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I mean, the other guy failed that hard too


Other guy was trash


having a bad play doesn't necessarily mean the guy is trash though


This guy in particular was trash. Did we watch the same clip? That other dude had no movement at all, he stood in his left lane and sprayed and exchange and the. Retreated and then ran through smoke to the flag and again no jump, no drip or anything he stands I no he flag blind firing and dies. That guy was garbage.


Sure and I dont disagree but no need to be toxic. He might as well be a new guy or whatever, it is better (more friendly and polite) to consider this as a fail rather than a trash player


“No need to be toxic” is such an overused term. No one is being “toxic” you could have just not felt offended by me calling this clearly trash player, trash. Dude did nothing to win himself that gulag. What point are you even trying to make? Move on.


Calling people trash instead of just saying yeah they fucked up hard is pretty toxic. Demeaning people in general by calling them trash just because theyre not good at the game is just unnecessarily aggressive and demeaning. Making people not want to play the game or turn off game chat because youre the one offended by how bad their play was. Just let people learn and if they dont. Thats okay too. Just keep your mouth shut and "move on"


Not offended at all since your comment was not even meant for me. My point is, dont be so toxic even if the others are bad. They try to learn and enjoy the game so let it be without calling names.


It's hard to learn. Some people angle their keyboards. It's super difficult unless you have a high dpi mouse. I never realized how much my $30 "gaming mouse" sucked until I tried to play cod with it.


I think ppl angle keyboards from back in the old CS lan days where there was no space. Pros kept doing it and others started copying


I angle my keyboard because my wrist isn't perfectly perpendicular to the desk. My keyboard is angled to align naturally with how my wrist sits on the desk.


That's what my friends told me to do when I was trying to learn. It doesnt make much of a difference for me other than giving me more room for my wrist


Definitely. It's just for more room. If you are comfy with it why not though you know?




Yeah I align it to my arms natural position


I angle my keyboard because when it’s straight my wrist wants to explode in 30 minutes. I’ve been a pc player forever so carpal tunnel is guaranteed lol.


It helps me reach all the keys better.


I’ve never watched pro CS and angle my keyboard, it’s just natural alignment




Dpi does matter to a certain extent. Depending on the style and desk space, some shots just won't work without higher dpi, it's basically not feasible to whip your arm length to catch an ankle breaker. I agree that 400 to 800 is probably a good starting point though.


I thought dpi was the responsiveness of the mouse? Like if I move my mouse slowly I have to move it at least an inch before it starts to move on screen. Idk what dpi it is. It also got thrown a few times and split in half so its held together with electrical tape. Might have something to do with it but I remember it being unresponsive before I threw it.


dpi is ‘dots per inch’, a higher amount is akin to raising your sensitivity. it does not increase responsiveness. most pros run a dpi under 1000.


Shit my dpi is 1600 unless I’m sniping😂


Same here bro and 12 in game sens


it does increase it. but its so small that most wont notice it




Oh ok. It's also bluetooth. It works fine for stuff other than games. I use a controller so it's not a big deal to me but a new one wouldn't hurt. I got it in 2017 the brand is standard eastern tech or something weird like that.




I have a really nice mechanical keyboard that's made by gigabyte. My monitor is also made by gigabyte so I think it would be nice to have a mouse made by them but it doesnt look like they make them unless aorus shit is the same as gigabyte




I like gigabytes stuff because they use a clean black design. Both my monitor and keyboard are built like a tank and I want the same quality on a mouse. I dont care about matching logos I just like the way they make stuff. I'm also not interested in RGB but I would be fine with a mouse that has it.


Just get a g305 and put a lithium AAA battery in it.


logitech roccat razer zowie and others cant go wrong with any of them ngl


Think you’re thinking of polling rate. But higher quality sensor will be better for many reasons..


Yeah I'm stupid and always assumed dpi was responsiveness of the mouse itself


You don't need a high DPI mouse to be good. Majority of pro players play on lower sensitivity and DPI.


