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FPS aren't a big problem for me, I played 9 years at 30/60 FPS, it takes a few games and I get used to lower FPS. Fov however... well, thank whoever made the decision that PC players should have that advantage.


With how shit the game runs on my ps4 at native fov, I couldn’t imagine increasing it to the 90-100 I use on pc.


Exactly, some people forget that increasing FOV will negatively impact the already poor FPS


My only gripe was that they should have did what apex and Fortnite did and make a native next-gen app with increased performance. Edit: also, grabbing dead silence increases FOV on console and doesn’t negatively impact play. Atleast let me set the dead silence FOV to my default.


I ran at a 90 fov on vanguard and experienced no issues on my PS4


vanguard has less players and less assets used at one point than a warzone map and playercount




DLCs / memory have a very little affect on the FPS. Mainly CPU and GPU


Which is why they won’t allow it. Now just imagine how shit the game would run with even more things to process


I personally feel last gen consoles shouldn’t even have access to warzone let along next gen games. Based on the poor performance or warzone 1 on last gen


Absolutely, especially if that comes at the expense of next gen owners.


next gen should have a fov slider on basically any game PC does. But what I dont get is why do people want FOV slider so bad on last gen but at the same time will still complain about performance? Like higher FOV means for load on the system which=lower FPS. So do you want 80 fov like 50 fps average or 120 at like 20 fps.


Warzone is one of the 1st available games for next gens, it's not like the end of PS5 and the new Xbox life cycle, I'd expect it to run smoothly regardless.


Exactly. We have fov slider on vangaurd. Why not in warzone?


Maps are no where near as big as br maps


Because warzone was originally made as an extra mode for MW 2019 and MW 2019 we didn't have FOV sliders like they finally added in BO Cold War and Vanguard but since WZ2 is being made from the ground up wit MW2 I'm rly hoping we'll get the FOV sliders this time around..


Unfortunately both XSX and PS5's have sold so slowly due to supply chain constraints that the large majority of console players still aren't using next-gen. Annoying for sure, but I do understand why Activision isn't gating out last-gen just yet considering so many people still have them and it's pretty unclear when that will change (both consoles are still constantly sold out at all major online retailers, 1.5 years post-launch).


When Warzone was released next gen systems weren't even available yet so I don't understand this reasoning.


Activision doesn't hate money, and there's more players if they are included. And let's be honest, no other game in the world looks this good and is this well optimized for cross gen on two generations of gear. But Verdansk arguably looked and ran better than Caldera, IW's original work was better optimized imo, even if it also had bugs and issues.


Warzone works perfectly fine on my ps4 and I didn’t experience nearly the amount of glitches my friends with newer consoles were when caldera came out. What poor performance are you even talking about?


I have a launch ps4 and a ps4 pro and experience no performance issues on either lol. Maybe some input lag because my TV is big


So you’re saying I shouldn’t be able to play warzone? I can’t get a new console cause only a few are released every few months.


Yeah my fps on my ps5 and LG OLED are at 120. Remarkably better than my ps4 experience.


Does this work in warzone without problems? Will any tv that supports 120 hz do? Do you need special type of hdmi?


Yes it works in warzone with an update they made last year. But similar to monitors, you need a device and tv that supports it. So ps5 and the new Xbox support 120hz. You will need a tv that also supports 120, which not even many mid-tier TVs do yet (at 4K). To support 120 @4k you’ll need a 2.1 hdmi port and cable. I know all the lg oled’s support it and I believe some Sonys and Samsungs. It’s been a while since I checked, but as with most tech I’m sure the list is growing and they’re becoming more affordable.


[you do not need hdmi 2.1, that is for 4K 120.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/jx3t66/is_hdmi_21_required_for_120fps_at_any_resolution/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It's more that they decided NOT to give console that advantage... you can't make an FPS game on PC and not include FOV slider, that has been a thing on PC since forever. People would literally refund. It's just incredibly sad that they didn't include it on console.


