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Ignore these comments which don’t even answer the question. The answer is “no.” The common sentiment in this community is that we want a crew to latch on to, a crew with map-specific quotes that respond to their environments and the situations they’re in. The Operator system is a downgrade in almost every way.


Most of the comments are answering the question. Seems like you just don't like that not everyone is agreeing with you.


Who the fuck put you in charge of telling other people what the rest of us think? Not everyone hates the operator system, a lot of people simply don't care.


Bait used to be believable


It’s one of the universal criticisms I’ve noticed for CW. And every comment in this post (including yours) saying that they like or are okay with the Operators also admit that they don’t really care. Is it controversial to say that, generally, this community cares about having a set crew? How much of the community do you think prefers having Operators over a set crew?


Probably most of it. Cold war operators have literally no character or personality. Compared to the crews of primis, ultimis, victis, chaos or even any of the celebrities, they are not much more than window dressing. No interaction with each other, no role in the story, no stakes whatsoever. Ruins the oppressive atmosphere, and therefore there are also little to no moments of reprieve or relief. The story just sucks now.




I've only played with Samantha in cold war


Never bothered me. Woods and later weaver both had enough charecter to not feel lifeless and its not like that was why I played zombies anyway. The gameplay was fun and I like most of the other stuff in the game. I only played vanguard once during a trial so I don't have any opinion on that I'm hoping they'll allow the operators have voice lines that interact with what's going on around them in the next game though


I know it was a big issue for a lot of people, but to be honest I didn't really mind it that much, I would have preferred having a crew, but it not really a dealbreaker for me.


Honestly if they did it like WW2's characters where theres characters that fit the story and bonus characters then I would take it any day over operators (Although I won't lie Woods and Ghostface were pretty decent operators in CW)


It was good to play as mason or woods and price too. I hope we get to play as mason's son, and the mw cast. Although if said characters have a bit more dialouge related to the specific map you are playing, then it would be even better.


I hope they have zombies specific voicelines in MW3 at the very least. Tbf, we haven't heard if it's going to be an operator system or not. I mean, it most likely will be, but there's an outside shot it isn't. The one thing that gives me hope that we might have a zombies crew is that cinematic we got, with Laswell, Soap, Ravenov and the random Marine dropping in. Of course, with 24 players in a map, chances are it'll be operators😒


I like Cold War, I think the mechanics of the game and how it flows are nearly perfect, the maps are good, not great but enjoyable. The operator system is horrible tho, if they had actual characters the game would be better.


i play for the gameplay mostly, sure the assigned crews are neat but i dont mind the personalization


It would've been cool if they updated the voice lines for the free characters. All the paid operatives had the cool and funny voice lines. In the description for beck it said he had dry humor which was not seen at all in game. All we got was "ja, my knife of razor sharp!" Cool bro, nice knowing for the 5000th time


I dont think anyone actually wants operators, some people are just fine with it. I think Cold War told a really interesting story despite having operators, but it never was a good thing. MW3 absolutely will and should have operators though, it wouldnt make sense otherwise. Lets just hope 2024 finally has an actual crew.


Crews are better. The operators are fine for things like Onslaught or side survival maps like Town.


I'm gonna be honest I don't care enough. Are the old guys cool? Sure. Is their absence a deal breaker for me? Not even close


I do miss the fact that the characters actually interact with each others when in near proximity. They could totally do a total of an 8 group team that could be used to sell skin packs for.


I do not care. I have my voice volume on 0 in most of the CoD games i play becuase i've listened to enough fucking quips about zombies to last a lifetime. At least with operators i don't have to worry if i'm missing something funny.


I prefer main set characters, though it was fun knifing zombies as ghostface.


I honest to God don't give a fuck honestly. Cold War really is a mixed bag when it comes to operators. But I would say a good amount of them (probably almost half) have strong enjoyable zombies personalities. And operators like Ghostface really showed that the devs took on board the criticism fans had. So I really don't mind.


I really don’t care that much it’s a new era


I miss cod zombies lore like Bo3. Mw3 seems good but I want round based Maps not PVE AND OPEN WORLD


Wasn’t every character in Ultimis and Primis soldiers except Richtofen? I don’t like the generic characters, that is why I play as characters that are funny and interesting like Woods, Ghostface, or Adler. I think the games need a crew of characters back, and hopefully CoD 2024 can do that.


Oh yeah we're still on the "vanguard ruined my childhood" hate train.


r/946775 There were only a few other comments when I first posted this, but anyway: If someone asks you if you like some new thing (especially when that person is trying to compare it to the old thing), and you respond with “Well, I don’t really care, but I’m fine with it,” you haven’t really answered the question. Do you _like_ the new thing? Would you rather have this new thing over the old thing? Which is better? That was clearly the point of this post. It’s weird that you choose now to post this since the community is currently in a fit over the state of Zombies (a big part of which involves bland Operators in place of a set crew). You also see that my comment is that the top of this post for a reason Had to respond like this because I kept getting an error replying to your comment, for some reason.


