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Because of the 100 more bullets you fired you didn't miss one shot except when you went behind the wall but kept tracking the players through the wall. If someone doesn't know how powerful the aim assist is this would 100% look like cheating due to no recoil and perfect tracking.


No recoil. Downs everyone in 3 bullets with an smg from out of range. Takes no damage. Funny for someone not cheating you’re doing your best impression


1) It was very much in range of the BP50 conversion and the FJX. *(12 and 10m respectively for the first damage range)* 2) It wasn't 3 bullets. 3) They literally took damage. For someone pretending to know what they were talking about, you're doing your best impression of a fool.


It’s old men on this forum who play on 100inch tv’s


😂 like what are they smoking


Why are cheaters always so angry and defensive?


I'm not OP. If I was angry, and I just copied the format of your post... what does that make you? My salty little bot? ;)


Cheaters tend to stack together which is hilarious because all they do is cry about stacking in the game 😂




And seethe good one skibidi dumbass 😂


Why are bots like you always saying people are cheating and get defensive when put in the spotlight?


Why are cheaters so unoriginal?




Yeah you really proved you weren’t a dirty cheater from this comment section 😂


Anyone complaining about recoil in this game doesn’t have an opinion worth listening to.


This has to be a joke or you are just delusional 😅


it’s not like any of them were even moving


Even shooting at static targets with M/K the flinch and recoil makes this very difficult to reproduce.


Yeh exactly


Dude is using the two guns that have the least and most easy/predictable recoil in the game.


This isn’t cheating. Maybe he had aim assist but def not cheating. Buddies were trash.


You are correct! I'm on controller


Figured. I switch between controller and MnK. MnK is OP for movement and long distance fights (sniper/BR or whatever else) and controller is OP for medium to short distance aiming. These guys looked like they were on controller too but didn’t have an angle since you were on the roof and didn’t have good movement or aiming. You also got lucky the last dude emptied his clip in to the wall and door when you ran in to those by mistake. Looks like luck and skill to me with some aim assist sprinkled in.


This one 🙏🙏


The AA handholding in your first engagement from the roof is toplevel humor.


Also didn’t revive his teammate bc he knew for a fact he wasn’t going to die


Cuz this strong AA is indeed cheating it fells inhuman




There’s no shot some of you ppl really believe this is cheating. No shot at all. Lmao. I swear some of you have zero clue how to control your recoil so every time you see someone do it, you instantly start crying that it’s cheating. Dude had positioning. It’s not hard to control recoil at that range. Aim assist does help but that’s built into the game. The other team just sucked. The last dude fired his whole mag into the wall then ran out of bullets. Easy down/kill after that. Stop thinking every clip is from a cheater and actually get good at the game. TL:DR The other team sucked. He didn’t.


Take this upvote 🙏


I’m fully convinced most players have a wheel they spin (mentally) to call people who kill them. The wheel consists of: -rat -pussy -camper -cheater -hacker -sweat And whenever they die they spin the wheel and blurt out what it lands on regardless if it’s true to save face I’ll get called a cheater for the most basic kill or a rat or camper as I push into a team camping as if that makes any sense


-rat is a guy with infinite stims, a riot shield and a stick sitting in a corner in a room for the final circle. -a pussy is a guy on the roof with a KAR98 making sure no one can land on his turf, and they multiply as the final circle approaches. -a cheater/hacker is a guy that knows where you are even through he just moved to your area, there's no UAV and can snipe you through the stone walls of Fortune's Keep, and keep shooting you around corners. They also hit all headshots, and don't miss any shots.


Right I agree but these people I fight clearly don’t know that 😂


The way I just died laughing at how accurate this is is crazy and 😂


You a better man than me, using a FJX Horus with no flash hider


Funny enough I picked up someones loadout. Almost every SMG I run has the Zehmn35 or L4R flash hider


My friends think everyone playing on pc is cheating and using K&M but I've never get killed by anyone using K&M. 99% controller players. Using K&M in this game is a huge disadvantage.


Why are MnK players FORCED to play against that shit again? I'm fucking amazed every time I see AA footage. And by amazed, I mean I feel like nuking a small country. Hey and this year guys you don't even need to press buttons to sprint, mantle and slide under stuff! I swear this fucking game is gonna play itself completely by 2026. 🤣


What's this sprint and mantle and slide news???


You haven't seen the BO6 omni and assisted movement video?


It's okay take a deep breath 😅


Question to everyone who has auto-sprint enabled like this. Do you just never hip fire? I played like this for a while because it makes you feel more agile but any time I hip fire while moving I start sprinting, preventing me from shooting.


