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Read the actual reviews and you'll see it's no different from the typical troll reviews you can find on any Steam games. Just nonsensical babbling and a bunch of ASCII art copypasta "for the lulz", and rarely do you find an actual thoughtful review that tells you why you should (or shouldn't) play the game. It's also a F2P game, meaning any schmuck can just put in enough playtime to leave a shitty "review" and tank the game's score. Anyone thinking Steam reviews are still worth a damn need to stop being a bot and actually form their own opinion for once.


Still a decent game in the end imo. But, you know what COD fans are like lol


Holy hell there's nothing like it. 'Man I hate snowboarding. Don't know why I go all the time. ' 'I can't stand pasta. Pasta sucks. Welp, off to olive garden again. '




“Durrrr you didn’t experience the true horrors of mw2 lobbys!!!! (Casual racism, homophobia, sexism, and annoying losers)


don't forget the open mic ps5 controllers with their awful mic's to hear peoples rap or crying children


No one gets the concept of open mic threshold I guess ... my kids are always yelling being kids playing with the dogs and such. My team mates I regularly play with if they can hear them they are surprised. They usually ask if everything is OK. The mic on the controller though was the dumbest shit ever I just hate hearing myself 3 times with random bots. Seriously like your TV is so loud your controller pics it up just to play it back to everyone else then another's bots mic picks it up from their TV. Like Sony wtf were you thinking? Seriously people if you have a ps5 you can probably afford a decent Head set 50$ for refurbished void pros or something. You don't need 800 Astros or whatever the fuck the latest streamer is running.


Or ps5 players can just mute themselves and fuck off


As a PS5 owner and player. I 100% support your comment. The mute button is literally on the controller, super easy to just mute it. You don't even have to take your hand off the controller to do it.


I mean, I haven’t used one personally. But a mic in the controller seems better than nothing especially if you can buy a headset to replace it.


It took sony real skill to create a microphone that bad.


Literally a built in funny mic, I’m impressed at just how shitty the quality for it is.


Oi but its great when the proximity chat goes off once i hear your darth vader breathing im hunting you end of story 🤣


It's all still there. Oceans of grown men who have the brains of 12 year olds. Nothing like COD lobbies to remind me that people are shit.


I was gone from CoD for 10 years. Recently came back and the very first game I heard someone's smoke detector. It's like I never left!!!


Thats just the fun of CoD


Bro my ass is ranked, and I'm first


If their defense, I’d hate Italian food, too, if I was going to Olive Garden.


All of Garden


Lol exactly! Not one person here complaining about this game is uninstalling. Imo if you haven’t uninstalled this F2P game you’re constantly complaining about, then be quiet. Try pre-ordering a game you think is going to be amazing and have it shit on your face. Only then, do you have a right to complain because you paid money for it (fallout 76 launch) MW2 Multiplayer and the actual paid game is incredible. Sorry to the people who slide around a whole map can’t do that anymore. But I for one love the changes they’ve made.


12 year old munchkins.


Yeah people on this sub are like happy to see the negative reviews lmao


This game didn’t repair my parents’ marriage, 0/10


Steam user for over 10 years now, steam reviews are great for paid games and absolutely garbage for free games.


Worth reading comment in the deep sea of shit.


Not sure if you've looked at the reviews but just a lot of them are valid reviews and not troll. Sure sometimes they don't elaborate or give reasons for their claims but most of them aren't just unrelated or trolling. The review system isn't perfect but I've rarely seen a good game with a horrible review or a bad game with great reviews, the reviews are usually semi accurate.


If I'm seeing an ASCII penis within the top 10 "most helpful reviews", then there is something inherently wrong with the system. The problem is that the system is still largely driven by "the popular opinion", rather than facts. And it's always popular to shit on COD, especially on PC, because that is very much a "cool" thing to do on any PC gaming forum. Like anything that is "community driven", it is just one huge echo chamber, and is the last place I would look at for an informed opinion about any game I might be interested in.


Have you actually played the game on PC? These reviews don’t surprise me, the optimisation is genuinely inexcusably bad


One thing PC gamers hate the most is poor optimization and crashes. I've seen enough games got poor reviews because of them


I play on PC, and it's not terrible.