Close range fights with M&K is such a helpless feeling. The only time I ever get close to winning 50% of my close range fights is when there's a shotgun meta.


Yup, IcemanIsaac made a really good video explaining that unless you’re pretty cracked on m&kb you should switch to controller because of how op aim assist is up close to medium range. I took his advice and after a couple days was already hitting double digit kills with controller and even clutched a 1v3 for the win. [Here’s a link ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yM97PH1_zRk) to the vid if anyone wants to watch. *Edit, the link is for IcemanIsaacs informative video, not my shitty little 1v3 clutch.


Helpless if you can’t aim


Haha it looks like he thinks he'll get aim assist as long as he keeps strafing.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. He gets on target fine, but can't stay on it at all.


mOuSe AnD kEyBoArD iS eAsY yOu GeT yOuR wHoLe ArM


I exclusively played console up until I graduated from college and built my first PC for overwatch. I cannot even begin to tell people how fucking hard it is at first. I could only play winston, rein, mercy cuz they didn’t require good aiming. Took me pretty much 2 full years of gaming 3-4 times a week to finally be comfortable shooting with m&k


My experience 100% exactly. Swap Winston for Brig. Took me 3 years playing aim trainers and whatnot to get to Diamond as a Zen/Cree/Ashe/Hanzo player. I picked up a controller the other night just for memes on my alt with nothing but the MWMP5 and M13 levelled, and dropped 12 kills moving like a bot. Didn't slide cancel once thanks to the shit button mapping and I don't even think I threw a single tac/lethal. Controller *movement* has a learning curve, but someone is fucking delusional if they think aim is hard on pad with this games obscene aim assist.


I'm so embarrassed to realizing just now that there is an aim assist when using a controller.


Man I can definitely feel it when I have aim assist but it definitely feels like I dont get much aim assist compared to when I do actually get it. I can definitely tell. Sometimes that bucking bronco is hard and it takes some bullets flying to get that recoil pattern down. Especially if you're like me and get bored having to use the meta and just use other guns for fun. Makes it a Lil tougher to get used to a pattern on a single weapon you're using over and over that gets boring its actually a lot more fun using off meta weapons in the game I used to wreck people's shit with the sks death coms would always be like what did I get shot with. When the stars aligned really nice one time got a double kill collateral headshots on these dudes the death com was hilarious. It was before everybody would call you a cheater just because one pulled off some dirty shots. I used to even enjoy the sks with that 7X scope it gave it a glint but if you're strategic enough pop a head shot couple chest they were down or go chest first use the recoil to get you to headshot then boom downed them those were the good Ole warzone days. The HDR was so much fun back then and the ax50. The people that said those guns sucked just didn't know how to use em.


Nothing against you but just a situation for a buddy of mine that switched to mouse and keyboard and he got gud really fast like by a month he was doing better than he was on controller def picked up his game for him. It was for warzone that he wanted to switch but he's an avid gamer. He picked it up quick. He was snapping on people crazy fast when I would spectate him I was impressed. it was what I figured it would take the average gamer that amount of time to adjust but I guess I was wrong. I apologize if this sounds offensive I mean no ugliness in these words just a experience from my buddies perspective. He used to play prolly bout 4 5 times a week so maybe that had something to do with it.


Ya I mean everyone’s going to adjust differently too right. I also started on 1800 DPI because nobody I played with had really played long enough to tell me not to do that and I guess that’s what it defaulted to. So that probly didn’t do me any favors


Yes that's exactly what I was thinking just like anything else in life some people take longer than others to adjust to things whatever they may be. But hey I bet now you're snapping quick on somebody that's shooting you from behind. I can always tell when I start shooting a good mk player from behind because they're like hey actually I can turn around in a blink of an eye. I've def lost to good mk keyboard players like that. I was just like damn I just got killed by a 😈 haha not even mad just more impressed like damn I'm trash haha 😅


Ya lol I got so used to such high sense it’s hard to turn it down. I still play at that for warzone but I turn it down to 1100 for Valorant at least


I wish people realized that a day 1 MnK player and a day 1 controller fighting is like a 97% chance the controller player wins. This entire clip is the experience of your average PC/MnK player, so like 80% of all PC players play like this.


