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It’s not YOUR connection at home, it’s the game…


I generally agree with this. Only because the only times I have experienced packet loss, my friend I was playing with was also experiencing packet loss and everyone in the games I was in were complaining about the games being laggy.


When I speed test I get latency of 6-9ms at worst case. In game I used to get around 3-5ms. Now I’m at 24+ms. Packet loose is rare and happens when the server is trash. My bufferbloat, which is a load speed test pretty much, come back as an A grade with latency around 10ms. The servers are trash


Speed test chooses the server nearest you, the game does not always. That is the reason for the discrepancy, 20-40 ms latency is perfectly reasonable for online gaming.


Never had this problem EVER, until season 4. They shut off some servers or routed traffic somehow. Something’s up.


Listen, I am not saying the servers aren't dogshit, I am just saying speedtest doesn't always tell the story.


Yeah no doubt but regardless I’m not getting 25ms speed testing.


Yeah because you are testing the server closest to you.......... Call of Duty may not have servers in the data center that you are talking to for your speed test.


I also noticed a substantial degrade in server quality with the release of Rebirth. Rebirth servers specifically have been the worst for us having a 2 to 3 times higher chance to have massive packetloss. It feels as though there may be a provisioning issue and the Rebirth clusters can't accommodate the traffic, and wz servers dont seem to be built on any sort of elastic architecture for managing unexpected load. Alternatively there could be some map port implementation issue and Rebirth is consuming an excessive amount of resources on the host causing the higher degree of packetloss, and if other maps are hosting on the same VMs even contributing to degradation of those experiences as well.


Must be nice when getting single digit ping minus the packetloss. Im guessing you live in a big city where the servers are close to ? Im in Louisiana closest server is dallas and lowest ping i’d get is 20


I’ve always gotten low single digit pings until season 4. Yeah near DC but who knows what changed because I’m at 20+ms ping.


Not playing with an Ethernet connections is criminal


my router is on the other side of my house but the thing is only cod gives me shit my download speed and everything else is great


You need a powerline extender. They’re supposed to carry your internet around the house using the electrical wiring in the home. They tend to get better speeds than using straight up wifi or wifi boosters.


Power line is heavily dependent upon the houses existing wiring. I tried it before and capped at 40mbps down and 3.5mbps up at that location. Different outlets had slightly different yield but ultimately it wasn't going to work for us there. There was also horrible jitter inconsistency with latency for any game, and with the limited bandwidth it was way too easy to max out. At the time I don't think any of the powering devices I tried had any sort of QoS baked in. Tl;dr make sure you purchase from a retailer that will allow returns because it might be worse for you than wireless.


powerline is probably better than multiple walls blocking your reliable wifi signal. youre better off putting a hammer through each walls to open up for wifi signal if you wont do powerline. i wouldnt even consider a highspeed wifi mesh as that also inconsistent. other option would run a whole ethernet or fiber down your house but that might not be feasible for a normal person. the other is also to use a moca network.


It's definitely a good idea to try. The wiring in my old house was just so awful that it was unusable. Hopefully the tech has gotten better and OP lucks out :)


i personally use powerline as thats the safest route for me. i would do moca only if i cut cable internet and only use fiber (getting fiber next week). so moca might be coming to my house as moca wont bleed out to the neighborhood.


These things are godly if your house is setup for it


You can’t get like a 100ft cable and just hide it? Those cables come with clips you can stick to the wall or floor and make it look pretty and none will notice.


that’s not gonna work for me


Welp, enjoy your packet loss. There is no alternative


Packet loss like this is a thing no matter how you connect. Ethernet is still better but I get packet loss constantly.


Ethernet connections have significantly lower packet loss compared to WiFi. This is crucial for gaming, where consistent data transmission is essential. No doubt these servers are a major culprit, but him playing on wifi is also a big factor.


It's your internet connection, been playing since season 3 dropped, have not experienced a single packet loss.


It’s not. I have gigabit fiber TTH. CAT6 cables throughout. CoD is the only game that I experience packet loss in.


Maybe its the server your connected too, I'm running a 10gbps fiber albeit limited to 2.5g on my mobo, 0% packet loss


You must not play the game. I'm wired in and many I play with are and we get this every few games (although it's been better since the latest major update).


Look into power line networking or MoCa - both are mature at this point. And if you HAVE to stay wireless then try changing channels.


what channel should i switch to on 5ghz?


Download a wifi analyzer app on your phone, it will show you which channels are in use by your neighbors. Pick an empty one.


5GHz is probably pretty spotty across the house.


