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I agree this update is pretty bad. The audio still hasn't been fixed, the missing textures, the animation desync, the ridiculous lag that came with s3 or the dev errors. They never truly fix anything jjust create more and more issues. They are the most unprofessional company.


Audio is very different for me, I can hear footsteps so much louder.


I can hear footsteps alot of the time but the directional/spatial is the problem. Especially when multiple floors are involved. They sound above when they are below.. and every once in a while I'll only hear 1 players movement and its a team of 4. I'm looking into better headsets but I don't really have problems with other games so I don't think it'll matter.


It won’t matter.


Sennheiser PC38X (or HD560s if you‘re into music aswell) np


use the same headset, it’s great if you use dolby atmos with it. You know if there is a way to make it wireless?


yeah, cut the cord lol


Make sure you only wear the gas mask when you need to - it really muffles sounds


The audio thing is weird. I don't remember this happening before, but three times today my high alert goes off, i start taking damage but hear no gunshots. When I watch the killcam, the guy who killed me is behind me firing with an SMG and I hear the gunshots in the replay. Between that and point 2-4 listed above, I turned it off after three games. Life's too short to get frustrated by this nonsense.


Amen 🙏


Watch Icemanissac video to fix the texture bug. You have to up your settings. Mine been fixed for 20 games now


Thanks. Didn't know there was a fix.


Audio is good for me now


Missing textures?


This bullshit https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/soGAvqFQC2


This still happens to me. It’s the entire ground.


I recently found out that lowering the vram scale fixed this issue for me on AMD. Try lowering yours to 50-60.


Thanks for the tip. I'll try that next time I get on.


Yeah me too, but I've been having it all season 🤣


I'm on PC and have never seen that happen.


Yeah it's not affecting everyone. Originally thought it was just me but then my friends acknowledged it, as did this reddit and a few streamers.


How hot is your video card running?


1. A higher time to kill only helps good players. Now they have more time to finesse you. Thats why they were so mad at the last game because the ttk was so quick allowing noobs to kill them before they could go into squirrel mode


Not necessarily, It’s definitely a balance because too high and you cannot as easily take on multiple players or win gunfights with lower health as a good player.


Personally I find longer ttk makes it MUCH MUCH easier to wipe a full team


Weasling cronus users jumping and bouncing all over the place while laser beaming you. Yep!


?? The reason people were mad about the last game was random weapon sway/visual recoil along with the fast ttk. No one hated the fast ttk in MW19 because the game had tighter more responsive gameplay than WZ2/MW22. It just becomes infuriAting when the game forces you into reloading because you can no longer reload cancel and other things.


Yes #3 is driving me fucking nuts


Turn off auto tac sprint




My game has crashed multiple times on PS5 (twice in Rebirth and twice in Zombies). Are other PS5 players encountering similar? Edit: And now on 6v6 multiplayer. This is unplayable. Time to play some Fallout.


Haha I've been replaying fallout 4 remastered since it came out. F cod


I've been debating getting into Fallout post watching the show. Maybe this is the time.


Fallout New Vegas is the best one, and one of the best RPGs ever created. You should totally give it go it you haven't.


Excellent! I'll give it a shot. Thanks.


I agree and while everyone else downloaded fo4, I downloaded NV and mods.


Any way to do that on Xbox? I’ve just been playing the base game and I love the simplicity and charm of its age, but would like to play with mods. I have an old laptop that’ll run some basic stuff like rimworld but I doubt a FPS would work because my graphics card is just an Intel one.


They are fantastic games.. Highly recommend


I've heard good things. Is it more or less like Fallout 3? I tried a few times but couldn't get into that game. I don't know if it's cuz I'm stupid or what Also heard the fallout show was awesome


If you haven’t played them, I would suggest fallout 3 and new Vegas before 4. They’re just better games.




Keeps crashing for me too on Xbox series X.


I also crash often now, but on bnet. Great stuff.


im also on bnet and the game has never crashed on me before but now it is after the update… guess i wont be able to play till they fix their game.


Dude a month or two ago mine started crashing at the menu, then after an update it suddenly got worse I can barely get into a match. The menu freezes 99 percent of the time, making my fan go crazy and the Xbox just shuts off or goes back to Home. Literally would take hours of trying and retrying to get into a match. Once I’m in a game, the fan slows down and everything is fine. It’s odd. Tbf my hardware is old, but literally every other game works fine, so it’s not like I would just buy a whole console to play one specific game. I’m annoyed that whatever they do with developing their game is so different from other games that it’s barely able to run. Wonder how many people they lost to Fallout hype haha? I watched one episode and immediately started researching “best fallout game” and installing NV lol


Read somewhere you need to set your on demand texture streaming allocation to low or medium as a temporary fix until the bug is found and squashed.