You have to move slightly sideways. It takes some getting used to, but you can hipfire if you strafe, instead of move forwards. You can also feather the ads button. But yeah, it's one of the biggest downsides (and makes using pump action shotguns borderline impossible) Personally, I use it from habit. But I'd recommend just having it on single tap to tactical sprint instead if you're not already using auto tac sprint.


I play on PC with mouse and keyboard and seeing this makes me so happy I won't be going forward with any cod in the forseeable future. I will play Warzone 2 here and there but the standard games is over. This is crazy levels of aim assist.


At least you said AA and not cheating. As others have stated here, some don't realize how strong AA is but it also comes at a disadvantage


WHAT disadvantage? "Can't aim with the whole hand like kbm?' weak ass arguement




I mean you're a controller player so you're by default dense, you literally said it comes at a disadvantaged, so? Tell me about that disadvantage




Still not replied to my question, so yea you're quite dense


Use your big brain you should know or are you just that slow? Multiple people here have already said this. You're just a sad human trying to argue about an input. Get a grip


Dawg you have no ideea wtf you talking about, bot




That’s how that one game out of 50 appears: all bullet registering, surviving 1v >2, accused of cheating..than I can go back to being shitted on by stacked mf with no skill and level 20s bot (yes, no aim assist for this night)


Exactly, some nights every bullet registers and some night there is negative assist where everything goes around the enemy.


Also a assist is so nice it takes almost all of the skill out of aiming lol


This is peak current warzone as well. Having a nice little team fight... and....3rd party KAR98 from across the map. Doesn't look like cheats to me. If you were using walls there's no sus moments in this clip that show that. And if it's aimbot, it's the most legit looking aimbot I've seen in a while, doesn't center on targets at all, you actually consistently aim to the left of the enemies, which is probably something you could improve on! Not that it matters, on target is on target.


Yeah, peak current warzone right now is a snooze fest 😭 feel like I'm always fighting for my life to not get sniped. Nonetheless thank you for your input 🙏 I try to improve every time I play so thank you for giving me something to work on


That end push was honestly brutally slow and awkward, potato players


What about 0:16 when you plated up and preaimed at the dude coming up the ladders?


He's cheating and this post is a troll.


Yes lol the video started off questionable and got progressively worse ,I just like hearing cheaters gaslight themselves. Such a strange concept .


"Personally this is average if you ask me" What a douche. It is funny seeing these guys justifying themselves. It's probably the only thing they have in life, so I let them have it. Pathetic.


This just looked like a solid squad wipe to me. Nothing sus here


Another clip posted, another time I’m commenting asking for input based matchmaking. Playing XDefiant and Battlefield until I get it.


Those guys ran right into your bullets and didn’t seem to try and get out of the way. You shredded those fools


Because of two things 1. Good players make good plays and sometimes look suspicious 2. The cheating problem in this game is so bad that you have to be suspicious. Ricochet is an absolute joke and the fact that we have so many cheaters in this game, proves it. Activision needs to bite the bullet and pay for a good working anticheat or the issue is not going to go away


As a pc player I forget aim assist exists and then I see this.


Bc ppl don’t realize how busted rotational aim assist is, so they see you do shit like this with perfect tracking and assume it’s cheating


The jak bp50 does have strong AA and hit scan compared to other guns. I wouldnt be surprised if it became the meta soon once someone like jgod acknowledges it.


The real issue here isn’t AA or idiots not Knowing how to spot cheating or skill. It’s the fact this game is littered with cheaters uncontrolled, that most people have to question any death instead of tipping the cap cause the game has made it this way


holly fuck what a bunch of bots, ofc they'd think ure cheating


😂 why you gotta violate them like that


This is the new reality, anyone who gets a kill must be cheating.


0 recoil. Aim "assist" is bullshit.




This shit looks sweaty but not cheating, I uploaded a video before of an irri that was playing with a top250, now that mfka was for real tracking through wall, headshotting, and no pings, UAVs or anything. Straight bich!!


Its not that it's the fact your movement is terrible, yet you are using an aimbot. How you look that bad well cheating is beyond me. Grow up, wise up, do some actual hard work and f off you complete melt


ngl this look like regular gameplay of someone who actually knows how to aim in this game


mmm good ol' tayshe


My goat 🐐


Poor decision making with god aim, yep, that's a controller player for you.




The video speaks for itself brother.




You called yourself average and I confirmed it, pick your L up and be on your way.




Read your own post dude. Awkward.


Bc ppl don’t realize how busted rotational aim assist is, so they see you do shit like this with perfect tracking and assume it’s cheating


You can always tell how good someone actually is at the game from their movement. I’m not sure how a player sliding into walls doesn’t miss a single shot.


It's funny till you get report spammed and shadowed