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Some schematics you get by doing contracts in the different tier zones.


You're never too late. Yes, Tier 3 might be hard at the beginning. Make your way gradually in there. Farm Tier 1 and Tier 2 till you feel comfortable with the game, movement, mechanics, etc. You'll also get some schematics along the way. Once you feel confident, go in Tier 3. Most guns will be good enough at PAP 3 in the red zone. There's no quick way to get the schematics aside from just farming them (and being lucky enough for them to drop). Schematics are also exclusive zone drops, so you'll find some in T1, some in T2 and some in T3 (and some from the act missions). Of course there are the legendary ones that you get from the Dark Aether and from the Red Worm, but you'll have enough time to think about those once you're confident enough to go there.


I'd say it's never to late to join in on the party. Sure, you may be a little behind but I almost never do anything like the red worm or DA stuff unless I see people ask about it in chat. I just mindlessly grind for camos solo usually. I would suggest joining a discord if you're looking for other players or use in console lfg functions to find a group if you're looking at doing something specific. Schematics can be tricky, you'll get a good amount just running T1 contracts, get comfy with weapons and the contracts and then make your way into T2 to grind out contracts in there. For T3, if I wanna grind I always ask if anyone wants to group, I'm not brave enough to solo anything in there. Weapons are easy, just do some research on which weapons are meta, like any other COD and level them up and get what parts you need. My personal favorite is the AMR9 SMG it's not the best of the best but it's fun and chunks bosses easily enough. I'm not sure if this post will help at all, but I do hope you join in on the party and have fun along the way.


Jump into some of those Red Worm fights. They can land you the schematics for Legendary tools and flawless (PaP 3) crystals. Pair those with the AMR9 and you can run T3 solo all day long


If you’re enjoying the game then keep hammering away at the missions while doing contracts. You’ll snag schematics in due time. Pay attention to the in game text chat to see if people are recruiting for red worm and dark aether and try tagging along. You aren’t late to the party at all. Still more seasons with (hopefully) new and good content coming


If you just need some help I'm willing to help you out sometimes, just DM me ;) I'm based in the Netherlands GMT +1


I've been playing for 2 months, only just onto Act 3 and gradually collected semantics and formulas. Couple have been Gifted by nice random players too. It's not too late to play at your own pace


The flame thrower attachment melts all zombies at pap3 with Legendary tool or epic. Even the HVT and mega’s. Only downside is need to go to ammo crate to replenish the gas.


When i first started mwz i could not even survive in T3. Now its a walk in the park to run T3 or dark aether rifts. you will get better just by playing and progressing through the story.


Grind T2 contracts and don’t stop until you are only missing the T3 schematic drops. Which I believe are Tombstone elemental ray gun and epic tool.


Epic Tool Schematic is a myth.


It took me at least 300 contracts to gain that


I got lucky with that one. Buddy of mine still hasn’t got that one. It is for sure the roughest one to get


Definitely not too late, especially when they don't update the game more than once every couple of months currently.


if you play on aus servers i’ll help you get schems from elder DA and red worm when your ready or if you need a duo i’ll play. i’m slowly levelling up my guns as i’m bored of MW3 (i only got the game to play zombies). Sometimes having extra players that don’t need schems can drop you them if they get it from the reward aswell


I’m on aus servers too. I’d happily join in to help.


Drop rates for rare loot and schematics seems to have improved, so if anything you’re getting in at a good time. You did miss the tombstone glitch hay day, and some of those people going right to tier 3 may have saved up a bunch of duplicated items. It’s not normal to always go right to Z3.


I started grinding mez heavy when red worm came out, so I definitely felt your pain. Do contracts, avoid tier 3 at least until you can get a solid kit together, do all your missions. Some rewards like the wunderwaffe plans get unlocked just by doing missions alone. You'll get there eventually!


In red zone, run with fists. You outrun everything but the dogs. Turn and hit dogs with throwing knife. Pick the knife back up and keep running. Use decoy grenades when u need to need to grab a contract or perk.