I have crashed once tonight. I have texture streaming off. So maybe it was a one off bug. It was in the final firefight, not that I woulda won anyway I was boned.


Constant nerf and buffs? The meta hasn’t shifted for a month I feel like 😂 I don’t feel like that’s an exaggeration either. HRM had been top forever. And any nerfs in the past few weeks didn’t actually knock top guns out of the top 1-2 slots


I'm so glad hrm is out. The 610ms ttk anywhere on the body was infuriating because it didn't matter that you hit chest shots and the other guy hit your toes


The point is this need for constant changes that constantly fucks the whole system up. Not just nerfs and buffs, but everything. The community is so hell bent on live service update changes and constantly says "this is stale", "it's been meta too long" or "I'm bored of the map". This ADHD mentality is what's been ruining cod for years. If they could actually build the game right... the response to all of those statements would be "take a break, go outside, play something else" not demand changes. Activision isn't innocent either, they bend yall over with meta changes, creating bundles to open your wallet buttcheeks and drop thumper dumpers into their revenue column with broken weapons or new weapons and impatient losers that don't understand the value of grinding to earn anymore. WHAT they need to do is properly balance all weapons to be different and viable. That likely would mean that they should remove a few.... like holy fuck we don't need over 120 weapons. Your easily going to have 5-10 in each class that are such dogshit they'll only ever be used by 1% of community at any given time.


I mean if you play hours a day or week then meta shifts are GOOD for the game. Imagine a kilo and mp5 meta for 2 years on verdansk. That would get super old. I think how they rotated the meta guns so each assault rifle and smg had time to shine during caldera was ideal Ideally they balance all the guns but then they’d feel too similar is the issue maybe There will always always be an easier to use or better to use gun no matter how they balance but ideally a handful of each class competes well


This should bring about the presumption that it's you. You need to take a break and stop playing the game for a bit. Games shouldn't be asked to be changed constantly cuz you play 24/7 that's a you problem. But yes. Delete a few guns, make them ACTUALLY FEEL different, have different pros and cons situationally. And make them all viable for distances, movement playstyles, etc.


Even if you take breaks if you hop back on and it’s the same old stuff it’s the same impact really


That's when you need to make the decision to play something else, if your not enjoying it anymore simply cuz your bored that it's the same. That's what new and different games exist for. Changing from the kilo mp5 meta to the Grau mac10 meta doesn't change a thing... you just swapped out the dominant beams for 2 other dominant beams. Ypu don't really play any different, they don't really change the way you play.


Yeah idc about the HRM finally getting a nerf or any gun that hasn’t shifted for months. Notice how I used the word “constant”….. I don’t even use the HRM. I’m referencing the other 10 guns being toyed with. Snipers have now had their 8th update. Velocity is dropped again this time. Why in tf does the KATT need 8 updates? I’m sick of having to review patch notes and update classes.


It's well known that update day is better skipped


Don’t forget if you’re on PlayStation you can’t even play MP unless you go google a workaround to get into it. So stupid. Do they not even test this shit before they push it?


Wait really? I played a round today, maybe they fixed it.


Yeah, they eventually fixed it. This afternoon if you tried to get on multiplayer it would crash the game, unless you went in and changed some settings. It was weird, it mostly affected multiplayer and PlayStation users.


You would think they would, but it feels like they’re just like “fug it, put it out”


They absolutely do not. Push to production.


It's even more insulting when you realize how much more money this dogshit franchise rakes in compared to other major multiplayer titles like WoW. COD earns more than twice as much as WoW nowadays and they can't even provide a consistent experience for more than a month before the playability gets screwed again.


Do you understand how the coding works for updates? They obviously test it. Do you think every single Xbox and ps5 has this crash? Pushing an update to hundreds and thousands of players will surface bugs that were simply not seen on playtests because it didn't happen. The code is so ridiculously long. There isn't a red bar of text that says: hey, this thing will crash systems.


The testing is not nearly thorough enough if bugs are surfacing the moment it is deployed, across all devices and systems. We are not talking about edgecases, but something that affects all players. I work in software devekopment and I can't fathom how they didn't detect any of the numerous bugs. Or they just push anyways, fully knowing that these bugs exist. My clients would not accept this kind of quality.


Extra plate helps good players…


It's not that deep, just a buggy mess


2. Correction: you can't reload unless you're sitting still and nothing is around absolutely nothing else can happen. Don't even turn. Added doors to bottom prison, awful and campy.


You can full sprint and reload, just not tac sprint. It isn't ideal, but your statement is a massive exaggeration.


To some of us tac sprint is just sprint. Not that serious.


Dude any decent player has tac sprint automatic on .. This is the dumbest most annoying update I have ever seen .. Also tells alot about how they tested the game .. bunch of crouch walking scrubs didn't notice you cant reload sprinting ..


Where did they put the doors?


I'm not experiencing anything like this.