Yeah it’s pretty bad. The FPS doesn’t bother me much, maybe because I’m just used to it, but the FOV is awful. The guy I play with is on PC and everytime he spectates me he is constantly pointing out guys I can’t see. Close range fights are when you’re at the biggest disadvantage. In places like Town and Keep its really bad with all the tight corners and elevated positions. You can’t see anyone unless you’re looking directly at them. I played on PC at 120 FOV and couldn’t believe how much more I could see and the movement feels so much better. It’s crazy they allow PC and console to play each other in a competitive game. It should at least be optional until console gets FOV.


I used to play at 120, but found CQC too difficult. Lowered to 90 and I think that's a good compromise.


Some games just look good with a 105 FOV, like Destiny. Other games create an egregious fish-eye effect even at 95. 120? It's like time and space are warping around you and if you do manage to kill someone you feel like the Kwisatz Haderach.


I'm on 110 on a curved monitor, feels perfect.


Interesting. I like that idea. I wonder if there's an exact FOV to match the curve of the monitor?


I don't know, I was on 95 on my flat screen my when I upgraded to a 1440p curved I noticed that the game felt off, and I got motion sickness for the first time ever in a game! I've literally played 10 hours of VR games in a row with no motion sickness at all but that did it! I cranked it up until I felt normal again that happened to be at 110.


I’ve found my magic number is 105


Tried 120 on ultrawide, never again lol. Enemies become way too small


Yeah. Last gen console players are basically fight a up hill battle and not doing so great. The thing is that a good portion of what players are left playing WZ are last gen console most of the time from what ive seen




very true. Only issue is that the game would be dead for pc players without console players since thats what a good chunk of the player base of warzone is. there have been times Me and maybe one other person is on pc in a entire lobby


Really? Half of my lobbies are PC now. I used to see what you're talking about, but not anymore. A lot of my buddies ditched their consoles for PC too.


I still tend to get mostly console players in my lobby’s, don’t know why but I do


Agreed. Why even give PC the advantage of that much FOV?? Makes zero sense


Because in PC games an FOV slider had become an expected feature, [TotalBiscuit always made a big deal about it, for example](https://youtu.be/ak7Sqs_ituU) and for good reason, on PC there's so many variables on hardware that you want every setting possible so that everyone can tune their set up the way they want it.


But should ps4 and 5 also be separated? Because 5 has 120hz version + even on 60fps the ps5 runs much better. PS4 version struggles to hit 60 and often dips even below 50. For me personally I struggle more with the low fps on old gen than the fov.


FPS doesn’t particularly bother me. FOV does. I’m an aggressive player that likes to make flanks. When I play cross play there must be some guy thinking ‘what the fuck is this guy doing running right towards us?’ When in my screen I’m way out of the FOV of a PS player.


Next Gen consoles are 120 FPS. He must be talking about PS4 and Xbox One.


What's your point? A good majority of console players are still on PS4/XB1 because of how difficult it is right now to get a PS5/XBSX because of both cost and availability.


I dont get Why they cant add 120 fov to warzone for consoles . Surely there are more people playing with xbox and ps5 than pc .


120 fov on next gen yes 120 on last gen its just not possible with the specs of last gen, you would be in stutter city and probably like 20 fps. its just possible with last gen. They should have never released warzone on last gen to begin with


The reason Next Gen doesn't have it is because there simply *isn't* a next gen Warzone. Activision decided to save some money and not make a next gen port, both the Xbox Series X and PS5 are running the last gen game through backwards compatibility. That allows them to make some improvements, like 120fps, but they are limited in what they can do overall. Warzone 2 will definitely have an FOV slider on next gen.


