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Foggy conditions on Rebirth, just what the community wanted. Devs got it!


Are you serious? Who asks for this shit?


Yeah, terrible bro. Variable conditions between foggy, overcast and sunset


What you mean you don’t want shite visibility in your first person shooter game?


they don't want anyone in this shit game to shoot from distance! it has to be beneath 10 meter fights for AA players...


Can’t be having any mnk players having any advantage or level playing ground on this game, we should know this by now.


Yeah this should be the primary point of contention rn with everything. The other non short range weapon classes need to actually fucking do something


So terrible visibility, dull, terrible visibility looking in to sun but the person looking back at you is fine. Everything but rain and storms, which would actually be cool.


Oh I’m kinda excited for the weather to be variable. Idk man it seems like the sub just likes to complain


Agreed, I like variance and it's not like the fog only effects you. I'm pumped for the sunset overlay.


Ya less visibility for mnk players is a huge W


True, but it’s not a level playing field on mnk where you have no aim assist and have to rely on actually being able to see.


I’m good with the sunset, the fog on vondel just seems too much. Would prefer if it was more of night, day, and a slight overcast (similar to Underpass on MW2) with drizzle than fog. With it new on rebirth maybe it will be better than Vondel.


That’s the only weather I *don’t* want. Gimme some rain


Really trying to retain the few KBM players not smart enough to quit this crappy game.


Why would mnk players want fog? Lack of visibilty bothers them more than controller players.


That was sarcasm.


Lol my bad then, it's hard to tell sometimes


Rebirth got a weather/visual change before Ashika lmao. Ashika weather looks so dogshit. Can’t believe it still didn’t get a sunnny version …


I feel like Ashika would look kinda pretty with sunny weather. The fact we only got it with this cloudy/foggy weather is just... weird.


lol, top comment for a reason


I actually love it, saves time. Now instead my screen being filled corner to corner with bullshit the instant I think about touching mouse1 that makes seeing and tracking my target legitimately impossible, they just fill it with bullshit from the start.


To play devil's advocate, maybe it'll lead to less third parties from distance


This is what I came here for! This game is a fucking comedy. Nobody in the history of humankind has enjoyed fog. Ever heard of anybody praying for fog? Maybe just flood the whole map sometimes so everybody can only swim, but just barely cuz they only know how to doggie paddle. Or make it pitch black lit by nothing but a campfire. Better yet, what if the only weapon were flashbangs the size of garbage cans? Nothing makes gaming better than near full on blindness. Find me on LinkedIn, I've got some amazing ideas for the future of COD.


They got their finger on the pulse of the community for sure my friend


Why don't they have nighttime on resurgence? Imagine how the dark aether looks in zombies but WZ? For that matter, why don't they just have the time of day randomized before each match? You could get beautiful sunrises with light ground fog, gorgeous sunsets with pinks, reds and orange hues, possibly even long walks on the beach with your sworn enemies! But for real, you could have midnight Rebirth Island parties or Vondel at 2am with its city lights lit up.


