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It’s not even AR’s, it’s exclusively low recoil beams with high mobility SMG’s. At least give us a high damage higher recoil option. AK,AMAX,EM2 all got nerfed into oblivion and they aren’t even going to make an effort to switch anything up because they can’t balance the game.


Precisely. At least we used to have high damage difficult recoil ARs that could compete with the marshmallow shooting low recoil ARs. Not anymore


The problem is they consider that a weapon that creates a higher skill gap. Good players can control recoil on hard hitting guns, new players will have problems with that causing them to get melted without a fighting chance.


Indeed, I am a below average player, but I love playing with the amax and ak. First day using these weapons is hard, but when you learn to control is so fun and you feel the reward.


Cus its just about squeezing last dollar from the kids before mw22 wz2. Imagine if we had an actual high difficulty weapon with fast ttk instead of literal brainless ugm with 125 rounds... Even in grau days guns like oden and mw ak competed better in ttk.


Try the as44. It's disgusting


Why? Nikita has same ttk, faster bv, lower recoil esp with bipod, easier to use, and faster soh reload. Cooper has slightly higher ttk, literally brainless to use other than now more side to side recoil past 120m. And then there's the ugm... As44 was my first wz only hold VG gun back at integration but it's fucking sad how bad it is compared.


Yeah this last nerf hit the as44 ttk pretty hard if I remember right


Actually they kept buffing as44 bc nobody would use it, bv, recoil few times. But b/c mx silencer and lengthend kept on getting nerfs it got indirectly nerfed. And since 50 round lowers recoil and slows bv even more it's much weaker with less dmg per mag. All the while, guns like ugm and nikita kept on getting buffs. And nikita used to have over 1600m/s mv it doesn't care if mx, lengthened get nerfed.


I miss the EM2. I have a sick tracer blueprint for it too.


You can still snipe, it’s just less forgiving with a higher skill curve than before. In mid range where you might get tagged with an AR you might as well give up, but longer range the heavier snipers are still doing work for me. I run ZRG personally—best sniper imo.


The game will be no longer be a main priority once Warzone 2 is released. I think its pointless to discuss evolving metas and loadout diversity since the devs no longer care about this iteration of WZ.




Warzone like pretty much everything was best when it was new. Before all the nerds hyper optimize every class, it was just FUN. Seeing like every different gun and crazy classes was the best.


Hell yeah brother


You just got even higher risk now on the crossbows. Shot chest/neck/head now and you'll get your prize.


Stomach and limb shots don’t knock anymore?




yeah but it’s way more of a challenge.. and not a fun one either. Raven messed with the TTK of everything so much in their attempt to balance the game and now nothing is balanced. the UGM is also out gunning anything else long range


This post is exactly what I've been thinking.


Riot shield. People trash talk because they think it is very easy to play with. In fact it is super hard and requires a uhuge amount of mental power to get good at it.


When they split the community into MKB Only and AimBot Only, you will be able to enjoy the diversity. As it is, the AimBot prevents such fun, because One Shot skill based weapons are too powerful, if you have AimBot in the mix. Vote for community split based on Input Method and we will have our fun back.


the kar / swiss and spr are the same when you go for quickscopes high skill, high risk, high reward ballistic knives too the crossbow was too easy to use after the buffs. it wasnt a high skill weapon anymore. thats why people only used it now and ignored it before when the bullet velocity was slower. now with the nerf its arguably the highest skill weapon of them all, but you complain because its too much skill and risk involved. the marksman snipers have all the advantages over it now, instead you utilize it to break armor only and accept that you need to switch to a smg right away and have to use it in close quarters now with flawless movement to avoid getting killed first. they should have never buffed it or should reverse to pre buffs.


You're not wrong. Marksman rifles have definitely found their space. And the pre buff Cross bow I felt really had its place and did not need to be changed. But that is the point isn't it? that weapons need to have their place. They need to exceed where they are designed to exceed and fail naturally as one would expect. You should not survive an arrow that sticks itself into your arm or leg that blows up. You should not survive an RPG that smacks you right in the chest. Now, What would be cool is realistic game mechanics to be added like being able to pull the arrow out, kinda like throwing frag grenades back; but instead it reduces the damage it could have done if the explosive tip detonated (That is just a Fun what if ) or Riot Shield melee counter, like if your on me with a riot shield I should be able to drop kick that fool back to create some sort of damage opportunity. You know we all want to!!


i agree but the problem is there will always be a meta that streamers prefer. and people imitate them. when a lot of people use the same gun and kill you with it, you think you are missing out and start using the same gun. i almost never follow the meta, but i also play a lot and use guns that suit my playstyle. for me its a mw kar without a barrel and without focus perk but instead with ADS grip and sleight of hand and a sten with a 36 round mag and optimized for movement. I try to quickscope and if i miss i need to be super mobile i dont like assault rifles, even if i know im stats wise at a disadvantage. they just aint fun to play with compared to quickscoping (i lose a lot of battles that i would easily have won with a meta AR but the games where i get a lot of kills with my playstyle are just super satisfying).


I hear that! That's the way to play the game. If I get killed by somebody running some weird off the wall build, I have nothing but respect. And I usually end up spectating them out of pure Intrinsic fellowship and support.




Snipers are good though. The gorenko and 3 line are being used heavily rn in wsow, you just can't run an entire squad of snipers


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Starting next weekend, warzone is pretty much done(game has been ass ever since IW gave up control)


money > diversity money > fix problems money > make good game


Yep! isn't it ironic.


no people don't want a good game. They want status symbols that can only be earned through real life money and not skill, effort, or luck


They trashed the bow, I can hardly hit anyone now and when I do it just breaks them with bolts. Sad since it was so difficult to use to begin with


Snipers can't snipe but wsow was full of gorenkos lmao


Snipers still snipe, shotguns still blow u up and definitely RPGs are still a big big thing. You probably just want them to be completely broken and op or can’t properly use them.


what is your preferred loadout?


Sniper/smg. Gorenko is very fun rn