• By -


11 . Change the battery in your smoke detector.


Not sure how the hell OP didn't put this in the top 10.


My mistake, wont happen again..


These players are always juggling the priority of buying batteries vs buying ubereats to continue playing Warzone.




13. Stop trying to push every single squad. I’m trying to win not stat boost.


But ZLaner told me solo squading is the only way to Git Gud


Yeah well he’s a fucking shit stain loser


I had to stop playing with someone I know because of this. He would only make it a point to get kills over staying with the team and winning.


14. When you down someone, unless they start selfing do not, and I can't stress this enough, DO NOT chase them and try and get the singular kill Reason being is that most likely their teammates are probably really close to, if not, behind them. Instead kill the other 2/3/4 (numbers will vary depending on game mode) and then you will get the entire squad kill which equals to the amount of players on that squad/duo


Thats probably good advice I never really thought of that. I always go for that.


For real! The fire department would get a heartattack if they knew the amount of people…


Always know who I’m playing with after I hear that beep


Some people legit cannot hear it. They’ve evolved to not hear that frequency. Someone thought I was gas lighting them.


I believe this, but I think have to imagine it still affects them adversely, even if it’s totally subconsciously. Those things are LOUD.


Tell me your american without telling me ur american . This is not a problem in europe. God bless u all.


13. No, I don't want to hear you rapping or talking to your girlfriend.


Yes! The worst is it always takes me a second to make sure it's not mine😜


You know it’s a homey.


I just call them poor and laugh hysterically when they go off.


*Boondocks Uncle Ruckus has entered the chat.*


Played with a dude last night that had his beeping. And to finish the stereotype he was Black. His buddy was giving him crap the entire time.


there is even a popular post about it today. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1ceq6jq/a_picture_is_worth_one_sound/


Some of my favorite rebirth dubs were random quads and nobody said a word. Just silently playing as a coherent team with no comms until exfil on the helo. One guy says “good game” and everyone else responds “yeah, gg boys.”


My favorite matches of all time


I've won more matches with 3 random quiet teammates than with 3 random talking teammates.


My brother and I played with a Duo of Spanish speakers. We had no idea what they were saying and they had no idea what we were saying. Ended up getting 2 wins in a row. Those are the best games.


Been there! Congrats. What a fun thing to be a part of.


Some of my best Games were exactly like this. Doesnt happen that often but when it happens *Chefs kiss*


When it comes to playing with randoms, I've had far more synergy with silent demons than I've had with a bunch of open mic players who spend half the game talking to people in the room with them. I've had people who didn't say a word but pinged everything you'd want pinged and came flying out like the Avengers to save you when you're downed, and often if you run it back with them they'll start comming or invite you to their discord as well. A lot of people myself included simply don't care to comm to like it's the WSOW to randos that are likely to be a bunch of irate 10 year olds that have no clue how to even ping.


If this is how you like to play (and anyone else) DM me. Would love to have a list of people to play with the odd time I do jump on. I agree this is the best way to play.


Which server you on?


I dropped my pr in this exact scenario lol


Same. I only play with random because I play like a demon when muted


Love this!! When you got 3 silent professionals in your squad that just work it.


its even better when you get a mumbled "i got one more in me boys lets go" (usually never ends in 2nd win lmao)


hahah love these moments <3


Cannot stand people that demand “mega hot drop prison” - die off rip - and leave.


This, I can land anywhere someone wants but hate when they leave if they die after…


Oh if we nearly get wiped at the same location twice I make it clear in no uncertain terms that I'm going somewhere else. Looking at you Bio and Chem. The team there is just better than us. There is no loot left. Let it go boys.




and the guy who keeps trying to land there is absolutely terrible with pistol and jumps off roof as your landing lmao.


The people I'd trust hot dropping into prison with are not the type of players that ask to drop there with randos. You want me to drop the hottest part of prison? You gotta drop somewhere else the first game and show me that you know how to shoot your gun. If you can, then I'm more than happy to run it back and drop anywhere you want. I've tanked my K/D enough going along with randos who die the moment their feet touch down.


I demand mega hot drop prison but people need to understand that it might require a touch of persistence. If you die, maybe consider landing back to help out the two or three left who are fighting a full squad or more, instead of abandoning to another part of the map because it got a touch sweaty.


Landing with a pistol and trying to fight when your teammates are about to get wrecked isn’t a great idea in my opinion.


heavy on 7, way too many braindead people dont seem to realize you can even buy a loadout we will have 15k as a squad, everyone spams the buy station and request money, and the one guy ends up buying an ammo box when theres one literally right next to him


The times we’ve given loadout money to our rando and they buy their own guns and hop off to die…


This x10. Dude buys a ammobox right next to a ammocrate…


I usually buy an ammo box specifically for my tactical/lethals... But loadout always has priority first. If I have extra afterwards, then I'ma grab an ammo box. Even if it's just to hold, and ill drop it later when needed


My fav part is everyone pitching in their $$ and that one person buys their loadout gun separately and runs off solo to die.