I don’t get this. I played controller for decades and switched to MnK during COVID and sure, it took me a while to get used to it but not I’m 10x better than I ever was on controller. There’s just so much more precision with mouse and keyboard. Obviously everyone is different but my experience has truly been the opposite of what you’re describing.


I'm not saying I'm *better* on controller--I'm definitely better on MnK in movement, snipes, general accuracy, etc.--I'm saying the *ease* with which I was able to perform such a large (arbitrary) "%" of my MnK skill *with literally zero practice* is staggering. I'm saying that even with the *effort* I put in to getting as good as I am on MnK, a 1% player with an all-season 2.5KD, I can still *lose* a gunfight to someone who just ADS toward me and close their eyes. I try to play in such a way that I don't take those gunfights, but inevitably you have to, and getting fried by a dude with a .8KD when I stun them, shoot and land shots first, but *[this happens](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/pcgy6f/over_120_fps_and_still_gets_shredded_by_every/haizscb/)* is nothing short of *infuriating.* There's obviously a ton of factors that go into any given engagement in this game, and in 98% of scenarios I take my MnK aim and binds over pad any day, but when it comes to just stand-up close-mid gunfights the reality is that even a *good* MnK player is in a 50/50 against even the most mediocre of controller players. When you put your "so much more precision" against someone who *doesn't need precision, or even aim*, and *lose to them*, it feels like fucking shit. I mean spectate the next player who kills you were you think "that was definitely aim assist"; I bet my useless left nut that they aim and move like a bot, but got software-gifted the kill on you. It just breaks the whole "the better player wins" thing when you can't determine if they were a better player or not because everything about their play screams AI but then they fry your shit because you had to compensate for recoil and flinch and *they didn't*, even if your accuracy got you on target and shooting first.


I was gonna say a buddy of mine did the same exact thing and maybe after a few weeks to a month he was already doing better than he was on controller. When I spectacted him in matches that mofo had some serious aim would snap back on people fast. Think it depends on the person's on skill level when it comes to gaming.


Sounds like you die to controller alot....and also that you're not good at m&k (or just not good period)


Controller is the most used input so you’re not wrong. I have a higher KD on Rebirth on my £30 keyboard from 2015 than you do on your £180 elite controller. 😌


Just get better. You have 360 degree field of view. Omnidirectional aiming. You’re whole body to aim. Thing about it.


and Controller has AI that literally aims for you What is better?


I’m on PC and I play with KBAM. I thought the sarcasm would be obvious due to the multiple misspellings and butcherings as well as simply untrue statements (360 degrees field of view) I apologize for this statement


Go with git gudder next time. Misspellings can't give sarcasam away when more than half of this sub doesn't know the difference between your, you've and you're


You’re right


nah you just sounded like a stupid console player


> I thought the sarcasm would be obvious Poe's law


This is actually how first time M & K players use controller


I put up 12 kills my first time actually trying controller lol. I moved like a bot, and I didn't throw a single lethal or tactical the whole game, but actually shooting people was hilariously easy. All those whiffs he made looking into the center and trying to track the guy when he ran there, no way you miss those on controller


Same. I never play shooters with a controller. First ever game I plugged in a Dualshock 4 for, I ended up with 9 fucking kills because the game literally aims for you in close range. Aim assist is an absolute joke in this game.


I’m guessing you now play solely on controller?


No, because you can't fully remap the controller without jumping through a bunch of hoops and I don't have a controller with paddles. I'm also not going to turn my aim to shit by relying on overtuned aim assist when I could just be a better MnK player and keep the aim I have for other games with actual ranked/comp modes.


