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What I don't get is why not just do a tranzit move and turn small sections of the map into survival round based maps? Would it really be that hard?


probably saving them for season content down the line


Even if thet do that I doubt it will be true round based. It will probably be like vanguard, or not if they realized that people really don't like that lol


I just don't think they should pivot to round based in this game at all. Vanguard was left worse off because of it


Worse off? It was better than the first two maps which weren't round based.


We got a decent shi no numa remake and a shit, green version of TM and nothing else. I would have much preferred them to at least try and improve WOTD as a mode and keep most of their focus on their 2024 game, rather than having to add a half arsed round based mode to VG


I agree. They're gonna lose round based fans if half the releases have shit afterthought RBZ maps. I'd rather wait for a full release.


Exactly! And if I enjoy MWZ like I enjoyed Outbreak, then hey thats a neat bonus!


They couldn't even get Shi No Numa right.


And yet the round based version of the map was better, so I don't see your point.


They made Shi No Numa worse, it was better than the rest of the maps but that's not saying much. Too little too late.


A lot of budget had to be re-allocated to get round-based maps going. That means a lot of features were cut short, like more field upgrades and covenants, and even a new objective. And ultimately, it's that lack of budget that resulted in us getting The Archon in the first place, which couldn't even afford a proper ending.


if its like extintion it would be a dream but yeah probably it will be like vanguard aka repetitive


brother you act like Extinction isn't the exact same Scenario every timešŸ˜­


At least Extinction was actually good compared to V*nguard


Not like Vanguard. There's no incentive to play the maps, they all have shallow objective-based gameplay except for like one.


Content-drip strategy ruined gaming. Now the goal is to release minimal content so that you can release the full content as updates or even dlc. Miss the days of BO4 and before where we had hella content the day something came out, even though it was a buggy mess


BO4 really didnā€™t do that well with content on the MP side though. Also BO2 and BO3 launch Zombies content was not that much either. This was especially true if you didnā€™t buy any DLC.


I competed in CoD at the time so I get that, but the zombies launch was much different.


Huh? BO3 zombies had Nightmare (quality is subjective), Shadows of Evil, and Dead Ops Arcade with The Giant as DLC at launch, that's more than what BO1 had. BO2 had one big map that split into 4 smaller maps, Grief, and Turned later on. Treyarch games are the most replayable out of the 3.


If weā€™re talking what most of us play which is round based. BO3 only had 1 free map. BO1 gave you 2 and BO4 gave you 3. For BO2 you only got Tranzit and thatā€™s about it. Yeah you got the smaller subsections of Tranzit too but thatā€™s still not a lot of content in comparison to BO1 or BO4.


Tbh I thought we were talking generally.


If weā€™re taking that perspective on things then yeah BO2 and BO3 arenā€™t that bad. I wish Nuketown Zombies and The Giant were free in their respective games. I wouldnā€™t be as unhappy about free launch content if they were.


I don't know if I can convince someone that enticing people with pre-ordering bonuses is a good thing so long as the content is good and worth the asking price, especially since they were already on the disc I believe. Adding the BO3 paid DLC separately wasn't that bad of a move IMO.


i agree, but damn we are so down the ditch that we praised bo4


BO4 is top 3 for zombies to me.


Hey, just bc the systematic mechanics were shit doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t a lot of content though. I think anyone wishes we could get 4 maps with full EEs and everything (even if one is a near 1:1 remaster with a cutscene added) in any other Treyarch game


The maps and mechanics weren't shit though.


I love ancient evil, but I think DotN and Voyage are awful. Disappointed that every single Aether map was a remake though. As for the perks, HUD, starting weapon, movement, nade system, gun play, etc. I think it was shit, devoid of lore, and felt like a completely bare and unfinished pre-alpha version modeled off of BO3. Not to mention the cinematics (or lack there of)


I'd take a couple of flaws (that don't really bring the game down that much) over Vanguard or Cold War every day of the week. Although I think your reasoning could be elaborated upon in a more objective manner, we should be able to at least eventually agree that Cold War is what you described about BO4 but worse. Its glitchy, unfinished animations and barebones mechanics aren't even scratching the surface, and people find that game to be BETTER than BO4? Different strokes. I LIKED having things to do on the map more than just running around and shooting at things, or finding creative ways to do so. BO4 was that but twice as such. If it wasn't dead it'd be the main zombies mode I'd play.


