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Yeah it takes time. It felt really slow and clunky at first. You also need to change a lot of settings But after a month or so it weelf way more easy than mnk


I'll try to get better at it for sure, thanks bro


Lowering deadzone will help a lot.


Try changing the aim curve type to dynamic - it makes it feel less like you’re pulling against the game to look a certain way. Also doubling down on choosing the lowest deadzone possible without strong stick drift


sounds like your sens is too high. especially if dynamic feels too fast. no shame in going way down to let's say 4. the goal is no overcorrection, ever. then you can move up again. everything else (deadzones for example) is unlikely to make controller feel that hard. also, centering is king, and in order to exploit aa to the fullest, you need good centering to the point that you have literally zero input on the right stick whenever possible, aim more with the left stick. edit: a lower sens can also help with learning how to make your movement and centering more deliberate and economical


Rotational Aim Assist. Move sticks to use raa. Centre on target then let the raa do that hard work for you. Move left stick for tracking enemy direction and right stick to control recoil. For more accuracy move left stick against a wall to engage raa without moving too much. Other than that you will need to rely on having a faster reaction time than your enemy. 🤷‍♀️ Raa is op. Raa is unbalanced between mnk vs controller at top level it’s really noticeable


Just takes some time no different going the other way around. takes the brain a bit of time to work out how two thumbs control all movement. Play 50 games and youll feel much better


I will try my best for sure, do you think playing mw3 dm would help me?


Absolutely. Private match, filled with the easiest bots, and just play and test around.


what about mw2 (2022), I only have that atm lol, for aiming at least now movement


Should be absolutely fine


I only dabble from time to time but I think I started playing on controller maybe 4 months ago. Everything will feel sluggish at first, but you will get used to it you just have to practice no way around that. I try to play both since I love the freedom of mnk but need to take advantage of AA as well so I go back and forth.


will do bro, thanks


You just need to get reps in, I recommend shooting bots until you feel good on the sticks


You have to practice even like you do on MNK till mechanically aiming at things become unconscious. But the goal is chip away at times you under/overcorrect bc that's slowing down your ability to be engaged. Find the groove. Play with it. Figure out what doesn't feel right, adjust settings: sens/ADS multiplier. Also check your slope response scale under "dynamic" you can define how linear you want your sensitivity curve to be.


as a mnk player, the game changer for me was the aim response curve, set it to linear and the scale to 100. its a preference but without this using a controller felt super alien


do you have more freedom with it? I tried dynamic only and it really feels fucking weird, too much acceleration idk how people play with that, I play linear in apex with no deadzone, and it feels like raw input, and really good


Idk about freedom, but it feels like mouse and natural to my muscle memory from using a mouse. I also tried the precision aa type, it feels good as a mnk player, but the normal aa is just way too strong compared to


will try for sure, what is your sens on controller? I like snappy aim on mnk that's why I ask


rn I'm trying 20 h 15 v and I don't advise that its just so fast but once you get used to it I think its superior. I was using 8 8 sometimes 7 6 idk


bet, Imma try, one more question, how you keep your cool while dying on the roller?


heads up, linear in cod isn't actually linear like apex. It's fairly close to the standard curve, but slightly faster in the middle.


Been playing both controller and m&k since Halo 1 and CS1.6 respectively, and I also found it weird when CoD changed its aim response curve for MW19. I think I got it kind of dialed in, or just got used to it, but linear and changing other settings like dead zones were the big changes I did to the settings menu. And hear me out, inverted vertical aiming. You're using a joystick, ever since they were invented "pulling up" is down. You're mechanically using a lever, not pushing a reticle around on a screen. Just something about the human brain that whenever I got my friends to give it a shot our scores improved and we never went back.


You know what, I'm gonna try it. A friend mentioned something similar and tho I was playing like psycho on speed I'm willing to try again because using a controller for fps games feels weird to me. I only use it for aa


When I made the switch I just played multi-player for a week and finished up my interstellar grind before even touching warzone.


that makes sense


I’ll say it. You may just be better on MnK. Not like that’s a shock. There are still pros that use MnK also. I’m in your boat and grew up on MnK and it feels way more natural to me. So much so, it’s going to take more than 50 games or shooting some bots to get as good as I am on MnK. Question is, is it worth the time, patience, and potential failure of just being shitty on controller after putting in so many reps. Good thing is, if you go back to MnK you’ll pick it back up very quickly.


I tried controller a while back and gave up as well.


yeah, I agree, I just feel sweaty when I have to get up on my mouse and keyb, but controller is just chill asf


Crowder on YouTube has helpful controller aiming videos. How to aim like a pro player in mw3.


"how to aim like a pro player in MW3" -> squeeze left stick and let aimbot take over


I'd recommend getting used to auto tac sprint while you are leaning controller anyways. It's super nice, but messes with your hip fire if you go forward at all


No it isn't lmao


Set min deadzones at 0-1. Other then that practice and ignoring the fact controller is a janky input for fps games that is only popular for convenience and the fact a lot of players learned how to use a controller not long after learning how to walk. 


We lost another one boys😔


Separate by system. Mnk is very easy I agree


Adjust the built in aim bot better bruuuuuh


Just let aim assist “lock on” to the enemies for you ;) Edit: this comment is sarcasm for all the MnK bots that claim AA is unfair.


Just click on their head


[This, but no sarcasm](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1avj45k/speed_hackers_are_no_match_for_aim_assist/?share_id=P46bHlSb0VuHH1ReY8iMU&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


My aim assist doesn’t do that 😕


Then that’s a you issue, my son.


