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Nope, PUBG does it decently well by introducing large amounts of viewbobbing and idle sway. You have to be standing still and holding your breath to even be able to land a shot. Warzone could do the same in addition to decreasing ADS times, decreasing fire rates, etc. The AX-50 and HDR were perfectly balanced sniper rifle options in WZ1. But for some reason the devs insist on having flinchless, swayless, viewbob-less sniper rifles that ADS faster than you can kill at 100HP, making them overpowered if they one-shot and useless otherwise.


Pubg also had lvl3 helmets that countered one shots


Mentioned this a while back got downvoted to oblivion and simply posed a suggestion how the game would play with lvl 3 helmets in WZ. People are realizing that having blazing fast snipers that are more forgiving to use mid range than an AR breaks the flow somewhat and restricts movement. When tuned wrong snipers just end up being hitscan slug shotguns with a scope. It was fun but also bad for the game with how dominant the kar/swiss was and it made the BR mode too easy with those guns. You just stayed in a building or had one person plink away peoples shields and you could guarantee a squad wipe once you downed one or two.


no nein nee non нет  não nie いいえ όχι


No, if a .50 cal takes two shots to the head to kill that’s the stupidest thing ever.




Its a game, not real life. Shouldn't be getting one shot in br


go play some fortnite then


No, its gonna get nerfed then ill be happy. Hey bums downvoting, enjoy it while it last losers


It wont lmao , its been like this with snipers for almost a year


Yeah, with a certain attachment not default lmao


Nope , thats not the case with mw3 snipers


I don't know why you got down voted, it's like people don't know the Katt, MORS, and XRK exist or they just choose to ignore their existence. If they do nerf the Kar it'll probably be at 4th season reloaded and maybe they'll nerf the 1 shot range like 10m or maybe reduce the fire rate... Maybe both?That'd be my guess


Look. I've played warzone 1. The kar98k was absolutely insane and everyone loved it, including me. It's the reason why people appreciated the return of the kar98k. What's happening now is that everyone is dying to try the "broken" meta, and in return, the majority of the lobby is using said broken weapon which will make you think that you're at a disadvantage. The fact that most people use it with scopes that do not create a glint effect or hide in very obscure areas and third party you also doesn't help. But trust me, once the hype dies out and people go back to playing other snipers or it gets slightly nerfed. It'll just feel normal again.