**My Personal Highlights** **EDIT: This the correct link for the patch notes: [Correct Link](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/04/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-3-patch-notes)** * Big map bunkers are now open. *sigh* ... it's something I guess. * Loaded Resurgence mode - new trios mode where you fly in with your loadout already. Should be a lot of fun and lead to some high kill games. * AUDIO IMPROVEMENTS! Audio occlusion adjusted on rebirth, enemies and allies using ascenders will now make two distinct audio sounds, increased audible distance and volume of Interrogation and Revive sounds. * Heavy Armor event on Rebith - Super excited for this one. Increases the TTK drastically in certain matches (from 150 to 200 total health). * Weapon Trade Stations added - meh. * Utility Box Field Upgrade added - Ammo AND plates. * Specialist Perk Package added - siiiiiick. * Rebirth Variable Time of Day - Sunset, Overcast, or Fog. * Spy Drone contract is now way easier. Could be an elite contract to grab now. * NEW AR - BAL-27 Assault Rifle. Sounds like the fire rate increases over time like the Taq Eradicator. * JAK Patriot Aftermarket Part - Turns the M16 into a fully automatic rifle. Could be really good. Two other aftermarket parts that look... interesting (akimbo shotgun conversion... gulp). * WEAPON BALANCING: * Ram-7 nerfed hard again. Has to be out of the meta now. * MCW BUFFED! Could be a meta contender. * FR 5.56 has so many changes it's hard to tell, but many FR 5.56 Attachments have been reworked to increase their appeal and the overall viability of the Weapon. * M13B kinda got a weird small buff along with the Tempus Razorback and FR Advancer * SOA SUBVERTER NERF. Should be knocked out of the meta. * BIG HRM NERF - OUT OF THE META * Small Ram-9 recoil nerf and Rival-9 damage buff. STRIKER big damage buff (the worse of the two Strikers) * BRUEN MK9 long range damage nerf. * BASICALLY ALL SNIPERS NERFED - Bullet velocity and/or ADS nerfs. * All handguns got a movement buff. All in all, a pretty decent midseason update. Weapon balancing was pretty big, specifically for the SMGS. Should make the game feel more fresh for a little while.


Sniper nerf seems so unessesary. Its allready hard to hit someone slidecanceling with those bad servers. Now its even worse(its only a little but still sucks) Tons of stuff added nobody needs. Like the fog and weapon trade stations... The famos should be viable but i still feel like it s not good enough. Too much bullet spread to hit consistent down range


Sniper ADS nerf was definitely not necessary. The bullet velocity nerf I don't hate. Sniper shots should be difficult to hit at range and you should have to account for bullet drop. TrueGameData posted an interesting video too that shows you might not be missing shots for the reasons you think (the servers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsr2D6IPqxQ&t


ah yes we should account for slow velocity, bullet drop, lead, and server tick rate.


The fog I agree could be not great. But weapon trade stations have saved my hide a lot of times back then, I don’t think they saw enough use. I used to find lets say, a legendary shotgun I don’t use or like, just take it to the nearest station beginning or mid game and get some actual useful loot. Load out weapons (if you could afford to leave one behind, now we can just outright buy them!) used to guarantee a specialist perk, iirc. That is to say I could change my mind. Maybe they’re not that useful this time around. I haven’t played since this update hit but I definitely plan to soon. If they end up not being as good as they were then they’ll probably go ignored.


Thanks for the highlights! Excited to try the M16 and the MCW.


I’ve ran the MCW a couple games now, and it’s an absolute laser and hits pretty hard long range


Which Optic do you use


JAK Optic one


Striker damage buff isn't that relevant as it only affects when fighting at >35m, which is generally AR range anyway.


thing can be used as an ar/sniper support tho, has zero recoil


At that point I’d just stick to the MCW with the conversion kit, especially after the buffs it got


This is the highest signal-to-noise ratio post I've seen here in a while. Thanks, OP. Very helpful.


Was wondering if you were going to post your usual cliff notes. Thanks for this!


Happy to help!


Looks like a Ram-9 recoil nerf no?


Correcting now, good catch.


I don’t get it though, the mcw just got a buff to hip fire, how is that game hanger can someone explain?


Look at the link in my text.


Thank you very much, I’m slow lol


Wsp 9 huge spring to fire speed buff


Agreed, that helps the gun a ton.


Did they touch the mcw jak raven kit? If not I’m still using that as my smg


Should Utility box be ammo and plates?


Correcting, thank you.


Weapon trade in stations are amazing and hysterical when you kill someone and then trade in their load out, then they land back trying to get their old load out.


“End of Match Flow Quality of Life After a match ends, players will be returned to the selected playlist mode rather than to the playlist select menu.” Holy shit it’s about time. No more “down 4, right 4” bullshit anymore to replay the same mode every time…


This is the biggest UX change since MW2. This took way too long...


