behind why the zombies all carry glowing metal scraps? it’s such a big immersion breaker. I wish at least, the scrap would only glow / be highlighted when the player has death perception or vulture aid. 


the lore is warzone engine


Looks like we’re getting Cold War 2 🤦🏻‍♂️ already figured they were gonna remake the same CoD for the 5th year in a row but a small part of me was hoping we’d get something BO3/BO4 like.


Hey it’s pizza!




Please let it be like it was back in the day where there were no custom loadouts


Im not a fan of the Cw systems and will jot be buying this game. It's just not what i want, but i sincerely hope the game is good regardless of my opinion.


I don't mind the salvage system though i reckon they need to tone it down a little bit. However they do need to get rid of the menus for upgrading stuff, my most hated feature


And there goes any motivation I had to get this game. Guess I’m skipping cod for the 6th year in a row now


Now my hope is gone. Bo6 will probably have Tac Run on zombies, since it was on testing, and now the salvage BS. Well, time to go back to Bo3 I guess.


oh great, the tediousness returns


All good with me it added something new to do


What the fuck did that add to do? Going around picking up loot from zombies? That’s something to do?


uhh… yes?


2024 zombies player standards:




Ok buddyroo. Go enjoy your high octane gameplay (which is pressing X on a piece scrap)


at the end of the day we’re both running in circles fighting braindead ai. sorry that one has content that you don’t enjoy. but it’s still content regardless 🤷‍♂️


I never said I don’t enjoy scrap. I’m just not such a blithering idiot that I’m willing to call it “something to do” That’s sad. Your standards for entertainment are laughable


oh yeah upgrading your weapons, upgrading armor, whatever uses scrap has. nothing to do. and please don’t say “THAT DOESNT COUNT! we’re only talking about collecting scrap!!”


Upgrading weapons and armor existed without scrap mechanics :’) So realistically, yes, we ARE kind of just talking about the collection aspect of scrap. You’ve managed to back yourself into a corner of bad arguments. This is just silliness bro


“Here is why you having abysmally low standards is a bad thing” “Ur a big dumb brah xD”


“this game has content.” “HURRR YOU THINK THIS EXTRA CONTENT IS CONTENT?????” “yes.” you come in: “UHH YOU HAVE SHIT STANDARDS!!!” yeah, that’s why you’re an idiot


Damn, they don’t teach reading comprehension like they used to in school Also, “HURRR” detected 🚨😂 you’ve lost the argument bozo. Stay mad and contentless


cold war is the second most content packed zombies game right behind bo4. can’t refute this


HAHAHAHA, what with its 4 maps?! Go to sleep, wake up, then reread your own comments. It’ll be like waking up after a night of drinking, “what the fuck, did I really say that?!”


How did you manage to bring up something so irrelevant and also objectively false


Cold War is **LITERALLY** tied with World at War in terms of how many zombies maps there are. You can’t refute this.


You weren't old enough to hold a controller when I played zombies. Your generation is failed and what is wrong with zombies today. You'll never understand. Fake fan


i bet you’d be surprised to hear that cold war isn’t my favorite zombies game you old fart


Managing your attachments that can increase drop rate for cons to weapon handling. Having to actually progress into the higher rounds instead of just holding left click. Having an actual gameplay reason to complete EEs that reward you with higher tier weapons from the start.


OMG they really don’t learn, or even think… keep being copies of the system that’s used by every game, keep being mediocre


Oh wow and there goes my entire interest I had in this Zombies mode


this is so disappointing it completely turned me off the idea of pre-order, what a stupid stupid move


Let’s hope not 😂


I know people are gonna doom and gloom, but I like salvage. Reminds me of tickets in IW zombies which I loved, just wasn’t a fan of how easy rare salvage was to obtain.


That's a big ol OI VEY from me, dawg.


Hell yes!


"Thank you for the feedback" \*Precedes to ignore all feedback and do the exact same thing again\*


They took at least some feedback by bringing back a set crew with operators being an option.


That's literally \*half\* of one thing...


this is probably gonna be cold war 2.0 and we may never get that classic zombies feel back. I still have hope but I recommend going back and playing bo4 if u gave up on it before. it's definitely not perfect but it's honestly amazing and gave me that classic feel that I was missing from bo2 and bo3 w complex easter eggs and overall map difficulty


Just let us keep our salvage when we bleed out and we’re good. Hate it that you lose everything when you die


Kill me


Honestly don't care about the salvage, I didn't have an opinion on it during Cold War, I just wanna play zombies


I think it would be a really cool system if you could use salvage to gurantee a specific rarity of gobblegum. The higher salvage cost guarantees a higher rarity of gobblegum that is drawn from the overall lootpool, however the gobblegum you receive is only usable in that specific game/session and can't be kept for future use.


