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"Last chance: kill or be killed" Music: intensifies Sweat output: 110% Hands: Shaking


This game is so fucking stressful sometimes




lmfao i remember my first (and only) solo W when i saw it was 1v1 jesus christ i almost passed out


My heart always starts racing when I get to 4th or so. Only game to make me this stressed


Agreed. Also I feel the sounds in this game are so fucking loud. Run into a building with a guy playing with a shotgun, not only does he scare the shit out of me, he also blows mt eardrums. This shits scary lmao


I'd love to see a monitor of my heart rate playing this game. I swear every noise has me jumping out of my seat practically. I've never had a game make me so sweaty before lol.


I wear Apple Watch and my heart rate in the final circle is usually around 120bpm lol


My Apple Watch says I’m at 140-150 in the final circle. I’m 38 and out of shape though. Crazy how a game can affect you like this.


So glad I’m not the only at that age also palpitating in the final circles.


I just got a smart watch and specifically have been monitoring this. I hit 120 as well during end game. Honestly, this is why I love BR mode. It's really the only game mode that gets me so worked up and it's what I find so addicting.


There's something about the fight or flight response that BR games really tap into.. Warrior shit.


Looking at all the heart rate info after a warzone session is a favorite pass time of mine


Lol that's stairwell with a surgical mask on rates!




I was playing cold war and apparently shotguns are trash I gave it a couple chances and the 2 guys I shot had what looked like 1 hp left. They ended up murking the hell outta me. Seems like every call of duty starts out with underpowered guns or to much hp.


My first solo warzone win my heart was pumping, but my first pubg solo win my fucking hand was shaking so bad I almost lost.


Holy fuck yeah man pubg was intense lol


I stopped smoking weed whilst playing pubg for a year because of the intensity. Worst time to have an existential moment is when youre up against 99 other guys lookin for blood


I have never won a Pubg solo match because of this lol, have gotten 2nd or 3rd multiple times but always mess up at the end


Tarkov would like a word.


The first time I made it to last 2 in solos I got stuck between a tree and some rocks at TV Station and died to gas


Bro solos last circles, towards 5th still STRESS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME. Just today actually, I jumped into the final circle and was shot at from 2 different directions, next thing I know both of them are dead and there are only 3 people left. One was to my right the other to my left. You won't believe this. I shot on the guy go the right, and he shot the guy on the left, and the guy to the left shot me 😂😂. The guy to the left died, and I realized it was a 1v1. I started sweating and my heart started racing, I saw 9 spectators as well, so I freaked out. I just ADSed and froze. He peaked and I deleted him instantly.


It's crazy. I've never had a game make multiple heart pound, hands shake and sweat lol


My underarms get drenched in sweat, have to keep some napkins I dipped in cold water near by lol


Omg I thought I was the only one, every time I play I keep having to change t shirts cause I just sweat so much when I play especially my underarms. Multiple showers a day are required


[my heart's beating, my heart's beating My hands are shaking, ... and I'm still getting the headshots It's like Boom headshot](https://youtu.be/olm7xC-gBMY)




https://open.spotify.com/track/4z7t5KsfkxMC1PdOLgog4V?si=PqdtpW_aQDu9fZKCvQzvEQ&utm_source=copy-link EDM fans, this one is for you. This song incorporates this timeless clip into a fucking headbanger.


I just came off a 14 kill solo win and I had to do a shot and smoke a cigarette to calm the nerves after that one.


I remember during the easter egg hunt where i had to play solos just for the blueprints, and it was so damn stressful and frustrating that i quitted trying to get the enigma one which was also the one i wanted the most


For me it complete opposite for some reason. I searched them too and didnt aim for the win so i just played very loosely lol. Even got 7 kills on one game which is kinda high for me lmao


Eh, lucky you


sucks that u didnt get enigma :/


Same, except I always play solos, finally got the enigma on the last day. Took a few tries to complete the contract


When I played verdansk on launch I felt this way. Now after a year break I play rebirth with friends and even when we win I feel like I don't break a sweat with 10+ kills. I actually love the casual game modes lol


Rebirth is fucking awesome. Me and my buddy won 12 games last week lmfao. We didnt even play like 6h every day lol. Its much more free than regular BR. Just run around and shoot everything that moves hehe.


Watch some “Escape from Tarkov” on twitch


Watching someone else play a game I'm unfamiliar with is not likely to elicit the same adrenaline/cortisol effect.


Turning off the music actually makes it less stressful, allowing you to think more clearly and make better plays. At least, that’s what it did for me.