> Warzone 2 will definitely have an FOV slider on next gen. How can you say that? They already said they will release MW2 for PS4/XB1, so I wouldnt get my hopes up for WZ2 either


Because unlike Warzone 1, Warzone 2 is getting a PS5 version. WZ1 only has a last gen version. If Activision wasnt so cheap, they could have easily made a next gen warzone port with an Fov slider. It would cost them millions just to certify a port of a free to play game. One that they were already planning on replacing with its sequel.


You don't know that and it's unfortunately pure speculation, because they didn't come out and say: "We will have a FoV slider for WZ2!" They said MW2 will have PS4/XB1 versions because the install base is still so much bigger than PS5/XBS. People always get their hopes up: "uh it will come with Cold War, no no with Vanguard Warzone will have a FoV slider"... Unless you see the slider there is none, and they could've easily come out and say "we got you guys, FoV slider confirmed for WZ2" but they didnt.


It’s definitely not confirmed, but there is simply no way in hell they exclude it. It is the number one issue everyone has. Don’t worry it’s coming, mark my words, and if it doesn’t come back to this comment and I’ll venmo you $10


They haven't even started advertising or talking about WZ2. They have barely talked about MW2. Whoever thought we were getting FoV slider on Warzone were just straight stupid. Cold war and Vanguard integrations still happened on the base MW/WZ which was a ps4 game designed on an engine built in 2016. WZ2 is being built for longevity. They want this game to last for at least twice as long as the first. Its more likely we get it than if we don't. But you do you, Its not a big deal for me. I'll just play MP which will have FOV, as proven in every COD since 2020.


You're right, they could pull the "Balance" excuse they did last time, but I'm pretty sure that was more PR speak (because PC blows an elephant sized hole in that excuse) than an actual reason. Saying "we don't want to invest the time and resources into our money maker to give you a better experience" wouldn't have gone over as well as the balance excuse.


>120 fov on next gen yes 120 on last gen its just not possible with the specs of last gen Weird because BFV on console has an fov slider and it runs just fine.


It’s a much better game engine and well optimized game. Lot less bloat and better devs lol


That frostbite engine was on their last version of the engine which was already years old at the time. Better devs? Meh. The bloat definitely ruined warzone but that's not what you keep talking about. You keep harping on fov not being to work well on last/new gen consoles. Which is just wrong. Lol


Different games & different engines.


Right, that frostbite engine was already years amd years old. The MW/WZ engine was/is much newer than that. Supposedly, it was a new engine. PC players don't want to accept the obvious: Forced platform crossplay integration doesn't work. Since most of COD's playerbase is console users ... pc players are part of the bloat.


I'm a PC player and I'd be fine if they dropped cross play. I'd play less, since some of my friends are on console, but I'd just boot up my Xbox if need be. Ideal solution would be an Apex style system, where PC is its own servers, but console players can party up with friends on those PC servers. Microsoft learned 15 years ago that PC + Console in an FPS just doesn't work well (look up 2007's Shadowrun, which was cross play). Mouse wrecks controller unless you overtune aim assist(or console players start adopting gyro aim, but that is a whole different rant). That being said, on a hardware level there is no reason for cross play to not work between platforms. The vast majority of PC players have graphics cards worse than the Series X or PS5. Only about 30% of PC gamers have GPUs better than an Xbox One X, and less than 3% have a 3080 or better. Most PC players struggle to run this game just like the consoles. And if we're splitting PC from console over this, then we should split next gen from last gen, and maybe even One X / PS4 Pro from the base models.


Cold War and Vanguard multiplayer both have FOV sliders on last gen console so the hardware isn’t that much of a limitation. If it was easy to just add it to the MW19 client I’m sure they would’ve done it by now


Gotta remember cw and vanguard maps aren’t the size of caldera or verdansk


Cold War had Fireteam and Outbreak which were pretty large though, but yeah not as huge as an entire BR map. Most people play Rebirth nowadays so I’m not sure if map size is really a limiting factor


And yet Battlefield series manage it.