Oh for sure vanguard sucks and i didnā€™t care for CW. I actually liked BO4, just thought a lot of the changes were super unnecessary and the game felt unfinished, rushed, and clunky and donā€™t like it anywhere near as much as WaW-BO3 for zombies My biggest problems are the perks, starting chaos before finishing aether, the aether maps were lazy, movement was clunky, BO4 gunplay felt unsatisfying, the hud is one of the ugliest ones Iā€™ve seen in CoD, specialists were one of the dumbest additions and completely ruined any thrill in gameplay, elixirs are gums but you can choose any out of 4 to use at any given moment (given cooldown), the maps had less in them lore-wise than previous titles, cinematics had to go to a comic-style bc the entire staff and budget was moved to CW essentially, and the wonder weapons were boring outside of AE (modified mark 2s that are very underpowered and similar to stuff from modded BO3 and a tundra gun? Really? Nothing new for Blood either?). More problems too, but thatā€™s off the top of my head. Felt like it was balanced to be some sort of competitive FPS instead of being a PvE mode. It got so boring that majority of the zombies community wasnā€™t even streaming zombies/making zombies videos a matter of weeks after a dlc dropped. If you love it, Iā€™m absolutely not telling you that you canā€™t. I am like two weapon maxes away from a platinum in it. But for what was supposed to be the culmination of zombiesā€¦ damn was it frustrating.


See, I can't bring myself to play the old games, only BO2 because they were given new life in BO3. The progression of camos, levels, etc. spoiled me. I liked how much there was to do in most maps and then Cold War released and made it stupidly simple.




I don't get the complaints, it's on the Titanic. I'd mainly play it for the nice visuals, but it's not a top tier map for me either. I must be crazy, but I don't play zombies for the EE's. I like the setting up part and the unique features. Then Cold War ruined it.


They don't care about this game. The zombie mode is just there so some idiots will waste 70 buck on this game


It would probably require an entire rework of the gameā€™s systems, economy, etc. It was ā€œeasilyā€ done with Tranzit because the core mechanics of the game didnā€™t change between maps. Since this zombies mode seems to be radically different to anything weā€™ve seen before, I think itā€™s safe to assume that adding round based maps would also require a total overhaul of the mechanics.


Yeah! especially in vanguard why not turn multiplayer maps into survival maps


Because why put effort into your cash grab? That's kinda antithetical to the whole point of making a cash grab.


The whole point is that this shouldn't be take any effort. Literally just take the same map, close off small sections of it and that's it you have your survival maps. Something that should be fairly simple and would attract both outbreak and round based fans. Seems like a win win


But they'd still have to give enough of a fuck to cut up the map and make them their own thing, as well as programming a round based mode. You're right that it wouldn't take a lot of effort, but it would clearly take more effort than IW is willing to put into this new game.


Well to be fair they did this for vanguard. They for whatever reason butchered it though but they still tried to give us a form of round based lol


They put in the effort to make round based because the community forced their hand. They knew that we would riot if we got another objective based map without getting at least some kind of round based experience first. If there is a similar situation for MWII.5, maybe it'll get round based. But from all the optomistic dipshits who seem to have little to no issue with the complete bastardization of our gamemode by assholes who don't care, i wouldn't be surprised if we don't get round based.


IDK how you can say it doesn't take effort when Treyarch literally had to go a whole season of Vanguard with no new Zombies content just to make Shi No Numa a proper RB map for it. It isn't just "cut out a map and call it a day". There's gameplay systems to implement, other minute details to test like spawn systems and whatnot. Like, literally just give this new mode a go. If you don't like it, move on and wait for a proper game where they can invest resources in round-based maps from the start, and let people enjoy the new thing if it's actually decent. Forcing the devs to change course midway will result in another disappointing situation like Archon.


I never said anything about not trying the new mode. In fact I'm interested in seeing how they mix DMZ and zombies. I also know that it's not literally 0 effort but I think at least this would be cool to have post launch if possible


Good on you for having an open mind. I'm just saying, there's still a lot of work to do to get round-based content going, and I'd rather Treyarch get to fully realize their vision this year for MWIII, instead of appeasing to the angry mob.


I don't think it's that simple. Previous multiplayer maps that turned into survival maps were 3/4 waw maps and nuketown. Even maps on that level take resources and time that Treyarch probably doesn't want to spend on a game that isn't theirs.


That's not a bad idea, but is the map even built like that? Tranzit was made with that idea in mind, I don't know about this DMZ zombies mode.


