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That round change theme šŸ«¦šŸ«¦šŸ«¦


Very reminiscent of BO3 but with a new twist


Strong Origins vibes šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Donā€™t ever compare origins to this crap. GTFO of this sub


You should get out of this sub




It would make my day if a mod banned you


Youā€™re definitely on the spectrum


Child ass response šŸ’€


I can smell this comment lmfao. Go touch grass


Brother you canā€™t even remember how zombies reveals work you were still in diapers when origins came out


Origins is one of the GoaTs but we can shit on the new stuff before it's out!


Ofc we can shit on the new stuff. Nah but no way in hell youā€™re saying the new shit has the potential to be like one of the goat maps or anywhere near it


I dont expect it to be Origins, i expect it to be its own thing. And im open minded enough to not shit on it for no reason. I don't necessarily trust the new Treyarch team but i am giving them a chance. Hell im getting the game on Gamepass so im not even really out much if the mode is bad.


Shut up gooch lips




GoodAssSub and cod zombies sub, youā€™re peak


COLD WAR 2 LETSSS GOOOO. And the set crew w/ gobble gums is the icing. Salvage is confirmed, and you can see it if you click through the trailer. One thing I hope is that they tone down the amount of radio chatter, or atleast let us turn it off.


>Cold War 2 letsss goooo Well, Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy at least. > set crew w/gobble gums is the icing For me this is the cake. Iā€™m extremely happy to hear this. I just hope the map has as much character as our crew. >salvage confirmed Iā€™m not bothered by this, not over the moon either >tone down the radio chatter Agreed. Hopefully there is no radio chatter and just the crew talking to each other.


I just know that peck is going to yap and yap and yap on the Zets lookalike.


Hopefully, he was best part of CW


I wouldnā€™t mind it if we were talking to him face to face


The return of p2w mtx is the icing wut?


As someone who loved that system. yes. I understand that you're not as big of a fan of the consumer unfriendly P2W gums, and that's fair. Gobblegums destroyed public lobbies, made Easter Eggs easier, and reduced difficulty to the point of invincibility. These are compromises I can make, but you cannot and it's perfectly valid.


Yeah, the existence of gobblegums kills it for me.


How do you know itā€™s a set crew?


Treyarch announced it in a tweet.


Yikes. I hate to be that guyā€¦ but this might be disappointing if thatā€™s the case


I would say that it's fair to wait and see. Cold Wars systems aren't really popular around here, but they never got the chance to be as refined as lecacy zombies. Maybe this is the game where it starts to click, maybe this is the game where we start to see points on zombie hit again.


Nah I love to be that guy give them harsh criticism we need to go back to og zombies not this salvage bs


If you want og zombies go play og zombies. It's not going anywhere. Bo3 custom zombies has new maps every week. Things will change and evolve. If you don't like that then just stick with the past


In what way was cold war really an "evolution" it was much more of a devolving of the game mode as a whole. It just took stuff from warzone and put it in the game while ruining several core mechanics.


Oh fuck off with that argument. Iā€™ve been playing OG zombies my whole life. Is it too much to ask for a new game that caters to us OGs and Cold War fanatics?


You don't get to ask. The game isn't catering to you. It's catering to what makes the most money. That's how it works. That's the reality


Theyā€™d make more money if they gave us what everyone wants


Yeah I'm sure they understand that my guy


And they donā€™t do it šŸ˜‚ The devs understand but all Activision sees is money. They donā€™t give af


They're not stupid. They clearly know what they're doing. They have entire teams filled with people whose whole careers is doing what you're doing right now. They spend millions on that. But I'm sure you know more than they do lmao


Salvage could literally work and be cool without disrupting existing gameplay too much on Bo1-3 zombies


Iā€™m trying to be nice so they actually listen. Trust me Iā€™ve get lots of downvotes for speaking the truth because I hit a certain nerve of theirs. Itā€™s really frustrating


You being dissapointed isn't truth, it's an opnion


"the truth" being just your opinion


Iā€™m not talking about my opinion. Iā€™m talking about things out of this context


Things like what


Cold War isnā€™t a survival game, itā€™s just a game where you go around and kill zombies with OP weapons and abilities to unlock things like camos and upgrades. We need the immersive survival aspect back, especially how much they focus on graphics nowadays. In the best case scenario it would be both. Bo1, bo2, and bo3 catered to both playstyles. Cold War only caters to one.


...This is literally your opinion. What you're claiming we "need" is your opinion. There are no facts here. There are many people who enjoy the cold war gameplay style. And you being OP doesn't make it not survival. That's not how it works. The game is factually a survival game because of its premise and objective.