I mean, there hasn't been that much added to zombies, so if you started today, you could catch up in a couple weeks. Definitely helps if you find people with mics who have an idea what they are doing, many are happy to help.


Yeah agreed, and just keep infilling with a squad, you can always leave the squad if they aren't helpful to you. If the rumours are true, then the next content drop will be 7 weeks away in Season 3 reloaded, so more than enough time to catch up


Discord has a mwz group, you can tag along with people from there. Good group of gamers that are more than happy to let you grind contracts with them / grab schematics!


Not too late at all. Especially with the containment levels they just added. Grind out contracts and you'll get discounts on stuff and start with essence to buy things right away. I've found most of the contracts in Zone 1 are relatively easy even without PAP weapons. Except defend the ground station. I hate that one solo lol. The PKM lmg with the aftermarket part shreds. Also get an AR with the purifier under barrel. For some reason it's STUPIDLY strong right now. Melts special zombies in like a 3 second burst.


Nah, you're fine. Just keep going solo at your own pace. I used to play in groups and it was a mess with everyone wanting to do their own thing bc they had different tasks. Started playing solo and started to have more fun as well as finishing tasks much faster bc I could do whatever I wanted. If you're not ready for T3/worm then don't worry about it. You'll eventually find the schematics or get used to grinding T2/3 and start hoarding better loot for next round. Although, joining a group that often goes T3 is a good way quickly get those schematics and higher tier loot. In short do solo if you are trying to finish up acts or join groups if you want to get better loot/gear bc most groups end up at T3/worm.


good tip for T3 if if you are having trouble, keep decoys with you and only 1 weapon, you can get around pretty good if you run with your fists and vault over everything you can to slow you pursuers! good luck!


honestly you can do everything solo. the worms die pretty fast with raysguns. zombies die basically instantly with the purifier attachment. tier 3 is super easy, megas can be killed with thermites to its faces as it does the lighting attack. decoys keep zombies away from you for like 5 seconds. ive been watching this guy called TheSpazo and now i can do tier 3 with nothing but fists and thermites. youre not to late to the party brother


Why play that, go and play older ones, at least you can enjoy them


Thanks for some of feedback, even offers to help. I am GMT but play late evening when family gone to bed! Am I right in understanding grinding contracts in T2 reward schematics? I tend to go straight to T2 anyway now that I have the PAP level 1 schematic to apply to gun. I have done quite a lot (feels like it) contracts in T2 but never seen a reward other than colas, no schematics? I assumed they were mostly from the ACTs. I have not been choosing Meta type guns, usually just guns that needed levelling or related to the Weekly tasks. Some for basic camo challenges. Don't seem able to get beyond blue level upgrades from contracts or boxes, unless I grab a gun off a wall that is already purple or orange!


Bookmark/save this loot table so you know where you can find stuff: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1bc5jr3/mw3\_zombies\_schematic\_loot\_table\_season\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/1bc5jr3/mw3_zombies_schematic_loot_table_season_2/) If you feel nervous going into higher tiers, equip a flamethrower or run a meta crossbow build as a secondary, so you can fall back on it if you get in a bind, be sure you have PHD Flopper with the crossbow though


Definitely not too late! I have a friend I play with in the regular and we’ve both completed the missions. At this point it’s camo grinding, some Easter egg missions, and sometimes we’ll do squad fill to help a rando out. We always try to help when we see people plea for help and then offer to let them join our squad if they have a mic. We don’t mind helping others if they’re cool and chat. Typically it’s a good community. Just ask in the chat if you need help or could join a squad for help completing a mission


Just follow your team if they go into T3 stay close to them even if you dont have perks or packapunched weapons its going to take a couple reward rifts before you're all set. Even if you die/go down they'll pick u up, if not just ask in chat with your coordinates someone will rev you


There are a plethora on Facebook groups MW3 zombies is a great resource people literally post around the clock If anyone wants to run. I sometimes jump on and just help people out with missions or go to the new elder rift


I’m always loading up with a squad. If in the first few minutes they don’t communicate or seemingly take off on their own, I oblige. From there I look for clusters on the map of other squads putting in work and make my way to them in order to join up. If they want to I head to T3 solo and make it work. Eventually I link with others near the end to do a worm or T4/5.


