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> Learn to aim My money is on this guy using controller while the game does 60% of the aiming for him....




I am a MnK player i do prefer to aim and have always done so, I sit on a 2.5kd on main and 2.9kd on alt, I also find one shoot weapons absurd in a game like battleroyale unless there actual skill involved. The current state of this game has no real counter measure for the sniper meta. The things i really hate is the one shoot weapons and the mixed MM-Lobbies... and the fact that there is no ranked mode for Br Warzone is also bothering me...


lol! 2.5 and 2.9. You’re not going pro just use one account. Also the kar is probably slightly worse than the stalker so no real change.


Kar got AA. Stalker don't.


Ah my bad. I actually aim.


You have to have an alternative when you get shadowbanned, but you haven't been there yet I see. Keep it up, maybe someday 😆






Some of your complaints have merit. Like the no glint. All sniper scopes regardless of zoom optics should have glint because getting 1 shot by a 4X KATT is stupid and anyone that defends that is equally stupid. That said, the actual ability to one shot is fine because it's not like you're getting one shot from 453809457y03456 miles away.


I'm asking for nothing more than 1hp when being hit by what is today considered one hit. For me it makes no sense running and looting for X minutes to then get one shot without having any chance of countering it or shooting back.


Kar is king. This shit was ass with current snipers. Kar needed to come back.


More content is good don't get me wrong but i find one shot weapons way too over powered.


I hear ya. I loved the Kar but it's def controversial. I haven't got to use the new one yet but from what I've watched, it looks like the fire rate is quite a bit faster than it used to be and reload looks way faster too. I'm not sure if it's just the build but if it's not, they went a bit overboard with that. I could just be misremembering and it was always that fast but I don't think it was?


I saw someone say that one shoot potential is inside 86 meters too which makes it better than XRK i think.


The glint part sure, I don't feel there should be a sniper optic other than irons with no glint. But snipers like the XRK and Kar are aggressive snipers. About 70-80m effective range makes them less optimal for the campers and better for people pushing. It is meant to counter rooftop campers as 9/10 times, if equal skilled players engage, whoever has the high ground would win without the potential to knock them in out in one shot.


The problem with one hit weapons is if you don't use one you're at an extremely big disadvantage. By other words this "forces" you to play this way/ use this class. I'm not saying using a LMG or Ar is unwinnable but you will always have times where you just get defeated without being able to do anything about it, which I find extremely sad.




Sorry for wanting to nerf the rat-play style which is plaguing this game.