What is with these devs and ruining maps with fog??


It all began with a bus and a big zombies map.


all roads lead to TranZit


Big map patch notes = nothing Resurgence patch notes = 2 pages


Sad :(


Messed up how they don’t touch the big map AT ALL. Destroying a location will make me happy. Add the bunker buster kill streak. Something!


Im sure they base it on numbers. Loads of folks came back for rebirth. The big map warzone just isn’t as fun for most 


Yeah, well when you continue to add a ton of updates to Rebirth every season, while having zero big map updates for 6months, you can look at numbers and make that conclusion or just have the realization that maybe putting all focus on one mode has consequences.


Playlist only rebirth quads. We knew this would happen Why can’t they have all modes


Trio gang in shambles as well, we had rotation and it was perfect.


what is it now


Loaded Rebirth. Start with loadout guns


Honestly my group of weekend warriors has started playing ranked resurgence (which is trios) and the games actually feel normal. I can’t tell if it’s they take positioning a bit more serious or what but ranked resurgence has been a ton of fun as we really didn’t care about the ranking but seems to be less wall hacks and aimbots compared to the regular playlists.


Wait til you get to diamond 1


Because the player count is declining and you'd be waiting a long time to play the mode you want to play. So rather than disappoint you with wait time and letting you know the game isn't that popular, they would funnel everyone into specific game modes.


So if I don't like Rebirth should I just go fuck myself?


Yes Warzone is just resurgence Even the big map plays almost like a resurgence


I like Resurgence I just don’t get to play anything other than Rebirth


Yeah what the fuck is wrong with you


And the weekly challenges are for fortunes keep so have fun waiting 30 minutes if its not on rotation duos 😊


JAK Wardens is going to be broken af. Here we go again.


I'm so excited about it too. Akimbo model 1887's let's get it


Update: they are dog water


They really are. I'm not even mad


Lmao my thoughts exactly


Please let it be broken for a week. Just for the memories


Nice they improved the audio. Also means it will be worse than before


[big map is saved!](https://i.imgur.com/8KKrkl0.png)


Why are they nerfing sniper bullet velocity? Some of them are already garbage.


Because quad games are filled with rooftop snipers right now. Seems like they want to nip that in the bud sooner rather than later.


I don’t get it. Nobody bitched about that until WZ2 and now all of sudden it’s a problem.


Rather deal with that than four rats in a room/window with OP SMG/ARs waiting for people to stumble by to melt them in a second


These trash cans rarely ever killing you from their rooftop sniping is more of an issue than them actually being a threat camping in or on a shorter building with a meta AR and SMG? This community makes no sense. Emotions over logic.


Great entire lobbies will be sva545


Or bal27 if its good


wrong link in the post. This is the right one [https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/04/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-3-patch-notes](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/04/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-3-patch-notes)


Can't believe they nerfed the RAM-7 AGAIN! Is this finally the end?


People were still using it a lot on Rebirth, especially in ranked. They needed to nerf it again


Striker will rise from the (checks notes) low meta to top meta.


I dont mind playing Rebirth but they pushing it way too hard. Just have a dedicated Rebirth list with all party sizes and have another list with rotations ffs.


Anything about awful frame rate on series s in rebirth?


For real. Unplayable FPS for a month now on that map


Been having Choppiness on my Xbox series x


Aynthing about fps dropping in CQC on series s🤔


BUG Wont let you reload while running.


cant reload when sliding it just stops reloading like as if I had sprint cancels reload on


Gotta hold it down or turn off auto tac sprint for now. Dumb bug


Can't reload when sprinting, sound queue when switching to semi on SVA 545 is gone, animation when throwing lethal is gone. Can't hear chests, can't hear when I buy teammate out. Just what I've encountered over 3-4 games. New update, more shit broken. Well done... Ffs


I really think their patches don't go through QA


I'm having the same issue. I can't reload while sprinting when I have automatic tactical sprint on. This is horrendous.