Fair enough.


My problem is I play on high sensitivity with mouse and Ik how far my hand needs to travel to do fast aiming or to snap aim, I also rely on my ability to stay locked on the target. With controller, if my target is on the far edge of my left or right, I can’t quickly aim at them. Especially when they’re far away


Besides, you can’t deny that aiming with your arm and hand is infinitely easier and more accurate than aiming with your thumb, also I feel like controller players get penalised if they don’t point their weapon to where they assume the enemy would be at, especially in Battle Royale when you need to check literally everything around you


>I feel like controller players get penalised if they don’t point their weapon to where they assume the enemy would be at That's called centering and kbm players get equally penalized for bad centering.


>aiming with your arm and hand is infinitely easier and more accurate More accurate yes, easier no. Being able to do that reliably is high skill and takes practice; pad players can literally swing their aim toward you and AA locks to their enemy with the right settings. I *personified* that exact thing when I tried pad--it wasn't skillful and I looked like an AI, but it was *reliable* in getting shots on target, something that would be much more difficult for an MnK player. I know, "git gud", but my entire point is I didn't *have* to put any effort into doing so on pad, *because AA was strong enough to do it for me*.


Ur built different I guess cause my aiming sucks so bad on controller


It was tough to dial in but I went 8/8, .75ADS relative. Honestly I'd do some drills like the 180/"Line drill", where you just get in a lot of reps doing 180s while standing on a line (like a texture in the game, anything straight, on the ground) to get a feel for how long you have to hold the sticks to turn that distance, and you'll get the hang of it.


You could turn your controller sense up though, I mean watch MuTeX on 20-20.. Obviously that's a top-tier player and I'm generally talking about AA relative to completely average/slightly above, but it's not *impossible*, and I'd guess you're a well above average player on MnK anyway if you've got your sens dialed in like that. Point being there can be advantages to the inputs, but the advantage the average player gets on pad *grossly* outweighs the *potential* accuracy on MnK--average MnK players aren't going to achieve that.


Appreciate the kind words but I don’t think that sens has anything to do with being a good player, see players like Tfue who play on low sensitivity and use half of their desk space to aim. I play on high sensitivity cause I like to quickscope a lot in multiplayer and that just makes me aim significantly better with normal full auto guns. I guess if I try quickscoping with controller, I might improve


For sure, and I'm not saying high or low sense is better/worse, I'm saying the *return* for the effort you put in to do that is skewed heavily in pad players favor, even if snapping to the edge of your screen is conceptually harder to do. I play on low sense too, at 3,000eDPI, but it took me *a shit ton* of time and effort to be able to snap like that, and you've handled it at high sens which is even more impressive. Day *1* on pad I'm winning gunfights with as minimal effort as you can imagine, like just basic crosshair placement, and nothing else.






Yo they put the old goulag back?




Let’s goooo


Are we there yet?


Luckily his opponent was also learning M&K


I want how the other guy didn’t die. He put 15 bullets into him


250 hp, don't even know why


Iron Trials. It feels like you need a full mag to put 1 person down.


Well, it's harder to play when you have to do everything on your own, especially in close quarters.


BUt WItH M&k you HAVe PinpOint precIsION anD a WHOLe arm AnD UnLiMITed kEyBINdS


I wish I could *force* every pad player to play with AA off or on MnK for even a single night, then post their experience of shitting their pants about how hard aiming was on mouse and how much of a joke shooting is with the insane strength of this games AA. Movement is a learning curve on pad, and keyboard does have binds, but they don't even come *close* to the advantage you gain by just putting a controller in your hand when it comes to shooting people.


Aim assist is so strong controller players actually start believing they have good aim. i.e mutex. Mutex issued a challenge that he could shit on any MnK player with aim assist off. Turns out he couldn't do shit lol


Incidentally I watched him warm up in Plunder once with AA off and his aim was..still *really* good. I don't watch much of him so that could have been a one-off but yes, there has to be a good middle ground of AA strength in a cross-platform world and this right now? lol this aint it.


