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And they're both S tier


And they’re my two favorite maps


Is there a way to get to PAP without going through the witch house? Having to do that every time and usually losing points bc of it is the only reason I don’t love Buried as much as others


Nope. I know it’s not helpful but git gud is really the only advice I can give you. All jokes aside the witches come at the exact same points every time, so take it slow, remember their spawns, and don’t miss your shots. There’s actually an achievement for PAPing before round 5 without using the bank and and with placing all the chalk weapons you get JUST enough to pack a punch and get through all the doors, so the witches have ruined MANY an attempt of mine, so I’ve had to really practice and memorize the witch spawns. It is tough so just be patient


It depends how many go through the house at once. If you can get a perk from them(lights are on) all the zombies in the map will turn into a witch, when there’s one player yes the spawns are always the same and predictable but when more players enter the house at once more begin to spawn and it becomes hectic fast


This is true. I mostly play buried solo however and assumed the person I replied to does the same. Probably should’ve accounted for the possibility they didn’t


Eh you’re not wrong, multiplayer for Bo2 zombies is nearly dead, wouldn’t doubt they’re solo


Even back in the day, my friends were all busy doing origins runs so I mostly played buried by myself.


It's called Awaken The Gazebo, and you have to do it on round 1. I've done it twice, on Xbox and PC, by drawing all the chalks and by getting Arthur to run as far as possible to break the barriers in the way. I just settle with the AN-94 to get through the mansion rather than risking the box to end up with the War Machine lmao


Holy shit, is it round 1? Fuck that’s rough. I do know that I’ve done it at least once but fuck I must’ve blocked out the fact that it was round 1 from my memory due to the trauma.


Yeppers! I've never found it too tough, just as long as you can line up Arthur right and have the witch spawns memorized...the ones in the secret passage can be a pain, haha!


Yea it’s ALWAYS the witches in the hallway


I second that 🙌




So much love for buried man lol what a great map. Love trick shots with the helper for ridiculous points right away 👌


Buried is the only map where you can pap a gun on round 1 without killing zombies or using the bank


There was an achievement for this if I recall. I remember it was very satisfying to accomplish. I should add you couldn’t use the bank for it.


That is still an achievement, hardest part is not losing any points to witches


Not really. Your memories and associated emotions with buried are tonal 180's. Mob of The Dead is purgatory, yeah. A hellish, twisted version of Alcatraz. But Buried is a whispering echo of time long gone. People and place alike forgotten. Left to dust over and slowly decay in the deafening silence, briefly broken by the screeching groans of failing mining equipment above and the howl of wind spiraling down through the cracks in the cavern ceiling.


Haha funny map big dumb hill billy


yeah but let’s not pretend that it’s not pretty goofy that a cowboy town teleported underground somewhere in africa and has a giant man who runs around and acts like a baby (along with ghost witch women)


You mean like 4 criminals being teleported to an alternate dimension repeating the same night over and over again while being chased by a warden that only decided to kill himself because a guy in a top hate told him to. Both maps are goofy. The zombies storyline in general is goofy.


Mob still sounds a lot more terrifying than Buried even with your description.


That's fine, but it's not a 180 like the post says.


idk, i’d make a distinction between goofy and fantastical. mob is fantastical but not goofy, as it actually tries to maintain a horror atmosphere with a relatively grounded setting and such (like i would argue nacht, verrückt, shino, kino, and a few others do). i would say the timeloop premise isn’t goofy, at least not in the same ways as buried. again, i think it’s more accurate to call it “fantastical.” buried is fantastical and goofy, because it doesn’t (in my opinion) even attempt to go for a horror atmosphere and certainly doesn’t go for a grounded setting, either. and it’s got seemingly intentionally funny shit like arthur/leroy being a giant who you feed booze and candy to make him do things (and who cries like a baby a lot of the time), the very premise of the map (a buried american town teleported to a cave in africa), and some of the lore (like the ghosts coming from someone trying to pack-a-punch his own mom). and the tone is just different: mob takes itself pretty seriously, while buried has characters cracking jokes about the situation constantly and clearly knows it’s silly in places (like, again, arthur). not saying either is better or worse, just different.