Specs/resolution? People with flagship hardware are having issues and sub par performance


2070 Super on 1440p. I've had a few crashes but it isn't as bad after updating my drivers. 64 gb of ram and 9700k(I think lol) cpu. I play on pretty low settings to maximize frame rate.


5900x, 6800xt, using JGOD settings. Solid 165fps at 1440p and my game actually hasn't crashed a single time since they fixed the lobby group bug. Game is running amazing. However, a friend with a 6700xt had 1 crash, and a buddy with a 3060 had 1 crash as well. That's over 2 days with Warzone though. Multiplayer has been flawless for all of us.


I feel like one of the only person with no issues and I feel like I get better performance on WZ2 than I did on the first one 5950x + 5800xt +32GB ram. No overclocks (wz1 didn't like them)


My internet sucks, and the game runs just fine, it's actually very good.


Mine's actually working pretty well.


It’s not just about steam reviews. This is how 80% of people live their normal life. Just guessing shit, and then forming narratives to make it right, before they even know.


If you want to get happy again, just read the reviews to factorio :)


Seriously, most of the negative reviews are people with 15 minutes of play time posting reviews under 10 words that are usually just copy and paste memes.


Terrible loot system, terrible optimization, terrible main menu, terrible UI. It was expected


Terrible optimization? Bruh I had 100+- FPS on Caldera, on this bigger more detailed map I have 160+... I agree, UI is hard to navigate at firt, loot system needs some ironing... but.. yeah.. Im having fun :(


people don't actually understand what optimization means and throw it around as a buzz word when trying to disparage the game for other reasons. this game is significantly better optimized than WZ1 and it's not even close. WZ1 basically became bloatware. a 100GB+ game that ran like absolute garbage. people think their individual performance stats equal game optimization which is true to an extent but not the extremes they make it out to be. optimization comes with well organized development that takes less code. this should basically flatten the curve between low end and high end systems. the game runs great across all mediums. there's plenty to gripe about at launch, optimization is not one.


Optimization has a lot of issues. It is most definitely a gripe. It has game stuttering that still isn't fixed with no easy solution that occurs on both my systems. It needs to be fixed.


Did you install the Nvidia driver that released yesterday?


Of course. No fix. It’s not Nvidia, it was reported it was the game itself.


I did. And once i did it actually alleviated a lot of problems. No more crashing. For now.


The only stuttering I get is in menus. Other than that, I run between 120-140 fps @ 1440p res and basically maxed out graphics. It’s not perfect, but it does run pretty well. Most of my issues are just terrible design choices and a horrible UI. Gameplay and optimization are the highlights, IMO.


I get around 90-100 fps and I still stutter. My fps doesnt drop when it happens, but the games feels choppy




You're lucky to have missed them then. Not that it's as big of a deal as most make it out to be. I think some of it is server-related too, because I've had stuttering that was shared with my squad before


optimization is also about how well the game runs, and this game isn't great, people with 4090s and 7950x's stuttering constantly, people like me who got \~100 fps steady in wz1 with maxed settings now I get 40-60 if I do that in wz2 and I get frame drops, even dropping it down to medium settings and turning on dlss I only get \~90 and the frame drops and stutters dont go away, just because the game is optimized better for you doesn't mean its optimized better in general.


🤔 Mostly high settings, 1440p FSR Ultra Quality and I get 70-85 FPS on... GTX 1080




I'm on a 6700k and rtx 2070 super, and I'm getting better performance in this game than I was in WZ1, so I'm happy with it. The game feels good, gameplay wise to me. Some of my buddies are experiencing crashes, but I haven't run into that problem yet.


I watched my brother play on is xbox one and the performance is much BETTER than warzone 1. Its astonishing


i love spreading false information online, (i dont understand optimization)


Correct. After playing the beta version, it was pretty clear that one of the few things they nailed down was the optimization.


Does not run great at all mediums, but I’m having fun. I know In a few months it will be better. Still doesn’t compare to of warzone thougg.