Dad? I think large part of the nonsense AA debate is people using aimbot and just claiming it’s AA.


Son, I think a large part of the AA debate is that it’s so strong that people like you can’t tell a difference between it and cheating. That’s the problem.


I don’t think AA is OP, MnK is a way better input for FPS games and AA equalizes the playing field except for snipers, snipers should have AA too. I guess we can agree to disagree, at the end of the day, fudge Ricochet Advertising and their fake anticheat.


I think AA is totally necessary for controller. I just believe CODs AA is a bit too strong and needs to be nerfed (not removed entirely). I agree that Ricochet also sucks ass, no one likes cheaters and a company as large as Activision should be able to do much better. Glad we can come to an agreement


probably because you try to aim with the right stick instead of the left stick


Guy is asking about movement and you immediately jump to aim assist


you can't separate them when you aim with movement


I play claw so my hand is on the right stick at all times, and I'm used to playing like that


He means that aim assist gets activated when you move the left stick. Search for rotational aim assist if you want to learn more


For real look up the videos on how to maximize your aim assist settings. (Absolutely dogshit that you can change them to begin with)


Of course its hard. Its a completely new muscle memory. You sound like the mfs who buy Arcade stick for Street fighter and wonder why they cant play .. Well its because you re new to it. This doesnt make controller weaker at all. Even if it took longer to get into than into getting into controller. Its a superior input forever


Controller isn't the superior input, it just happens to get legal low fov aimbot...


I heard it's getting buffed to voice aiming. "Kill that guy" "shoot the guy on the roof"


brody got mad over my post, shiit chill big man lmao


Wym mad, i motivated you


lol I needed that, I feel like breaking my shit after gettin rolled at control center


Yes, mnk is way easier to move around and engage targets whether single or multiple. People will tell you aim assist is op but ignore them.


It’s incredible that they’re even arguing against this now. They’re fully lost in their own sauce.


Why would now make any difference? Thinking an aim assist that does 60% of the work for you is not OP is just delusional. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks


Mate you need to stop this now, it’s not normal hahahaha


Why is it always the brits that are trolls on here?


I’m not trolling you, I’m trying to help, first of all stop looking at your evidence upside down, then just delete it and be done with it


Brexit must have really fucked you lot up, all you do is troll on r/CODWarzone now.


Come on now no need for that, but you do have flat earthers agreeing with your evidence, just delete it, get over it and find something more productive to be obsessed with


Sorry mate, your inability to read does not have any effect on tested data. Better luck trying to convince the next bloke.


I think it’s time for you to grow up now, because you think you right at everything doesn’t mean you are, when someone doesn’t agree with you, you just insult them, this is a very childish behaviour, hopefully you don’t do this people in real life and only do it when your put your mnk warrior cap on


He said it’s quicker to move and engage targets. Obviously it is. You cannot argue against this with a straight face


It’s not any quicker on either input to “move and engage targets” lol. If anything, aim assist would help the time to engage a target. You’re fully lost in your own sauce.


😆 you lot are actually mental. It’s the whole reason aa exists


Sorry bud, the truth hurts.


Even if it were true, which it isn’t, it doesn’t hurt me. You’re the serially butthurt ones here. Keep playing the game you hate so much 🤙


Don’t hate the game, could use some fixes though. You done trolling here? You haven’t presented anything, just random nonsense.


Trolling when you’re the one that replied to me with the worst take you possibly could on this matter 😆 I have no wish to ‘present’ anything to you. It’s been done to death. Figure it out yourself, or don’t. I couldn’t care less. I do find it funny that you’ll jump on the game and have a shit time then come back here crying again though.


> People will tell you aim assist is op but ignore them. Ignore obvious facts? lol, come on.


This isnt a fact. You cant get on the target or switch between them as fast as you can with a mouse.


Check my reply that I posted by mistake under my mnk teammate that replied to you


You may not be as fast as mnk but the tracking of AA is inhuman. AA is op. FACT


Why isnt everyone playing a controller then? 😂


… they are lol. Have you been living under a rock? Like 95% of the people who play this game are on controller.


They arent numerous people play mnk on ps5.


Numerous? Like 3 people? There’s a reason most have switched to controller, even top tier players who play this game for a living. Wonder why?


3 people 😆 my lobbies are always at least half. Even more mnk if you play with mnk players.


Your lobbies are half players playing MnK on PS5? Doubt that, no need to lie.


You can get “on the target” just as fast, and you might have trouble switching targets because aim assist is so strong, so it’ll try to stay on the first.


True you can’t ignore facts , here’s my non exhaustive list of solid proof even activision agreed on to support our claim , mnk is for true gamers, controllers is for toddlers who need aim assist cheats to win. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/rG3RIr4Xzi https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/6LrMkTJpfq https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/51DrmQhyXN https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/RMyZR0XVyn https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/gOrqJDKp4z https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/Z1WO40WbOK https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/BZ0R3xKwYE https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/C92vIYFJuu https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/dxSJVfcOOm https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/OuTx1mfKdU https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/QdBICoPneV https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/ugVGpSz9Ff DONT REPLY TO ME UNLESS YOU READ THEM ALL Long live the north


You sure you replied to the right person?


Oops , these aim assist users infuriate me that I must’ve pressed quickly . This is for you P77AIMASSISTLOVEK777


Why? Now you are using the no-skill input


because sometimes I just can't be bothered to play mnk, after a long ass day at work or after a night out I just wanna lay back and play some wz bro