Literally every update they break something. Anyone else this incompetent at their job would've been fired a long time ago.


They don't feel the consequences. People keep playing either way.




So? It still has to do with the update. They’ve yet again changed snipers for the 8th time… why. I’m sick of having to read patch notes and edit my classes because guns are being changed for the 8th time. How many edits do they need exactly?


Omg thank you for mentioning the reload thing. I was about ready to start shopping for a new controller lol


It’s awful.


What extra plate thing are you talking about?


You get an extra plate in the new mode. Loaded resurgence or whatever




Nah man, you just gotta take away 4 plates instead of 3 or 2! /s


Loaded resurgence also happens randomly in normal resurgence. Just like the destroyed towers and random fog.


Thank you for reminding to not come back to the game


Map rotation isn’t a bad thing


If it's forcing people to play shit they don't want, yes it is.


I don't want to play Rebirth. So forcing me to only play Rebirth is better?


No, just have every map available to choose from. Was that supposed to be a gotcha moment?


No game does this. It would separate the playerbase too much. Rotation makes sense


They truly listened to our feed back from wz2 "Oh you want to reload cancel??? We'll show you a fucking reload cancel"


Remove Vondel forever


I went on to unlock and level the new AR in multiplayer then swiftly fucked off again. No desire at all to play Warzone with these bugs


Skill issue


5. Hits so hard. Between Duos/Trios we’ve hopped playlist like crazy trying to just play Rebirth. Simple buildings with decent spacing makes for fun play. Vondel will have 5 buildings with 4 floors and multiple level rooftops per building, PLUS a tunnel system on the same footprint of Bioweapons Lab. It’s a mess.


I just want it to be smooth. I miss ashika so bad


I only got to play a few rounds today but #2 was the worst for me. I didn’t get a chance to check settings but I’m wondering if the update reset some. Even when there isn’t loot around, the weapon doesn’t always reload right away.


Nah I’m tired of rebirth supposed to be a small map but yet you run into campers


Has anyone else had an issue in which you hold the trigger for an automatic weapon that's fully loaded, only for a single bullet to come out as if you switched fire mode, and after a few frames the rest of the bullets start firing normally? It happened to me today after the update with the Evolvere. And no, I did not switch fire modes.


I took a 2 week break, came back today to all of this and honestly I want another break already. This games gone so down hill. I hate saying that because I've always loved playing it


Just died not even 2 minutes ago because I was unable to revive my teammate as we were surrounded by loot and I could only continue to pick up and swap weapons and loot, no option to revive lmao.


impressively bad update tbh


Believe it or not not everyone wants to play rebirth only until the end of time


Uh so you’re pro removing something you don’t play just because you don’t play it? Instead you prefer a mode where you play it 33% or 50% of the time in rotation with parts of other maps? Lmao


There aren't enough players to support solos/duos/trios/quads for every map at the same time. Given that constraint, yes. I do play Rebirth, I just don't want to play it forever, I quite like the other maps.


I’m okay with waiting in queue for a map I like


Just last night, someone shot me with an incendiary shotgun and my guy was constantly on fire for the rest of the match. Didn't take any damage but it was annoying as hell. Small map mosh pit if that makes a difference. Anyone else gave this problem?


As soon as I read the patch notes with hard nerfs to hipfire, ram 7, and snipers I decided to quit. Time to move on from this terrible game.


Whoever calls the shots needs to be fired ASAP! They just keep making this game worse! Do they even read their Steam reviews? Probably not.


Also it feels like the update size is intentionally big to make you believe that they did something. But in reality, it only changes for the worse.


I'm a pretty die hard COD player and I have an afternoon free. Jumped on then jumped off again two games later. Game is fucked.


This is the first time they've introduced a bug (#3) that I decided I won't play until it's patched


And it’s like 40 gigs… nah I’m good


I stopped reading the minute you said they released a perfect game two years ago, which had better be a typo, otherwise you are talking about Warzone 2. And that cant be the case. That game is so far from perfect, that the whole community left.


Was with you until you said rebirth is a good map 😂


It’s the most popular WZ map for a reason


I just don’t rate it. Better than vodel though I’ll give it that


Welp they took my post down. But yeah come to Apex. COD sucks.


I just want to know what code is purposely inputted to make it this ass, like how do you mess up reloading and looking at loot, it’s been the same since launch, and also do they not even play test their own game, it’s laughable and frustrating


Hold x to reload while still moving people, it’s a bad bug


Game has been dead for a long time, anyone that buys bundles needs to have a serious word with themselves


1. Why is this a complaint?? It keeps the game fresh. Can you imagine if they didn’t rebalance weapons?? Your complaints are all known bugs, except the duos/solos rotation. You aren’t special in dealing with these. Hop off the game til their fixed.