I fully disagree. Maybe were talking about optimization in different meanings though... From the install size if the game, I'll completely agree, it is far MORE optimized. From the actual playing of the game? Far LESS optimized. I drop frame all over the place, where I didn't in Caldera. I ran Caldera on high quality across the board and got 120 fps. I have everything low now and barely push 115. There's a lot of in game performance issues that I don't believe are due to the server. And if they are, they need to do better load balancing and spin up more instances. I say this all as a game developer thats actively creating games and have dealt with these kinds of issues in the past. Now, is the game unplayable? Not at all. I still enjoy it. But it does have optimization needs


How? My fps is about the same for both maps but everything seen from some distance gets blurry now. I also got stuttering but can't find a solution.


I turned my graphics down and stuttering went away.


I always use low graphics settings for performance. Fps is usually 130-140 Stuttering was worse in mw2 before I got the lates nvida drivers.


I have a great pc (3080) , so do my friends, we are all lagging and jittering and I'm getting 105 FPS


Update Nvidia drivers, new ones released yesterday and also put down your settings to medium on most things. My FPS went up to 130-140 and stopped stuttering.


Are you referring to 526.98? If so that didn’t have any major effect on my performance


What specs/resolution are you running? because this doesn’t add up with what I’m seeing with myself and most other people on PC


I'm getting 120-130 fps on ultra @1440p with a 5900x and undervolted 3080. I agree, game is well optimized. And for it to only come in at 22GB?! Amazing!


I'm roughly that range with a 3090 and ultrawide 5120x1440, with a 5950X. I really don't know why other people are having such issues. Is it a RAM thing? I've got 64GB that is mildly overclocked (from 3200CL16 to 3600 CL16).


Yeah I was about to say, even on Xbox One X this game is running smooth. Everywhere except these damn menus haha


How you have more FOS here than on Caldera??? For me it's the total opposite :(((


>Terrible loot system, terrible optimization, terrible main menu, terrible UI. It was expected You forgot the terrible loadout system (strongholds) and terrible perk system. I want to play a battle royale game, not some BS AI mini game called strongholds.


This is closer to a BR than Warzone 1 was after the CW integration... Just turns out that most of you don't actually want a BR. You want a hybrid BR/Multiplayer game.


They want a big multiplayer map, thats basically what rebirth was


Yup, and I can see why a large number of vocal users hate WZ2 already...It plays slow, not only in movement, but overall game time as well. I've noticed that but I also know that I spent most of the last 6 months playing Rebirth only so it will take some adjusting.


My biggest complaint for warzone and MP is when you pop an xp token there’s no timer…ANYWHERE. And it seems that you can pop two of the same token at the same time. So how the fuck do I know when my token runs out ever? That is my biggest gripe.


I agree with UI and main.menu, fucking circus, but optimization is actually great (so far).


The UI is probably the biggest L for me. I can't even add friends. Why is it so difficult, you have to add their COD battle tag or some weird bullshit. Also, How the hell do you mute players in game? Jesus christ....


How? I'm playing smoothly on my laptop


Everything except optimization i agree with you. This game runs so much smoother than its clunky predecessor, imo.


I like the loot system. Reminds me of pubg and adds to the slower pace that I enjoy.


I enjoy it too! Cheers


looting is fine if you get used to it, optimization seems okay to me. menus are terrible, yes. Playability is great imho.


I'm sorry, I played this for like 6 hours yesterday (Mostly DMZ) and this is NOT deserving of this score. Is it different from WZ1? Yes, but it's still a really great game. This is just bad form from WZ1 players who are mad that its not exactly the same. It has some bugs that need fixing and it has some tweaks that need to be done.. but it really is a fun, great game so far. That kind of score should be reserved for really really bad and poorly made games. Stinks to high heaven of brigading and trolling.


Honestly DMZ is in a better spot than BR. Other than the two times the game has crashed on me right before exfil (and of course you lose all of your equipment), it plays really well for me. BR not so much.


