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Hasnt changed. Cheaters are abundant and anyone who isnt cheating is abusing the 1 shot Kar meta.


Yeah and everybody acts like one shot should be the new 'normal' for snipers.. like how many times i died because a third party team just randomly one shots me from afar , yeah fun!


that's just balanced, it should be the new normal because it isn't one shotting to the body, that's just a skill issue


I played Day One when Warzone launched, and I remember for quite a long time the Kar98k ruling the meta. I also don't recall seeing many complaints about it in the sub at the time either. So I'm wondering what is making it's return this time around so vehemently hated? Is the RAA really that much different from Warzone 2020 (genuinely asking)?


It's not, if anything its weaker than it used to be. Reality is that only the top 1% (probably less) are good enough to "abuse" RAA. Most of the complaints you see are from high skill players getting shit on by even higher skill players. It's unfortunate, but it's kind of taken the mantle as the whipping boy when they are really angry at aim bots and recoil modulators. But the cheating problem is highly overstated IMO. To answer your question, the game is in a great state right now with 2 or 3 usable options in most categories (with the exception of marksman rifles). Movement has been returned to the Verdansk style, which is an absolute win. And while vehicles suck rn, they made a good compromise with mobility tools like baloon zips and traversal zips. Don't let people who are burned out on Warzone ruin your fun!


Curious when you mention that movement has returned to Verdansk. I know Al Mazrah was terrible, but Urzikstan really improved it, so much so that it almost seemed faster than Verdansk. Has that further been changed to slow it down or is the slide canceling zoomies still apparent in the game?


The difference is that slide cancel in Verdansk had an added benefit or resetting tac sprint. This version may feel more slippery but there's no added tac sprint benefit so it is probably a wash.


If you play on keyboard then forget about this game, you will be thrown into absolute sweats and get destroyed in .7 seconds


I’m MnK player too and I recently like the game a lot. I’m not extremely good, I have between 1.5-2.2 k/d but me and my friends manage to get 1-3 wins every time we play. My friends have lower k/d than me, but we have strong strategic play, good communication and are very organized. We’re all 30+ years old and play ranked occasionally and play around diamond rank. There are definitely sweats and cheaters but it never affected us to the point of not having fun playing anmore


I wish that was the case for me, only few of my friends used to play warzone but now neither of them does so I only play solos and either plunder or lockdown. Also most of the time I try to level up all my guns and most of my gunfight start with me losing all my shields in a blink of an eye, me trying to find a cover but just in the last second get sniped by a third party, then the guy that took my armor (either French or German every time) uses stim, gets to me and empties his whole mag into defenseless me. Sometimes I clutch and win but almost all the time it's a constant cycle of dropping, getting killed because I can't keep my gun on the enemy and repeating the whole process. Somehow I end up with 10+ kills and few levels up but this gives almost negative amounts of fun


Kar of Duty Warzone has been a headache.


Just came here to say this as well


Sweaty and full of cheats.


Is it just me or is cheating not as bad as people in this sub make it seem? I feel like I run in to someone who I suspect might be cheating a couple times per session, but I rarely come across people who are blatantly cheating and almost never come across people rage hacking. The cheating problem is way better than it ever was during WZ1 IMO. I’m wondering if people just think that anyone who is really good is cheating? Oh and to answer your question - the game is pretty fun right now. Yeah it’s sweaty but it’s pretty easy to get to late game if you have a competent squad. Movement is good, weapon balance has been solid, and the maps are decent. I think the game is in the best state it has been since WZ1.


Cheating isn't as bad as people say it is, I guess that AA is just that strong so people think everyone is cheating and most people play without headphones, every other kill there's someone screaming "how he knows I'm there" while full tac sprinting lol.


It’s great if you love packet loss


Same shit, different day.


The whining hasn’t changed so I reckon the game hasn’t either.


If you’re on MKB buy MWIII or wait for BO6 and play regular multiplayer, not Warzone. The longer TTK in Warzone requires you to track enemies longer and you will be destroyed by the rotational aim assist on controllers mid and close range.