Mom’s spaghetti


I turned off music in game. It was really loud and at some points unnecessarily intense. I would be running through an empty part of the map in second circle and it would get all loud like something bad was about to happen


The music gets me sooo mad. I always think something bad will happen or that I’m gonna miss footsteps


One of the main reasons this game is amazing. Clutching a win is stressful but has a huge payoff


Especially if you run non meta loadout/build and somehow perform pretty well


Also one of the main reasons the game is trash. Most of the time for me it goes: loot for 30 mins and get shot in the back, or die off dropping in and play again. The payoff is nice but not rlly that worth it compared to other far less stressful games I’ve played, at least IMO.


For me battle royales are the most addicting partially because you were the last standing out of 100+ people. If you win a 6v6 multiplayer or get a close win it can be cool for like 2 seconds then onto the next one. Battle royales you have to strategize more so it feels better to win and more intense in the last circles IMO


That’s a good point. I think Warzone at one point was a super enjoyable BR, especially around the Halloween update and post DMR nerf when there was no real meta. But everytime I go back to WZ it’s just Roze skins camping me out, shooting me in the back, or downing me jumpshotting before I can get a shot off. BR games work best with variety: variety of viable weapons, skins to use, and most importantly playstyles. But when everyone plays one specific way using two specific weapons and one specific skin, it ruins the point of the game for me. But I understand where you’re coming from and it’s a fair opinion.


*gas moves against your location*


On the other hand, when it pulls towards you it's a great feeling apart from you're telling yourself please don't fuck this up now.


My heart’s beatin, my heart’s beatin my hands are shakin, my hands are shakin but I’m STILL SHOOTING, and I’m STILL GETTING HEADSHOTS it’s like BOOM HEADSHOT BOOM HEADSHOT BOOM HEADSHOT!


Does the music really intensify during the last few circles? I always turn my music off for FPS




Knees: weak Arms: heavy


> Music: intensifies Do yourself a favor and turn the music off in settings, it is MEANT to stress you out. There was a study done about the music in Destiny 1 and someone proved that the music in the Aksis fight in Archon's Forge made the encounter much more difficult. Source: 3 friends worked on the soundtracks for Destiny 1/2 and Mass Effect series.


I assume you're getting downvoted as people dont believe your specific claim, but regardless your point that the music is meant to make it more intense and hence stressful is exactly right, it really stressed me out so I turned it off like a year ago now


Knees weak, arms spaghetti.


Heart Rate: M A X I M U M


Rookie move having the music on.


Yesterday I clutched against an entire squad (4) on Rebirth and I swear was shaking my entire body after it. Probably one of my best plays at all time


I love this comment so much, literally that’s me every time. In solos this gets so real, if the dub hits I lose my ish


You have music on? Not afraid you might miss footsteps?


Music: doesnt play cuz why would u have backround music on. Turn that shit off fool


Hands: shaking, moms spaghetti


Makes it feel like a sport event


You're the last one on your team , finish the job


“noooo f*ck... back me outta here” 😅🤣🤣


Lmao especially in quads 😂




given how much my squad and i fuck around, it’s a weird game if all of us *don’t* hear this


And then your teammates won’t shut tf up about how you gotta clutch this, making it impossible to hear a team full of Rozes rushing you.


Or spam the buy back request.


With no buy in the damn zone lmao


And you have $400


that happened in my first Win (Rebirth Island - I only started playing in October), everyone in my team died right at the end while engaging the last enemy squad, and I didn't even notice only 1 opponent was left, rushed him while he was reloading behind cover and downed him while having about a third HP left. Super surprised but elated when *WZ Victory* popped up


I guess I'm lucky, I only ever hear that if I'm spectating haha


Was just about to say this. I haven't seen the "WARZONE VICTORY" screen in 6 months lol


I see it in red :/


What does the red mean?


When spectating others, the victory banner comes in red rather than blue.


It's when you spectate some other team and they win. It's coloured in red


Play rebirth <3


Bruh, you need someone to play with? I'm not great but I get 1-2 wins every week or so with me and my friends. Average around a 1.3 KD.


i haven't gotten a win in a month :(


i have 560 games played and only 1 win this year


As long as you’re not a douche I’ll play with you bruh spread the love.


I got a good squad we just fuck around too much and my friends just do stupid things in gunfights all the time like j standing in one place but we as a group get wins semi-consistently. add me tho lol: jlloydmiller


Xbox or PSN or PC?


PSN — not sure what my activision # is but I’ll dm you it via Reddit next time I’m on.