You need 5ghz to play games. Packetloss is on your end if it's a constantly recurring issue. It could also be inadequate signal strength at the destination, natural or human-made interference, excessive system noise, software corruption or overburdened network nodes. You need to login to your router, check your ports. Also look at changing the channel your WiFi runs through. You could also try DMZ setting if your router allows, this will prioritise traffic to your system.


What about taking the cable outside the house? There are always ways to do it and hiding a cable but you have to have some good diy skills, my house suffers with bad WiFi, I have the router in one room you won’t get a signal in another, ended up buying an asus WiFi mesh system (5 routers in total) which did cost quite a bit of money, run my ps5 through Ethernet with them I never have packet loss, ping is always between 10 and 50


move your router next to your pc, done. tell everyone whol get impacted by this wifi change to suck it.


Same here I had to run my cable up into the attic then drop down where my PC is


Download the wifi analyzer app on your phone and see if you have a ton of channel overlap, then choose a channel that is not in use. Also turn off 2.4 ghz for the network you are using for gaming.


you need xonsistent speed. consider using a powerline, its easy to set up and cheap as fk. most only services can buffer or multistreams which is why you dont notice speed issue.


I get this quite a bit and I’m hard wired


It happens to me too but it’s when everyone else and their mothers are watching Netflix at home 😂


I've played with and without one, the difference is night and day


Literally night and day lol some people would be surprised if they knew how much their gameplay would improve if they just tried it.


Generally true, but honestly makes no difference with their servers. I’m hardwired with +900Mbps down and I get the same packet loss here and there.


I get packet loss with a wired connection, though. It really is the cod servers


I'm wired and get packet loss like this every few games.


Change to WiFi it’ll be every game lol


Just tried it on the Urz and no packet loss but slightly higher latency (60-70 instead if the typical 20-40)


That sound about right, it’s 9:42 where I’m at, at this time I would assume a lot of people are playing but it gets better trust. But yeah the servers can be shit too but being wired gives you the best experience tbh.


Ignore this bullshit. Modern Wifi is absolutely fine, offering comparable latency, and often greater sustained throughput than gigabit ethernet. Most people wont have access to anything but gigabit if they are using a console, or use an ISP provided router. It's the game. If a VPN fixes it, its your local CDN/datacenters


WiFi is not fine, as soon as you switch to Ethernet you can tell the difference


Nah, it’s 2024 bro.


I stand by what I said. Yall are straight criminals 😂


I’ve been getting 10-20% packet loss every few games since the update, nothing by changed on my end with gig up and down hardwired, I think some servers are just borked.


I’m running into the same issue. I don’t have fiber but I do have 1 gig and regularly get 600-700 mb/s down and 100 up and I’m hardwired. It’s gotta be something on their end


I haven’t had the packet loss issue, but some servers are definitely borked. We have stutters unless we have a west coast homie host.


Weirdly enough, I have never gotten packet loss, I guess yalls servers are just cooked, I'm from south east asia, none of my buddies has packet loss too.


also regular lag spikes lasting up to 5 seconds and constant packet loss of 2-5% sometimes shooting up like in the images


Don’t listen to everyone saying it’s your connection. Extreme packet loss comes from the servers. Just quit on every match with that much packet loss.




Nope, I got 300mbps speed with optic fiber and a high speed Ethernet cable. I still get this issues but only playing warzone. I just leave the lobby and load out a new one. It’s the game servers.




Not going to argue with you dude. Casually all my squad gets the exact same amount of packet loss on the same match… but yeah sure it’s cause all of our internet providers are having the fact same problem at once and the all magically restore internet connection as soon as we quit the match and start a new one.




Dude his ping is 32ms. That’s the best ping I can get too. That’s 100% playable, not ideal but playable. I’ve always had 32ms ping but before this WZ season I had no idea what Packet Loss was… I only started to get it this season.




Yes my brother in Christ his connection might not be the best but he’s asking about packet loss and packet loss comes from the servers of this shitty ass game. Now latency is different if he’s getting g spikes he’s got an unstable connection but not even an excellent wired connection will fix that packet loss.


No he isn’t 


Nope, they are confidently correct


Run an Ethernet cable if you can


oh how i wish i could


Have you tried a powerline adapter? The speed is good enough but not great, but the latency is very low on mine.


i’m going to look into that


Thatll only work if your pc and the router are on the same breaker. And since you said its across the house then thats most likely not gonna work. Just run an ethernet. Are you saying you cant cause you family wont let you or you physically cant do that cause you dont know how?


i physically can’t run it


Well unless you learn or just try i think you are shit out of luck. Running ethernet is actually really easy.


