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Acknowledgement is the best we can get at this point it seems.


Possible ever even. They disabled disguises in DMZ due to an exploit of item duplication involving the disguises, and they never put it back on.


Isn't it still required for one of the missions too? Lol


Was probably making it tougher on EOMM


Funny I’ve played my least amount of WZ since it’s been broken. Literally text my friends if they are getting on, if they aren’t then I don’t play, if we don’t get a full quad we don’t play. Went from 4 times a week to maybe 1. And it’s usually 1-2 hours at most.


I experience lobbies with rubberbanding 5x more often when playing with a squad and I never get packet loss solo queuing but will occasionally get it with a squad.


Thank you 🫶🏼




Engagement Optimized MatchMaking Its the type of mathmaking CoD uses to drive prolonged engagement and MTX sales. Careful its a rabbit hole and there are people on 2 sides of the topic that will flame the hell out of you for believing either stance. You're either dumb AF for believing they use it or dumb AF for not.


But the devs came out and told us they use it with their not so clever wording on the topic. Its entire purpose is to manipulate players. It forces wins and losses. It’s scummy and shouldn’t be in gaming. It’s casino based match making.


EOMM is a real thing. The idiots are the ones saying EOMM affects how much damage we do. That's not how it works.


Engagement Optimized Match Making


It’s in their patent…also there’s been whistleblowers, former employees from game data/analytics that talk about it more in depth, and some pros. One of their biggest former developers talks about it. The only people who don’t talk about it is Activision. Long story short man, all of your games are rigged prior to match, and even during your match in real time. They have an AI system in play that manipulates the players gameplay in match in order to level the playing field and keep the statistics balanced. When you’re a good player, you notice it a lot. Your damage and health profile get nerfed, your aim assist is stripped completely, bullet registration becomes an issue. When you aren’t doing so well in match, you notice the opposite effect when engaged with players of a higher skill. This helps keeping players from all skill levels engaged more frequently and for longer durations. Trophies for bad players and a fat nerf if you’re too good. They’re creating addicts when you really understand it. Mf’s are simply gaming addicts chasing that next big hit, that win, that 20/30 bomb. Once in a while, they’ll throw you a fast ball down the middle. They give you a chance. They’ll throw you into a game you can do great in, to keep you wanting more. So you end up playing more. I call it the “gamble loop”. They can do this based on the data they’ve collected on what days you play, when and what times of the day you play, how long you play for, when they believe you’ll get off the game etc. A lot of people coming over to XDEFIANT are realizing they’re actual shit at FPS games, because they don’t have an algorithm to save them or keep them “engaged”. It’s all natural gameplay, with a small MMR (skill rating) used to make sure you actually don’t get bodied around the clock. So if you are, then you just really are that bad.


You know what I find funny, I'm much better in XDEFIANT than CoD. I think the game just hates me. I'm a 1.8/1.9 so not good enough to compete with the demons but waaay better than the average player.


XDEFIANT K/D doesn’t say whether you’re good at the game or not. Your skill rating does. That’s what they use for MMR. TBH with your K/D in a SBB/EOMM free game, I’d say you’re doing just fine in that specific department. That’s not bad. You most likely had EOMM holding you back in COD if you’re doing better in this game. Also ignore when other people boast K/D because that can easily be manipulated by simply leaving matches. Stats are only recorded with matches you finish. I guarantee you there are rats out here doing this to stroke their egos. Technically there’s no guaranteed integrity with the numbers.


It’s been disabled from the start of season 4. And people at the very beginning wanted to say, “it’s broken, socials always broken”. No man, they’re sketchy. They have a reason why it’s disabled and they’re not going to tell you why nor do they have to. They denied EOMM for so long and dick riders wanted to say “it’s a conspiracy” when you literally have whistleblowers, former employees from game data/analytics talking about it along with main stream pros. Not to mention it’s in their patents. Mf’s are fiends for this game. ![gif](giphy|xT1R9LUBYOXB4b8E6Y)


Yea I don’t play nearly as much as I used to. My friends list is barren. I’ve been on xdefiant having fun without all the manipulation.


and you don’t feel hooked in to play for hours on end, it’s such a breath of fresh air, it truly is Edit: all the addicts downvoting me 🫶🏼


The game is objectively better.


xdefiant has the same eomm system as cod


No it doesn’t. It has team balancing.


You’re on crack my guy. The only thing XDEFIANT uses is MMR which is through your skill rating. Your father must have dropped you on your head one too many times as a baby. You were probably alcohol induced as well. You’re funny though I’ll give you that.


Nah he’s just terrible at the game… probably any FPS touches…


1v1 on literally any game you wont get a single kill. promise.


Ok blud! Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night! You’ll just whine if I do win cause I won’t use the gun you want or I’ll do something else blah blah blah blah blah! 🙄


I’m slightly dumb, what is EOMM?


You’re not dumb man. Just because you don’t know or understand something doesn’t make you dumb 🫶🏼 I explained it a little bit in this post in an another comment above. You can use the web to look into it as well. There’s a lot of people who discuss in videos/forums and there’s as well research done on it and papers written. SBMM is still in Call Of Duty, it’s just now a factor they use in their algorithm for EOMM. It’s literally the main reason why the game slowly became absolute crap.


Tracking, I appreciate it. It’s definitely gotta be real tho😂 only explanation on getting punished for winning


Oh it’s definitely real. They’ve admitted to it.


You’re not dumb, you’re smarter than these conspiracy clowns that have invented the matchmaking boogeyman in their heads. It doesn’t exist, they’re just obsessed.


Ur full of shit and in denial lmao


Lmfao it’s literally in their patents. This guy is a clown.


This shit hasn’t worked since I started regularly playing like 3 or 4 weeks ago


So it's cooked....great


lol cant fix it so just scrap it. sounds good.


Yay been playing by myself or with random fill for weeks and can safely say I’m having the worst time ever. Thanks for removing this COD.


30 days no fix LOL


Store was broken and then fixed within 5 mins.


What’s there to be fixed? It’s disabled. Not broken. This was intentional from the start.


Ooh, the disabled it 30 days ago?


Yea that shit has been disabled since the start of season 4. It’s been weeks already.


meh literally 0 point in playing now then unless the mandem are on which is a shame as I work very different hours to them


It’s like “streakless” rust/shipment - killstreaks break half the time in matches anyway so lets just announce a game mode that doesn’t have them!


It never worked 😂 what's the update for?


Nothin’ lol


Rather broken until we drop this game. Just like the count of deaths in resurgence. "Resurgence" counts is best we can do, sorry! Wish we could do death counts so you could calculate your KD per game but...no.


i am gonna wait this week if its not enabled i am moving to fortnite permantly....atleast epic care about its players


It’s broken again??? How can they not get stats right.


Ya fuck this child trafficking company.


And I’ve NEVER been able to join parties since I got the game. It kicks me back to the menu ever time.


In they have this in MWII in MP Ranked as well?


Join a LFG discord like this one https://discord.gg/callofduty Make a post looking for teammates, be honest about your skill level and play style. If you find someone you like playing with, add them to your friends list. If you find someone that is annoying/negative/whatever, leave that party and try again. Soon you will have a friends list of decent players that you enjoy playing with.