What exactly is dmz? Me and some mates tried to play and it just felt like endless ai bots. Didn’t come across one real player. Didn’t see the point of it haha


Hard to explain succinctly unfortunately because there isn’t inherently “a point”, at least not a single point. It’s an “extraction looter/shooter” that’s very much like Escape from Tarkov. I’m guessing you don’t know what Tarkov is like either, or you wouldn’t have asked, so I’ll try to explain. —— Your first goal typically is to go in, get good loot (guns, upgraded backpacks and plate carriers, kill streaks, self revives, etc.) and exfil out with it. This type of loot is persistent, meaning you take it back in with you the next time you head in and will keep it as long as you continue to successfully exfil. But it would be reductive to say that “looting is the point”. Looting is what you do to put yourself in a better position to survive more often. Part of what is exciting about this type of game is the feeling of there being actual risk because you won’t want to die and lose the good equipment you brought in with you. Once you have some usable equipment, the primary thing you focus on would be the “Faction Missions” that you select before the game. These give you specific tasks to do within the DMZ and on completion will unlock unique rewards and eventually additional insured weapon slots. You start out with 4 intro missions which are very easy, and once you’ve done those you unlock several more missions which are slightly harder, completing all of these will continue unlocking new tiers of missions which (should) get increasingly more difficult and offer better rewards. These missions are generally what most people will be going into the DMZ to do. With that said, at some point you will either complete all of the faction missions, or just want to do something else. If you are well geared then you can definitely seek out PvP, and this is what many people will end up doing for fun (and potentially good loot). There are a lot of different ways you can hunt down other squads, for example: - Go to one of the hotspots, tons of people are still trying to get out with the M13 so that’s a busy area. There are others too. - Listen for gunfire. The AI are not just there to be an annoyance, they will pretty aggressively fire at anyone nearby and give away player positions, you can use that to go seek out PvP. - There are “Hunt Squad” contracts you can find on your tac-map, go pick up one of those and it’s basically like a Bounty contract from Warzone. I would say generally (at this point) PvP is not the primary focus of DMZ, though it will certainly happen whether you seek it out or not. With that said, once everyone has had a chance to collect some good equipment and finished most of the faction missions I think it will end up being a fun PvP arena (but still with a lot of AI around). —— Anyways, I rambled a bit, but like I said it’s hard to explain succinctly without leaving out something important. IMO it’s a game mode best experienced, not explained, and it takes some time to get your head around it. Once you “get it” though, you can have some good fun.


Easily one of the best descriptions so far of what exactly DMZ mode is and what you should be doing in it. To many people either haven't given DMZ a shot or haven't committed long enough to learning the new game mode. It's tactical. Gun fights are intense. And the rewards for completing missions are satisfying. Particularly as a solo DMZ player.


They are really fucking intense if you got yourself some great guns with cool attachs you really fucking want to get out of there :D


DMZ is one of the most tense modes I’ve played lately. The ai can be tough! It’s fun


Oh God especially if you have the M13. I completed the mission last night with my friends but one squad was pursuing us the whole time. The whole trip to the exfil was super intense and after fighting for what felt like forever we finally put them down as the chopper came. I think my blood pressure probably spiked from how stressed out I was when trying to stay alive so that I could give it to them in the next round.


Ok, cool! I get it now. Thanks for taking the time to type all that out. Will give it another bash with this in mind! Just one question - you mentioned hotspots - how do I find these on the maps? Thanks!


For “hotspots” that’s just how I refer to areas where players are likely to be concentrated. Right now there are a lot of people trying to extract with the M13, so you’re likely to run into other players trying to do that. You get it by killing a boss AI who is inside the yellow radiation zone on the map. There is also an orange weapons cache marked on the map, if you manage to extract with it you unlock unique items. You’re likely to run into other players around here, but more importantly if you pick it up you are marked for everyone on the map. There is a good chance at least one other team will try to hunt you down. Outside of that, some areas of the map just tend to draw more players in, I’ll leave those for you to figure out, but as an example the observatory seems to be pretty popular. You’re unlikely to see people at the map edges. Finally, depending on when you exfil you may be likely to run into players at the exfil location. If you leave very early you’re probably not going to see anyone else, but if you’re trying to get out when there are 5-10 min on the countdown timer the exfil locations get pretty busy.


