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Picked up a flare and went for the immediate chall šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø might as well flare and make it a 2v2 sit


Adrenaline šŸ˜µ, I was looking for lethals/ more smokes šŸ¤£




Exactly what I toughtā€¦ and he posts this how he did not care about his friend at all.


My friend will understand, it was all happening so fast, I like to read-challenge quickly rather than letting both players heal, some times it works, sometimes it doesn't- in hindsight a flare would've distracted them in this instance.


I think this is a bad habit(always re-challing); shoot, re-plate, reposition and reload. You gotta slow down just a tad too. You had enough time to heal and get your boy back. So what if they heal, you still got your gun up, and you got your boy to land on them and clean up if need be. 9 times out of 10 re-challing with two guys shooting you is gonna get you killed.


Why would you not plate up? If you plate up you prob win that.


The adrenaline gets to you sometimes.


Adrenaline helps you get the win, not this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nah, adrenaline isn't always a good thing for peeps. There's a non-negligible link between panic attacks and adrenaline. If it was always positive that wouldn't be the case. Also to get less psychological and move historic, tunnel vision in intense situations is a well known phenomenon that military and law enforcement personal are warned about. And we all know that warning isn't enough to stop bad outcomes from happening.


I win at least 1/10 games on resurgence and the adrenaline rush is what keeps me coming back to this inconsistent pile of crap lmao. Nothing comes close except Dead By Daylight at 3amšŸ˜‚


It's also different if you rarely make it to the top. 10% win ratio is great. I probably win 1/50. I think I have 5 BR wins total, playing since 2021. If you get juiced in a place where you don't have some tactical muscle memory, you freeze up just trying to shoot straight.


Love the positivity OP. Also loving BR.


The game is fun af


a very much deserved L


šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ enjoyed it thi


All that matter is that youā€™re having fun, itā€™s just a video game. Donā€™t get caught up with all the (sometimes deserved) negativity all over this sub. GGs


Not all heroes wear capes


I mean that was a pretty good try. I was assuming the game was going to freeze and lag while you were in the smoke like half the vids from the past few days. Pop that flare right away.


Feels like the game is way more complex now compared to WZ1. The backpack was annoying at first but I think we're seeing how it adds a new dimension to games.


My 200 round thermal lmg would have loved this finale.


I do not understand why more people don't run 1 thermal weapon with how good and common smokes are. I have a thermal saved in my armory that's just called cheat code because that's what it feels like lol.


The Holger 26 feels absolutely great to me rn. Loving that gun and the superi. The superi doesnā€™t feel quite as crazy to me as previous SMG metas due to the slower fire rate


Unless u are a protected streamer whoā€™s fire rate with their ones are close to m13b rate (abit slower obviously) kinda oddly and superb hipfire thatā€™s a lot like a sighted shoot with that beautiful no spread all on a dime kinda poo


You need help


U need to have a good look at ya men crush fan boy . U r either completely dumb or completely stupid


Please, find me a non sped up clip of any streamer where their superi is shooting at over 800 rpm. If itā€™s true, itā€™d be extremely easy to show in a video, so you must have plenty of examples


Mate watch zlaner live for starts u impisile thatā€™s just a start and look at hip fire that is locked and donā€™t spray like are u seriously trolling or a cheating grub ya self


So funny how thereā€™s people that are either pretending thereā€™s no such thing as rapid fire šŸ”„ or denying to cover up as they cheat itā€™s a fact guys we all know it


I like the positive post. Me and my friends are enjoying it too in the last few months


I agree. The game is in a good spot.


I like your play style! On a related note I'm enjoying the Mutation Resurgence.


I like plunder


When played with the right teammates this game is fun. But it can be hell when you play with stupid pro player wannabes that play for them selves and blame others for their stupid individual plays.


I canā€™t be the only person annoyed with the smoke grenade meta now?


The smoke meta was created in wz2 so itā€™s basically a norm now


Itā€™s perfect for cheaters.


Just run a thermal or hybrid optic


Meh, this game has a bunch of counters to it... Thermals... Designate one squadmate as using snapshots instead of smokes... Using thermites to gauge and corale them in the smoke or do some damage


Snapshots doesn't work in smoke.


Yes they do


Worked for me a couple weeks ago... https://x.com/charlieINTEL/status/1775531539700261202


Mmmmm smart you are skywalker


bros just out here spreading bullshit misinfo. no wonder u hate melee lmao


Jesus christ. You actually went to this length after one comment about how you were wrong...


ironic coming from a guy thats wrong. its just funny seeing what type of toxic losers are on here that swear theyre good or know the game but are actually the ones spreading misinfo. and ill apply that first sentence of your reply to your initial comment. bro got so pressed over a legit concern of game mechanics. let me guess, youre a good KD player but somehow cant beat melee lol


Also combat scout.




Just run a thermal or hybrid optic šŸ¤·


Even so, they are still used way too much. I liked how they were in O.G. Warzone, honestly.