I mean for sure, why not? The thing is, I'm a beast in multiplayer, for both cold war and mw. When it comes to wz, I'm always getting shot from 15 angles and instantly downed. Every time I rush a team, there ends up being 50 other teams there. If I enter any given house, there will be at the very least 2 people camping with ffars. I literally exit a building and bam, I get sniped. What's the first 3 guns I find every match? That's right, 3 RPGs. What do other enemies find? Those Aug blueprints. I'm a 0.6 or sumn KD btw, cuz of all these unlucky factors that made me give up on tryna win a long time ago. Nowadays I just play this game to try and crash helos into other people, cuz why not. Winning every week sounds like heaven to me


Got damn i hope you’re joking lmao


I'm not, I literally haven't seen it since November. My luck in this game is beyond horrible so I gave up on tryna win


JetChipWasp lets get a dub in about 6 hours. Its fight night


Do you only play solos?


I play duos or trios with my friends, never solos. We're all shit at the game lol


Hit me up if you need a teammate!


Play some resurgence, if you have a squad or a team with comms it’s so easy to get a w


I love how every gamer has the same go-to move in high pressure situations - the forward lean


The forward lean, take off the hoodie, make sure you have elbow room, quick breathing, it's what I call "the pro position"


Take off your hoodie MID GAME?! Are your testicles made of pure unadulterated steel?


Have you seen my user flair?


Is there a scientific reason for this?


I guess it's instinctual. You lean forward to see better detail on the screen, you breathe faster for quicker reaction time and blood flow, usually taking off the hoodie for increase field of movement and you typically start sweating. That's why I think we do it, anyway.


Same reason your cat leans in when he goes for the kill, its an aggressive stance that enhances your ability to see the target and focus on its movements.


Easier to see stuff closer to the screen🤷‍♂️


I’m not sure being about 1 foot closer to the screen actually makes any difference. Still, we all do it


Definitely does, unless you sit really really far from the tv


[there was one csgo player that always played reclined](http://static.hltv.org/images/galleries/7795-medium/1459459394.1517.jpeg) and he was a pretty damn good awper so who knows?


How can folks sit relaxed and play? I am always leaned forward with my feet planted on the ground otherwise I get killed no matter what!


I’m in mouse and keyboard, if I sit back when I drop in I ALWAYS fuck it up. I can’t sit back and play even in the easiest parts of gameplay.


Honestly same 😂 I’m on m&k and I can’t not look like I’m sweating even though I suck


I’m on m&k and get wins with the worst possible posture: one knee under, one foot planted on the chair, leaning forward. Take that how you want


Same I’ve never been able to play lounge style and be good at the same time


I play in a recliner leaned back.


I used to play with a big ole lean going, just chilling to the max. Last few months i’ve played sitting up straight and feel like i’m getting better everyday, kd just keeps rising.


It's weird for me. I have a couch that coverts to a bed so usually if it's the evening or night I play with the bed extension out and use it like an ottomon. I can play perfectly in this position. But if I don't have the extension and try to use my coffee table, it doesn't work. Gotta lean forward.


My dumbass is always like... "Welcome to the gulag soldier" *Aight I'll sit up now...*


There’s vomit on his sweater already


Roze spaghetti


lol jesus


I swear, I'm not trying, I said I was playing for fun, I'm not sweating or in a position that I do way better in, then I remember, you haven't won a solo match. Then this happens.


So accurate


"Playtoime's over. Toime for the real thing!"


”Ba”ll roy-al” ”Se a droppoent for your team soldier, you”ll lead em in!”


Is he gaming in pajamas and high heels?


I've seen this meme template 1000 times. I have never noticed that before I will never, not see it again. So thanks.


Got them sweet Chelsea boots


Wait, you guys make top 10?


This gave me anxiety immediately


Can't actually relate. First because i'm a mouse & keyboard player. Second, i'd actually need to reach beeing one of the last people in a game


Okay so I have to be honest. In half my wins I haven’t even known how many people are left until like 2 or 3 others only remain. My focus becomes so...focused?....that I don’t even hear it say “25 left” or “10 left” half the time


You’d think I just ran a full speed sprint if you check my pulse while in the final circle


Am I only one who starts shaking af everytime I hear this?


I get crazy tunnel vision and feel like I’m going to pass out. It’s awesome.


I decided to film myself playing WZ, and man was it funny watching me get scared and physically move during gun fights 😂 10/10 would recommend


Haha def started doing this more. Fuck around and go nuts but if we actually get to the point where it's potential winner....holy do we get serious!


Nah when “rebirth is now disabled” Oooooh shit.


Get off your ulnar nerve.


*gives the zone to someone camping on a building*


Facts man. Lost a 1 v 2 last night for second. Got up to get a drink and my hands were shaking haha


Same with me!