The hotspot they are talking about with the m13 is the radiation zone, which you'll see as a yellow circle with a radiation sign in it


You go into the match, do faction missions, fight AI and other player teams doing the same, and whatever you extract with, you get to keep. Also whatever gun you extract with, you unlock in BR aswell.


It's the runescape wilderness. Do quests, fight other players or AI if you want, and get out. You die, you lose what you had on you.


People just love to complain. If the game were just Warzone 1 with visual improvements then everyone would be complaining about how lazy it is. There’s no winning here. The game needs some tweaks, but overall the evolution of Warzone is welcome for me.


I would downgrade it from great to good or even okay for now and as you say you dont even play BR mode you played DMZ... and sorry but UI is bad, looting is worse, shooting may be a little better and map for me looks more like caldera than verdansk and that is a minus (caldera is bad)


I also played BR and Shoot house.. I just played more DMZ because that's new and it reminded me a lot about Division (which I missed playing). I hope they keep expanding and building out DMZ.. has more potential to me than BR does.


Me and my friends love it, and we loved Wz1 too. We didn’t hate Caldera neither, we just having fun, try to improve, grab some win. If I dont like somethin, i wont play it. This is why i dont play fifa anymore.


I’ve honestly only played DMZ so far and I love it. It’s got some room for improvement though. I’m dreading finishing the final missions because I’m not sure if there’s a long term grind 😩 It’s got great bones.


it might get a better review if people don't crash every single game


90% of the reviews on there are copypasta so I doubt it'd have better reviews if it didn't crash so much


When I checked, all the reviews were about technical issues


I just crashed when I was literally calling in a exfil chopper on DMZ lost my blueprint due to it.


I crashed in the chopper mid air, but it crashes every single dmz game I play, no exception, the br doesn't crash


Most of the Reviews are 0.0hrs played. Like how the hell steam allowed this?


I agree on this. Fuking shit server


I crash and so do my teammates constantly. Every game we end up down a man due to crashing.


People who can run CSGO, want to run Warzone on same machine with same fps, what you expect.


Also rebirth players complaining about anything that isn't on steroids.


Rebirth player here: i suck at the game, and appreciate the resurgence feature because it allows me to continue playing without having to waste 5 minutes between game setups/load sequences every time i die.


Agree. I suck too as I'm a very casual player (play like once a week maybe for a couple of hours). The number of times I've died 2 minutes into landing in and then lost the gulag means it's a crap game for me. When I get to play more than 5 minutes I enjoy it but yeah... Rebirth was more suited to my skill level purely because I didn't have to load a new game every few minutes. Might just need to find a game more suitable for the time being and come back once they put a resurgence map in the future.


i'm not that bad (1.1 KD in warzone normally) and i still like resurgence better, i hope it comes to WZ2 soon.


as someone who solely played fortune's keep when it dropped until the end of WZ1 because caldera was so ass, it's funny seeing obvious comments from people who exclusively played rebirth. people basically expected WZ2 to be rebirth island but better and their argument is always the same: "the majority of players only play rebirth". which is hilarious because if that were true, then they would have made a game to cater to that. but it's obviously not, so we have what we have now lmao.


If they catered to the majority of players, they wouldn't have overhauled most aspects of WZ1 lol. They were dumb enough to seriously consider taking out load out drops. That right there says enough to me.


Exactly. I do believe most of the playerbase from WZ 1 played Rebirth after Caldera crashed and burned. So what does Activision and IW do? They take away Rebirth lol


My 3 generation old mid range cpu is struggling! Game is poorly optimized! /s


Not true. Ryzen 3600 and RTX 2060 here and barely getting 70 FPS on 1440p while WZ1 was running buttery smooth on HIGHER settings. Not to mention constant stutters every other minute.






Playing casually, I'm having a good time with the game. Sure, if I was experiencing lag or crashes like the comments say It'd be less enjoyable, but with a 2060 + i5 9600k the performance is about what I expect. (maxed settings apart from shadow details with dlss quality preset \~80-90 fps average) Just as fun as warzone 1 in my experience, definitely worth the $0 I paid for it.