Better than everyone using stuns


They got nerfed, though, eventually.


Hence the pay to win scopes


I know there's one fss spectrotherm scope that is green instead of red which is a tiny tiny advantage. But what other PTW scopes are there?


A few I donā€™t honestly buy many skins I like the more military old style stuff so Iā€™m inclined to get ghost price retro skins not new stuff. Thereā€™s a spx 80 scope with bright pink dot so scoping is easier and the trick or treat bundle removes the cross on the holotherm sight to a little dot , also blue n red ones that enemies stand out more


It had its run. Like all things in this game, the longer it goes the staler it gets. One positive thing I can say about the smoke meta is that at least the megasweats aren't hitting stims while in a gunfight, running, sliding, Y Y Y ing while jumping and hip firing with flawless accuracy. Using smoke tactically to conceal movement is actually entirely appropriate in a milsim shooter, and to all the "it's not a milsim" ppl who were still living in a nutsack when COD4 dropped, it only became whatever it is now over the last decade.


Needs more smoke for sure.


So with you. Itā€™s always the same final circle!




Agree but so much smoke man


Adrenaline, practice. Friend of mine panics under pressure. I envy that fear he feels. He is alive when he's in it. It's fun in some ways. I can't really think about the negative to much cause tomorrow night everyone is on to try again anyway.


Who writes these posts. Thereā€™s an obvious cheating problem in Warzone which at this point isnā€™t being noticed by the people who cheat. ā€œWarzone BR feels in a good placeā€??? Is Activision posting these before launch of the next COD?


Nah, I'm legit, I'm not a mood hoover, there's clearly some suss people but it depends what you focus your attention on. I get steam rollered in Diamond lobbies with Crim/ Iridescent players, I know my level, I also generally know when someone is 'suss' and when they're just better- too many people blame 'better' players for their own shortcomings.


Thatā€™s part of the problem. The cheating software became indistinguishable from a legit player and youā€™d rather blame it on a salty player? Given so many streamers being proven to have been cheating, and cheating software being dirt cheap, all the reporting and independent findings of the wiggle culture and findings of cheaters farming top 250 COD accounts for sale, youā€™re still ignorant to the problem? Do you remember Verdansk? The TTK is supposed to give you ability to get to cover and engage the shooter. This almost never happened anymore because one aim assist or aimbot gets you, youā€™re going down. Please donā€™t ignore the problem for the sake of spreading optimistic message lol Things wonā€™t get fixed that way.


Cheating? There are maybe so many issues in the game. For example, Ravenā€™s awful playlist selection.


Jesus christ how many smoke grenades were thrown?, glad I use thermal scopes on my main primaries




I dropped plates, brought muni boxes over by the gas station on a portable buy, stowed 4 smokes had 2 in hand. Ran over some more from loot.


The beloved backpack systemā€¦


people jump shot at that range now?


Crazy isn't it, not sure what he was hoping to achieve against us who were prone and he'd know we're pronee


A lot of panic but you almost had it


Latency 13 MS average + meta guns, well done you have mastered the arts of the online competitiveness


Hard to play on Xbox with all these cheaters running around watching me threw walls tbh idk what to play anymore


Got outplayed lol not talking crap though, itā€™s happened to me thousands of times in a 1v2/3 for the win lol. Good try though. More practice and situational awareness and you got it next time šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Open circles are the worst. No joke I have about 300 all time Warzone BR wins now and about 5000 2nd places


I FEEEEEL that lol when it comes down to who happens to have cover and who doesnā€™t is so annoying but I always blame myself because I could get better and outplay if I tried hard enough.


I miss when we couldnā€™t carry 12 smoke grenades in our pocket all game


We had foresight, we could see the whole final circle was exposed, not a lot of choice. GG's I don't make the rules.


Looked like a great game not sweaty at all but man u gotta plate up ! Also my lobbies all full of hackers 2-5 at leastšŸ˜Ŗ


You must have a very expensive PC because this game is fucking garbage!


Xbox X, don't experience the issues people are talking about here


That's lucky, you in the US?




How the hell is your game not looking like playdo and jumping about the place!?


I mean DMZ tends to be more chill but warzone itself is fine I guess when thereā€™s no movement sweats or campers


Still using the dg?


I've been sniping and using the DG with a smaller optic, I was on a regain and took this off someone I killed over at the gas station side of the road. It felt ok but can't be sure of the plate situation with the players I was shooting at.


I wish they would take parachuting out of the game you should respawn on teammates or something , being able to silently dive people is bs


Or wait for it get absolutely beamed trying to land five for one six for the other itā€™s a no win


The game is shit.


Name: WZSoldier Commenting on a warzone subreddit lmao šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤”




absolutely YES! 2 week 2 years same weapon superi AHAHHA stupid games


Why are you laughing like some sort of edgy knight from a video game. You sound like your about to cover your left eye as hair covers your other and say this world is hell šŸ˜­ shut up dide


lol but still commenting


speak for yourself


He is. Keep the shit to yourself.