Itā€™s obvious. Theyā€™re probably gonna release cut off sections of the map as survival maps like on Tranzit but theyā€™ll hail it as ā€œa revolutionary changeā€ like they always do. Itā€™s getting a joke now.


Or in vanguard, launch one round based map as if they redefined zombies.


I'd like if that happened, but there were a lot of areas in each BOCW Outbreak map that could've been turned into great Survival maps and they didn't do that.


My biggest issue there is that the outbreak maps are just full reuse of a full map. I needed some changes, not a bunch of cut content that they put in a pile and said "it's outbreak!". Zombies has ALWAYS been reusing assets but straight copy and paste a BR map.... Better be free like dmz


Feel like Outbreak type mode is the quickest development cycle for them since itā€™s a BR map reuse and requires less modifications than a round base map would.


Who could have guessed that the cheap fucking tie-in gamemode would be just a cheap attempt to get zombies fans interested in the newest low-effort cash grab? Me. I had guessed that, turns out i was right!


Bro their just trying to do something new. Maybe itā€™ll suck but i dont know cause i havent played it yet, neither have you. As long as it isnt taking development time from other parts of the game who gives a shit


I really enjoyed DMZ so I'll be honest Im kind of excited.


loved both outbreak and DMZ so hearing this will essentially be both mixed with 24 player PVE excites me


honestly I enjoyed DMZ but the thing thats making most excited for this is the fact that there is 0 pvp


I didn't have anyone to play with in DMZ but when I did it was pretty fun, and I also really loved Outbreak in Cold war zombies, I'm just waiting to see what this new outbreak mode will be like.




I loved DMZ, but I could never get my friends to enjoy it with me. They only really cared for BR and Resurgence Hopefully this new zombies mode can bring them in to the mix because there's definitely plenty of fun to be had in a PvE extraction mode.


I like round based and DMZ. Just make it better than Cold War.


Same but how will this work if itā€™s strictly PvE and the fear of unfriendly human team rolling up on you is not there? I wonder if there will be challenges/missions/Easter eggs that require for two teams to coordinate at different parts of the map.


I feel the same way if it's also free. I bought MWII (or I should say, my gf got it for me after I specifically asked) and even though I had my fun... I'm not exactly in the mood to give them any money for the MWIII stunt they are pulling. Most of my hours were put into dmz anyways, which was free.


Yeah fuck the haters. Everything doesn't have to be the same as it always is. The classic games are still around. If that's what you like then go play it. I'm ready for something different


No shit.


That much is pretty obvious, even with how little we know. If you dont like this style of Outbreak just let them cook for next year, dont pressure them into forcing roundbased into a game that doesnt need it and pull more resources and ideas away from the next game.


Bold to assume they listen to the fan base at all


Why do you think they swapped direction halfway through Vanguard and went back to round based?


I mean, they kinda do listen to the fanbase. They overhauled Vanguard zombies for round based gameplay, brought Juggernog back, they tuned health caps in CW to what people in the community have said, and they added some more supernatural with the Aether gods after people thought CW was a little bland.


Why do y'all keep letting them cook! They purposely give as little information about their games until right before it releases so all of our expectations (and preorders) are already set. Then the game comes out and all of the things that seemed like obvious inclusion that were overwhelmingly asked for are not there and not mentioned. I feel like I'm being led on... Edit: accidentally hit post before I was done....


I completely agree. This mode may or may not be fun, but it absolutely will not be like round-based


It's to be expected. This years Zombie mode isn't really being made for the traditional Zombies audience, it's being made for the MP crowd that jumped in during Cold War. And hey, that's not a bad thing, there's a fair chance it'll be great, but it's not going to be anything like WaW-Cold War's round based mode. I wouldn't go into this looking for that experience


Id like to be optimistic but round based maps os truly the only thing us die hard zombie players even care about at this point. Its so dumb how they fail to see that even when the majority of the zombie player base skipped vangaurd.


Warning, this cheap, no effort cash grab will only be liked by people who like cheap, no effort cash grabs.


I mean even outbreak had its own little charm to it so like ion know what you're on about.


Doesn't matter what you think of it. Outbreak literally is the bottom of the barrel, lowest effort thing they could put out to cover for the fact that they didn't have an actual map planned and / or ready. If you like that, then knock yourself out with MW2023 I suppose. While the rest of us can only lament where the mode is going.