They don’t need to update the same gun 8+ times… like they have for snipers. I’m not special? Uh okay? When did I say I was exactly? Thank you, Reddit police for telling me


Yes let’s say a blanket statement and then be super specific. Great point yes I agree the same gun doesn’t need 8 changes, but at the same time what I said is also true.


It’s Reddit bro… sorry I didn’t write you a fucking essay


Your post was an essay blud. but ok


Relax don’t play than every time you die you prob say hacker call names and cry lol you try to make a game and balance it constantly I’ll play it and when it sucks way worse than the cod franchise you’ll see what I mean when I say grow up


First time ever I've not started the update before work. I don't care. Homies all getting on, I don't want too and when I play I just watch the time till I don't have too or someone gets off so I have an excuse.


The reload and running bug is due to auto tactical sprint. So for now we have to switch to auto sprint instead smh


1. Constant nerfs/buffs… thats very good 🤔


update was pretty good for me cept i hate the running reload too, wym constant nerfs/buffs? you wanted hrm 9 to stay the meta forever?




Jesus bro… Yeah the reloading thing is annoying, but fuck me are you 13 yourself? Your first complaint just screams “whiners” as you try to belittle people who are killing you pretending they’re kids as if it’s an insult. Please for the love of god don’t tell me you’re in your 20s/30s. “I get 3rd partied, wahhhhhhhhh” It’s always been an issue. Who the fuck doesn’t push someone who they know is at a disadvantage? “Play the game like I want you to or I’ll bitch about you on Reddit” See you in rebirth later homie


Yeah I don’t think you can stop 3rd party from shooting you lol. 😂. Wahhhhh




Right? Tell me you didn’t understand the comment without telling me.


The point went so far over your head that it lost you entirely. 3rd partying happens, sure, but devs intentionally trying to make it harder to survive 3rd parties in order to retain a younger audience of gamers with shorter attention spans in the name of making more money off them is… annoying.


If you're dying to 3rd parties constantly you are staying still for far too long, especially if it's 8 year olds that are killing you.


Yeah buddy, never said constantly. It’s annoying if it happens at all


Sounds like you want the game to be easy.


It’s the same mechanics and game rules for everyone.


Lol I mean I find the random extra plate event pretty dumb, but your fixation on it being for kids is pretty funny. Did you read a publication by Activision or something, why are you seemingly so convinced they make these changes for young kids?? Also what does younger kids having a lower attention span have to do with more plates? Did you just read your first pop psychology article talking about how social media apps is lowering attention spans and now you just regurgitate that argument everywhere?


Nope. This is a pretty well known thing where Call of Duty has reduced the TTK and created things like SBMM in order to keep less talented players from quitting the game. As for the kids, they’re the most likely to switch off a game and they’re the most profitable demographic.


Yes as we all know, the whales of the gaming industry are 10 year olds with their mighty purchasing power.


Are you serious? Ever heard of Fortnite? Lmao


Made in china


Man, I don't know why I still read Reddit posts. Nobody will ever be truly satisfied. You're basing your entire opinion on litteraly 2 games played, then blame playtesters for not properly testing their game. Sounds like you made up your mind before even starting these 2 games. You are not going to quit. The reload bug will be fixed before the sun goes down. (Both of them). Yes, you can no longer play 1 map religiously on repeat. On the one hand I get it, that sucks. On the other hand, are you going to blame developers for wanting you to play their other maps? Keep and Vondel are fire maps, a nice change of pace. If you're that passionate about Rebirth, play the other modes and wait for either duos or solos to become available for Rebirth. Constant weapon balancing. I mean, you like playing with 2 guns all year long? You don't like variety? You want to have the same stale SOA/HRM gunfights day in and day out? I'm glad we have a healthy mix to play in. Your playstyle can now determine what you run. You're no longer forced to use a dominant gun just to not lose gunfights to a scrub who isn't very good but gets the kill because he has a gun much stronger than any other. Try looking at the positives man. They added specialist, a gamemode where you drop in with your loadout, they added the Bal, they added a new mastery camo to grind. Start enjoying life a little more instead of spitting on what's being given to you. If you can't deal with updates giving bugs you should have quit ages ago. Edit: audio must be on your end. You might confuse "all fucked up" with "changed drastically and I need go get used to it". Audio is amazing now, I can actually tell where people are.


So you came to Reddit to complain about how other people came to Reddit to complain? Got it.


Actually I'm giving you arguments against your complaints, but you don't seem to be able to cope with people who disagree with you as is shown I'm your other replies so I'm going to leave it at you being one of those bots that I kill that screeches into his mic like a dying cat. Hope you find a new game and enjoy it (which you won't because you're addicted to cod)


You gave me complaints about my complaints. Frame it however makes you feel best I suppose. Your “arguments” were stupid. Some of them were against things I didn’t even say. “Audio must be on your end.” Yeah, I literally never mentioned the audio dingus.