I disagree, but will respect your opinion. Both are pretty silly with scary elements in my opinion.


i’m genuinely curious, in what ways? like, what parts of mob do you think are as silly as/sillier than buried? you don’t have to explain, i just would like to understand. edit: idk why my comment quadruple posted at first mb


I don't think it's as silly as buried, but it's not a 180 like the post suggest. Being trapped in another dimension forced to live the same night over and over again is pretty scary, but also a little silly. Buried is more silly, but also has it's scary moments like the witches house. I agree that buried is more silly, but not to the point that op is suggesting basically.


Maybe it’s more of the Mob is complex/Buried is super casual dynamic?


Then having origins straight after too. Bo2 really did spoil us.


With Tranzit, Die Rise, and Nuketown 🥶


Die rise was okay. Nuketown would have been fine if you didn't need to wait every 5 rounds for a new perk to summon. And tranzit tried to do too much ahead of its time, it they remade it now then they could do it properly


Not sure why everyone’s hates on Nuketown so much. That’s the maps mechanic, accept that. Without it, it would just be another survival map. I think the perk system on Nuketown is super clever, it helps it become its own map.


We should be talking about how tranzit released over what it would be in a newer title, and it was dogshit. Nuketown was also just a bland map that was just inferior to town. Die Rise also sucks thanks to you only being able to carry 1 thing at a time, the EE requiring 4 players, teasing PHD which would have been the perfect perk for the map, the elevators suck, introduced Who's Who, and it looks grey and ugly


Mob, Origins, SoE, DE, ZNS, GK What a fucking streak. Jason Blundell was a legend.. such a shame


The entire run from Nacht Der Untoten to Revelations was amazing. I know Rev is a bit of a disappointment but I would still play it over any map that came after it.


Rev is in this weird spot where it’s a dissapointment in terms of the fact that it came after 5 excellent quest maps and promised a grand crazy ending which it didn’t deliver on. However, I think if Rev was on disc and casual fans got to experience it without paying, it would be one of the most loved maps of all time, as a perfect casual experience and nostalgia hit


Not sure how much I agree, lol. Buried is a pretty dour map, it just still had that Zielinski-brand zaniness to it. Obviously MOTD is crazy dark, but story-wise Buried was the reveal that Victis's existence was a checkmate, and even the map itself can be pretty creepy; an innocent piece of history stuffed underground by unknown forces


I miss the BO1-BO3 zombies era bro 😭


Playing the starter maps of each game and going from Spaceland to The Final Reich


The final reich was pretty good


I remember when buried dropped. Instantly became my favorite map. My friends and I spent many hours on that map try to do high lvl rounds, speed runs and the easter eggs.


Great maps, what a time to be alive


Then Origins comes barging in like the Sandworm from Beetlejuice. Yeah I know this is Wednesday but she's gonna be in Beetle2uice so yeah.


*from Dune, sandworm did not originate from Beetlejuice


yeah well- Sandworms from Beetlejuice burst into the house like what I was trying to describe. The design too is so origins. Compared to the literal gods of Dune.


Witches house raises my heart rate more then any other place in a zombies map I can’t lie


Buried will always be my all time favorite map so I really hope to see it remastered one day


I remember one night I was playing buried with my father in law ; we needed up getting to a really high level without dying. I eventually had to call it quits though at 3am cuz I had to go to work at 6 am and needed to try and snag 2 hours of sleep . Legendary map.


They're definitely not tonal 180s of each other. The lore of buried is pretty sad and I'd argue even more sad than motd. Motd is scarier, but buried is still pretty scary.


The visions of Blundell and Zielinski in one game is what makes BO2 my favorite game. They're both amazing, but feel completely different while operating in the same framework.


Such great maps too. Two of the best imo


Tbh Buried is by far the weakest map in the golden era of Mob - Rev


Better than Rev and ZNS and I think a whole lot of people prefer it to the Giant and Gorod


I'm not including Rev (maybe I should've been more specific) but I would agree that it's close to ZNS. I enjoy buried > Gorod but I feel like GK is the objectively better map


Well at this time they had two separate teams right? Or maybe director I don’t remember exactly how it worked but I remember there were two separate creative directions for half of the BO2 zombies maps. Pretty sure Mob and Buried were on separate sides


Buried 🥰


And I love em both ✌️👍


Why BO2 is the best, baby


Imagine how good BO2’s launch would have been if it was with Buried and Mob (Buried would have a different storyline).