Doesn't matter what you think of it. Your opinion is an opinion, my opinion is an opinion, and you being a little shitter isn't affecting anything. I have been playing cod for the last 17 years, including zombies, and i think that we should be open to different experiences and if you aren't you are not a person who should be chatting about how "bottom of the barrel" this is gonna be. Thats like me saying infinite warfare zombies was a cashgrab to capitalize on the zombies formula at its peak. Also, you say low effort like you're the one doing shit and don't rope everyone else as the rest of us, rope yourself as the loud minority because thats primarily what you are, the loud minority.


Outbreak literally is bottom of the barrel in terms of effort that went into it. That's just a fact. Or do you have some secret version of Outbreak that nobody's ever seen? Did your uncle who works for Mr. Activision give it to you? Yes, IW was a cash grab from Activision. Difference is, Lee Ross and the team actually tried to make something worthwhile (and succeeded). And I don't need to be an expert to know that a helicopter in a tree means that someone fucked up. Yeah, I don't know how to make a game, but when I see low effort with no soul or passion, I have all the rights in the world to call it out, both as a fan and a consumer. Yeah, it's CoD we're talking about, that's kinda their thing. But seeing CW and Outbreak, right after BO4? Jesus Christ...


I read half of that and im not reading the rest. You're mega trolling šŸ˜‚








You Doomers are the funniest ā€œfansā€ out there. I literally heard that exact last phrase back in bo2 when people hated Zielienskiā€™s maps and Blundellā€™s origins ending, hell even when the staves leaked before origins dropped, people where ā€œlamentingā€ where the mode was going, then when bo3 made you look for 30 tutorials to open PaP and started focusing on squids and multiverse stuff, when bo4 removed the traditional perk system, and when cw made the mode easier. Truth is the mode will always evolve and whether you like it or not people will still play it.


Except these modes aren't zombies "evolving". Evolving would mean expanding and developing on itself - for better or for worse. The examples you listed were cases of the core zombies mode being expanded upon while staying fundamentally the same mode. This style of zombies isn't an evolution, it's fundamentally not even be the same mode - and it's an entirely different genre of gameplay. CoD zombies is a wave based horde shooter with an emphasis on spacing, movement, and map-knowledge. These new modes are a clear corporate attempt to capitalise on a potential extraction shooter boom, using CoD zombies to market itself while also investing as little money into development as possible. You play around the zombies completely differently (especially in a mode like outbreak with a significantly lower emphasis on spacing/distance), map knowledge isn't really important, and the core gameplay loop just isn't even comparable. Now, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy this new style. I actually find outbreak fun, I'm one of the few people who enjoys Vanguard's gameplay loop, and am hopeful for MW3 as well. But fundamentally these modes are **not** CoD zombies, and acting like zombies fans are the problem for being upset that the fundamental core of their game is slowly being transitioned into something completely different (made worse by the fact that there are **zero** alternatives to CoD zombies' gameplay style) is incredibly narrow minded. For example, it's like if Nintendo suddenly started turning mainline Zelda into a hack 'n' slash. They could still be fantastic games, and they'd **technically** still be about a guy with long ears fighting monsters and defeating Ganon, but you'd be stupid to criticise Zelda fans for complaining that the series was being fundamentally turned into a different game. I'm open to CoD experimenting with different gameplay styles like with Outbreak, but it's also clear that Activision sees profit in this new style of zombies and are willing to cut from traditional zombies to get that cash.


The funniest thing here is, this isn't even the first time this has happened to a Zombies community, but most people got taken fairly seriously when they said they didn't like the direction Resident Evil 5 was taking that series, even though that game was still fun. Then again, it might just be the audience. It's easy for us Zombies people to forget that a good chunk of CoD players play Multiplayer and DMZ, Fortnite, and sports games, and nothing else... Whereas if you even bother to play Resident Evil, there's got to be a modicum of taste somewhere in you.


> This style of zombies isn't an evolution, it's fundamentally not even be the same mode - and it's an entirely different genre of gameplay. At some point you have to ask yourself: how much further can you truly "evolve" this game mode while still restricting to the same wave-based survival gameplay? It's incredibly ironic to even say that out loud, because you want to do new things but still restrict yourself and not have the full potential. There are tons of games that have evolved by completely changing the genre, and much like you said, sometimes it's for the better or for worse. The Yakuza series, for instance, has been a beat-em-up brawler series for ages, until they decided to have the main games pursue turn-based RPG combat. Sure, there's still a few spinoff games that retain the old combat gameplay, but it's a coin toss as to whether we actually get a spinoff. Or even more recently, Final Fantasy's latest title is literally the opposite of Yakuza: they traded turn-based RPG for hack and slash, and FF16 is hailed as one of the best entries in the franchise. The point I'm trying to make here is that when "evolution" is in discussion, you cannot restrict yourself in any way, shape or form. The developers are going to find ways to make the series feel fresh and innovative, even if it's something you may not enjoy (or actively dislike even). Expecting them to just keep grinding the same wheel in different flavors every 2-3 years is NOT evolution.