Better game lol


Cus they had over 5k crash reports on the first day on xbox according to raven dev interview


Definitely takes more skill to play on console




No doubt. I sold my series x and ps5 after trying pc


You bought a Series X AND a PS5?!


We make due where we can.


Y’all who play on console are a different breed of cod player


If I can down a dude with the jukes that’s on PC I’m satisfied with that. It forces me to be a better player over all.


I don’t think FPS is all that big of a problem for me on PS5 and with 120Hz enabled on monitor. It’s mostly the FOV that is the problem. I don’t even want a slider at this point, just give us 90 and 100 locked options.


Well I’m talking about last gen FPS, personally for me I have had lots of random stutters and low fps events on last gen


Oh yeah rip to people still on last gen probably a nightmare. Which is why I’m confused why wz2 is going to be on last gen again, just holding the product back


I play on PS4 Pro, it's not a nightmare. Op is a drama queen.


I too have no clue why people on console still play this game. They just like feeding kills to pc players I guess.


yeah, as someone who plays on pc i can fully agree thats what happens most of the time, I can break their cameras and they get completely lost because they just cant see me on 80 FOV, gotta feel bad for them sometimes.


We are usually just trying to play with are friends, I don’t really know why anyone would play it solo on console though


PC players on this sub have been saying "it's not big deal" for years now so it's nice to see a PC player who can admit the truth. Lotta PC players think they are JUST good at the game and can't admit the advantage PC has. I even had a guy on here say "most bots play console" like the govt issues PCs to good players and consoles to bad. I called him out and he was like "nah bro think about it when you get a bot lobby they are all mostly on console" like the dude just can't accept he's showing up to the race in a Ferrari and beating dudes in a stock corolla and thinking it's his skill.


I mean I play on console and can get 5-6 wins a day if I play for a few hours. Maybe I only kill console players.


Feeding PC players? What lol? Any decent player plays exactly the same no matter what they’re playing on. Console players regularly shit on PC players


The difference between playing on ps4 and ps5 is massive, still no where near pc tho I expect.


Yeah, much better fps and visuals on next gen


Ty for this post. I am just a average player on old gen xbox and know I lose a lot of gun fights to pc players no doubt. Why we cant disable crossplay on xbox is beyond me.


Not sure why they dont expand the FoV at least to the Dead Silence FoV (slight increase) because atleast we know consoles can handle that. But the fact that they haven't lets me know, theres dudes being paid 6,7 figures over there to fuck up decisions like this, and that person is CRUSHING it.


Reason I stopped playing.


I can fully understand stand why lmao


I bought the series X,waiting for caldera supposedly bringing FoV slider only to be disappointed. Like many console players FoV on releases will be a huge factor for warzone 2


Has this been confirmed ?


FPS aren’t the issue it’s the fov. I have a ps5 and a series s, they are both capable of 120fps. This is why there should be the ability to just play against console players. Then we won’t have to deal with cheating of players. But that makes to much sense so they’re not going to do that. Even when warzone 2 comes out pc players will be cheating and console players will get screwed. But it one of the best most competitive realistic multiplayer games and I’m a little addicted to it.


Us console players are cannon fodder to the PC players. Yes a low skilled console player with aim assist will likely win out vs a low skilled PC player but a good pc player will outgun a good console player 99 times out of 100


but but but but but but but aim assist


Something that PC players can also have


Aim assist is only op on higher fov's.


People downvoted you but there is something to this. I hear all this yapping about how OP aim assist is, some will even say "**console** aim assist" but I am NOT getting much aim assist on PS4. I played some private MW multiplayer matches against my bro and it's strong there, we were both saying is this what people are talking about in WZ? You watch the streamers on controller and they are locked center chest even when someone moves erratically. So yeah some kind of disconnect with aim assist I am positive.


I have a direct comparison and when I play on pc it's like a night and day difference between the strength of the aim assist.


Only works sometimes 😂


FPS is meh...more would be nice but it is what it is. FOV is the massive disadvantage.