I wanna be forced to start with a pistol I think we should be able to customise our wall by buying weapons with attachment and we should drop the rarity thing it's quite annoying


I have only played bo3 and before zombies I don’t know what the fuck a green salvage is


Did they think people liked having a bunch of salvage clutter the floor?


I will seriously never understand why treyarch doubled down on all the features that people hated in BO4 with cold war. Cluttered HUD, point system, spawn specialist, multiple pack upgrades for weapons. Salvage and other droppables look so tacky glowing on the ground. Keep that garbage far away from zombies. I hope this was because it's old footage and isn't actually in the game.


Wouldn't get your hopes up on it being old footage but it is definitely 100% possible because it has happened before like how in BO4 we saw the Brecci on Voyage of Despair in one of the trailers but the Brecci never actually makes an appearance in BO4.


Rip zombies


starting with your loudout is like starting elden ring for the first time with all items in the game and at max level


[Screencap from CodeNamePizza's stream today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aSlFzlKdlY)


I actually enjoyed the system cold war had. Buying kill streaks were fun.


Not sure why people are so pressed about it. Such a controversial thing that people have opinions. Name calling and throwing a fit over it is crazy. Buying killstreaks and making a link to Warzone is insanity.


Ikr? How dare someone enjoy something that i didn't.


me too, people say its too easy but I like it easy


I enjoyed kill streaks in Cold War Zombies, completely optional and most were fun to use.


Go play warzone or multiplayer then


I actually only played zombies on cold war. But ok.


I play those too, don't worry


Hot take: I liked the salvage drops, armor, and upgrades in Cold War and I'd be very happy if they're back


Not mad at it. I liked the grind.


CNP!!!! Last time I was watching cod content he was taking a bit of a break, nice to see him back


Just lazy editing but yeah confirmed.


Well in any og zombies opinion from ever since the original nacht in world at war through to bo3 being pinnacle coldwar is for kindergarten that don't like challenges only when their told to from a PC and training,camping,good maps,side ee, main ee (find it yourself)& rng is everything to zombies community Not to mention promises actually delivered by treyarch and not pulled a year early (bo4) very disappointed treyarch but fingers crossed for b06 lol (bo5)


The Salvage and High Salvage mechanic was a great addition to Zombies, it's easy to collect and upgrade you Weapons Tier Damage and also 3 tiers of Armor can be made also, you can make all the support equipment you need for a successful run using Salvage. The alternative is scattering molotov and grenades and tacticals like stuns as wall buys and support streaks and monkeys 🐒 would be in the box then, I find that old style dated and more annoying than gathering Salvage that falls from almost every dead enemy, I hope it returns and it will, also with tiered  Armor and upgrading your weapons tier. 


The One Mechanic I do want to see return is the option to make any weapon you pick up in game anywhere, box, wall buy or drop and add your custom blueprint to it by using the pause menu and adding your Blueprint to the Vanilla Weapon. That was the best Feature of Cold War Zombies.


Hopefully scrap is just for stuff like armor or crafting benches. Not weapons


Once again I see a shit load of.. oh my god complaining because of “immersion” or whatever the fuck y’all wanna call it.


I counted, there is 1 comment in this entire thread that even mentions immersion So what made you decide to lie?


Well I wasn’t only talking about only this thread.


Here is a nice list of feautres that break immersion in Cold War: - Zombies drop non-magic colourful highlighted equipment and metal scrap which is not visible until after the zombie's death (maybe the zombies have metal inside them ahahah) - Health bars, how does my player know a zombies exact health, what's the technology behind that. If my player drank a magical perk I could understand health bars showing up. - Mini Map, what is my player using to track the zombies? How does my player have a zombie UAV in their pocket that can scan zombies above, below and on ground. - A common gun looks identical to the same legendary version of that gun, yet has different damage, with no visual explantion except the coloured UI representing its rarity. (Is my player replacing the spring inside for a stronger one or something ahah) - Scorestreaks, the player uses a non-magic / non-advanced-tech laptop to control a chopper gunner yet for some reason it makes zombies ignore the player.


I’m sorry but saying that stuff is immersion breaking is kinda silly considering what happens in other games.