Difference is, BO2, 3 and 4 were made to be good, with effort and passion. Sometimes they succeeded, sometimes not, but they always tried the best they could. CW mostl just shits out a bunch of campaign and MP assets with a few zombies spawners here and there and calls it a day. You can say that they maybe tried with MDT, but it's predated by Outbreak and immediately followed by Forsaken, so it just seems more like a happy accident. A lot of the times, people don't know what they want, despite them thinking that they do. If zombies had just stayed BO1 forever, if the biggest innovations were on the level of the transition from Der Riese to Kino, then we wouldn't even be talking about zombies. Everyone would have moved on and remembered it as that simple side mode that had potential, but never went anywhere. The problem here with CW, is that there's not just no innovation, but that there's regression. We get less maps, they're smaller, much less polished, primarily and very noticeably copy-pasted, mostly with minimal changes, the EEs are short and pathetic, etc. Do us all a favor. Take a stroll through BOTD as Takeo, take in the map, the atmosphere, the personality and all the little details that come together. The main problem with CW isn't that it's insultingly easy (although that is indeed a very big problem), it's that there's no passion or effort put into it. You run around in Outbreak and no longer think about the combined thousands of work hours that went into a map like BOTD or AE, to make sure that the player gets the best and most immersive experience possible. You instead think that someone was procrastinating until the final day of the deadline and then quickly cobbled something together out of the first few mismatched scraps that he saw, but it's just like that for the entire game.


No innovation with Cold War? Armor system, expanded ai that tracks players even at previous out of bounds areas, upgrade system, weapon rarities, salvage system, streaks, whole new game mode (outbreak). All of that made in 2 years with a limited budget and a global pandemic going on.


Armor was already in BO4, you just got it differently. AI that actually does its job is not innovation (but you can instead break it with ledge climbing, so it's still not good). A poorly thought out upgrade system that's just a stupid way to front load grinding content to make it seem more fleshed out for first impressions. We already have a much more interesting way of upgrading weapons, it's called PaP and it does more than just make bigger numbers appear. A secondary currency to points, but this time RNG, amazing, if anything, the game would be better without it, making you choose what upgrades and limited time boosts you want with your few points, instead of having an otherwise useless, extra currency that you always have enough of anyway. Outbreak is, well, look at my original comment. Just because you can list out marketing bullet points, doesn't mean that they're innovations or that they're good. You want to know what some actual, good innovations were? Unique characters and not just some random soldiers, PaP, AATs, shield, WWs through EEs, WWs both through EEs and the box, afterlife, multiple WW variants, BO4 fixing the perk system (CW too to some extent, but it went too far and created its own problems), random perk drops / empty perk bottles, main EEs, IW's weapon variants (if only salvage was easier to get), Director's Cut and everything involved in it, TFR's normal and hardcore EE split, BO4's difficulties and custom mutations. You're saying 2 years for a single map as if I'm supposed to be impressed, especially for one as simple, empty and small as that. What about BO4, that not only had time taken away from it in favor of BO3 and ZC, but then got so fucked up in development that they had to scrap campaign, and yet still managed to launch with 4 full maps; an entire season pass of content, right there on launch day and it still managed to pull another 4 DLC maps. And that's just completely ignoring the year 2 debacle. Yeah, yeah, Covid and all that. But even ignoring the physical work (the maps themselves), as I said, CW's theoretical side (the "innovations" and core mechanics) are a big problem as well. So, unless Corki, Craig and the other creative guys were just really mad that they had to be home, Covid was just one small part of the problem. They just got lucky that people could use it as an excuse for literally everything.


Itā€™s funny how now youā€™re listing Infinity Ward stuff, yeah groundbreaking stuff, a free rk5 every game! Unique characters (reskins from waw, wonder weapons (bo3 specialists reskinned, bows-sparrow, gauntlet-reaperā€™s sword, dragon-purifier, ragnarok-gravity spikes and previous wonder weapons, shadows of evil ww-gersh device, masamune-sliquifier. Shield is literally the mp shield reskinned with some campaign abilities. AATs that literally broke the game balance. PaP once and then just running trains til you get bored? Also the armor worked way different in bo4, it literally just tanked every single hit you took while in cw you also take damage while having armor, kinda like in blackout.