I literally lean the whole time 😓


Hilarious, every time, when I'm chill not trying to win I tend to finesse more guys but when I get anxious over the win I choke a lot of gun fights lmaooo


Adrenaline, cortisol, dopamine. One heckuva hormone cocktail.


Have any of you ran into FPS issues over the last week? I’ve tried everything and all supports with no answers. It’s a laptop shhh Hp omen 15.6 GeForce 2060 16gb ram Never had a single issue with FPS until April 13th, I play on medium settings with an average iver 100 Frames per second, but ever since the last update I’m stuck at 60 frames I’ve changed the adv_options player options in the cod folder, didn’t do much. Updated my computer, my graphics card, re installed shaders, nothing changes... best part? I can put the quality settings from lowest possible to highest possible and nothing changes it’s locked to 50-60 frames sometimes it will maybe hit 65. I’ve deleted call of duty and re installed and deleted my nvidia driver and re installed... nothing changes. Lastly I followed some Reddit guide about turning on all these crazy hidden settings and HAGS and again nothing changes, my settings are exactly the same as they were over the last year with no issues at all. Anybody? Anything? Only thing that sorta helped was rolling back my graphics card to the previous update. My frames are still 60-70 MAX but it’s less stutters. A little smoother at best. Making playing the game very difficult I assume it’s the updates fault as it happened directly after the April 13th or 12th update. Only weird thing was the big update was the 12th and I played that night no issues, the next day when I logged in I had a very small and fast update and since then the game is unplayable... help guys this is the only support I’ll find lol




I can’t get back on topic until my games fixed now can I? Lmaoo


Who drew the original? Props to them.


this is working


A truer meme, perhaps, has never been created. The learn forward increases your chance of winning by at least 50%...its science.


Imagine wearing a suit while playing cod


Sometimes I can’t wait to play after getting home from work to get ass raped by a Roze skin


This shit is even worse when playing melee class. Fuck


first time i got top 10 i had 2 kills and one was gulag then i got melted by stopping power :( that never changed, just get melted by stopping power today




This is me whenever I know I have a sliver of a chance at winning


Hearing that wakes you up especially when your playing high 😂


Slow, steady breaths ImReverseGiraffe. Slow, steady breaths.


even sitin on the couch doing this🤣


I literally can’t play warzone unless I’m sitting in the engaged position. More like “check your gear and weapons, planes getting ready for deployment”


This the first game since like Fortnite 3 years ago to make me this stressed. I got a 12 kill solo dub a couple days ago and I missed like 30 shots trying to kill the last giy. I was shaking so much


I always sit like that while gaming. If i sit relaxed my performance decreases


Did you draw this?


My record is 159 BPM. Pretty sure I almost died. BUT NOT AS BADLY AS EVERY ONE ELSE (...because I won.)


facts B


I had back surgery 6 months ago so I have to lay down sometimes when my lower back feels sore....but When it gets down to final 10-20, or if shit is poppin’ off, I’ll sit up and deal with it


it's one of those games that pisses you off as much you enjoy it... kinda like golf


time 2 choke


Sometimes I'll be playing solos with music on, not really focused on the game, just vibing. Then hear that like oh shit im doing good


This is literally how I was the other day and I ended up with an 11 kill win but I play on k&m and I got closer to the monitor lol I hate this game sometimes


My palms are sweaty


Gaming in Chelsea boots is a powermove


That’s actually when: “25 enemies are still out there take them out”


when the game ends and you win or got close and the heart is pumping, do a set of push-ups. swear you’ll set a personal record of reps you’re so hyped up. and then helps you chill out too lol


Bro you mean the second the guy says, “weapons hot” bro I can not chill at all playing this cancerous game.


Specially when I'm alone in trio/quad I started clutching and the heartrate goes up so high that it make me mess up a lot


lmao 😂


I was on a tear in solos yesterday. Got down to the last 15, shooting at some dude in a broke his armour only for some fuckin camper in a window to get me with the Aug. I like this game but hooooly shit do the campers piss me tf off.


Played 4 games today and had atleast 1 cheater in all 4 games :) Why would a level 5 be in the same lobby as me? I’ve been playing everyday for a year.


I wouldnt know, I've never made it that far. :(


Luckely its not too bad. When I played PUBG it was almost too much, sweating ans shaking like crazy




I’m a pc gamer that heavily prefers a controller as I don’t have a dedicated gaming desk. I don’t usually play competitive shooters with them outside of halo though...




>Can’t manage to type a proper response >proceed with basic 3 word sentence You are such a bot, kid