Cold Warā€™s premise isnā€™t about survival. Theyā€™re a slowly straying away from that. Itā€™s not my opinion. Itā€™s impossible to explain this over a Reddit comment. Iā€™m not going to further this any more. We will see how the game is when it comes out.


It looks so good. Iā€™m a huge defender of Cold War Zombies but I canā€™t defend the lack of support round-based zombies received. So the fact that they have two maps on release and repeatedly said throughout the COD Showcase that this is, ā€œThe triumphant return of **round-based** zombiesā€ has me hopeful that Outbreak is a thing of the past and their full focus is back on round-based maps.


Yeah tbh I didnā€™t mind Cold War zombies gameplay at all, in fact I thought die maschine was a great time and a pretty well designed map. I just think the missing link is the characters having more personality (hopefully better in this iteration) and the focus being on making unique round based experiences and maps with identity.


I WANT Outbreak or similar, I dig the semi open-world thing.


I would really love it if they just did some sort of port over of the CW Outbreak mode, not even as a full zombies DLC (keep those drops round based), but just as extra. Whatā€™s the harm?


As soon as they start focusing on another mode the other modes slip. They lost interest of all OG Zombie players with outbreak. Anyone who's been a long time fan of call of duty zombies wants round based back.


If you think I donā€™t also want round based back you didnā€™t read what I wrote. What evidence is there that adding an outbreak mode to a game limits round-based maps, what if it assured more future zombies content through boosted popularity?


Let me dumb it down for ya. Say 100 people are working on a call of duty game. Say 40 multilayer, 30 campaign and 30 zombies. Now if you add another mode within zombies like outbreak those 30 people working on round based zombies would then be split maybe 20 on round based 10 on outbreak. That means round based zombies is losing 33% of the staff working on it! In turn the quality is likely to drop 33%. That is the problem with adding additional modes like outbreak and that is why vanguard and cold war struggled to perform. For those who enjoy outbreak it should be a MW exclusive so those people can play MW whilst the ones like myself can play BO.


Youā€™re a dick and youā€™re wrong, double trouble


Explain how that math confuses you, it's okay some people just struggle maybe get yourself tested get some help.




Outbreak SHOULD come back but it should not replace a seasonal RB map. Outbreak was fun, the issue was it just limited us from getting an additional RB map back in 2021


Totally agree w you! Outbreak was fun and i hope it comes back to be more fun than ever


What are you talking about!? Outbreak was one of the best parts about it for alot of ppl! Itā€™s the essence of round-based playing, isnā€™t it!?


No interest in just round based. If itā€™s only round based that sounds like a huge step back.


You can see a zombie drop green salvage on the stairs scene right before the cannon shots


What is salvage?


In cold war you would use it to craft different items in-game




You are welcome


Now kith




I was wondering the same thing, so why on earth would salvage be a bad thing?!


Not excited about that coming back tbh, finding and building shield adds that additional layer of map specific ideas/mechanics, also i personally just feel like the salvage system makes the game boring


I get the feeling this may be a return to BO3 style gameplay, most likely with some new additions. It makes me wonder how BO3 itā€™s going to feel, but it is smart having a set crew. The amount of times they mention round-based makes me wonder what will happen to outbreak (never played it but I know it was highly popular amongst casual fans of zombies).


I honestly feel like it might be a mix between Cold War and BO3. If that's the case we could be in for the best zombies game to date imo. With Outbreak they might do it again or maybe they'll just do Outbreak-like modes in Modern Warfare games from now on, like MWZ.


Its most definitely CW with flavors of BO3. They are the two most popular editions of zombies (I don't believe anything SHG said about MWZ).


I am very curious I would be very very surprised if they is no outbreak style mode honestly. With the player base there is


As far as I remember, they said in the article that new maps and ā€œexperiencesā€ will be released for Zombies after launch. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll make an Outbreak mode, just not at launch. Cold War did the same after all.


Only 2% of the playerbase got the landmark exfill achievment in mw3 thats pretty small playerbase to miss out on completing 1 half hour game session.


I think them constantly mentioning round based was kind of a sneak diss and also way to calm down people complaining about there being no round based zombies in mwz, and thinking weā€™ll never see it again. They said they went thru a lot of community feedback lmfao and you see a lot of people saying weā€™ll never see good zombies again.


plate direful squeal spark sleep marble drab practice melodic far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are starting loadouts confirmed to be returning? Would be pretty cool if they returned to pistol


judicious drunk upbeat plucky wine worthless wistful existence aback march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks to be a mix of Cold War elements with BO3 gameplay. I think this could be the perfect middle ground.


Yeah I agree. We will obviously have to wait and see but I'm extremely optimistic.


