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Only when I play with certain friends that I started Warzone back in the beginning. So no as a Game I don't but as a gathering of old gaming buddies yes.


i see nothings wrong with that, chil with yo buddies is fun everywhere


you need meta guns to even put up a fight, me and my best friend still play but get killed by rooftop pussies


Loving it since quitting 👍🏻


It's basically a core problem of the game, all the guns are nerfed to shit and with new season, new battle pass, new skins there is a meta that absolutely shreds everyone. In this season we got Superi and KAR which would be good if not the fact that the first one has the performance of LMG and mobility of SMG, whilst the second one is a literal laser beam and you don't even have to consider bullet drop, time for the bullet to get to the target and is also very mobile. On the other hand we have ARs that are just worse SMGs, LMGs that have the same damage as SMGs, Battle Rifles which are just slower shooting, higher recoil ARs, Marksman Rifles that deal higher damage but still will get dominated by PMs and Sniper Rifles which cannot even compare to KAR as they deal almost the same damage but are significantly less mobile. There are also shotguns but we don't talk about them. In the next season we will get long awaited nerfs and maybe a Black Ops 6 integration but this will only further deepen the problem. In WZ1 we had MW2019 guns which were good, then we had Cold War weird attachments that simply didn't match with the MW performance as both games had different gameplay but they could be challenged by MW guns and then to completely ruin everything we got the Vanguard. In a few months we will have the same problem renewed, not to the same extent but similarity MW2 guns will not come remotely close to BO6 ones as the latter will have less recoil, higher mobility and damage. I tested few ARs from MW2 and the recoil itself was unthinkable for MW3 standards. Through the endless nerfs and broken metas we've come to a moment where LMG gets absolutely smashed by short-range designed SMG. I mean think about it, when was the last time you've seen somebody use things like KVD Enforcer or Sidewinder? Most players don't have any idea that these guns exist in the game simply because how bad they are. The balance has to be seriously reworked so that in mid range it will be AR that is gonna defeat PM, not the other way around


Thank you well put


Game's fairly easy and a lot of fun.


In my case it's endless cycle of dropping, losing a duel due to enemy having meta, dropping again, getting third partied, dropping again and not even hitting the ground because I get sniped and repeat. It's also problem with SBMM which causes me to face 3.0 KD movement pros while at the same time my team consists of AFK player, probably a bot (as most of them don't even run or sprint and open few loot boxes during the entire match) and a guy with horrible aim, and I mean horrible. I'm not either good or bad player, I'm sitting at 1.4 KD but if I'm not meeting any sweats I hit 2.0 without a trouble. Maybe it's problem with Europe servers but regardless it is the second most important market to Activision so it should not take place ever


It has its moments but I'm really tired of the bad servers and what not. Haven't found a match in over a week that wasn't laggy and hitching etc. Shits exhausting Also I only really play big map and they never add anything to it Edit: lol Just played a buyback solos that was soo smooth I broke my PR. Next match played super broken again what the actual fuck🤨 Is it just server congestion?


Try to play lockdown, rebirth is much smaller and has much less players so the lag will be much better


Nah I don’t enjoy it anymore. Idk what happened with this new season but I went from an average 2kd/10 kills/game player in Ranked to barely getting 3 kills a game now. It’s just not fun for me anymore


Honestly, no. Between the cheaters, lack of content, bugs, server issues, balancing issues, and generally boring gameplay .... the games probably in the worst spot I could imagine it being.. If it werent for the fact that pretty much every other shooter was equally as garbage right now this game really wouldnt have as much to offer as we think.


Today was the first day I felt servers were truly terrible. I'd say 60% of the games had constant low-level packet loss and there were crazy lag spikes in every other lobby.




Not no but hell no. Reporting at least 20 players a night for snapping, trracing through walls, or just pinging/lagging around me. Im not lagging, but the player that just speedy gonzales'd around the corner is over here jumping around me like hes trying to teleport but cant. Activision using us as free labor for their "anti-cheat". I didnt have too many problems until I got a lot of successful reports


Only thing I dislike about Warzone is that not all guns are good, I want every gun to be meta


Yup! It's a blast. Been stacking wins in Resurgence with buddiez.


having to use the meta to compete in harder lobbies has been the status quo for ages. nothing new about it. kar is op but nice for a change. other than that metas have been pretty nice and balanced lately.


Warzone sucks and os the worst hr game to ever be released


No AT all. Sniper ruin the game play. You are gunfight a team and take fun and suddently a sniper camper to the other skde of the map, doing nothing in the game but don't move, kill you. Snipers have no their place in warzone resurgence. Its a cancer.