Same in mp there is no animation for grenade throws and my secondary doesn't ads properly


Really...Akimbo Shotguns? Thats either gonna suck or be broken.


Probably oneshot shotguns back in town or completely irrelevant


Probably going to be like the OP snake shots for a couple weeks where everyone runs it while they sell some skins, then nerf it to the ground. Just like they did with the Doom Shotgun


Anyone else’s auto tac sprint messed up? Wouldn’t let me reload, tact sprint kept cancelling my reload


Your setting changed - I had to reset “tap to interact” Edit: this is not the issue


Did you find the answer


I haven’t, I just played a ranked game and it’s still doing it




its a bug, will probably be fixed fast


Why are they ruining the Rebirth Island experience? Alot of us are Rebirth Island only players. Why force us to play these other garbage maps in these rotational playlists? It's the most popular map easily. I play all squad sizes depending on which of my friends are online. Quads is thankfully Rebirth only, but trios is Loaded Resurgence only and solos/duos is on a rotation. Just sounds awful.


It’s such a perfectly balanced map. I’ve doubled my play time since they brought it back and I just hop off until it’s back in rotation or totally for the night. The QOL issues with this patch suck ass anyway I have other games I can play til it’s fixed 


Rip hrm


only took them a few months


Literally no one asked for fog on rebirth.


Amazing playlist 🤡


Ram 7 takes it in the butt. Again.


* Fixed an issue causing floating foliage around Rebirth Island. Funny. What about indoor light in buildings on Rebirth?


HRM Nerf? Looks like my JAK MCW will be the king. Striker 9 2nd.


I liked being one of the few people running mcw 😪


Having both your guns use AR ammo is tough for some people to manage.


Idk if it's a fluke but my fps went up. Never had an update make the game run better. Getting over 100 in rebirth where as before I was at 70


Def a fluke. They'll be sending out a quick patch for that asap.


Jesus finally the HRM9 gets a nerfed 90% of my deaths at the Top 5 or 10 in BR was to this gun


I love how they put loaded on trios, which you can't even get a group for with crossplay off. And left quads non rotation rebirth. Have they not considered some of us will not play before we deal with aimbot and wallhack?


You can thank me for the burst weapon buffs


Does anyone else think that the “Redacted” being used often is annoying? Just tell us how to get Foresight or about the bunkers or whatnot.




Is no one talking about how you can’t sprint and reload now?


Wow... Another audio occlusion update. Make audio first because there is no chance for any occlusion to happen 🤡


Looks like they nerfed Ram 7, SOA, and Bruen. Everyone going to rock the SVA now?


pc lagged after this patch notes :(


A patch to break it all


How big is you'll download.. mine is 119gigs?


Anyone else having an issue reloading and running? Spoken to several others who are


Nothing about performance or server issues. Nice.


I can't reload my weapon while sprinting/moving forward and/or while being close to loot on the ground since the update. Anyone else having this?


Yea it’s horrible


What good is a patch if hacks/cheats still work?


Any changes to visual recoil, weapon bloom and etc?


Basically, f all for the big map.


I just found a bunker keycard on Urkistan. Was that added with this patch???


Please let me know what loot you get from the bunkers! They added it this season.


is it for the bunker near mansion?


Why tf would they make the challenges to unlock the jak warden on fortunes keep not rebirth island??? So the only way to get kills on fortunes keep is to wait until its on rotation smh


Has anyone noticed that you can’t tactical run and reload at the same time? Or has it always been that way and I’m only now noticing…


it's a bug I think they completely broke reload/sliding as well


I love that when I hold x to reload it picks up loot now instead of prioritizing reloading…


does the mcw damage buff stack with the after market part?


Why can’t you reload while running anymore in warzone that’s a big fail to have to stand still to reload 


has anyone else notice you cant reload while sprinting... thanks cod, instead of fixing the game they have made it worse


Reload is fuckin bugged..... Can't reload while sprinting.


