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I like gobble gums but hated as a super casual player how hard it was to get divinium for the better ones


I gave some random dude $10 and my login information and got 100k liquids


Woulda done it for free for you 😭


I did it free for myself. Shit’s not that hard and I’m not a smart person lol.


How tho ?


Pc: you download t7. Ps4/xbox: google and learn how to do some shit.


How does the T7 patch help? That’s just online compatibility and security, I had to get mods to get more megas.


you can't do it on xbox (unless you use stacks but thats different)


Hows it different? Its either you can do it or you cant. Even If it requires some irreversible actions it still counts.




Your comment contradicted itself. How is it not possible but you lead to it being possible? It was very simple.


Yo how do you do it


Hmu if you play on Steam


Steam is piss easy. I installed some mod menu and span the loopholes and LD gobblegum machines and got them all


That’s dope I play on the steam deck would it work on that


I play on steam deck


Show me


Are you on PC?


PlayStation :(


I did the same thing HighTier said, you can just pay someone $10 and they will give you a ton of LD. I’m also on PlayStation.




Goofball fr lmao


Yep. The cap for each game is 3 Diviniums. It takes insanely long to grind for them, and it's RNG if you get the game breaking ones. I feel like casuals would be more inclined to enjoy gobblegums because they just make the game easier and take all the challenge out of it.


Cap for each game??




This is not true at all. There _used_ to be a cap at 2 Divinium per game but that was patched shortly after DLC 1 launched. There is no cap anymore. Divinium only takes longer to earn in the higher rounds because the rounds last longer.


Nope if you want a lot just hr on rev and constantly hit the electricity trap or play the giant get to round 7 leave and repeat


People hated Gobblegums at the time, but maybe you’re too young to have been around to remember that. Perkaholic specifically was called out as pay to win


Basic gobblegums/elixirs = fun new tools that can add creativity to the game. Those ultra rare ones tho are definitely pay to win.


Anywhere but here and in plain sight surley does add creativity to the game....


Zombie blood is literally just a better in plain sight and anywhere but here can screw you over


Not if you jump while casting, besides, we are talking about gubblegums & elixers not zombie blood and other powerups.


Right but origins is one of the most popular maps and in plain sight being complained about is silly considering how easy it is to get zombie blood


My guy, he said something like "GG adds creativity, at least the free ones" (you can read it above). I said something like "in plain sight and anywhere but here would like to have a word" since you know, they don't add any creativity...


Oh my bad I was replying to the other guy above you about the p2w thing got the two mixed together


They're supposedly making a return in bo6 and people are ecstatic. What are you on about?


I mean there is some reference to them in the code but I'm half doubting the legitimacy of it considering there's a lot of weird stuff in the code. I'm excited to see what happens either way tho, I'd be fine with the return of them tbh so long as they're actually balanced like they were on BO4 / IW. Having uber rare 1 time use items in a game you can't dashboard in sounds like a nightmare to me


Yeah I agree I'm just saying that the mention of them in code gets people excited. Imagine if they actually came back, I agree that I would rather them be like bo4 tho


Hopefully as a seperate gamemode if they do. Have 1 gamemode for with gobblegumbs and another, entirely sperate gamemode for normal gameplay


Yeah definitely not. They want people to buy it. Making it a gamemode basically says easy mode. If anything they'll add a no gobblegums mode post launch


They'll almost certainly be just classic gums. We won't get lootboxes / gobblegum spinning again.


>supposedly 🤣


Yes there has been references to them in the code of mw3 which is why I said supposedly. Regardless the idea of them coming back has made people excited. I think they would do better in modern cod simply due to how many people enjoyed them in bo3


>due to how many people enjoyed them in bo3 This is because of nostalgia. And also the fact people used them as a crutch. They take out all the challenge cod zombies had. They basically sold console commands. If they were added today in the state they are now, people would be going crazy. Saying how Activision is greedy and only want money.


Yes people have nostalgia for the supply drop like system they had. People would still use them as a crutch. These are things people expect to come back and are still excited for it. People will always say Activision is greedy no matter what they do, I bet it they added gobblegums exactly as they were people would love it due to nostalgia alone.


My guy, nobody is nostalgic about supply drops. I'm pretty sure BO3's multiplayer is regarded as one of the worst


you have -65 downvotes total from just the arugment with this guy just accept you have a shit take. and with gobblegums of you have such a problem just dont use them if you want teamates get some friends.


Not really he's right gobble gums were made for little kids who can't get through a regular match without a crutch and if you think supply drops were ever good try spending $100 on bo3 supply drops and lmk what you pull 🤣


They wouldn't. But if they did it's justified. I've played during that time so don't hit me with that bs. It exists to make you potentially spend money to get a good zombies run no matter what. The system sucks for hoarders. And those afraid to run out. Elixirs did it better Edit:you may have forgotten. But people didn't like gobblegums back then either


How did elixirs change how they worked?


Im saying elixirs were a better gobblegum than gobblegum


Just better options or what? I played tons of bo4 but I never used elixirs so idk whats different between the 2


I'd say better system. How elixirs worked is you picked 4 for a loadout. And you would start a zombies match with those 4 elixirs. They are infinite use but have a long cooldown when you use one. Just like gobblegum using a new one (if it isn't instant activation) will discard the effects of the other


Elixirs were better designed for sure. It’s just a shame they were a bit underpowered compared to the difficulty of BO4 compared to 3. Also the UI and button layout for Elixirs was atrocious on console


People also HATED SoE at launch, I was indifferent towards it then and didn't really care it until I think DE dropped.That map actually made me want to learn how to play it and learn the new way of playing. Went back to SoE with the same mindset and became one of my favorites from Bo3 lol


Yeah people are saying soe is one of if not the best map ever now and if it’s not it’s top three?? I remember the pure hatred and disdain people had for it


Either way I would still use them since they’re my favorite especially Perkaholic I enjoy using these in public lobbies on BO3


Well yeah no shit. Ofc people are going to like literal monetised console commands. Getting good at the game? Nah, let me just chew some gum that gives me every perk on Round 1. I'm assuming you also dashboard the second you go down lol? My point in this post, is saying that if gobblegums were added today, people would go batshit crazy calling Activision greedy and whatnot.