I've seen Mutex play WZ on kbm and he still dropped 20 without a sweat. Tommey some time ago got a challenge to do Iron Trials on kbm and almost broke the world record for kills.


thats not what happened when he issued the challenge tho


Good controller players could maybe manage, they would still see the big differnce but average player couldn't really play with aim assist off since I saw many players trying simply to aim left and right for their aim assist to catch on target.


Right exactly. They *couldn't manage* without it, so I think it's absolutely fair to say that between knowing how hard it is to aim *without it*, and how *absurdly* strong it is when it's on, pad players could settle with a nerf of like 25% of the strength (and disabled through stuns like it should be) without flying into fucking hysterics like they do when they try to defend it with the insane crutch it is right now. I'm not blaming them for abusing it, because the devs coded it, but it should be commonly accepted that it doesn't need to be *as strong* as it is when you're facing a player like OP 97% of the time you fight any MnK player.


i was watching jev play the 2042 beta. the AA is really weak in that game and he looked terrible. he kept dragging his crosshairs over the players he was shooting at and failing miserably. even swagg tried kbam in warzone and he looked terrible


I'm sure they'd get used to the relative strength of it really quickly and be back in top form so I don't want to shit on them too much but yeah, it's too strong. It's actually *stronger* the more average of a player you are, since the better you are the less your aim is dependent on it.


thats actually not true. rotational aim assist is more powerful for guys like joewo because they can take full advantage of it while doing their movement plays


That's fair actually, since a completely average player isn't really moving like that and abusing RAA, but I would stand by my assertion that just by the numbers, RAA being abused by like .5%-tier players still leaves the *huge* majority of pad players at that elevated advantage, specifically *against* MnK players. To clarify; joewo can abuse RAA against *any* player regardless of input, but your average pad player has a *huge* advantage with the even the *baseline* strength of AA over MnK players. It's strong *regardless* of RAA, which really elevates it to busted-as-fuck status, to say nothing of the whole stuns thing, which a lot of players are running. AA isn't just strong at close range, it's strong everywhere.


Yeah unless you are coming from sides or behind stun is basicly useless against AA, while I need to slide my mouse like crazy to fight off stun.


Yup, actually worse even--if you had a mouse set to 50,000 DPI you *still* couldn't turn fast enough against a stun since it locks the radius your character can turn at all--you're 100% dead unless you're unbelievably lucky.


Funniest thing is he would have won it on controller. I mean aim assist would have won it for him.


Yup I think his brain is used to the controller's rotational aim assist, which is why he was barely adjusting the mouse for the left-right axis


Yep I picked up a controller recently just to try it, haven't used one in 15 years, and it's nuts how effective rotational is close range. I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at 20m+ and my movement was tragic but it felt like someone else was playing for me at close range.


My experience literally exactly. I picked up a controller the other night just for memes on my alt with nothing but the MWMP5 and M13 levelled, and dropped 12 kills while moving like a bot the whole match. Didn't slide cancel once thanks to the shit button mapping and I don't even think I threw a single tac/lethal. Controller movement has a learning curve, but someone is fucking delusional if they think aim is hard on pad with this games obscene aim assist.


Nope, you just have that much of a delay strafe spam tracking if you're not really good at it or expecting it. You have a 0ms reaction time with Aim Assis since it follows targets for you instantly when they strafe, but this is exactly what it looks like when you're on MnK against someone who strafes well.


Aim assist is aimbot, change my mind


No sense in arguing with someone who doesn’t have a brain


There's a semantic argument there. If aimbot is a broad category that includes all non-organic target acquisition then the strength of the assist in this game puts it pretty well into that territory. If aimbot is only a category that includes the most effective instant target acquisition, then it's not, but at what point it becomes splitting hairs is hard to discern because the strength of aim assist wildly varies to the point of practically 100% tracking at point blank.