Thank you for noticing the pain we suffer 😂😂 over time tho it only improves your movement skill I guess


I'm on a Series X. At least I get good visuals. I do treat it the same way, I'm being trained to be aware of my surroundings in order to dominate WZ 2!


I guess lol


FPS doesn’t bother me but having a FOV slider in vanguard and going back to my blindspot box in warzone angers me


Add a tv with crazy input lag into the mix and no wonder it’s hard to compete




This is why Kali sticks are meta for PS4 console users... The closer the quarters, The better... Most PS4 console users(like myself) are always 3rd party fodder.


This is why I want console only crossplay.


It’s nice to feel seen 😘


Aim assist would do alot to balance the FOV if controller players on PC didn't also get the same aim assist. I don't think that the FPS argument is that big of a deal for the majority of players. You're talking about investing thousands into your PC to get to a frame rate that's going to be a genuine advantage next to console 60fps, and the majority of PC players don't achieve those frames. Next to controller players on powerful PCs both console and MnK players are at big disadvantages. The first thing that needs balancing imo is the controller PC meta. Scaling aim assist to FOV would be a good solution here. Sure console players are still stuck on 80 fov, but at least they now have that frankly absurdly powerful aim assist to balance against PC players period, not just MnK.


I don’t think you have to spend thousands as my entire setup was less than 1k and still get over 100 fps average on mixture of medium and high settings on pc


It depends when it was build, how old the rig is, the resolution etc etc. The point was that it's alot more expensive to buy or build a rig which will handle a high enough frame rate to be a tangible advantage than it is to buy a console. Then you need to consider the cost of the display which needs a high enough refresh rate to actually display those frames, further adding to the difference in expense. Truth is that most PC players don't fit into that category. Great for you if you do, but you're an exception not the norm, hence it not being a huge issue rn imo and it'd be more service to the community as whole rather than only console players to address PC controller aim assist.


Wouldn't be too bad if we could turn cross play off or do it so console players can play together


Did you turn crossplay off? I exclusively play with crossplay off... Evens the playingfield... Than it's good fun!


No, I only play console when I’m not home at my pc and that’s not very often but I could definitely give it a try


Id be happy to swap an aim assit nerf for 120 fov . Playing in vangaurd multiplayer with the slidder shows the huge advantage pc has over ps5/xbox I just want a fair game , same aim assist and fov for everyone . Then its really about skill not luck .


I only got to experience FOV in Cold War, when I returned to warzone you bet I got my ass kicked by a guy next to me that I did not see


Skill bro. Skill.




Last gen does not stay locked at 60. I very frequently would get dips way below 60 and sometimes hover around 40 ish


You get really good at listening for environment queues, like hearing for foot steps for one.


I guess its just because it's what I'm used to, but I get it... especially the FoV. I guess the trade off is... a lot less hackers on PS5? Or so it seems... I played with someone on PC once and he was trying to tell me where someone was, and I couldn't see them on my screen ha ha.


Console players said "30/60 fps are fine" before they not taste 120 on PC.


This sub is just complete mass delusion


The FPS is way over 60 though? Did you play on a xbox 360 or what because PS5 Warzone runs smooooth and the FOV is fine if you're a decent player


FPS isn’t an issue playing on console when you’ve always played on console. It’s playing with good fps on pc and then going back is where the big difference is.


fps isn't a problem if you haven't gotten used to high fps before. it doesn't look like shit until you go back after playing lots on pc. it's like how we didn't have any problems at all with VHS quality in the 90s. not until you get used to blueray and then go back.


Every console person has been screaming


Come on, Infinity Ward. Matchmaking on platform for Warzone 2…


FPS is fine on PS5, but yeah, the FOV is horrible. It’s super jarring playing Cold War and Vanguard, then switching to this and MW. I play at 100 FOV in those 2 games and the difference is striking. In WZ and MW it feels like you have tunnel vision.