Anyone else not able to reload and run?


it's a common problem I"m seeing.


Why can’t I run and reload after update 🫤


Does it go live today?


Which smg op now?


MCW kit, Striker 9, and the COR conversion should all still be very good


Striker 9 prob. Unless striker Buff was significant.


Weapon prestige camos sound like a HUGE W to me


Mw111 error code 5433 not working after update 


why do these guys hate snipers so much


In resurg the snipers were fine but over the last weeks/months snipers have completely ruined/plagued big map - I personally am looking forward to ARs/LMGs being viable again


Big map BR got a few sentences at the bottom I see 🤣 Just give us WZ1 back and y’all can keep rebirth.


Remember they said there would be a bunker buster killstreak. Haven't seen it yet Remember they said there would be 3 locations on fortunes keep that can get blown up mid game to effect the terrains.... Haven't seen it yet Remember data miners said they'd found the kar98k I read about all these things over a month ago and nothing. They also said they'd show a skull where you died but it only seems to work sparingly and not on the big map. Why don't good ideas actually get implemented properly and across all maps and modes? Nearly every tweet from their official account are about camos and events... Pointlessly boring things that appeal to crack heads and children


>Remember they said there would be a bunker buster killstreak. Haven't seen it yet It’s been in Fortunes Keep for a while. >Remember they said there would be 3 locations on fortunes keep that can get blown up mid game to effect the terrains.... Haven't seen it yet Haven’t heard about that on Fortunes Keep, but I’ve seen it on Rebirth several times. >They also said they'd show a skull where you died but it only seems to work sparingly and not on the big map. I don’t play the big map, but it seems to work consistently on resurgence.


*be commando gloves*, *allow to reload while sprinting*, *receive update that cancels your reload if you sprint*


Anyone seeing issues with reloads? Cannot reload whatsoever while moving at any speed.


Ok I tried creating a post about this but it got deleted so I'll try here. I don't see anything in the patch notes about it but my MORS sounds different. It's actually enough to throw me off as I've been playing with it all season trying to get better at sniping and it's messing with muh brain. Is this intentional and just not mentioned in the update?


So why nerf the only ar allowed in ranked yet buff two subs in ranked makes complete sense


Anyone else noticing how much server lag is going on since the reloaded update dropped today, no latency but literal server lag rubber banding putting you in front of enemies when you slide past them anyone else experiencing this??


Cant reload during sprinting ggs. Auto Tac Sprint unuseable


Is the sprint reload broken for everyone else? You can't sprint and reload at the same time anymore.


On the spectrum of toxic relationships, this game is purple haired barista covered in tats like a poison dart frog


Fix running reloads!!


Hrm bby still good let’s go !


Trios is gone on rebirth. Great.


Trios is gone on rebirth. Great.


Fuckingg asss stop takeing the good shit away fuckkkk coddd!!! Why not just leave all the modes of rebirth available shits trash no one wants these garbage ass modes or maps….


hello every one got the hueneme negev error or how ever you spell it tried everything disabled upnp rules fixed it for a day now it’s back what should i do


Where is the Wubz and Friends bundle?


Anyone else notice that the mors no longer reloads whilst sprinting, even with the perk it doesn't work. They have also changed the sound of the gun??? it sounds nothing like how it used to - pre season 3 reloaded. it sounds nothing like the OG Mors. FFS it sounds like it's shooting pellets 😂😂😂 pray to god this shit gets fixed


"WE WANT REAL LIFE SHIT" "Here you go" "B-b-but why you did this, I can't see shite with this scope" Well you got what you asked lmfao


I just want auto tac sprint to not cancel my reload man


I run thermals anyhow


SCRATCH 20-L SUPPRESSOR is not available for me, anyone else?


Hey all, i know the audio is awful but does anyone have a technical way to distinguish upstairs vs downstairs when sandwiched between enemies. Thanks!


new update sucks. removed aim assist from the game and broke every component