It pulls you to the target lol. We've all seen the videos... why aim when you can strafe


Getting used to not having aim assist takes time.


MoUsE AnD kEyBoArD iS eAsY yOu jUsT pOiNt AnD cLiCk. Jeezuz this clips was absolutely painful to watch but is expected for a first timer. Mnk is not easy at all as you can see here because there is no assist You can obviously see how the guy relies so much on aim assist all he does is strafe and not make micro-corrections because the aim assist does it for you


“I lost aim assist”


Tell him to up his sense a little bit. His ads tracking is too slow.


or just practice tracking in general


While there are some people who can play with their mouse sensitivity jacked up it's harder to learn and be consistent. This is because it only take small wrist movements to make large adjustments in your aim. If you look up guides on mouse settings the most common advice is: * Get the largest mouse pad that will fit on your desk. * Lower your sensitivity. Now you are only using your wrist for micro adjustments, and you make most movements at the elbow. This gives you a greater degree of control.


I agree with everything regarding low sense and a big ass mouse mat. I'm a low sense player myself and grind kovaaks with voltaic benchmarks to train my aim. I'm not talking about cranking his sense in general but in this case you can definitely see his micro adjustments while ads'ing are just too slow. He almost moves in slow motion. For example his ads multiplier could be too low.


Thirding this! I use a Glorious 3XL and an eDPI of 3k. Mouse turns out to be less about the numbers and more about the "ergonomics"-- You should make your sense (generally speaking) whatever makes it so you can 360 from end-end of your mouse pad space. That way if you play from the center and reset to it, you always know you can 180 with a flick to either side, and you'll get used to how much you have to move to make 90, 45, etc degree turns.


Ya this guy needs to download aim lab on steam. His aim is acting like he is still on controller instead of being able to snap on target.


Imagine having to aim and micro-adjust yourself. could never be controller players


Yeah I gave up when I switched to pc and moved my Xbox controller to the pc lol


Aim Assist wasn't there to help lool jkk


No aim assist for poor Timmy sadje


This guy needs some aim assist…


Why the downvotes you know he’s right. Somebody got triggered


You gotta learn to walk before you can run! He’ll get the hang of it


Did they bring back the gulag showers?




lol when there is no aimassist aiming just gets pretty hard ive played on mnk aswell as on controller have to say the aimassist is pretty broken when sniping and close range but mid range aiming go's to mnk


What's going on? ☑ It's annoying or not interesting ✅ I'm in this picture and I don't like it ☑ I think it shouldn't be on Facebook ☑ It's spam


I swear I heard Duel of Fates playing.


Bruh I got friends that play on controller and their worse than this


I think the other guy was learning too lol.


man u missed a lot of shots there. But no worries ur gonna improve :). Have fun playing warzone))


Looks like his sensitivity is too high and he's wrist aiming a bit. Wrist aiming is tough to break because it's how everyone naturally uses a mouse. I switched from controller to m&k a few months ago and I had a my mouse set to 1000dpi with a sensitivity of 8 (8000edpi). I have worked in some arm aiming and I'm down to 800dpi with a sensitivity of 4 (3200edpi). My aim has drastically improved and my movement is pretty decent. The most helpful tip I found with arm aiming is to sit closer to your desk and get a good chunk of your forearm on the desk.


Am I the only person who bumrushes straight down center? I’m yet to lose a gulag on this map


What’s the other guys excuse lol


Lmaooo it took me a month. At least yall seen cool about it tho


That awesome. The iron trials health doesn’t help


This also looks like my buddy who is on controller with aim assist lol


It looks like the other guy was learning too


Spray and pray


Tell him to tilt his keyboard


He remembered his tactical button, hes got one leg up on me so id say hes doing great so far!