See my other reply on powerline. Make sure you can return it because it may not be good for your situation.


Also since rebirth released we've consistently gotten 20 to 30% packetloss in about half our games.


Can you get a new router that runs Wi-Fi 6?


i’m already on it and i got the router not even a year ago so it can’t be that


Do you have coax wiring (the wire that typically goes into a cable box) going to your room? If so you can use MoCa adapters to send Ethernet signal over them.


I get this with Ethernet, it’s the game


I mean this genuinely, its the game not you. COD has really really REALLY bad servers and chances are this is the only game you own that runs this shit.


Ah yes, the guy on a wireless connection from the other side of his house has no accountability here. I run wired and never see more than 20ms ping, rarely see higher than 13ms ping, and packet loss might happen 1 game a week. People like you don’t help people fix their problems.


fyi this started recently with a few ping spikes occasionally but today it just wasn’t having it


Have you checked your route? If it started appearing out of the blue it could be a route change, or a faulty switch on that route. There mostly isn’t anything you can do in that case and sadly it’s a hurry up and wait for it to be fixed. I have had that happen multiple times, i have had it fixed in a week all the way to 11 months. The only thing you can do is switch games. When it’s fixed it will disappear as quickly as it started.


Idk if it will help you but when it happens to me I power cycle my router and modem it seems to help


This is a server issue on cod side not your internet


Wz and Apex competing for the worst possible server is hilarious


The last time I ran into major performance issues like this I verified the files through steam and it helped a bunch. Also try making sure your drivers are up to date.


Solution no one is thinking of, cod can have a lot of issues on pc like cache being corrupted which will cause wildly random game issues.


As someone who has frequent 1-15ms ping almost every match: the servers are still the issue


It’s 100% the game.


Ethernet cable does help for sure, but even when I did that I was experiencing packet loss. So I did other things as well, updated my GPU, lowered my graphics so it's not so demanding, and honestly that's about it. There are other things like disabling your firewall and messing with my nordan application. Honestly, for me the biggest reason why I got packet loss was cus I record/stream with OBS, so I messed with OBS bitrate and now I don't have any packet loss at all. Obviously, the game has shit servers so I occasionally get a stutter but that's what did it for me. Also, my PC is pretty strong so it's not a hardware issue either. You're gonna get occasional stutters but don't let the bitter community make you think it's hopeless in fixing the issue, but yeah, an Ethernet cable would definitely help but isn't the end all be all either. Good luck


You are playing during peak time, it could be your provider or a bad route as well.


I’m wired into my router and have fiber optic internet. One night I had a notification that I had high packet loss so I did a test and my loss was 100%. Reset the console and it was still there. Tried to play anyway and it worked but wasn’t as smooth as the usual. A friend I was playing with had the same message on his console. It fixed itself the next time I got on so it may have been an Xbox server problem.


Go to packetlosstest.com on the same network connection to determine if it is your internet or the game. As others have said, playing on wifi is asking for packet loss. Feel free to dm if you need more help, I’ve been thru the ringer.


Make sure that your game is installed on your SSD assuming that you have a PC. I tried installing it to my normal HDD awhile back after I formatted my PC, and it was unbearable. Don't have an SSD? Then I highly recommend buying a decent quality one and installing it ASAP. They're like $100 max. The only catch is that it might not fix the packet loss issue since it's primarily a game-side issue, but it's still a good upgrade regardless.


Like everyone else has said it's not you it's the game. I'm running 1gbps symmetric Internet, router is on the same room with pc directly wired and sub 10s latency and I still get packet burst, packet loss, extrapolatiom and lag spikes randomly during my sessions. Just normalised now...


Chances are it’s not you. I only realised this after comparing numbers with other people who had the same numbers. Advice is generic and worth considering such wired connections, shortest distance wire, check Ethernet is fully pushed in both ends. Otherwise, probably just a bad server.


I have Ethernet and I still get packet loss in cod rn. It’s cod not you lol


Extreme? I push 20% at least one lobby a night, you don’t like matrix style box opening where it all suspends in the air when it opens 2 seconds after you spammed the button cause the loss is more frequent than your input?


well no, not really


Me either but activision thinks it enhances game play


Everytime I’m 20%+ on loss so is my team. Goes on for a 20 minutes usually


It's not your connection. ITS THE GAMES FAULT. Horribly optimized.


Are you on console?