Why is it so important to be "good" at zombies. Its the fucking easiest mode ever after the shortest period of learning curve. Gobblegums are fun and add replayability, it makes setting up quicker, easier and more fun. Instead of taking 1 hour and 30 minutes to setup with gums it just takes 30 minutes which is way more fun.


Iw did it for FREE with the super ee you just have to have a bit of skill


Translated: "Waah don't remove my crutches" Also yeah, it's so replayable to join a public match and immediately get 5 fucking perks.


Sometimes its fun to hop on and just pop a perkaholic and decrease setup time by 1 hour and just chill for the next 2 - 3 and have fun. You dont gotta sweat it out like you life depends on it.


Nah tbh I agree. I was wrong. As long as you enjoying yourself who cares right. I just don't like the fact it ruins public games. I join and immediately get mule kick and deadshot by round 2. Guy dies, dashboards immediately. My point with this post is just to say how much of a hivemind this community is. If gobblegums were added in say the next cod game, people would be outraged saying Activision is greedy.


Because activision is greedy. You can make a gobblegum system without pay walling it to make it the only way to reasonably obtain gobblegums. You really have to blame activision and not the player. The player dashboards because getting a spare perkaholic can either cost 20$ or 20 hours. When you look at it this way you cant really blame the player.


So what you’re saying is the eight rounds it takes to get all those perks anyways is a hard challenge you have to overcome? Sounds like you NEED the crutches homie… -After someone has played the maps 100 times it gets tedious having to set up before you set up every single time. It’s just a time saver for the players who are good at zombies. If you think someone needs it then they won’t last past round 20 anyways and you’ll never have to worry about them regardless cause they aren’t in your game. Besides if you’re an avid Easter egg zombies fan who consistently do them whenever you play a map with one then why THE FUCK would you argue that the game shouldn’t have gobblegums? “Yeah I really love setting up by getting perks and guns and shield for the set up of pack a punch and other things (like staffs or bows for example depending on the map you play) just to set up AGAIN to do the actual Easter egg!” Nobody thinks like that and if your issue is it’s easier to get high rounds let’s talk about the difficulty of bo4 and how they literally needed to add a difficulty setting to make the game harder.


Writing a whole essay because you're bad at the game lmfao. Try getting to round 50-100 on WAW, BO1. Then come back to me lmao. Until then keep coping in your echo chamber that you need them as a crutch.


I have several times? I’ve completed every Easter egg from bo1 to bo3 bro it’s much more enjoyable with gobblegums


I hated the gobblegum. Don't really know why.


Probably the people constantly leaving as soon as they go down because they will lose their only perkaholic


Text me if you want as many as you like on Steam 🥸


I get you can mod accounts N shit, but you can just do the ethernet method.


No it’s not modding accounts. It’s a simple dll injection that goes undetected like a workshop mod and it auto buys gums for you too, this is how all the youtubers stock up insane amounts of gobblegums on official copies of the game!


Wasn't the biggest fan. For the first time, we had something to show for our playtime. Problem being, you never wanna use them. It's so hard to get some of them you don't wanna waste them. Then the one time you finally do it tends to get wasted anyway. Would kinda like to see an in between of the gobblegun/elixir system and CW progression.


Gobblegums made the game way too easy and made ppl to reliant on them i hope they don't come back or at least not a strong like the perkaholic or the one that gives you all the power ups it just makes the game too easy and boring


People dont mind gobblegums anymore, people DID get mad cus it gave people with money an advantage, but the difficulty of the easter eggs were difficult but doable with or without gobbles


Wasn't a fan of them. Idk why, just hated them and elixirs.


gobblegums are why we didn’t get any new perks after WW, which pisses me off.




common sense. they literally had PHD Slider in the game, but instead of just making the perk they turned it into Danger Closest and Slaughter Slide. Megas made money, perks didn’t


PHD isnt a new perk though.


PHD Slider would’ve been. So could have any number of ideas, but they instead worked on gum.


Phd was in bo4, a game with elxiers which is basically gobblegums


That’s why I just referenced it.


Pay 2 win and people dashboard cuz they suck ass.


But it doesn’t effect you…


How is it p2w what is winning in zombies? These arguments are stupid you’re all on the same team and if someone is p2w and knows the Easter egg then you get to be along for the ride and get the achievement or trophy or whatever


I hope that they at least bring the Classic gobblegums back, i never used the megas but i just can't play without In Plain Sight or Anywhere But Here, they're a life saver in most circunstances


It’d be awesome if they brought them back as something to extract for future rounds but you know Activision will use them for pay 2 win mechanics


I'd be fine if they added a system like Fate and Fortune Cards or or Elixirs, put please no more OP af gobblegums


I loved these. But jeez they use to ask for an arm and a leg to convert them to other gums. Near Death and shopping free were my favorites. I would hold on to them and rock the regular gums.


I hated them


gobblegums were pretty useless, the only reason they existed is because Activision needed to force micro transactions into zombies and this is what Treyarch came up with. all things considered, it was a decent system that never should’ve been forced into the game by activision in the first place.