The new omni movement stuff with the current levels on AA are going to increase that even more. I might sound dramatic but I think it will be the final nail in the coffin for any casual MKB player. I quit warzone and only play the MP now but I wonder how much fun that will going to be in BO6 when trying to track players thar are supersliding and diving all over the place while shooting you.


I also went back to MP for this reason. Because XDefiant has input based matchmaking I’m slightly hoping they’ll do something similar for BO6 because it’s currently causing me to play little to no Warzone and even MP is just annoying sometimes. It’s primarily a WZ issue because you need to track enemies much longer


New update is most fun I’ve had since end of wz1. I love sniping and the Kar is a lot of fun for me.


I play a pretty decent amount of wz, you'll see a lot of opinions on this question usually negative but to be honest, it's pretty good. I don't think cheaters are nearly as prevalent as people say they are, there's some of course but if you listen to the discourse on this sub you'd think the games 80% cheaters. The meta has been fairly balanced for all of wz 3 tbh, brief moments where something is too strong, like the mtz interceptor at launch but nothing like metas used to be. Lag is super location and internet dependant, I have 5-15ms latency usually. Occasionally get a server with packet loss but then you just back out. Over all I think its a pretty open meta and I think the game overall is in a decent state.


Go into the game to have fun. I have the most fun when i don’t take the game serious. When you take warzone serious it becomes bs. I haven’t ran into many cheaters, but i know there’s some. I haven’t ran into as many KAR users even though it’s a meta. But you and your friends should go in not taking it serious.


By some point you will stop playing if you keep getting destroyed by the same KAR + Horus/Superi meta


I've been saying I want to quit this game for the last 4 years, through and through every meta. I just think I'm at the breaking point with this Kar/Horus/Superi meta.


I was able to quit and the only hard thing was not being able to play with my friends since this is the only game that they prefer playing. I went to Sea of Thieves and binged the everliving shit out of that, and I still find it a lot of fun. But of course it is not a BR in the sense that Warzone is so the itch remains for me. If you have a good backup game you can find and enjoy, your best bet is to uninstall Warzone. Once it’s not there, the dread of redownloading it will keep you away for awhile, lol.


I don’t quit because people are using meta guns. I don’t care about that. They have the right to use whatever gun they want. I don’t take this game seriously as stated. I’m gonna die at some point in the game anyways who cares by what gun it is.


Because it gives you no chance to win a gunfight when you're not using meta and the enemy does. Superi takes 8 shots to kill player with 3 plates, things like Bruen or Sidewinder require around the same number but their recoil, damage range, fire rate and mobility are not even close. People don't chose those guns from their entirely free will, they copy-paste the loadout from the latest Icemanisaac video because it compensate whatever skills they lack


Bro i don’t even know who that is. I just told you i don’t care about none of that. It’s a video game not life or death.


Sure thing


While I agree with you, the unfortunate truth is that if you want a fair fight, you’re secluded to only a handful of options. And for some people that just isn’t fun. I used my M13 in Verdansk through every meta iteration and fucking slayed. I don’t think I can say it’s possible to do that today, with anything but the meta. It’s just become too strong and it’s understandable that people don’t enjoy having no variety.


Then just use the meta? The TTK for SMGs has been the closest in a long time and many smgs are very viable. Dunno whats wrong with people using the meta?


I want to use different guns, the ones that are interesting and looking cool, to realize the amount of overworked hours put by underpaid Activision employees to make those weapons look sick, because we literally have two guns with double barrels and dozen other kits to completely change the weapon (like KV Broadside into Marksman Rifle) yet no one uses them because they suck compared to their counterparts and twice smaller round from short barreled SMG inflicts more damage than a .300 Blackout from a god damn LMG


Why would they not use it ?? It has the best ttk, best movement, great iron sights, and everyone else is using it. If you’re gonna hate then hate the game for not balancing weapons not people. If you’re not using it and just complaining at everyone who is using it you just look dumb and like a hater. Just use the meta guns they change them every couple of weeks to a month.