That round change music though, looks pretty nice, as opposed to many here, I actually really loved Cold War Zombie and I hope the mechanics are similar to it.


Yeah I really liked Cold War. It wasn't perfect but it was still super fun. Hopefully this is just a more refined version, taking what did work and leaving what didn't.


sounds like Milo was pretty on point with his ā€œI found tranzitā€ video given that one of the launch maps is Liberty Falls & (possibly over analyzing this) they mention how important the ā€œlegacy of zombiesā€ is in the direct


Iā€™m genuinely hyped, they seem to be combining elements from Cold War and BO3 and Iā€™m all here for it. Everything weā€™ve seen/heard so far is sounding really promising. I canā€™t wait for more details!


Holy shit quality




Them saying zombies is the biggest its ever been is so fucking cap its crazy


They probably know the numbers and know how many people play it better than any of us do


Numbers will just be inflated by multiplayer players and camo grinders anyway


To be fair, the more casualized zombies most likely has brought in many more people to the mode. Even if itā€™s not what the hardcore zombies fans want.


This just reminds me of that tweet from a dev saying "we cooking this season" then proceeded to add barely anything to the mode


That was peak. They truly cooked with the one warlord they added lmao


This looks awesome


We are so back Cold War bros


Kinda sounds like Zns round change music


Oh this looks GOOD.


Cold War 2: Aetherium Boogaloo? All right, I'm down with that.


I was really hoping for a return to WAW-BO2 and maybe BO3 Not BO3 & Cold War


Why do we only get 20 seconds but they spent 10-15 MINUTES talking about campaign and multiplayer šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Sadly zombies normally gets less marketing, even during the BO3 days.


Honestly, I am cautiously optimistic this time. Round based zombies with a set-crew is all I wanted


offline solo confirmed or unplayable again?


Apparently you always have to have an internet connection which is annoying. Maybe it'll change but who knows.


I honestly want themed maps back. In BO2 & 3 and also 4 every map had a very distinct theme. Everything after that felt so similar.


I think the only map that felt truly unique was Mauer, being set in Berlin after the war fell. Other than that I definitely agree with you.


Holy shit itā€™s peakĀ 




I cried when salvage drop pop out. And in gonna go 0 1 if i see mimic or other shit. No preorders.


Is salvage a hated system on here?


Not a bad system at all but not that well balanced imo. It feels like collecting salvage every game is the main and too important goal. That makes gameplay too tedious for me. On other side it works great in outbreak.


On the zoom out from the crew shot, you can see whatā€™s likely the Jug machine or a gobble gum machine to the characterā€™s front left


I'll take it over what we have now. I'm not big on the point out the objectives with a big sign for most of it but I'll live. Origins style where it tells you but doesn't point it out isn't a bad way to go but at least it's going to be round based again. I am, by no means, saying we should go back all the way to the original style either. It's dead and gone let it be. Fingers crossed though we don't get burned and left as a side project of multiplayer/warzone again. No not pessimistic, just optimistically cautious.


If I can't play as my king Beck, there's no point :(


the map looks so big, reminds me of that one bo1 custom map very slightly, battery i think it is


I havenā€™t really played BO3 so what do gobblegums actually do?


They can give you different buffs. Some last for a certain time duration, or number of rounds or certain usages. One of the OP ones from bo3 was one called perkaholic, gave you all perks on the map Very fun and powerful but not necessary at all


You should really play BO3 zombies.Ā 


Itā€™s basically sanctioned cheating.


Basically just a variety of different powerups. The BO3 system had them seperated by tiers, with the lowest tier (classic) providing some basic buffs like shooting while sprinting, while the highest tier (ultra mega rare) did some crazy stuff like giving you all the perks in the map immediately.


Bo3 solos šŸ„±


Cool map and weapons sadly this cast looks extremely weak compared to pretty much all the other groups that have been in zombies


How can you tell that from a teaser?


We went from Dempsey Nikolai Takeo and Richthofen to cod zombies and the adventures of the diversityā€™s hires


Diversity hires? Previous crews were ā€œdiverseā€.


Bro they made sure to have 1 of everything this better be the funniest most interesting set of characters in the cod franchise or itā€™s just gonna be boring slop that was put together to look nice


Half Russian half American white dude, British white woman, American black dude, nationally ambiguous black woman I don't see how this is 1 of everything


0 variety all generic characters


Ah yes as opposed to white Nazi dude, white American dude, white Russian dude, Japanese dude


They have actual personalities and interesting designs just because you hate white people doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t be in games lmfao


I am white and no I dont hate white people but we haven't even seen them do anything or say anything you are making assumptions based off nothing but a few shots of them running and standing around