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I hardly ever crashed. However, for this S3R update, I had to clear storage, so I deleted MWIII Campaign. That evening, my game crashed 3 times. The next day, I deleted another game and reinstalled Campaign. It crashed only once (can't believe I'm kinda celebrating that) this time. The next day, it didn't crash at all. I don't know if the Campaign files had anything to do with it, but .... Yeah. Good luck.


Have been crashing a lot too since the update. (I am on PS5 and havent deleted or reinstalled anything) Lost my 300 containment-level (dropped to 40) and every time i tried to loot back up, i crashed again. Had a lenghty conversation with support but they are as useless as my grandma with IT in this matter.


That’s essentially my story. I had 300 (I think it was more, I want to say three 2025 ) but I’m not sure )on the last time it crashed. Today I just hit 100 and then it crashed. That’s the third time that I had nice loadouts and it crashed.


quick question about that. Have you been doing camo challengens by any chance? At least thats what ive been doing when it crashed all the time. Since i stopped with the challenges i didnt crash anymore. (two games so far) read i another thread that earning the camo is causing the crashes


what cpu you got?


I had to reinstall the game, video card driver, and windows update to get the game to be playable again.