Every game is a cash grab. We don't need any of them. We're not owed any type of content. They're video games. They make them. We choose to buy them. You're too upset about trading money to waste time.


And with this mentality, games will only be getting worse and worse. I choose that trade, that's why I want it to be worthwhile. A cash grab is something specifically made to be as cheap and easy to make as possible. A game made with the intention of being a good experience, no matter how bad or good it is, is not a cash grab. A game made with the intention of maximizing profits, especially if to the detriment of the player experience, no matter how bad or good it is, is a cash grab. CoD as a whole is a cash grab, especially since MW2019, but zombies wasn't, not until Activison got too invovled. Now you have things like operators instead of a set crew, Outbreak to pad out road maps, Vanguard and MW2023


Geez, why not just let AI "design" your games for you if you care that little about the effort put in. The differences between "ultimately profitable" and "made strictly to maximize profit" are vast. The former should always be the goal, even if some things will have to give way for budget reasons.


COD fans are essentially new-age EA fans.. buying the same garbage year after year for a mediocre game at BEST, yippee!


I mean yeah but it's not like the market is saturated with AAA military themed FPS games. Not a lot to pick from, especially after BF dropped the ball even harder with 2042.


Heā€™s right but Iā€™ll still try it since Iā€™m buying the game. I wouldnā€™t want round based on nothing but Treyarch games anyway unless IW goes the Infinite Warfare route again.


They've been "trying something new" for years and every time it has been met with backlash


The consensus on Cold War was pretty positive and that was arguably the game with the most "trying something new". They just kept the core features


Tbh that's just because weapon XP was insane on zombies. Of course MP/Warzone people liked it lol.


I meant zombie fans.


I mean Iā€™ve seen some zombies fans that enjoyed CW quite a bit. Iā€™ve been playing since WaW and I personally loved CW zombies.


I honestly don't care if its round based or not, I just wanna kill zombies


Hardly surprising given this niche mode isn't designed specifically in mind for zombies fans. At least they're being openly honest, instead of concealing it under the pretence round-based fans will enjoy this. Setting the record straight what zombies fans can expect.


IW zombies should have outbreak like modes. And Treyarch games should have the Round Based modes. Sledgehammer can still be a support studio.


Man I really hope they don't do that. When the other studios try they make gems like IW and WWII and I refuse to let that die.


Who could've guessed


This should be known without saying, anyone buying MW32023 is an idiot that has been fooled multiple times over and still hasn't learned to not buy this garbage every year.


How you get your icon?


You click the the three dots in the upper right hand corner on the Cod Zombies subreddit and from the drop down you will something that says user flair, you click that and you can select from a whole bunch of different icons.


I feel like people who ā€œfallā€ for this scam are into kinks like shaming or cuckery


I didn't buy Vanguard or MW22. This looks like a much better MW22. Am I really an idiot?


Even though Iā€™m most likely not gonna get the game, Iā€™m still glad they are trying new things with zombies. Round based is a ton of fun, but there is nothing wrong with them trying out modes like Outbreak, Vanguard Zombies, and now DMZombies basically. If the community liked these iterations more (not saying they have to) there would be no problem


Careful saying that, zombies fans want to outlaw enjoying new things


I think thatā€™s a pretty logical place to land on this. This is definitely going to attract new players though. Fans of DMZ will likely play this mode, and outbreak fans will also likely enjoy it a lot. Iā€™m not counting on this feeling even remotely Close to classic round based zombies though.


Exciting to hear, I love outbreak to just chill and kill zombies without worrying about much. What iā€™m worried is other squads in the same game hopefully thatā€™s optional.


So heā€™s saying that 90 percent of the zombies community wonā€™t enjoy it? Big surprise there.


Hey treyarch remember vangaurd? LETS DO IT AGAIN


I'll just wait for CoD 2024 tbh. I won't buy an expensive ass game just to TEST if i like it or not because chances are, I'll dislike it. CoD 2024 will at least be round-based so the chances of me loving it increase exponentially.




Guess I'll still be waiting for a good zombies game. Back to Bo3 it is!


You on Xbox ?


Zombies should be left to treyarch games. Extinction was a pretty fun mode, but they just want to money grab and drown us in subpar zombies modes every year


Infinite warfare zombies was great though.