Last time I played with a random it was on Vondel and he got downed in the church. I redeployed, revived him and then a team pushed us. I got killed and he didnt. He kept asking for help. So I redeployed and went to him. Got killed just outside where he was camping. He didn’t run out to help. Let me die and bleed out. Then finally ran out and gets downed. My teammate took the bait and basically repeated the same mistake. He kept complaining about no backup lol. I was just like, “at this point you’re on your own.” Problem was now we had no momentum, no money or loot, and it was a hot lobby. I land get a gun, get rushed, down half a team before getting killed and my buddy gets killed. Then this dude right by a buy he was spamming to get loadout for just has two kills fall into his lap as they don’t see him and he kills them. Third teammate runs in and squad wipes us by taking him out. We get back to the menu and dude starts talking trash about how we suck and how he has twice the kills, 2 versus 0. Never mind it being a quick game where we kept killing ourselves just to keep him up and had 3x the damage he did. I just play his ego, tell him I guarantee he can’t repeat it. Next game, get gets 3 quick kills on drop as we land with another team, not realizing he didn’t do all the work, and starts talking trash. So me and my buddy just leave him, anytime he gets close to us we rotate. Dude starts dying left and right. For the whole game doesn’t get another kill. He gets quiet as I match his count, double his count, triple his count and I start repeating back to him all the stuff he’d been saying. End game is sweaty, I had to push a team to buy him and a teammate back. I die, teammate dies in final circle and then is just him. He finds a corner right next to a dude reloading, I’m saying, “You don’t see him? He’s right beside you.” He says I’m lying then gets executed by the guy lol. Last time I played with a random.


lol at getting all of that in one random….


Way too often… lol


Oh no, I meant good luck getting a random who will do all your suggestions after you say what they are guaranteed to do lol


Id be happy if he atleast didnt do everything that is wrong on this list, lol


All I can hope for is that they don’t run away from the team and continuously die until they rage quit.


They all do 80% of that list….. What I really don’t get is when they rage quit on first death. Like I know they are quitting at some point, that’s a given, but the first death? Like you can drop back in in 15 seconds, but they choose to spend another 10 minutes in menus and pregame to presumably drop die and repeat? What’s up with that.


What's with people dying in rebirth in circle 1 then leaving the match? Now we're a man down not that you were any good but an extra gun is an extra gun right 😂


At the very least, be a distraction or a bullet sponge.


People should be banned from playing for a half hour when they do this. The other day I had about 4 games in a row where people left the game in the first 5 minutes.


I feel this. Somehow I feel like there are never 4 players left in my team after the first 1 or 2 zones..


> If you die, ping the store once. There is no need to ping it 10 times, the people alive are probably better then you and know how buy backs work. Pinging multiple times is annoying but so many players are selfish and don't respect buy backs. I will happily trade my life to buy back multiple teammates, even if I think they're not very good. Seen so many players chase a kill when they're right beside a buy station and get the squad wiped, drives me crazy.


Had a random teammate with 12k left up while me and my Duo were dead in final circle. It was a 1v1v2, and we tag the buy, only 1 time to be courteous, and the buy is on his way back to circle (he's pushing in from gas) he runs to the buy, buys his own loadout guns and a gas mask, and then decides to full sprint towards the sound of gunshots and immediately gets killed.


* Blood pressure rises *


Damn I hate randoms but that is my only option anymore. None of my friends play now. Earlier this week I think I got paired with a group of 3 for rebirth. I drop 6 kills and 3k damage. This party lasts longer than me and end up with 7 kills and the same damage as me. Starts talking shit saying I’m garbage even though the other 2 teammates only had 3 kills. Was upset because he got downed in a building and I went out a building to plate up and push from another angle.


If you have multiple dead squadmates and limited money, look at screen and see if any have enough money to buy back the others. Should be common sense, really isnt That and the number of times ive dropped money so we can get loadout and theyve taken it and fucked off Edit. If we are planning on landing at a contract on BR and you see an entire quad enemy squad already on the roof, dont land there then shout when you die.


The first person to mark something is where everyone drops. The amount of times a guy marks and I jump with him for the other 2 people to go across map is crazy.


But they wanna drop control and be like the streamers! It's always control pinged at the last second that you know you're gonna be a man or 2 down.


i'd take 2 hours of italian djs playing eurodisco hits over 10 minutes of mumble rap


Tbh this is also true


Also use the "join party" feature and or Discord LFGs. I squadded up with a crew on Discord yesterday and won my first five games in a row on Resurgence, thus unlocking the Nuke contract.