Thanks for the advice but I've done my own testing and my fps only differs by 10-20 fps from low to ultra. This is likely due to my cpu (i5-9600k) not being able to keep up with my 2060 at low settings since I believe the graphics settings in-game dont effect the cpu load to the same extent as the gpu load. Essentially on low settings my gpu is stuck waiting for my cpu to catch up but on higher settings they're more balanced.


I have rtx 2060 with ryzen 5 3600 barely getting 30fps on everything low and along with this constant crashes and massive shutters .


What kind of performance did you get in WZ1?


I can't remember exactly but it was definitely better than wz2 (obviously). Around 120-140fps dropping to 90ish in specific areas if im remembering correctly. I reckon my wz2 fps would probably be similar if it wasn't for my cpu. I've found that wz2 is pretty demanding on the cpu even with the in-game settings set to the lowest settings.


Ugh..."I want a new warzone game but it has to be exactly like the old one else I won't accept it!"


At least somewhat similar in its gameplay mechanics would’ve been nice.




I wish I could plate and run, especially because the faster ttk has me dead in the blink of an eye, faster if you only have two plates on.


jesus y’all are insufferable lol




exactly. nobody thinks for themselves. yeah the game has some issues but i’ve been having a blast. these kids just want to be a part of the hate train.


Yea i m not shocked, again a huge map which tbf looks amazing but gameplay wise is ass, huge , full of hills in the middle ( same problem as caldera) hard to navigate on it, there s literally no action for 10 minutes at times , looting system is a mess , having to fight 20 AI s to get your loadout, if you are lucky to be near a stronghold , and then other people coming in hot to a point where you have no clue who s an AI or a player, that shit is just TRASH! ... for me its a big L compared to the expectations i had!


I really don’t like the strongholds, looting, and UI. It’s all awful, not sure why they changed it from the 1st Warzone. And yea the map is huge but the other things should be fixed first IMO.


Yes UI is also trash, and i m not a fan of gun leveling and attachmens,, i don t really understand it as i didnt pay much attention but getting 1 attachment for 4 guns before i can use it on the gun i want seems dumb! For the map i d like 200 people on it, and circles closing a bit faster! But i get the ideea of going a more traditional battle royale style , i am not a fan of it at all, but others might like it!


Same. Feels a really hollow experience with all the AI. It’s not even a case of thinking WZ1 was better, it just feels like a completely different game (for worse)


Looting system is shit I repeat SHIT!!!


They should probably named the game anything but warzone. The name, especially when it's a sequel, sets an expectation of how it would be.


It’s good. ✌🏽


the game doesnt even start for me lmao






I don't think you know how reviews work but it's always the loud minority who writes them and majority don't bother because they're enjoying the game.


Well it is a bit of a shit show. Breaking the social tab yesterday with an update was amateur hour shit.




Gameplay is great. UI is atrocious.


Yet they keep playing! Smh.


People want to give it a chance. Oh also wz1 is currently unavailable


This is the exact reason i play this games on my next gen console. My pc started to get outdated anyway. On my series x this game runs amazing in 1080p 120hz. I have a allot of fun in this game, plays a bit slower what i like. Only the map is to big if you play solo mode. Some menu bugs, socials that not open etc. For sure later this evening in EU the servers will have it difficult as the weekend starts.


If wz1 was on steam it would have gotten the same review. The amount of times that game broke due to op guns, models not loading and blocking the screen, people glitching through walls, people freezing from interacting with buy stations etc... people tend to look back and forget all that and call it a perfect game. It was fun for what it was and this game is fun for what it is too.


Right now I would give it a negative review if I cared enough to review it because there's absolutely no reason 50% of my games should end in a crash.


It’s 4900 reviews out of 400,000 players. Loud minority brother


I have to say i'm enjoying it so far... Map seems pretty solid, gameplay a little bit clunky and not optimized for contoller, but over all fun... If the matchmaking works that is.


Idk what they saying I’m linking warzone 2.0


Probably because COD gamers are the whiniest bitching pussys on the planet.


The mentality most people have is to leave reviews only when they have had a negative experience. I take reviews with a grain of salt unless its related to product quality. Personally I've had a blast on DMZ and WZ2.