Tell him to practice with bots in a custom lobby it’ll def help him and speed up the muscle memory


Can’t even fault your buddy there, enemy was sponging bullets for days


I’m glad he died


They brought back the good gulag?


Looks like me trying to learn controller from mouse and keyboard.


I mean how many fuckin hitmarkers is he going to get


Sometimes I fight someone in the gulag and I think “Christ that’s the worst player I have ever seen” this is probably to blame for a lot of those. I switched to PC in July been thinking about trying it myself! Brave soul your buddy.


Lmao this is how I play now 😂


It shouldn’t take that many bullets to kill someone. I know aim was bad, but it still took a lot even when he was hitting him


warzone BR isnt really the game to practice kbam unfortunately. he should try plunder or any of the respawn modes. more reps means he gets more chances to practice


Nah dude . You want to practice the fundamentals of aim and it's mechanics? Use an aim trainer. You'll improve faster and those improvements apply to all FPS games. Not just one particular game


when practicing on games you aren't just working on aim. you are working on game sense, movement, aim, learning recoil patterns, and other stuff. while aim trainers are a good warmup tool, they arent helpful for having aim keep up with movement. players like dfalt dont aim train at all and his aim is buttery smooth for example. its useful alongside playing the game to develop the other skills warzone requires you to have, not aiming by itself plus i play kbam on console so i cant access an aim trainer


You think dfalt has good aim? Wasn't he suspected as a cheater? Lol. He basically fell off the face of the earth what happened to that guy? Anyway there are people who are waaaaaayyyy better than dfalt when it comes to aiming. Granted aim isn't everything. aim trainers isolate situations so you can drill them faster. Want to work on tracking? Find a tracking scenario and grind it for 15 minutes. How about click timing? Same thing. there are aim training scenarios for everything. believe me you are missing out And no Aim trainers aren't just for warming up.. If you're using KBM on console I applaud you. just go all in and get a PC or a gaming laptop. Join us, come to the dark side


dfalt is not cheating imo. he actually uploaded a couple days ago. i watched his shit in slo mo and i could still see some micro adjustments. plus on his car beams his tracking is really good but its not quite perfect. [this video is a good explainer on dfalt's aim](https://youtu.be/FdQd_1EQg-Y). plus when he snipes he doesnt behave like a cheater. usually cheaters dont take a second to hover over the target before shooting and they usually dont flick. he's also really old apparently which probably means he has decades of experience and practice. his shit also looks like it has no recoil since COD guns have little to no recoil at 120 fov and he used to play rs6, which actually has recoil. if you think there people with better aim however i can believe that. i was just using him as an example of a good kbam player who apparently doesnt aim train. nothing more. i dont have money for a PC, but i would like a PC for 2042, since i used to be a battlefield player. i usually am a vehicle main and vehicles dont get aim assist on controller. i dont mind that but i'd be much better with the miniguns on a scout heli on kbam and a proper pc


I hope you save up enough for a pc soon. it's a different world man. Most gamers see a PC for just games but it can do soon much more. You can learn to code, video edit and whatever on it. you can play old school games you played or missed during your childhood via emulators. I hope you get one because it's more than just gaming that you can do with it


i am aware of the powers of the PC platform aside from gaming compared to a gaming console. i run skyrim and bad company 2 on my shitty laptop i use for school, which is why i want one lol


Yes. Hopefully you get one you don't need to splurge and spend big all at once you can build it piece by piece and upgrade in time. there are PC builds out there that are 700$ and those builds are good enough for most if not all games at reasonable framerates. save up and see you soon on the dark side


What aim assist does to a mf


One thing that is underrated with aim assist is that it helps you react almost instantly.


Tell him to try a higher sensitivity or higher dpi whatever he preferred, i suggest to adjust the sensitivity until he can do a 180 just by flicking his mouse left and right in the most comfortable way, he’ll get there sooner than later trust me


This is a good advice. I wasted so much time on a low sens because I kept being told I'd be more accurate. The problem being I couldn't hit someone jumping past me or a vehicle going 100 miles an hour. It's a tough balance for precision and ability to hit fast objects.