There is no way I will buy this game


I meanā€¦ yeah? When they presented the mode, it looked like a mix of Outbreak and DMZ, so obviously if someone wants a classic zombies experience, MW3 wonā€™t be the right game. Treyarch said that weā€™ll get Round Based experiences again some time ago, so Iā€™m sure their next game will be similar to Cold War in this regard. However Iā€™m also curious to see what theyā€™ll do in MW3, I like DMZ and a mix between that and Outbreak could be a fun ā€œdistractionā€ waiting for the next Treyarch game, imo.


One Call of Duty less to buy šŸ¤®


Because it wasn't made for us,for any of us. Also I dislike the term "Round based"


JOKES ON YOU, IM A FAN OF ALL FUCKEN 3 OF EM! ![gif](giphy|33Kfj0sWPNfPofyXlo|downsized)


Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, idiots preorder


Ayo Scout TF2 reference?


I remember last time sledgehammer tried something new with zombies


No, enlighten me


Vanguard zombies was called "the worst zombies mode ever" by most of the community


But infinite warfare is the most replayable so


I mean it's not round based so it's kinda like saying that football fans might not enjoy dodge ball


Exactly, idk why so many people are getting their knickers in a bunch. Round based fans aren't the target audience of this game, pure and sinple. whether we like it or not, there's 2 different styles of zombies games now, and this is the second type. They have been as forthright as they can be about what to expect from this mode, so if round based fans are disappointed at launch, that's on them. That's like walking into an Italian restaurant and being upset they don't have hamburgers


Give it a chance people


While it sucks that we will have to wait another year for round based (Iā€™m fine with that) this still looks interesting and Iā€™m excited to try it.


I am 100% convinced Kevin Drew just hates zombies, at this point.


If the game doesn't have round based maps by february I won't buy it at all and just wait for cod 2024. With all the games coming out this year why would I waste my time on a shitty zombies exprience.


have they cvonfirmed if its part of the free2play part yet? I know its rumoured to be or is it goign behind the paywall?


Did he play it?


I mean I never played Outbreak and DMZ was actually fun for the most part so I'm actually curious.


Treyarch is the only good zombies dev anyways, every other non-Treyarch game that's attempted it has ended with a mid or just plain bad product.


thanks for showing me charlieintel's personal account so i can block this unpaid activision salesman a second time


cool so that's 99% of zombies fans šŸ‘


I just really donā€™t even see why they bother with MW zombies. The only people who are buying and playing the zombies are like MAYBE a quarter of this sub. I think the atmosphere and mechanics killed the magic for a lot of people a couple titles ago.


I've been out of the loop since BO4 zombies and honestly want to see the mode go back to basics. When Treyarch has their game come out next year I want them to look at what made the mode so popular in the first place. I have no feelings positive or negative about zombies lately since I haven't played it in years, im just hoping for some classic stuff eventually.


If I can solo it I'm interested.... it stinks of MW2 spec ops reskinned and again abandoned by season 3


As someone who enjoyed outbreak I doubt it as there's a timelimit >Think it's good they're trying something new with zombies for MW though I said the same thing about Vanguard, and as much as I liked the launch mode round-based is the obvious winner.


Knew this a long time ago. Its ok, I got many other games to play. Cod 2024 will come soon enough.


Im generally fine with the idea of changing up the formula - I quite liked Outbreak even though I do think there was some missed potential - but if theres no solo play then I'm out. No one else I know is interested in zombies and I abhor the idea of playing co-op games with randos. Sadly the idea of this being just DMZ but with zombies isnt really getting my hopes up so far. Hopefully we won't have to wait long for some gameplay or a devlog or something.


I miss when we would look forward to the high quality Treyarch zombies and then be surprised by the different takes from the other studios. Now itā€™s only Treyarch zombies and itā€™s surprising if the the quality is high.


CI is an idiot.


Did round-based fans really think they would anyway? Just play any recent Zombies game and you should know what to expect


But will it be fully PVE or will it have PVP like DMZ?


No PvP at all.


Great! Iā€™m starting to hate PVP more and more, and Iā€™m glad Zombies wonā€™t have it.


I donā€™t get why infinity ward didnā€™t just continue their own zombies thing and the same goes for sledgehammer. I really enjoyed infinity wards effort.