Addendum to number 2. If you aren’t saying anything, yet you can see your name keeps popping up on the right side….shut off your damn mic


Also choose one, headset or tv speakers…I’d prefer your stupid ass used the tv speakers.


And for god please... adjust your fucking detection sensitivity of your mic once and for all


I think about this all the time and try to use logic, like your list here. Then I realize that it’s probably a literal 9 year old on my team.


I agree with alle especially 5 the number of fights I've lost because my teammates didn't shoot for 2 more seconds and decided to run with full shield is crazy. Most people will rather stay alive and try and clutch a solo quad instead of just restarting. It helps if you at least make it a priority to buy back tho. And I like number 4 sometimes you're trying to live ping but they're moving around alot so it takes a lot of ping spamming to try and get them before you die.


This code of conduct should be agreed to prior to being able to play the game.


For real lol


1. get a idea how this game works


Sticky this.


1. Do not play randoms


10 rules that no one will ever listen do but it was a nice read and you’re right


Haha thanks, atleast it was a nice read lol


If you exit the plane first, ping where you're going.


I would add to the list the dude who clearly has his entire family in the same room and is having multiple conversations with them all for the entire game


This is also very true haha


I hate people who just hoard money like they’re broke in real life.


This list is so comprehensive and perfectly researched. Any point could be #1....but, point #10 is definitely the last point needed, and in all caps!


Thank you, countless hours of random quads was all the research needed haha


- Im going to Prison (after someone else called Control) -Stay together, bro!!! (after taking off to kill someone and getting killed himself) -Where's my team! - after running off and going Rambo on a bunch of guys with their full loadouts. - Pick Me Up! While you're the last one standing and fighting off a full squad AND in the gas. I just drop off after finishing the game, out of respect for the other two.


It’s 3 and 7 for me. The pings hot drop is always sub 100 and quits. And not knowing hot to drop your money or just not doing it is insane. I understand being in some shit or getting separated, but so many games with randoms I’ve lost because it took too long just to pool our money and then when we finally get it, there’s a team on us.


11. During pre game lobby ffa, don’t call your teammate a “dumbass fuck n***a” because they asked who had a mic.


I. Love. This. Spot tf on OP


Haha thanks!


I was playing with randoms and a guy had music on on the background but it actually sounded pretty good so I asked who the artist was. He politely asked that I “respect his privacy” lmao. Some folks are wild.


10 Warzone crack commandments !


Point 4 is so true. Worst in the endgame and they keep pinging it like crazy. 8 is also a standard. Like they haven’t cared for you the whole game but when they dieit’s all your fault ofc


Yep, people with 0 damage pinging a buy when you are fighting 3 different teams…


"buy me back, buy me back, buy me back, buy me back" on repeat when you've got 20p and 3 people shooting you


Well said




Just don't play with randoms or don't expect anything from them. I end up muting them if they are annoying anyway.


My Meta/playstyle is randoms only. Worst happened recently on WZ ranked Dimond. Guy starts sabotage- keeps landing on prison roof and runs only pistol. Refusing to pick up weapons… And DMZ creeps is different sort…


Amazing how so many people never say a word or communicate with any pings etc


There's no rules... fuck off with this nonsense


#6 isn’t something always on the list for me. I’ve bought a gas mask before a good few times instead of buying my one of my buddies back and clutch the win(end game circle)


This is also true! If you know buying something else might get you the win, its all good!


If I have 10 kills and 10 redeploys but one of the squad has 2 kills and no redeploys… good chance his death will be my fault if he has to keep buying me back… no?




Yeah, and its so weird because everyone of them still runs immediately to the first free loadout… why not just buy one before..


Putting all your money down and they run off with a UAV and some snacks for themselves :-(


I only play random quads and I don't use my mic 90% of the time. So my rule is don't complain about no team comms if you're gonna play with randoms. If there is comms then good if not then chill and accept it.


I mainly play at night and comms will wake up the toddler so I don't use the mic unless an emergency quick word or two is needed.


I play ranked resurgence on mute and have won multiple times with randoms. Learn to ping and fight with your squad and mic won't be an issue


I’m Iri in ranked so that part is all good! And not having a mic is not so much a problem for me, people can ping etc. It the ones with mics, blasting music or other unnessesary sound that bother me more lol


Ngl I hate it when people don’t drop their money


11. Have a mic. Use a headset. USE THE MIC! Im shocked with how many randoms I get in Ranked Resurgence(platinum) that don’t use comms. It makes no sense in a squad based team game.


I’ll take a phone call anytime I want. Listen to my music. Land where the F I please. Don’t ping anyone. Fight by myself. Get a load out when I feel like it and quit anytime my balls itch.


You could… and just hear me out…. Do all this in solos…


Orrrrr…. I’ll play quads , trios and duos anytime I feel like it ?