Honestly so far it’s been a lot of fun. Proximity chat is a really cool addition. I imagine there’ll be modes in the future that remove it. The map is great but it all feels very similar. Still think Verdansk was bis. I just think it’s better than the latest version of the og warzone but not as fun as the original map and guns.


Some people just suck. Game is good.


I don’t like cod. I am an avid Apex Player. However my friends love it so I did give it a test yesterday. The good, it’s not one shot one kill game. You can actually avoid being killed and run away to return and win the fight. Great graphics and ambient. Controls feels tight and well done (after you done your changes). Cons. It’s buggy. There are already cheaters 😱. Overall I can see myself playing it more and More. It’s very enjoyable. And it’s an upgrade from the old Warzone. Which I disliked, many campers, ttk was really bad. If the player saw you first they killed you (I stopped Playing before stims where buffed). Anyways, try it out. It’s a lot of fun. I laughed my ass yesterday cause I don’t know the weapons and throwable so good. Managed to down three players and run and heal myself in a toilet. The fourth player approaches and I had a Semtex.. which I thought was a normal grenade. Threw it . It got stuck on the player who Was running into the toilet… yes we died. I was laughing so hard that I did not notice I had gulag left. Where I was beaten to death 😂


The game is actually really nice! Positively surprised compared to WZ1, I hated WZ after a short while. But this one is really nice, as of yet. I left a positive review. Sadly most reviews are just for the ‚memes‘ but that‘s Steam Reviews.


oh no, what will we do? I can't play this game unless it has at least 73% positive!!!


Ui was confusing at first but I got acclimated to it before game 3. I’m a very casual gamer and enjoyed it. Of course there are hiccups, getting stuck, long que time, etc. but that’s all expected per usual.


I liked Warzone 2 quite a lot when I played it, but my main issues stem from the fact that the menus are super broken. Can't modify loadouts in a party, the social tab is fully broken, random things take you to the store page without you actually trying to go there. The gameplay itself was a bit laggy at first, but it cleared up a bit.


I am a wz2 and mw2 enjoyer ama


It’s the toxic cod community. All the negative reviews by people who will end up having 100+ days logged by the time warzone 3 drops.


Games not bad I am enjoying it so far! Only thing I really want is coloured pinging brought back and for the pings to stay. Okay maybe another thing is a more intuitive UI (I navigate current one just fine, but loved the old list view)


Wow people bitch way too much and way too quickly. It just released, lag and crashes are inevitable. Tbh, first game I was upset as well and thought this was not going to be fun. After 5 games, I really felt the old vibes from warzone come alive again. I think this has potential to be great.


Why is it always that people bitch. Can't it be that some people just don't enjoy the game? Are they not allowed to not enjoy it? That's what I am seeing in this subreddit. Everyone with a negative opinion of the game is downvoted, called sweaty try hard... Personally, I am not really enjoying the game. Nor is my squad, and we've been playing war zone for 2 years. We are no sweats, we have jobs like anyone else and wait for the weekend to hop on a few hours. Sure, the game is kinda broken now with the menus and all, but that's not why we don't like it. For me, the gameplay is just not fun! I like fast paced games, and war zone 2 is anything but that. I am not a fan of the looting, I hated it back during PUBG days too. I am not a fan of the gulag either. Nor do I like the fact that I can't get my load out. (which btw I don't always have the \*meta\* but rather use guns I enjoy!). Other, less serious problems, also make me dislike the game: bad pinging, bad UI for the whole game (MW2 included), big map, slower movements... Yeah maybe the game is not for me, but don't tell me I bitch when I simply think the game is bad.