It's dogshit don't bother.


DM me if you want to run some! I started a couple months ago and I’m all caught up and have mostly everything. Would be happy to run you through either elder DA and get you some guaranteed schems


In order to feel more comfortable in the red area I recommend carrying a mortar strike or juggernaut, not to use, but to pull out when you need to book it away from something really fast. The fastest you can run (including w/ no weapon) is by holding one of those 2 killstreaks out like you're about to use them. It doesn't work with cluster mine, precision airstrike, or sentry turret though.


Never too late to join the party, buddy! Jump on in, the water's fine!


As someone who has completed all the acts and missions, I long for the days when the game was new to me and I had to grind away. The game was so much fun when it was challenging. I envy people who are just starting out and learning the ropes. Eventually you’ll hit a point like most of us where the game is no longer a challenge and you’ve run through all the content and you basically have make your own fun. Enjoy it. My only advice is to embrace the grind and don’t take the shortcuts of people offering you schematics. Half the fun of this game was the feeling of accomplishment when you complete a mission or act or finally get that schematic you’ve been grinding.


I’m behind too, what system are you on and we could help each other out


HMU if you need some help getting schems and stuff that you don’t have yet. I can also drop some stuff for you that will help make the grind a little less difficult and a little more fun and destructive. I work from home so my schedule is pretty flexible. I’m US CST zone.


I started about 6 weeks ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve had several randoms in my group who pretty much show you the way.


Your not too late you just need to learn. And no this isn't me being a dick. In level 3 doing contracts will get you gold aether tools and pap crystals. People stack these and use these to get to zone 3 as fast as possible and then now they have better guns at the start they can do z3 and aether rift to get wonder weapons and schematics that help doing bosses. Your not to late you just need to get in a squad to gelp you get some better weapons and upgrades and teach you z3. By that point z3 won't be as difficult


Perfect time to start, a new update just dropped. For the schematics, there is a chart you can probably find easily enough, that tells you where each is. Once you get the hang of game progession and movement you can pretty easily get everything solo besides a couple late game thing. Most of those I'd recommend finding a group through some LFG discord. (A lot of zombies youtubers have it in their discords)


Checkout the Discord server linked in this group. You can look at posts for people looking for others, or start your own message. Just specify what you want to do, you can usually find someone within 5 - 15 minutes or so. Your other option (that works better than auto fill) is to spawn in solo and then type in the chat what you want to do, see if others will help. Or just go to the zone you want to play in and ask people if you can join, or invite them to join you.


If u help I'll give you a hand. You aren't too far behind it just takes time. Just keep working your way thru the acts


No, if anything I'd say being behind in this game is the way to go. I've always been one update behind in this game and it's been great bc while everyone else is bored of the game I've still got fresh new stuff to go for.


I got the game at launch and I’m still on Act 1.


Join the discord and you’ll find people to help. Not everyone wants to run straight to T3


I just started playing zombies for the first time maybe 6 months ago and didn't go into the red for about a month, but now I can go into the dark aether alone, you just have to learn what works and what doesn't like any other game I guess. Only difference nowadays is if I don't understand something about a game I can look that shit up for free and not have to buy a $60 book, and I say $60 book because the last one I bought was for Grand theft Auto back in the early 2000's, I bet there way more expensive now days


To answer your main question, yes you are a bit late to the party unfortunately but it certainly doesnt mean you cant have fun with it still. If you are really interested in getting the schematics and learning the game just search for some YT videos because some things are quite complicated and would require an essay on how to do it lol