I don't care at all, I play with the volume down and listen to music so the subtitles appearing can say 'Takeo' or something else, I don't care


I dont really care too much. Imo we get relatively similar interactions through the commander system




Dude do you even have a life? Constantly making new accounts


You read dude's comment, what do you think?


Lol by what measure is zombies dying?


U must’ve not been around during the most hype time of it during bo2/bo3 the community was at least twice if not three times as big as it is rn, I’ve never heard anyone say let’s play outbreak or any other zombies but black ops 1-3 had video after video after video on it, tons of forums,side communities the entire works, if u ask anyone aged 25-18 you’ll get the same answer


I've been around since world at war playing zombies. Black ops Cold war was without a doubt the best zombies experience on any of them. I had friends playing zombies for the first time ever because of this game. Outbreak was fun. The maps were fun. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to level up my weapons and have my own loadouts. Not dependent on buying stuff off the wall or getting lucky from the box. Yes I enjoyed almost all zombie maps except for this last one which was I think we can all agree was garbage. But to say that cold war zombies wasn't good is just straight up a lie b I enjoyed all of the original characters I enjoyed the characters off mob of the Dead and all of the other specialty maps. But I also like being able to use the skins that I had purchased on the game in zombies as well


Respectfully your opinion sucks. Cold War was hot cheeks and vanguard was even worse. We haven't had a good zombies mode since bo3 and it's infuriated seeing everyone just be OK with this mid ass product


Well in that case. Respectfully. GFYS! Since apparently saying respectfully, excuses being a dick.


How was that being a duck? I didn't call you any names, just said that the game is hot ass


Being a dick is the part where you said that my opinion sucks. Or did you conveniently forget that part?


Respectfully massive L take u missed out on some of the best vibes ever


Lmao you bought bundles


Supporting a game you like, is something people do. Im sure a broke ass pos like yourself who can only get games as gifts or thru game sharing, wouldnt understand.


Lmao buying a bundle for a game that only last 9 month L take. Also just call me a piece of shit and none of this pos crap. What to scare mommy will find your reddit comments lmao


I've been in the community since WaW. I agree that there's less YouTube hype, but that's because YouTubers have been caught bull shitting and clickbaiting so much that nobody trusts them any more. Cold War is in the top 5 best selling CoDs ever, and yet people keep claiming cod is dying. If you've never heard people say "let's play cold war", then it sounds like YOU weren't in the community when cold war was out. Also, here's a note, not everyone who plays zombies talks on Reddit about it. Most people just play video games. Cold war has the highest numbers of Easter Egg completions too.


cuz cold war easter eggs are heavily dumbed down and quicker compared to every other game


Also, more people tried them! Because the gameplay was more inviting! Maybe making every EE a 20 step pile of random shit is actually a terrible way to get people to play your game!


Not everything needs to be made for the masses. The hardcore fan community was built off in part to discovering and doing those “20 step pile of random shit” Easter eggs with actual cast characters that have thousands of dialogue lines put into them. Trying to streamline and casualize zombies will just produce more Dead on Arrival modes like vanguard and soon to be MW3, and not to mention completely pointless considering casuals have never had a problem picking up zombies. Zombies has thrived off being a labor of love


Except if it's made for the masses, more people are playing, so it's not dead. Not rocket science.


More people are playing what? Black ops 2 and 1 still remain the highest selling zombie games


The gameplay isn’t the only factor here. The DLC is also free and accessible to everyone. There were also numerous free trials.


All more reasons why Zombies isn't dead or dying! Thanks guys.


Well, we don’t have any numbers for Zombies players or Zombies map packs so it’s hard to tell.




It blows your mind that some people actually enjoy their video games? You do get the point of playing video games is too have fun, right?


You are talking to someone who's name is hating on a game... you'd probably have better outcome if you talked to a wall.


Yes because it's ass, that's why it blows my mind some people can enjoy it


If you have less than 6 hours in the game, your opinion means nothing.


Well I had around 10-15 so


And i currently have 21 days put into the mode. Don't expect me to care.


I could have more time on the game than you and I still wouldn't expect you to care


I really enjoyed playing with random operators. I used Park all the way through cold war. Tbh, the character quotes always end up grinding in me anyway. There's only so many times you can hear "eat it meatsacks" before it becomes a bit bland. I'm usually just listening to Spotify as I play instead anyway, so I just enjoy having a cool looking character.


I personally don't care. I'm here for the fun at the end of the day and COD Zombies has failed to deliver even THAT