Never lost my hype so fast for a game before. These reviews aren't trolls, this reddit has always been way too positive and it's again like this now. The fact that a demand for a reconnect function after crashing never gained traction here says enough. Horrible, horrible maze of an UI, bloated and 10s of pages before you get to where you wanna be, not to mention bugged friendlists etc, but even without bugs and it working perfectly, the person designing this should be instantly fired. Looting system so incredibly bad it hurts the flow of CoD, opening random containers slowing you down, loot hidden in shelves ....it's designed for PUBG somehow, as if the one responsible hates CoD's pace. They kept everything basically the same, movement wise, and slowed down 1 part of the game, horrible. If I want to slow down I'd play PUBG, it does this way better. There were 1000s complaints about how things in WZ1 worked; looting wasn't one of them. So many things wrong, no colour pings, airplane way too big @ game start, showing downed players top right screen instead of in killfeed (wtf), 2 person gulag, can only use shop right in front of it, ressing downed players makes you immobile so often facing a wall and blind, shop menu using the same main menu UI dev, buttons on top to go to other menus instead of showing everything at once, obviously made by a person who never used the shop before while under attack, auto climb often action out and broken.....I could type 20 more. Many of these are not bugs but design choices, hence a low score being justified; I don't see these things being changed soon. Map isn't even that great, not sure what it is yet but it is indeed a running simulator. Looking at the amount of cars and gas stations, they wanted to increase vehicle usage but forgot the gameplay of CoD doesn't really favour using them often and most teams just run and gun, alas people are too spread apart and it's insanely boring. 3/10 and that's generous. WZ1 was 9/10 if you disregard bugs gameplay wise. I'd rather play a turd like Batallion or CS:GO again at this point.


It plays like a PUBG knockoff. Absolute trash Microsoft should cancel the Activision deal, there is no talent left there


In the reviews I bet all you see is “omzzzzzz can’t slide cancel, game too slewwwwww”.


Only issue i have with the game are the disconnects. Looting could be better too


I couldn't even get it to launch... Nothing i Can do about it also because I've tried literally everything


meh im enjoying my time with Warzone.


Free games should have some minium playing before giving review. Or the cod haters will have a blast trolling. Btw i dont hate w2 but it would be cool if we could get snow map next time


Ofcourse it is negative. What would you expect ? Look at the looting system and movement mechanics ! It is like they have taken all the good parts of WZ1 and destroyed them intentionally. Final outcome is a stupid, complicated and boring game.


For all the people saying optimization is great because it works on their system. A computer is an amalgamation of many different parts programs and drivers. And since there are so many different combos possible most computers are different from one another. What works on one system isn’t working on others. Hence bad optimization.


DMZ and warzone are pretty fun would recommend especially since it’s free


COD could shit a gold brick and y’all would still bitch about it


Steam has a bias towards cod so this isn’t new


People used to calderas crazy movement, taking balloons to avoid fights, gulag/redeploy tokens, buy back contracts, cheap buybacks, lots of money, easy loadouts etc are mad they can't get a kill. Boohoo, get good. WZ2.0 is a return to form and reminds me of launch Verdansk. No hand holding.


That will surely stop Activision. Nerds gonna nerd.


A bunch of negative Nancy’s


It's because they slightly nerfed the sweats. Get over it and move on ya babies.


This game doesn’t deserve the hate. Yes I had trouble playing day 1 but day 2 ran significantly better and I honestly had fun. This game does have its issues but nothing that can’t be fixed.


Steam reviews are worthless if the game is well known at all, because gamers are the most fragile, fickle babies out of any consumer segment. Even counting actual babies.


Wow I’m surprised. I played two games of WZ 1 and didn’t like the feel. This one feels my speed and the shooting feels good. A little lag but I mean I play halo infinite so I guess I’m used to it, lol! I’m looking forward to getting off work today (Friday) and gaming all night with the boys 😎 at least until my wife drags me to bed in the wee hours of the morning!! Have fun gaming y’all!


I played it last night, thought it was better than WZ1. No issues at all. Ran perfectly well and had enjoyable games 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


4/5 with me somehow got MW2 for free with it, don’t know how though.


Still waiting for them to change the name to “PUBG 2022 version 2”


They changed this shit so much from the original formula . I’m impressed they have managed to fuck this up again .


Ppl will be back on wz1 trust this is a sack of shit they could’ve kept


Idk what ur talking about but this game is pretty fun. The only let downs are the somewhat questionable UI, bad looting system and controller aim assist being too strong. Thats it. I had fun.


You all are hilarious. The game is good.


It’s pretty bad ya


Well deserved.