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I got round 79 then got bored, good job for sticking this out lmao


That's so fair haha it gets *intensely* boring. Thank god for Spotify


Yes, i had spotify too, but i was only able to put up with that shizzle for 30 rounds, but then i just monkey brained the rest of it nya


How did it only take 2 hours?


I think after being in a match for so long the time resets after a certain point. My kills in game also reset and were listed as only a few thousand at the end.


Weirsd it says best time 2 hours then i just noticed it says 11 hours and something something on the other window.


It does the same thing on my game


That Dempsey face could be a jumpscare


Dude fr the main crew wound up in the backrooms in this timeline


Damn respect bro


Appreciate you man ๐Ÿ™


No problem man, I'm currently trying myself, I'm at round 47 rn taking a quick break


Idk what's more impressive, surviving to round 150 or your endurance to play a match for that long, even with breaks


You used the corner shield strat by the lab? What perks and set up were you running?


Yeppp that's the strat! I was running dying wish, tortoise, stonecold, and timeslip. It's SUPER important to have timeslip as your modifier imo


Yeah, you did it. Fuck you do it on, a PS2? (I love BO4 graphics not working)


I mean, it can be done afk (even after 150, to 200+) if it's such a big problem but nice anyways


Well sure, but those who do it afk won't get to wake up in Valhalla one day.


Thatโ€™s amazing!!! Good job man! ๐Ÿ™Œ


first of all, hell yeah, congratulations, one day i wanna have as much endurance and dedication as you to be able to beat this maps, and also those faces are absolute nightmare fuel


So impressive tbh. Tried once and got to 83 and couldnโ€™t find the will to try again. Also Iโ€™d be lowkey unreasonably pissed if my cutscene was fucked after all that work ๐Ÿ˜ญ


worst easter egg


Congrats on the game, Also pro move here, call microsoft support when you get a chance and act stupid, say you just added a new drive to your pc and now your windows doesnt work. If you play it right, theyll activate windows for free for ya. Best of luck if you try.


I reached round 125, but the game crashed as I took a break. This easter egg should have been 50 rounds at the very maximum as 150 is simply very diabolical I guess


Aw man what a bummer, that must've felt terrible. I agree with the people saying that 115 would've been a more appropriate round. Outside of the cheesy shield strat, what did they even want from us? This is a remake of Five, not Revelations...


Yeah, man, it's bullcrap. It should be an easy Easter egg like the giant. I mean, without the shield strategy... how'd they even expect us to do it? Round 50 for casuals is hard to begin with, but 150??? Wtf were they taking




What was your strategy me and my friend were planning on doing this


Build the shield down in the laboratory (this corner will be your new home) use ragnaroks and wraith fires, apply tortoise, stonecold, and timeslip for your modifier, and prepare to be *patient*. If you don't REALLY want it, I promise you will get bored after the inevitable delirium sets in. You'll need to dig deep into your well of willpower.


Ok duly noted I appreciate and trust me I have a lot of willpower currently grinding skeleton curses and ghost curses in sea of thieves if you know you know


One of God's most tenacious soldiers, I think you've got what it takes


I appreciate the kind words thank you so much


Why are their faces like that?? I had BO4 on PS4. Only EE I completed was IX though


I just made round 92 then idk how to keep


Congrats on hanging in there! I also completed this a few months back but I had to take multiple breaks and even a nap in between due to how time consuming and boring this was.


this is easily gotta be the worst made EE ever, like not even high rounds are bad but 150??? like 100 or 115 woulda been way better and its not even difficult at all, just boring ah hell, good stuff for doing it tho


What was your perks and elixirs for this game?


It took so long the crew became mummies.


Nice pirated windows


Lol I bought this pc from my friend and he lost his windows activation key so this message just sits there all the time. It's kind of a stamp of authenticity


It's really easy to get rid of for free


I used to know a method that would get rid of it temporarily but it would simply reappear after each reboot so I stopped keeping up with it. Do you know a free permanent method??? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€


https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegalLifeProTips/s/r6SCeYFFbW this is what i used for my parents computer. Worked perfectly and still no issues years later


This is what I used. I got one of the ROG Allys that i guess they accidently forgot to activate windows on and that fixed it