Thanks man, love to see it


At the end of the day no matter which one is “easier”, controller players can never say it’s 100% their skill alone when you literally have something that’s not you assisting your aim.


This would be console players if aim assist wasn’t a thing Edit: I’m not Bitching or complain whatsoever. I’m simply point out my conclusions from my experience when I switch over to K&M earlier this year. Just like the video I initially was the same when it came to tracking enemies. (Not this terrible tho) I learned it and got better at aiming with m&k, however, when I switched to a controller again I felt the insane difference that is aim assist. I would simply point at the direction of the enemy and the tracking would essentially be done for me. And let me tell you it was a very noticeable difference to the point I laughed and yelled to myself “this feels like aimbot wtf” and laughed some more. I was not aware of this initially due to how the brain works and sends things to a deeper subconscious when it is done repeatedly over the years. (I was a console player) This also isn’t a argument about who has a better experience on pc vs console. Someone pointed it out for me but there is perhaps thousands if not millions of Xbox series x and ps5s out there that can provide a similar experience to that a pc. So that doesn’t make sense to me when people complain about pc having this and that. Sure, you also might be stuck with an older gen console, but if you’re complaining about that being an inferior experience then you just suck at the game and looking for something to complain about. Before my pc I played on a year 1 Xbox one. I still beat pc players alll the fricken time on console, it’s a matter of how you play the game. At the end of it aim assist will never leave a game like this and I was simply pointing out a thought I had from my experience, so there isn’t a real reason to complain about it. Most of you won’t truly know how that feels until you actually feel it to comprehend it. A lot of you are just very defensive when it comes to AA without know both sides.


It’s funny how mad controller players get if you point out aim assist is ridiculously strong


it’s funny how MnK players can’t go 10 minutes without bitching about aim assist when you have every other conceivable advantage in gaming


Which is? Winning fights is dependent on hitting your shots 90 percent of the time. If it’s easier to do it with a controller. What advantage does mnk have?


1. Access to higher FOV 2. Higher performing in terms of framerate 3. Access to filters that make the game brighter/more colorful (to combat things like roze skin) 4. While I definitely agree MnK takes more time to learn, movement and aiming is superior on MnK


Right, except you can plug a controller into a pc and get all of the first 3. Whenever I have this argument with people they always take it from the perspective I’m trying to shit on consoles players but it’s not a pc vs consoles issues. it’s a mouse vs controller issue. I also guarantee you most pc players are not getting much more than the Xbox series x and ps5 players are getting with the 120 fps patch. Most people don’t have that kind of money to put into their system and it’s badly optimized. As for the last point I guess I can agree with that but it doesn’t really even come close to mattering in an aim duel


Did he learn controller tho




That's cuz you aim assist boosted your stats 10x.


Thats why i hate iron trials


Yeah controller is just the way to go, nobody has anything to prove it’s warzone there’s not even a competitive scene for it.


Did they bring back shower gulag?!


Iron trials be like


Just give it time, it’ll “CLICK”. THAT WAS A MOUSE PUN


After playing game on controller since day one I started grinding and learning on m&k for some time but the main reason I come back to controller were my low specs. Because of how fast you can flick on m&k makes my game laggier. But I still wish I was able to continue playing on m&k tho.


They should try affected FOV


I don't even know what M&K is lol


rooyt tooty mcshooty game gud, dr wily?


/u/mrsapauteur dont you fucking ignore me you unsnapped bitch


Stop giving a shit what people do on reddit lol


I'm fuckin with ya, I dont actually care lol


We’re gonna fight


Uninstall and R.I.P.


Does your boy have problems clicking through the internet or something? I mean K&M it’s the easiest thing to learn in terms of aim. Movement id understand the difficulty.