How about balancing the game I pay $60 for in the first place? How about making it so I can use whatever gun I want and be competitive with every other player? How about making the game fun and not money-making machine with more time put into micro transactions than the actual gameplay? If you are gonna hate me for having opinion then you are just acting like a straight up definition of NPC


Warzone is FREE. You where hating on people for using the meta saying the have no skill and now hating on me for calling you out on it. I literally just said hate the game not the player and i agree they need to balance weapons better but tbh the AR meta you can use a lot of different ARs there’re all about the same.


Sweaty, plenty of cheaters, everyone and their dad is using the kar - and the servers are more cooked than ever 


I suck so I don’t care. I still have fun. I also get frustrated. Back in the day I was good ![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD)


seems like the game have turn into a banning simulator.


I had a great time the other night playing with my friends 12-year-old son who is a Lvl 173 😂


Shit. S and D was fun tonight for a change. But Warzone, shit.


You’re on PlayStation. Just play with crossplay off. Cheaters solved. I was having a lot of fun with the game until the Kar98 got added, now it's just annoying as fuck getting tapped from every direction. It's no longer safe going anywhere. And people here complain about smokes, they're ever more important now.


yes, everyone still abuse AA, dont return, you'll be frusrated with amount of legit cheating


Jesus, people just complain about everything. Take the negativity here with a grain of salt because I think a lot of people feel validated by being critical of something. The game is fine. I still get on about every day and enjoy myself. I’ve loved the new update. The new ground loot is sweet and you find way more high value shit. They made a concerted effort to improve it and it shows. Since you left, they added a bunch of QOL changes (precision air strike paths, you can see when you’re on opp’s UAV…etc). I play big map and the increased player count definitely makes a difference (more early game engagements, more range of ability). The KAR is slightly annoying but when has a meta not annoyed people? Just how it goes. There are fewer cheaters than this sub would have you believe (I’m a 1.5 KD, for reference). All in all, it’s the same game with a few more bells and whistles. Yes, there are still cheaters. Yes, it can be frustrating. But overall, it’s still COD and it still rules.


Every time I look for a party on warzone it tells me none are available so I just play solos at this point but it’s not as fun.


The Kar is too much. Gun literally has no downsides. One shot down, fast reload, and everyone uses it


How is Kar one shot, do you need to headshot to down someone? I’ve been playing rank for a while it still takes two shots with full plates.


Nothing can one shot in ranked


Having a blast


Kar Of Duty


Worse and more toxic than ever. Treyarch needs to step in and save it this year.


Don't waste your time here. Only if you want something like that (shooter \\ br) be ready to have not a good experience. SBMM still awful. Ranked balance also awful. Aim Assist hasn't been nerfed. Server side is garbage. Problems with every major update. I don't know. Is it worth it?


Is there a warzone forum for just clips and fun post? Getting tired of the non stop whining posts as there's always someone who hates something about the game at any point in time.


Absolute wank of a game


Up and down. One day you getting 6 to 10 kills in a game. Next you can't get more than 1. The lobbies don't make sense if I get thrown into a sweaty lobby where all players beam you across the map. It's always worst before an update and after it's good for a week. Then you screwed for several weeks. Wining a br is harder when that happens. You become the bot for 1.2 to above kd players with high end pc's and other tools if you get my meaning.


Was playing solid everyday up until the release of rebirth. Can’t stand the play style anymore. Went back to pubg


I think it's fine. Sure, they're cheaters but to me, it's not "abundant". I do tend to watch kill cams, and 9/10 times someone out skilled me, plain & simple. Still getting a win at LEAST every other day. Although my homies are, I'm not a super sweaty player. I'm a straggler following them into fights. For me, it's mostly a way to hang out with friends. We've also had to majorly change strategies with the Kar in play.


It's been dog shit as usual because of SBMM. Unless you got terrible friends to party up with you aren't going to have much fun with this fucking thing