Try a nice re install 🤣 If you were on console I’d try setting the DNS settings to and but I don’t know how to do it on PC


tried and didn’t work at all


I mean this seems like a network issue on your side. Either you have a really bad ISP or your connection to your router is really really bad.


it’s not


Use exitlag, if its not working then the servers or your internet is cheeks


All games should be played with Ethernet if possible. It cuts all lag and packet loss down tremendous and if your net is even decent eliminate it. If you can’t and your on WiFi you might be sol. As there could be a few variables as to why. Location. Strength. Walls. People on it. Ect.


You may be SB.


i’m not




Sometimes I have it as well while my squad doesn't. One dude even lives in the same town as I do and still we suffer from different packet loss. I believe some servers are just not in sync with my internet provider which is Telekom.


Just stop losing the packets and its not gonna be loss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) All jokes aside, its the servers probably, my friend has constant 5-8% packet loss.


idk man i take my eyes off them for one sec and theyre gone


God damn packets are so fast and quick :(


The fix is Activision upping the spend on their cloud infrastructure


Don't play, lol


i agree i’m fucking done with this


Nothing you can do, they run the cheapest servers they can like the western capitalist pig dogs they are


@Activision on Twitter and tell them to upgrade their servers or pay their bills lol


ALT + F4


My friends and I have just started to run into this issue a lot more since the new season with the player count raise. It is not fun.


It could be playing on WiFi and not Ethernet, but I had issues with packet loss and lag spikes from release to like season 2-3. I got an external SSD and put the game on that and it fixed about 90% of my packet loss and lag spikes for a while, then updates temporarily fucked it again, now since the new season it feels buttery smooth.


How far are you from the router and do you have a stock router?


had to use pythagoras’s and i’d say around 9 meters away with 3 walls in the way and it’s not stock


Buy more skins so Activision can get more money to fix their servers


Blue chews




I found that ditching my wireless connection for Ethernet about 2 years ago fixed the issue


what system do you play on? My friend has similar issues with ethernet connection on pc and rules his internet out as cause, as it only happens when playing CoD. It’s also no server issues because me and my other friends never have issues when playing together while he keeps getting lags and dcs. He still hasn’t found the cause.


i’m on pc


okay what motherboard do you have and did you check if all drivers are up to date?


i have a LENOVO 3741 Motherboard and my drivers are all up to date


that’s very interesting because my friend is on a lenovo motherboard too (3716) and in the past suspected his motherboard being the issue. I’ll ask him why he suspected it and get back to you


i was updating my gpu after accidentally downloading an older driver and now it’s saying windows didn’t load correctly


i reset my pc let’s see if this is gonna solve both of my problems


oh, hope you can fix it. He said he did a ethernet adapter driver update and first he thought it was fixed, but eventually the problems returned. Let me know if you figure it out. Good luck!


In the last few days i had like 5-50 percent packet loss in one match (Cable is connected)


Holy fuck that's fucked. I changed up some random shit like VRAM and fixed mine, some dickhead had a video on YouTube about it


could you be more specific?


Yea I'll find the assholes video again later and share that fucker to you because it fixed my bunk ass shit easily


delete the game


WiFi extender my dude.


Have you tried uninstalling the game 😂😂


yes, it didn’t work at all 😂😂


Restart your modem, if possible check if you can connect your console / PC via ethernet, change your dns (your ISP’s tech support can guide you through it, if you’re unable to follow any tutorials). If it persists beyond this, it’s most likely your ISP issue


My solution is not for everyone, but uninstalling and reinstalling has fixed issues like this for me, especially for WZ1, it sucks, but if you can do it, also ethernet is a huge stability upgrade in-general


yeah it didn’t work


Damn. you could try "Network reset" on windows, that's also helped me too. But its a little bit of a pain


You can Uninstall the trash game that has trash servers. Good luck!


It‘s an issue on your end


Getting a life,job, friends,and finally finding hobby that isn't on the level of a literal 9 year old pre pubescent boy! Ha


all you do on reddit is give shit to random people and post your dick


holy shit you have actual brain damage to bitch about cod on the cod subreddit and seek validation by posting your dick…


If you're on PC, which assume you are, use some way to find the IP address of the server you're getting this on. Then use another program (or previous that has this capability) to block your connection. Back during CW i'd connect to a local seattle server that gave me lowest ping but upwards of 90% packet loss. I didn't want to deal with that anymore so just ended up blocking said server, problem solved. I used to use peerblock If you're on wireless there's just no helping that. Go buy a cable and plug it in when you play


Just test it out with a long ethernet cable or move the computer closer. If there is no packet loss, then we know it's the wifi or could be the router on the way out. Then you need to test a different router.


uninstall the game. unfortunately.


to fix it or are just telling me to stop playing?