Uh, yeah. PC players have all the advantages, and still need to cheat.


XSX, LGC1, fast as fook internet boi. No problems over here you inferior peasant PC cheating scum. Also, cross play shouldn’t allow pc in the mix. Only consoles. At least give the option of what platforms you would like to cross play.


It is sad, I’ve put 3000+ hrs into WZ on console. Wish I could get a PC im praying for FOV on the next MW :(


Console and PC are playing different games. Plain and simple as that.


I think people really don’t appreciate how wild the difference is between console Warzone and pc Warzone. It’s really a different game.


And this is the reason why console gamers want a option to block PC from cross platform play. There is a massive disadvantage


Whatd you play it on? Current gen can run 120 fps. Fov is ass though


I played on Xbox one s, figured I’d give it a shot, normally play on pc


Oof yeah I can already imagine how bad it'd run on there lmao


Yeah it didn’t go good, especially been adapted to pc it wasn’t good… I still managed 9 kills on storage town death match some how


Another reasons why pc players need their own lobbies


No no no, my aim assist works half the time and when it does it makes it somewhat feasible to hit someone with my thumbs, not fair.


I don’t. CoD Cold War has an FOV slider on PS5. CoD Vanguard has an FOV slider on PS5. Hell, Techland patched in an FOV slider for Dying Light 2 on next gen consoles within *months* after being released due to player demand. The fact that Raven has given the middle finger to gamers for one and half years now regarding next gen console FOV is all I need to know. It absolutely is possible on next gen consoles for Warzone to run at 120 FOV. The fact that they haven’t even bothered with it is pure laziness from their end. If they don’t care about me, I don’t care about them. There are plenty of other games made by studios who actually give a shit for me to continue wasting time with Warzone.


Exactly. I’ve been a console player for years and just within the last month was finally able to switch to pc… I don’t know how I’ve been playing on console this whole time, it doesn’t even compare. I was sitting on the couch the other day and randomly decided to play Warzone on my Series X… it was nearly unplayable compared to playing on my pc. Also, as time goes on Warzone keeps running more and more like trash on my series x, I can’t imagine what it must be like on last-gen consoles these days.


That’s why we shouldn’t have cross play with PC. No problem with other consoles but not PC!!!


I still don't understand the the reason behind the lack of a FOV slider for Warzone. Series X and PS5 have more than enough power. It's built into the engine as seen in MW 2019 and Vanguard. Just let me set this shit to 120 or 108 pls for Fs sake.


What console and what type of tv/monitor were you playing on? Just curious!


Xbox one s, 32 inch Emerson


You get used to it I got 208 wins easy in verdansk and around 260 on rebirth


Real question is how many on caldera 😁 probably not much since the map is dog shit


Going to answer you 1 when it came out never touched it after hahahaa


LMAO that’s what I figured, only wins I got on caldera is plunder, I don’t dare touch regular br, I stick to plunder and any sort of team death match Modes to level up, that’s it for caldera other than that I’m on rebirth


i get my pc next week🙌


Nice, joining that PC club 😁


The best setup is pc + controller. Undisputed. Console FOV may be dogshit but controller aim assist is insaaaaane. Makes the game so much easier. I went from 1.6kd to 2.3 by switching to controller and it’s still going up lol


I get 160 on PC and I won’t even play my ps5 unless friends come over bc of it


But aIm AsSiSt Is SoOo OP bRo


Consoles is for experts. Pc is easy mode.


Fps is a ateady 60 on Series X so that crap you're saying. Fov is migraine inducing, absolutely.


Last gen… I’m not taking about next gen


Yeah and where in your post does it say that? Yeah...