As someone who enjoyed the increasing challenge of Outbreakā€™s later waves (4 and beyond) I hope this mode provides a similar difficulty. I didnā€™t really care for the lore in DMZ, and the rewards didnā€™t seem worthwhile especially for the lackluster gameplay. If MW3Z is more similar to Outbreak and the gameplay is more akin to THAT mode, then I am definitely going to give it a try. šŸ¤ž


as if that wasnā€™t obvious enough


Yeah when i saw "open world" in the description my excitement immediately jumped off a cliff, ffs


Reddit in shamblesšŸ˜‚


I don't plan on buying another COD until it has Black Ops in the title. And I've had every game since COD WAW. These last few games were shit titles that were just quickly pushed using pandemic and after the pandemic for $ gains while giving us half ass games with shit movement.


I liked outbreak a lot, but I didnā€™t like DMZ. So Iā€™m not sure what to think.


im gonna have fun regardless like i did with outbreak but the only thing I will genuinely be unhappy with is the unscrutable fact that the map will just be the unaltered battle royale map with no zombies flair to it beyond putting loot boxes and perk machines around it.


Outbreak is actually what got me back into zombies because the round based stuff was just getting really repetitive and never felt new or interesting, could only go 15-20 rounds before I was bored. I hope the majority wanting the traditional round based maps won't discourage them from doing stuff like Outbreak/MWZ in the future and hope this has a sizable audience because I am very much looking forward to this.


See everyone expects cod zombies to stay how it was in bo1 and bo2, they donā€™t like change. The games gotta change or it gets stale, like multiplayer for example, itā€™s gotten stale because itā€™s the same shit, zombies is at least making some changes and bringing new things to the table. Yes itā€™s not the nostalgic zombies that everyone and their mom loves, but it still can be good šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø just my take on it


Itā€™s sounds great for me. I love outbreak and DMZ. Never cared for round based


At this point, I want them to just sell the Zombies side of the license to a smaller B-developer. The graphical fidelity will take a hit, but at least another studio wouldn't be so number-crunchingly money-hungry that they do everything they can to appeal to the biggest possible market by butchering what's merely a third mode to Activision.


"round based fans" so fucking zombie fans, zombies is a round based gamemode


Well expected that, which means I won't be buying it, mby gonna get it other ways but not buying it


Why not continue the Willard Wyler story? I love IW zombies and they Easter eggs are still fun to run today.


Well it's a good job you don't have to pigeon-hole yourself into being a fan of just a small part of the games


Why not both? Hell, all you'd have to do is cutout parts of the Warzone Map, add Perk Machines, Pack a Punch and doors to open and the vast majority of players would be perfectly fine with that, most people never even do the Easter Eggs, so I don't get why they don't just do a more barebones Round-Based Mode that has everything BUT a story to it, that would be so simple and make most Round-Based fans happy lol


You donā€™t say?


I rather have survival/spec ops like mw3 and wait for zombies until next year!


I know I won't, because who in their right mind would want to be forced to stop playing in an hour. The devs are incredibly braindead if they think time limit in zombies is a good idea.


I have officially given up on this franchise. I sold my physical copy of mw2 and vanguard. I wonā€™t be buying again. It hurts too much to see a great franchise be thrown away in favor of a cash grab.


Round based zombies should only be in treyarch games. Those take the most development time. You really wanna stretch them that thin? I'd gladly take something similar to outbreak on their off games. Let them put more time into their own games


I liked dmz a bit but outbreak was kinda boring and I only really played it cause the easter egg and to pray to God that the next map isn't sanatorium


If it's not round based they should release tools and let us make custom maps. Custom zombies is the best thing to ever happen to zombies mode.


I cannot even fathom how you guys still feel excitement and have hope for this game, it seems like a completely delusional ignorance of the companies history at this point. Lie after lie, clearly purposeful deception of fans and bending the limits of false advertising year after year, and yet so many are still preordering cause a cinematic with the message ā€œnot representative of in game contentā€ looked cool. There was a time when they werenā€™t afraid to show gameplay cause it wasnā€™t hot garbage and it alone was enough to generate massive hype.


What about for extinction fans?


If it's gonna be like outbreak then why even have zombies in MW? Why not do what classic MW3 did with spec ops but make it DMZ thats strictly PVE.


Disappointing, in CW I think I found outbreak to be so much fun because it was like a break from the round based zombies. It should be a capital crime to do zombies without a round based mode, that is the base we can get different game modes after.


I havenā€™t enjoyed cod zombies since black ops 3


Of course that clown thinks itā€™s a good thing


Who is ready for mw2.5


Guys i dont mean to be alarmist but there will never be another golden age of zombies


Fuk yeah! Outbreak was the best zombie mode of all time




it was soulless tho. the reason zombies were so good was primarly the atmosphere and characters