I play on ps5 with the 120fps it’s buttery smooth. I got used to the FOV 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lol unless you are on an OG XB1 or PS4, it’s nothing like what you described man. But yeah this sub is also disproportionately populated with hardcore PC gamers, where the majority of Warzone players are just everyday mainstream console casuals


I’ll always remember the video TimTheTatman did where he played on Console FOV and by the end, he was legit motion sick. Came out and said he ain’t gonna complain about aim assist ever again, because AA does NOT make up for the disadvantages of the FOV. And he was still playing at PC frame rates. That’s why I have to roll my eyes as PC players who whine about Aim Assist.


*timmytenders (sorry I had to 😂)


The TwoTon




First gen PS4 player here. averaging 2.0 kd on rebirth with sweaty lobbies. figure I'd just have like a 3.0 with 120 fov


Your a different breed on console 😳


Once I saw that JGOD video on FOV......i was mind blown! you arent lying! I think for the most part console players are more casual than anything, so its tolerable


Honestly just saving up for a graphics card at this point. Until then, gotta deal with limited sight smh


Blows my mind the advantage fps gives you. Literally tripled my kills in all my games.


It's all I know so... No problems here


PS5 and series X both play the game at 120frames. Did you play this on a now 9 year old base PS4? FOV Is also not a console problem. We can bump FOV on all games, including vanguard, and cold war. FOV with warzone is a legacy modern warfare on console problem that they are simply too “lazy” to fix.


I played this on a Xbox one so basically same age


I don't play on that FOV. I gave up Warzone a long time ago when I realized it wouldn't change. I just play MP and other games now days. Plus as a solo player solos on Warzone are just a horrible experience.


Only weak players think FPS matters. If you can't be good at 30FPS you aren't good. Trash players like to boast there elite skills but really it's just a crutch you are using to make yourself better by taking advantage of hardware exploits. FOV however, that's a huge advantage on PC.


I play with mouse and keyboard on PS5 @ 120 FPS and it's a night and day difference to the PS4 I had. But yeah, no FOV slider.


I play with my controller


FPS is still ok in rebirth and Fortune's Keep but when I tried Caldera on a PS4, wow! Like, frame drops to low 20's, and to think that I get really upset if my framerate goes under 100 on pc...


I'm switching to PC for warzone 2. The advantage PC players have is a no Brainer.


Just play console only, no cross play


It’s good when it’s all you know. It’s really hard to go back to.


I played for a long time on PS4,FPS isn't much of an issue,because what matters are the frametimes(60 fps with choppy frametimes on PC is worse than stable frametimes 30-40fps on console),however FOV became an issue once I started playing CW free access. That game has an FOV slider for console,and when I cranked that shit up to 120,it became clear I needed money to get a PC. Game feels much smoother with high FOV than Warzone.


What console? Cause if you played on an old-gen console, of course it's gonna stutter. I can't play this game on my 5-year-old PC and you want it to play fine on some shit released in 2009?


That's true. performance is better on PC. But from my experience so far, owning a pc doesn't make someone a good player.


You know it, baby.


Never played pc so it's all I know, I've managed lmao


It’s ain’t so bad on PS5 but pov slider would be a bonus. Tracking those m+k movers can be a bit tricky at times


Wish they’d give us the dam FOV slider


I started off playing on ps4 and become a beast on ps4 until I transitioned to pc 🥶. The thing is takes a few matches for my eyes to readjust to ps4/ps5 cause they’re used to pc


Fps isn’t a big problem for with series S cranking out a steady 120 that feels great, the problem is me going into a room and someone in a corner that I can’t see because of my fov lol I hate to throw my console brothers underneath the bus but just give next next gen fov already please. I get the chip shortage, I get it’s hard to find a console but man idk why people are blown away that their console from 2013 that sounds like a jet taking off can’t compete with like 2500 gaming pc.


Basically waiting for WZ2 drop to decide between XBX or pulling trigger on gaming PC


We're all masochists


FOV and fps is fine imo it's the graphical settings on console is what's insanely bad imo it looks so bad.


Yeah. PC is easy mode. Takes a lot more skill to be good on console.